Nausea - treatment: how to get rid at home with folk remedies

Kind time, dear readers of the blog! Today we will talk about the symptom of nausea and how to get rid of it at home. It is better to learn how to treat and remove or remove nausea at home by folk remedies.

Information from the books of GNNyegov and video clips will help us in solving this problem.


How to Get Rid of Nausea at Home with Folk Remedies

Ginger. Stimulates appetite, relieves nausea and is used as an antiemetic. The technique is taken from the folk medicine of Ancient Greece. A teaspoon of powdered rhizome boil in 2 cups of water for 5 minutes. Drink like tea 200 ml three times a day.

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Spirituous tincture from rhizomes of ginger: 1 tablespoon of crushed rhizomes for 300 ml of vodka. Insist 10 days, strain, add 2 drops in a glass of warm boiled water and drink 3-4 times a day.

For nausea and mild vomiting, give the patient rye coffee or an infusion of chamomile flowers.

Tea with the addition of lemon balm and 1-2 of tablespoons lemon juice or orange helps with nausea and urge to vomit.

Arony spotted. 5 g for a glass of water, bring to a boil, refrigerate. Take 10 drops three times daily before meals.

Prepare the collection :

  1. yarrow - 2 parts;
  2. wormwood - 8 pieces;
  3. St. John's wort - 2 parts, mix all the ingredients of the mixture, pour 1 tablespoonful of boiling water, insist in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature, strain. Take one quarter cup 3-4 times a day before meals.

Scented spikelet .Infusion of herbs is useful for nausea, as well as for women in the first half of pregnancy with toxicoses.1 tablespoon of dry ground grass fill with a glass of boiling water, insist in a tightly closed container for 1 hour, strain. Take one third of the glass three times a day.

Licorice naked .A teaspoon of dry ground root pour a glass of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 20 minutes, cool, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

.2 tablespoons dry herbs pour one cup boiling water, boil on low heat for 3-5 minutes, strain. Take one third of the glass three to four times a day before meals.

Treating nausea with official drugs, medications,

procedures Since nausea is a symptom of many diseases, treatment should be directed towards treating the underlying disease.

  1. Nausea, which appears in the morning, can be removed with a glass of hot tea, or coffee( without milk).
  2. If you are inclined to nausea, it is recommended to smell ammonia.
  3. Tincture of peppermint( 15 drops per 100 ml of water).
  4. Nausea from overeating can help lemon juice or carbon dioxide.
  5. To reduce irritation of the gastric mucosa - inside the ice pieces.

Anesthesine( 0.3-0.5 g 3-4 times a day), Aminazine( 2.5% per ml intramuscularly), Pipolphen 0.025 g( Pipolphen can also be used in suppositories) can be used from pharmacies for nausea.

There are a number of medications that alleviate the symptoms of nausea and vomiting.

Benzadiazepines( diazepam, lorazepam), possessing an anxiolytic, sedative effect, the ability to suppress parasympathetic( including vestibular) paroxysms, are most widely used in the treatment of conditioned reflex vomiting, and are also included in the regimens of vomiting that develops against chemo- and radiation therapy of malignant tumors.

Phenotiazines are prescribed in situations where pronounced vomiting is not suppressed by other means: vomiting with chemotherapy, radiotherapy for malignant neoplasms, vomiting of central origin( Trifluoperazine).Among the drugs of this group is allocated haloperidol, which has a pronounced antiemetic effect. It reduces the tone of hollow organs, motor and secretion in the gastrointestinal tract. Its use is limited, mainly, management of patients in the postoperative period, appointment in cases of presence of hiccups, vomiting, resistant to treatment by other means.

Blockers of M-holinoretseptorov. Hyoscyamine butyl bromide, Dysmenhydronate( shown with kinetosis).

selective antagonists of central and peripheral 5-hydroxytryptamine( serotonin) receptors have antiemetic action - Ondansetron, Granisetron, Tropisetron. Drugs are the most well proven in the prevention and management of vomiting in the postoperative period, in particular after cholecystectomy. Ondansetron, Tropisetron and Granisetron are effectively used to prevent and arrest nausea and vomiting that develop against chemotherapy( eg, high doses of cisplatin) and radiotherapy for malignant neoplasms.

H1 blockers of histamine. Meklosin and Promethazine are antihistamines with weak anticholinergic activity. The main indications for the appointment of these drugs are motion sickness, internal ear diseases, Meniere's disease. Promethazine is a drug with a similar mechanism of action. Has antiemetic, sedative, anxiolytic effect and can be prescribed for nausea and vomiting of various origin.

The use of corticosteroids( dexamethasone, methylprednisolone) helps to reduce the severity of pain, nausea and vomiting in patients in the postoperative period. In addition, corticosteroids help reduce intracranial pressure.

Prokinetics. The peripheral and central dopamine receptor blocker metoclopramide ( Cerucal) is a highly effective antiemetic. The drug reduces the motor activity of the initial segment of the small intestine and contributes to the elimination of duodenal gastral reflux, improves the evacuation of food from the stomach by increasing the phase activity of the antrum.

Metoclopramide is used for nausea and vomiting of various origins and is used for both rapid symptom management and prevention. In particular, the drug is successfully used in such conditions, accompanied by intractable nausea and vomiting, like migraine, uremia, craniocerebral trauma, radiation hangover, cytostatics treatment, diabetic gastroparesis.

Metoclopramide( Cerucal) eliminates vomiting caused by overdose of medicines, in particular, Morphine and Apomorphine. In the postoperative period reduces the severity of nausea and vomiting, which develop as a result of trauma to the peritoneum.

Domperidone is most effective for nausea and vomiting accompanying functional disorders of gastric motility and the initial parts of the small intestine.

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. Source: YNGorgov. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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