Pear is one of the most popular fruits in the world: there are more than 3 thousand of its varieties. Ancient Greek poet Homer called him "the gift of the gods."
It is believed that the homeland of pears is South Asia: namely, from there in 1000 BC.they were brought into the territory of modern Europe. In Russia, pears fell in the VI century, and in the people they were called doulas.
- Vitamin composition
- Therapeutic properties of
- Use of wildlife
- Application in cosmetology
- Can harm
Vitamin composition
All sorts of pears are divided into dessert and wild.
Desserts are distinguished by good taste and large size.
Pears are usually small, hard, sweet and sour.
The main nutritional value of fruits is high nutritional value and low caloric value.
100 g of fruit contain only 50 kcal. Nutrition of the pear is explained by its high content of fruit sugars:
- fructose;
- glucose;
- sucrose.
Of all the fruits common in our latitudes, the pear is almost the richest in vitamin composition. It contains almost all the vitamins of group B:
- B1;
- B2;
- B3;
- B5;
- B9;
- B12.
They provide:
- the normal course of metabolic processes,
- are involved in the synthesis of red blood cells, hemoglobin and antibodies,
- regulation of CNS activity.
And what do you know about the plant gentian, the photo of which is placed in a useful article? Read about its medicinal properties and contraindications.
About the curative properties of blueberries for human health is written on this page.
In terms of micro and macronutrient composition, pears outperform apples. In pulp and peel pears in high concentration are present:
- potassium,
- phosphorus,
- zinc,
- iron,
- copper,
- calcium.
They are also characterized by a high content of unsaturated fatty acids.
The healing properties of
Pear is a real sweet healer. It is included in the list of products that do not cause food allergies.
Pears contain high% of easily digestible iron, which proves a simple experiment. The cut slice will darken in a couple of minutes - this is the result of oxidation of the iron contained in it.
Iron is an indispensable element of hematopoiesis and an obligatory participant in the synthesis of hemoglobin in red blood cells.
Thanks to hemoglobin, the body cells receive vital oxygen, converted into energy.
Iron deficiency results in fatigue, weakness, and a decrease in brain activity.
The disadvantage of this element is best illustrated by the state of "sleeping on the go."
To make up for iron deficiency, it is enough to eat 1-2 pears and the task of consuming a daily iron norm will be fulfilled.
Pear fruits are rich in antioxidants, in particular glutathione. Its main function is the normalization of blood pressure. Reducing the burden on the heart, protects the body from cardiovascular pathologies, incl.and heart attack.
The use of pears for diabetics is invaluable. Its fruits abound with fructose, which stimulates the function of the pancreas.
Fructose refers to sugars, for the assimilation of which, the body does not need insulin. Therefore, the fruits of sweet and sour varieties are recommended for diabetics and for those who suffer from obesity.
Pear is an effective natural immunomodulator due to the high concentration of ascorbic acid.
And what do you know about the benefits and harm of blueberries? The healing properties of berries, leaves and twigs are described in a useful article.
For the benefit and harm and how to take peanut paste, read here.
On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva / lekarstvennye-rasteniya / araliya-manchzhurskaya.html properties of the plant aralia manchurian are described.
The use of fresh fruit supports the protective functions of the body during the season of seasonal infections.
The vitamin charge contained in the pear strengthens the effect of other cure for colds.
Organic acids present in fruits stimulate hepatic and renal function. Pear helps with inflammations that complicate the course of colds:
- enough to eat a couple of slices of fruit to relieve the pain in the throat and remove the hoarseness of the voice.
Only 100 grams is enough to provide the body with a daily dose of cobalt, which is very useful for thyroid.
The use of fresh pears prevents the fragility of bones , so the fruit is useful for the prevention of osteoporosis.
The microelement composition of the fruit includes boron, which forms a stable connection with the calcium contained in the bones.
Due to this, calcium is not "washed away" from the body.
Finally, the pear is useful to future mothers, due to the high concentration of folic acid.
This vitamin, especially, is important in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus in the first weeks of pregnancy.
Wild game use
Despite the fact that wild-growing varieties of pears are almost not used for food, most medicinal decoctions are prepared, namely, from them.
Pear broth broth is an effective and affordable antidiarrheal.
Tannins in its composition quickly crack down with pathogens - causative agents of indigestion, and pectin, present in the wild pear, strengthens the gastrointestinal mucosa.
Freshly squeezed wild pear juice is used to treat urolithiasis. Regular reception of the drink helps to crush the stones to the sand and remove it through the urinary tract.
Pear juice is useful and with diabetes:
- for stimulation of the endocrine function, it is recommended to drink 50-70 ml daily.
Wild, long, recommended for the treatment of prostatitis .Traditional healers called it "the fruit of male power."
Arbutin and vitamin P, present in fruits and leaves of wild pear, contribute to suppression of inflammatory processes and stimulation of blood circulation in the prostate gland.
For the treatment of erectile dysfunction in folk medicine, compote from wild fish is used.
The wound healing properties of fresh pear juice were discovered by Avicenna. If you regularly wipe a crusty wound with a fresh cut of fruit, it withers and falls off much faster.
Application in cosmetology
Pear extract is present in many cosmetics of the luxury niche.
Biologically active substances contained in it, are characterized by a whole complex of skin-friendly properties:
regenerative( stimulates renewal of dermal cells);
- anti-inflammatory( helps to remove redness and subcutaneous rashes);
- anti-aging;
- toning up.
In folk cosmetology, the water infusion of pear leaves was used to treat seborrhea( how to get rid of dandruff) - excess sebum secretion, together with strong peeling, and acne.
The substances contained in it contribute to the narrowing of the sebaceous gland ducts and stabilize the metabolic processes in the upper layers of the dermis.
Infusion of pear leaves not only narrows the pores, but also nourishes the skin with vitamins. Its regular application allows you to level the complexion( medicinal properties of essential oil of lavender) and eliminate the expanded pores.
Masks with pear - vitamin "delicacy" for oily and combination skin. For their preparation only mature fruits are used, with no signs of rot.
- Sour-pear mask .
The flesh of one fruit is mixed with 1 tbsp.fatty sour cream and applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes.
The mask helps to smooth the micromorchini and restore the tired skin to a healthy look. - Egg and pear mask .
Protein 1 egg whisk and mix with the flesh of one fruit.
The mixture is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes and rinsed off with warm water.
The mask is useful in inflammatory skin pathologies. - Pear Face Mask with flakes .
Ground oatmeal is mixed with pear pulp to a thick cream.
The compound is applied to the face for 15 minutes and rinsed off with warm water.
He gently removes cornified skin particles and nourishes it. - Honey mask with cream .
This mixture acts no worse than expensive anti-aging creams.
Pear flesh is mixed with 1 tsp.fatty cream and the same amount of freshly squeezed orange juice.
To the resulting mixture add a teaspoon of liquid honey and stir until homogeneous.
The duration of the mask is 15-20 minutes.
You can increase the effect if you wash it off not with water, but with weak brewing of green tea, and after 10 minutes "walk" over the skin with an ice cube.
To whiten the skin of and lighten the pigment spots, it is recommended to apply the flesh of a ripe pear on the face without the addition of auxiliary components.
Pear juice helps to get rid of dandruff .
It is enough to rub it into the roots of hair for half an hour before washing for 2-3 weeks and you will notice that the white "snow" from the hair is much less common.
Can harm
Useful properties of a pear are incomparably greater than contraindications, but nevertheless, they are.
In raw fruits there are so-called. Stony cells that irritate the intestinal walls.
Therefore, when exacerbating abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, it is desirable to refrain from a delicacy of juicy fruits.
Varieties with a tart and sour taste are not recommended for elderly people.a lot of energy is spent on their assimilation.
While watching the video you will learn about the useful properties of a pear and a few tasty, healthy ones.recipes.