Olive oil cold pressed: useful properties and contra-indications for weight loss and stretch marks during pregnancy

Of all the vegetable oils, the history of the olive is the richest.

The ancient Greeks used it to illuminate temples, and Christians and Jews - in ritual ceremonies.

Now olive oil is actively used in cooking and cosmetology.

The content of the article:
  • Production features
  • Chemical composition
  • Effects on the body
  • Can harm
  • Product Classification
  • Tips for choosing and storing

What determines the useful qualities of olive oil?

Production features

olive oil useful properties and contraindicationsThe raw materials for extracting the "gift of the gods", as the ancient Greeks called the product, are the fruits of the olive tree of the European, or olive tree.

They are green and black (the second called olives, the first - olives).

Oil is made from olives and olives (what's the difference), the color of the final product, the type of raw material does not affect.

The production technology consists of the following stages:

  • soaking raw materials in brine;
  • chopping fruit in a crush;
  • separation of oil from the cake in a centrifuge.

Olive oil is considered elite. cold pressing, which provides for the pressing of crushed raw materials at a temperature not exceeding 25-27 ° C.

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The cold-pressed product is recommended for medicinal purposes.

In cold pressed oil contains a full bouquet of monounsaturated fat:

  • Oleic (up to 80%);
  • linoleic (4-14%);
  • palminate (up to 15%);
  • omega 3 (0.1-1%).

sunflower oil unrefined benefit and harmAnd what do you know about the benefits and harms of unrefined sunflower oil? Read about the properties by clicking on the link.

About the healing properties of flowers celandine, read on this page.

The use of monounsaturated fatty acids - a decrease in the amount of cholesterol in the blood due to the content of p-sitosterol in them.

This substance has the property of forming insoluble compounds with cholesterol and preventing its absorption into the blood.

Everyone knows that an increased concentration of cholesterol in the blood is a factor that determines the risk of developing cardiovascular ailments.

Scientists have proven the ability of oleic acid to "awaken" a gene that suppresses the growth of malignant tumors in tissues, triggering a natural mechanism of counteracting cancerous tumors.

In addition, olive oil contains squalene, which also prevents the development of malignant tumors.

The product is rich in vitamins A, D, E and K.

Consider the useful action of each of them:

  • olive oil for hair applicationA (retinol) is involved in the synthesis of protein, without which it is impossible to form new cells.
    Adequate intake of vitamin A from the outside activates the immune barrier necessary to protect against seasonal infections and other ailments.
  • E (tocopherol) stimulates metabolic processes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • D (calciferol) regulates the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, without which the development of bone tissue is impossible.
  • K (phylloquinone) stabilizes blood clotting, accelerating the healing of wounds.

Effects on the body

  • Leather.
    Due to the increased concentration of tocopherol, olive oil gives a rejuvenating effect.
    Cosmetics based on olive oil nourish the dried, tired skin, remove the peeling and significantly improve its appearance.
    Creams with it are effective in fighting cellulite, striae that appear after childbirth or as a result of weight fluctuations.
  • Bile ducts.
    The product is characterized by a weak choleretic effect, so it is useful for preventing functional disorders of the gallbladder.
  • what kind of folk remedy can cure a coldAnd do you know what kind of folk remedy you can cure a cold? Read tips and tricks in a helpful article.

    About the application of grape oil for hair is written here.

    On the page: http://netlekarstvam.com/narodnye-sredstva/lekarstva/produkty-pitaniya/priprava-koriandr.html you will learn how the seasoning of coriander looks.

  • The digestive system.
    Olive oil has a moderate laxative effect, therefore it is used as an alternative to pharmacological agents against constipation.
    The enveloping properties of oil accelerate the restoration of shells in peptic ulcer diseases.
  • Circulatory system.
    In folk medicine, the product is used to normalize the pressure in hypertensive disease.
    Many drugs for fighting hypertension contain an extract of olive leaf.

Olive oil is usefulfuture mothers and young children.

During the gestation for normal development of the embryo, it is important to feed the mother's body with fatty acids.

Olive oil reduces the likelihood of colic and constipation when transferring the baby from breastfeeding to a common diet at the expense of the composition of fats similar to mother's milk.

Therefore, pediatricians recommend adding a small amount of oil to the porridge and other dishes that the baby eats.

Can harm

With such a rich component composition, like olive oil, any product will have both a positive and negative impact on the body.

The "gift of the gods" also has its minuses:

  • High caloric value.
    The table spoon contains 120 kcal.
    Therefore, it is not recommended to completely replace sunflower oil with olive oil, it is better to use it dosed.
  • Cholagogue action.
    People suffering from cholecystitis and stones in the gallbladder, it is contraindicated the use of oil on an empty stomach and, in general, it is desirable to reduce its presence in the diet to a minimum.
  • The risk of obesityand hepatosis of the liver when the norms of consumption are exceeded.
    Excessive presence in the menu of vegetable fat has a significant burden on the digestive system, but olive oil, especially "strains" it.
    Therefore, nutritionists are advised to consume no more than 2 tablespoons. product daily.

cold pressed olive oilThere is an opinion that for Russians the magic properties of olive oil are irrelevant because olive does not grow in our region, it is a product alien to the organism of our fellow countrymen.

Researches show, that the greatest benefit comes from the use of unrefined olive oil, along with traditional vegetable fats - sunflower and flax.

Therefore, to give up "folk" oils in favor of the overseas does not make sense, but it is not worth neglecting its properties.

Product Classification

The content of monounsaturated fats and other useful compounds in olive oil directly depends on the technology of production:

  • cold pressing;
  • chemical extraction.

According to the first technology, oil is obtained from raw materials without the use of temperature treatment and chemical catalysts, exclusively, by means of spinning.

olive oil composition of vitaminsThe product obtained by "cold" technology is called unrefined, its acidity is not more than 1%.

In the cooking of this oil, sauces, dressings are prepared, added to salads.

Fry on unrefined olive oil, when heated, it immediately flashes.

Unrefined oil of the first spin is realized under the markingЕxtra virgin olive oilas the most high-quality and expensive type of product.

After the 1st pressing, the raw material is again started under the press to squeeze out the residues.

This so-called. 2nd cold pressed oil, produced under the markingVirgin olive oil. Its aroma is not so saturated, the color is not as golden, and the acidity is higher - 2%.

After the first and second pressing from the raw material, you can still squeeze a lot of oil.

The substrate is sent for chemical extraction.

This method of treatment implies the heating of raw materials, which affects the content of useful minerals in it and the addition of preservatives and flavor enhancers.

By chemical extractionreceive3 types of olive oil:

  • olive oil is a benefit and harm as taking for weight lossPure olive oil.
    It is made from an olive substrate after cold pressing without addition of other vegetable oils.
  • Olive oil.
    It is a mixture of olive oil with other vegetable fats (sunflower, rapeseed).
  • Pomace oil.
    High acidity oil, unsuitable for cooking.
    Olive oil of this marking is used in soap making.

Tips for choosing and storing

  • If you have the opportunity to evaluate the smell of oil when buying, sniff:
    • the smell of a fresh product is pleasant, herbaceous-spicy, without sourness.
    • It is moderately dense in structure, giving a small precipitate.

  • Stratification with shaking indicates that the oil is not a solid, it contains other vegetable fats for cheaper prices.
  • Quality olive oil has the property of clouding with a decrease in temperature, so if, after being placed in the refrigerator, the product remained as bright -this is a bad oil.
  • The taste of high-quality olive oil is pleasant, with a bit of bitterness and fruity notes.
    The expired or diluted product has a rancid taste.
  • Do not flatter the inscription "without cholesterol" on the label, if one is present, it is nothing more thanadvertising gimmick.
    Cholesterol a priori does not happen in vegetable fat
  • In an unsealed tank, the oil quickly oxidizes, which affects its taste qualities.
Therefore, it is better not to buy oil in too large a container. Ideal conditions for storage - dry, darkened room with t not higher than +12.

Watch the video and learn some more details about olive oil, supplied to Russia from abroad.

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