How to distinguish the flu from colds

How to distinguish influenza from fever, colds

The most common diseases of the off-season are orz (ARVI), influenza, often called colds. This trinity in the autumn-spring time causes malaise in 90% of the population from mild to severe clinical manifestations with complications. Because Orvi and influenza are related to viral infections, they have many common symptoms and signs.

  • ARVI is a common name for any respiratory viral infection, and influenza is only one of these representatives.
  • When influenza usually there are outbreaks of epidemics and pandemics, and Orvi only slightly increases the incidence.
  • The flu, unlike Orz, is more severe with frequent complications.Than the flu differs from Orvi, colds

Orvi include the following diseases:

  • Flu
  • Paragripp
  • Rhinovirus and adenovirus infection
  • Respiratory Syncytial Disease

What is the difference between flu and cold? The most important difference is that after a cold, a week later a person completely restores and starts to lead his usual rhythm of life, not remembering about the recent malaise.

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And after the flu, the recovery period is prolonged for a long time, during the next month a person can experience the consequences of the influenza, the body is much more afflicted, the immune system needs more time for rehabilitation.

Asthenic syndrome, or simply a decline in strength can manifest in ill with influenza in the form of changes in the arterial pressure, dizziness, loss of appetite, a person quickly becomes tired, feels weak. Tips on how to recover after the flu read in our article.

Differences of Orvi from influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus infection and colds

What is called cold in everyday life is all the same viral infections or their bacterial complications that flare up against the background of hypothermia and the fall of local and general immunity. So that no one will be able to distinguish a cold from ARVI.


In a person with good immunity, the flu is mild to moderate. The most severe flu is in babies and elderly people whose immune system is either underdeveloped or depressed. These groups are characterized by the erasure of the main symptoms, for example, the absence of a bright temperature reaction.

  • The flu is characterized by severe intoxication (aches in muscles and joints, headaches, pain in the eyeballs, sometimes - nausea and vomiting, chills, weakness).
  • The temperature of influenza can range from subfebrile (up to 37.5) to pyretic (up to 41). The average duration of fever is from 2 to 7 days.
  • Against the background of high fever, children can have febrile convulsions.
  • Characteristic manifestations of influenza - this laryngotracheitis (perspiration in the throat, its hoarseness, dry strong cough, sighing with a cough behind the sternum) and a runny nose with mucous discharge.
  • In the future, a bronchitis clinic can join (a wet cough with clear phlegm, which can turn yellow or green upon attachment of a bacterial infection).
  • In weakened patients, influenza can be complicated by pneumonia or cardiopulmonary insufficiency.


Paraguippus is so named because of the flu-like manifestations. All the same intoxication. Increases in temperature, clinic of laryngotracheitis and runny nose. In this case, after a period of mucous discharge from the eyes can join the microbial flora, and the conjunctivitis becomes purulent.

Parainfluenza - its course is not as bright as with the flu, body temperature is usually not more than 38C, and duration 1-2 days, in patients with a strong immune system, the temperature can be subfebrile 37 -37.5C. A dry cough and painful throat is typical for both influenza and parainfluenza, and hoarseness or lack of voice can also be observed.

Adenovirus infection

  • An acute onset is the same as with influenza, the temperature can be up to 39 ° C for up to 7 days.
  • Intense rhinitis and sore throat like with the flu from the very beginning of the disease.
  • Rezy and pain in the eyes can appear on day 4 - so begins adenoviral conjunctivitis. In this case, after a period of mucous discharge from the eyes can join the microbial flora, and the conjunctivitis becomes purulent.
  • Throughout the disease, lymph nodes are enlarged, it is also possible to disrupt the GI tract, the most formidable complication is pneumonia.

An interesting fact: in the air the flu virus lives 2-9 hours, on the glass 10 days, on the tissues 10 hours, on paper products 12 hours, on the skin human 15 minutes, on plastic and metal objects for 1-2 days, in sputum (if the influenza virus was in it) is stored 7-14 days.

What is the difference between flu and orgi?

Many of us do not know how to distinguish between flu and cold. The table shows the list of symptoms that manifest in these diseases in varying degrees, so everyone can try to independently distinguish the flu from Orvi or the common cold.

Onset of disease A very sharp, sharp beginning, literally one hour a person loses strength, he becomes ill from a sudden rise in temperature Gradually, the symptoms appear within 1-2 days
Body temperature Within 1-2 hours the temperature rises to 39C and up to 40C, it lasts at least 3 days, it is difficult to reduce by antipyretics (for children) At Orvi, the temperature does not exceed 38 -38.5C, it decreases during 2-3 days (see Fig. to knock down the temperature of the child)
Other common symptoms Severe headache, especially in the temples, muscle pains, body aches, increased sweating, chills, photosensitivity, pain at eye movement Broken, weak, but without pronounced pain
Nasal congestion, runny nose Nasal congestion does not happen, only in people with chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, sinusitis, sinusitis, perhaps their exacerbation. In other cases, as a rule, the runny nose passes in 2 days. There may also be sneezing (less often) and viral conjunctivitis Often pawns the nose, the nasopharyngeal mucosa swells, tear is very high, a strong cold and intense sneezing.
Throat condition The back wall of the throat and soft palate turn red, swell. The red and loose throat is all the time sick.
Condition of mucous membranes - attacks Can not be May be
Cough, chest pain After 2 days, a dry cough appears, which then becomes wet (see Fig. dry cough without fever in adults-causes). With swine flu, a severe dry cough can begin with the first hours of the disease. Dry, jerky cough from the very beginning of the disease, may be weak, but can be pronounced (see. why the dry cough does not pass)
Enlargement of lymph nodes Usually does not happen May be
Redness of the eyes It happens often Rarely, with concomitant bacterial infection
Disorders of the digestive tract In children, the flu is often accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, adults may also have nausea, rarely diarrhea. Vomiting and bowel disturbances rarely occur
Duration of the disease The heat lasts up to 4-5 days. Usually within 7-10 days, the flu passes, even after a drop in temperature, a person feels ill for a long time, headaches, weakness, within 14-21 days after the transfer of the flu. Usually Orvi does not last more than a week, and after an illness of fatigue, weakness, weakness, a person usually does not experience

How to help yourself cope with the flu, Orvi or colds

Now it becomes clear how the flu differs from Orvi, Orz or common cold. But, this is not easier, Orvi, influenza and 90% of colds are viral diseases and the severity of the course of the disease directly depends on the body's defenses, the immune response to a particular pathogen. To ease the inevitable disease, one should adhere to the basic rules of therapy for the virus and the common cold:

  • The pharmaceutical industry is full of all possible immunomodulators, antiviral drugs in cases of influenza and influenza, which today may be pacifiers or agents that have significant side effects, that their intake is not only ineffective, but also not safe.
  • Rimantadine and Tamiflu - the effectiveness of influenza in these drugs is considered proven. Therefore, in the period of the epidemic with the first symptoms of influenza (including swine) to take, adults: Rimantadine (influenza A) or Tamiflu (influenza A and B), children: Orvire (rimantadine), Tamiflu (over 8 years old).
  • If the temperature is up to 38C, and it can be tolerated, it is better not to knock it down, because at this time the body produces antibodies against the pathogens of the virus, and it is very important that in the future the virus could not lead to complications.
  • To remove symptoms of intoxication, drink as much warm liquid as possible. This sounds trite, but it is the abundant hot drink with the virus that can quickly remove toxins from the body and recovery is faster. You can drink lightly boiled tea with raspberries, honey, herbal teas, broth of wild rose, etc.
  • Rinse throat with angina and flu are not different, so you should gargle as often as possible with various decoctions and ready-made medicines, and also various inhalations that help prevent the development of complications on the lower respiratory tract - inhalation in bronchitis and laryngitis.
  • Strengthening the defenses of the body is desirable to conduct natural vitamin therapy - black currant, raspberry, lemon, dog rose, cranberry, etc.
  • Of course, the intake of antibiotics in viral infections is not advisable (cf. 11 rules how to take antibiotics correctly). However, if within 3-4 days a person does not experience relief, or if the temperature after falling again rises to high figures, doctor, because this may indicate the development of complications and the attachment of a bacterial infection - angina, pneumonia, sinusitis, etc.
  • About how to properly treat a cold in a child, as well as antibiotics for cold read in our articles.
  • What to eat and drink if you are sick? There are no "antiviral" drinks or food, but to activate the immune system help:
    • Morse (cranberries, currants, raspberries, cranberries), but not sweet, because excess sugar prevents the excretion of the virus
    • natural sour-milk products (better home-made yogurt, yogurt)
    • citrus fruits (oranges, lemon, lime, grapefruit), as well as kiwi. Vitamin C and pectins, with which they are rich, reduce the risk of stagnant phenomena and help to withdraw phlegm from the lungs.
    • digestible proteins - fish, rabbit, turkey, chicken breast, eggs.
  • It is not necessary for the flu to comply with strict bed rest, enough "home arrest". Moreover, prolonged lying can damage, as ventilation of the bronchi and lungs decreases and stagnation is possible. Of course, if weakness or dizziness, it's better to lie down. Infection has the property of descending from the top down the respiratory tract, so the risk of pneumonia and bronchitis is higher in those who "sit out" the flu without getting out of bed.

The flu virus is contagious about 7 days after infection, so even if there is no cough and you do not sneeze, do not appear at work, zippipovavshim children should also be at home at least a week, until full recovery.

Immediately call an ambulance if:

  • Body temperature above 40С
  • Fever lasts more than 3 days
  • There is no improvement after 7-10 days of illness, especially if there was slight relief, a drop in temperature, and then a new wave of fever, cough,
  • If there was shortness of breath and severe chest pain while breathing
  • Disorientation, loss of consciousness or impaired consciousness
  • Seizures that develop for the first time or convulsions against the background of temperature.
  • Rash on the legs or buttocks in the form of fresh purple bruises (meningococcus under the mask of ARVI)
  • Constant vomiting and diarrhea, especially it is dangerous in children (see. all medicines for diarrhea)
  • Intense pain in the face and severe headaches (see p. causes headaches in the forehead area)
  • People over 60 years old, people with chronic kidney disease, liver, heart disease, diabetes, blood diseases, autoimmune or immunodeficient conditions.

Prevention of influenza and fever

  • During the epidemic, avoid places of large concentrations of people in enclosed spaces (children's parties, cinemas, theaters, concerts, etc.).
  • After the street, travel in public transport, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, wash, rinse your nose (you can spray with sea water and salts). At work, wash your hands as often as possible or wipe with antibacterial wet wipes.
  • Do not forget to disinfect mobile phones and other wearable devices and gadgets. Many people forget about this or do not even think about it, and in fact a cell phone during the day is very often in the hands.
  • Before going out to the street, lubricate the nasal mucosa with leucinephrine or oxolin ointment, which creates an additional barrier to viruses.
  • Influenza (any, not just the pig) is one of the 5 most infectious diseases in the world. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, as well as your colleagues. -Take off meetings, do not go to work, visit, if you feel that you are ill.
  • Gauze bandages do not protect 100%, the viruses are so small that they can penetrate through the smallest pores. But masks are suitable as an additional tool if you have to communicate and move around a lot. Since in the open air the risk of infection is minimal, do not torment yourself by walking in a park wearing a mask, wear it only in a crowded place or in transport.
  • Ventilate the room (apartment, office) for 10-15 minutes 2-3 r / day, despite the frost. The flu does not like the cold, it is optimal for it - dry air, heat, lack of ventilation.

How to distinguish a common cold from a virus (ARVI): the difference and differences in treatment

Diseases, the cause of which is the hypothermia of the body, called the people "cold." Their course is very similar to a viral infection.

However, there is a difference between these pathologies. And since the treatment for these diseases is different, the doctor should be able to distinguish one from another.

Adequate diagnosis is also needed because under the mask of an ordinary disease, a dangerous influenza virus can hide, the treatment of which requires obligatory medication.

Otherwise, the disease can become complicated and lead to more serious pathologies.

How to determine the difference between a cold and a viral infection

ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection)To learn how to distinguish a cold from ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection), you need to have a complete picture of these diseases. Doctors with long experience have got used to call any respiratory tract infection the general term "ARD".

Of course, this is not wrong, but this concept does not at all point to the type of pathogen that provoked the symptoms of the disease. The causative agents of seasonal infections are divided into two groups: bacteria and viruses. This is the cardinal difference between the two diseases.

All viral infections are part of the ARVI group. These include:

  1. Flu.
  2. Paragripp.
  3. RSV and their subtypes.
  4. Rhinovirus.
  5. Adenovirus.

Symptoms of the flu virus

The flu, which certainly flares up every year with the onset of cold weather, also refers to viruses that affect the respiratory (respiratory) pathways. But the flu can provoke serious complications and is always very difficult.

All acute respiratory-viral diseases have common characteristics. For the emergence of pathology, it is not enough banal hypothermia or overeating ice cream. Infection usually occurs by airborne droplets from a sick person to a healthy one.

Possible and household way of penetration of the infection into the body, that is, through:

  • pieces of furniture;
  • toys;
  • dishes;
  • money bills;
  • food.
coughBut such infection with the flu is much less common. But direct communication with a sick person, which can happen in the service, in public transport, in a store, is most often the cause of infection with the flu.

The incubation period of influenza and respiratory tract viruses is very short. The person begins to feel a malaise about 2-3 days after infection. And the flu symptoms are growing rapidly.

From the first signs, to a sharp deterioration in the condition usually takes about two hours. This is due to the fact that in a favorable environment, pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply actively. In this case, they affect the mucous epithelium of the upper respiratory tract, which provokes the corresponding symptoms:

  1. watery discharge from the nasal passages;
  2. sore throat;
  3. dry cough;
  4. fever.

The severity of symptoms is directly proportional to the virulence of the infection. With flu, the temperature already on the first day can jump to the level of 39-40 However, with a mild infection, the temperature may not rise. Most often there is a subfebrile condition.

The prodromal period of the disease, when the body has not yet responded to the virus, but the concentration of infection is already high, also causes a deterioration in well-being. The infected person has the following symptoms:

  • general malaise;
  • lethargy;
  • pain in the eyes and tear;
  • nasal congestion in the absence of discharge from it;
  • loss of appetite.

The danger of a viral infection is that "on the heels" behind it the second wave can come bacterial. This is due to the fact that local immunity is weakened by the primary virus, that is, the pathway for pathogenic bacteria is open. They begin to activate on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

That's why there are situations in which a person seems to be beginning to recover, but after a while again feels a deterioration in well-being. However, if the treatment is made adequately, this does not happen.

In patients susceptible to allergies, a viral infection often provokes a hypersensitivity reaction in which even ordinary food can cause allergy.

ARVI, depending on the pathogen, lead to different diseases of the respiratory tract. The doctor can diagnose the following pathologies in the patient:

  1. Pharyngitis.
  2. Rhinitis.
  3. Otitis.
  4. Sinusitis.
  5. Bronchitis.
  6. Tracheitis.
  7. Tonsillitis.
  8. Laryngitis.

What is the common cold and what are its symptoms?

To be able to distinguish a cold (ARI) from a viral infection (ARVI), you need to know the main symptoms of the first and the reasons for its occurrence.

Colds are a consequence of hypothermia of the body, which can be obtained:

  • with freezing of hands and feet;
  • if you ignore the headgear in the cold season;
  • in damp weather;
  • in the draft;
  • when swimming in an open pool.

Under the influence of cold in the human respiratory ways begins to occur a microbial inflammatory process. What are the main characteristics of diseases caused by hypothermia?

The causative agents of the common cold are:

  1. staphylococci;
  2. streptococci;
  3. Haemophilus influenzae.
staphylococciThese microorganisms are present on the mucous membranes of each person, but under appropriate conditions they are activated.

Infecting with a cold can not be prevented, and only very weak people and small children can "catch" a respiratory bacterial infection.

Under the influence of cold, the human immune system experiences stress and refuses to protect the body from the activation of opportunistic bacteria. Their reproduction leads to an infectious disease, which is accompanied by an inflammatory process.

Colds include the following diseases:

  • rhinitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • any angina.

And most often they arise in those patients who already have a chronic form of these pathologies.

Meanwhile, with strong immunity and in the absence of provoking factors, minor hypothermia is unlikely to provoke the disease.

The incubation period of bacterial infection is quite long (3-14 days). However, if the ARI is triggered by hypothermia, the incubation period may be reduced to 2-3 days. With a cold, the prodromal period, as a rule, is absent.

Disease after hypothermia or SARS can immediately begin with clinical manifestations.

Usually the symptoms of acute respiratory infections are clearly pronounced:

  1. a sore throat;
  2. severe persecution;
  3. nasal obstruction;
  4. Unnecessary, but thick discharge from the nose;
  5. subfebrile temperature (most often) or normal parameters.

But sometimes (very rarely) the disease is not accompanied by local manifestations, and there is only a slight deterioration in the general condition, which the patient can write off for severe fatigue.

Treatment of cold should come immediately. Otherwise, a mild disease can develop into a real bacterial infection, for the elimination of which antibacterial treatment is required.

Moreover, hemolytic streptococcus, which causes most colds, can give serious complications to the heart, kidneys or joints.

Now it became clear what the common cold is different from a viral infection:

  • In ARVI, infection occurs from contact with the patient, ARI is an autoinfection;
  • the prodromal period in ARVI is one day, with ARI it is absent;
  • SARS is characterized by a bright start, the symptoms of colds are usually blurred (with the exception of any one sign);
  • discharge from the nose in ARVI are abundant and liquid, with a cold they are either absent altogether or have a thick consistency.

Methods of treatment of ARVI

antiviral drugsIn order to prescribe an adequate treatment for a cold, it is important for the doctor to know what it provoked. Why? The answer is very simple: if you prescribe antibiotics to a patient with a viral infection, the drugs will only weaken the immune system of the body, but they will not affect the cause of the disease.

This will lead to the fact that the patient will develop a dysbacteriosis and resistance of pathogenic bacteria present on the mucous throat and nose. The body will lose the ability to resist a viral infection, the disease will be protracted and can result in serious complications.

Treatment of viral infections should take place according to the following scheme: First of all, the doctor prescribes antiviral drugs:

  1. Cytovir 3.
  2. Isoprinosine.
  3. Kagocel.
  4. Remantadine.
  5. Interferon.
  6. Viferon.

If the body temperature rose to 38.5 and higher, antipyretic medicines are indicated:

  • Cefephecon.
  • Paracetamol.
  • Nyz.
  • Ibuprofen.
  • Nurofen.

In the early stages of influenza with a dry cough, antitussive agents and mucolytics that dilute sputum are required:

  1. Libexin.
  2. Sinecod.
  3. Ambrogen.
  4. Bromhexine.
  5. Mukaltin.

Treatment requires the intake of vitamin complexes and restorative drugs that stimulate the body's resistance.

Drugs that relieve pain and sore throat:

  • Septhotte.
  • Ajicept.
  • Lizobakt.
  • Tantum Verde.
  • Hexoral.
  • Furacilin solution for rinsing.

In addition, it is recommended to perform daily inhalation of the larynx and nasopharynx with saline or mineral water. This procedure is necessary for moisturizing and softening the mucous membrane.

To flush the infection, you need to wash your nose several times a day with salt water. With this procedure, mucus is better excreted from the nasal sinuses, which prevents the development of sinusitis.

The patient needs to provide bed rest, in extreme cases, children should be prohibited moving games.

The patient's room needs to be ventilated several times a day and moistened in it. The patient needs to drink as much as possible, for this are good:

  1. herbal infusions and decoctions;
  2. tea with raspberries;
  3. tea with honey and lemon;
  4. lime infusion;
  5. fruit drinks, fruit drinks and kissels.

Medicamental therapy is recommended to be supported by all kinds of folk remedies. In the course are all acceptable recipes.

The food of the sick person should be rich in vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to eat more garlic and onions.

These products contain phytoncide - a natural antiviral component.

Treatment of colds

terafloorTreatment of acute respiratory disease is different from the methods used in ARVI. If a week after starting therapy the patient does not feel relief, then the bacterial infection has joined the virus infection. In this case, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs.

With a mild cold, it is sometimes enough to rinse your nose and water it with drops containing antibiotics. With severe rhinitis and swelling of the nasal mucosa, breathing can be improved with vasoconstrictive drops.

To get rid of perspiration and sore throat is possible resorption of Grammidine tablets or irrigation with Bioparox aerosol. The only condition - all these drugs should appoint a doctor.

Cope with colds will help Sprays TeraFlu Lar, Stopangin, Geksoral. The patient shows an abundant drink, thermal compresses on the throat.

In the absence of the effect of local therapy, systemic antibiotics are usually prescribed:

  • Erythromycin.
  • Azithromycin.
  • Amoxiclav.
  • Flemoxin.

This is especially necessary if the disease passes into the stage of bronchitis or tracheitis.

Prevention of ARVI and ARI

Since the reasons for the development of these diseases are different, preventive measures should also be different. However, there are common points.

To prevent an off-season virus, it is necessary:

  1. avoid the place of a large crowd of people;
  2. wear a face mask;
  3. use the means that form a protective film in the nose (Nazoval);
  4. to exclude contacts with sick people;
  5. do preventive vaccinations.

In order not to develop a cold, a person must strengthen his immunity. For this you need:

  • to eat well;
  • to be hardened;
  • Expose the body to sports loads;
  • visit salt caves;
  • often walk in the open air;
  • eradicate bad habits;
  • sleep well.

All these measures are also good for the prevention of ARVI, since strong immunity is a guarantee that a small amount of the virus that got into the body, just die there and can not provoke the ailment.

In conclusion, the expert will tell you how to correctly distinguish between flu and cold.

How to distinguish a common cold from flu

How to distinguish a common cold from flu

Influenza and colds are often confused with each other, and sometimes they even believe that there is absolutely no difference between them. And this is not surprising, because the main symptoms are very similar. In fact, the flu and cold are two completely different diseases, and not only the effectiveness of treatment depends on the correctly diagnosed diagnosis, but also the life of a person.


  1. The easiest way to distinguish the flu from a common cold at the very beginning of the disease. The first sign of the flu is a sharp increase in body temperature to 38 ° C and above. The patient's state of health rapidly deteriorates, pains in muscles and joints, chills, aches in the body appear. The person experiences a strong headache, mainly in the temples, in the forehead and brow ridges, which is accompanied by severe nasal congestion without visible signs of a cold, tearing of the eyes and throat rending dry cough. Just a few hours after the first signs appear, the flu can literally "knock" a person off their feet.
  2. The febrile state of the flu can last from 2 to 4 days. With proper treatment and following the recommendations of a doctor, as a rule, after 5-7 days the disease recedes. However, the serious danger is not the illness itself, but the complications that often accompany its development. The fact is that the immunity that is significantly weakened during the period of the fight against the disease decreases and is not always able to protect the body from the admission of new diseases. Complications after the flu can lead to malfunctions in many systems and human organs. The most frequent of them are pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis, maxillary sinusitis, bronchitis, radiculitis, meningitis and pyelonephritis.
  3. As such, a disease called "cold" in medicine does not exist. This term is referred to as light, but rather contagious infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In contrast to the rapidly developing flu, the cold begins with minor, at first glance, catarrhal phenomena: perspiration in the throat, a lung cough, a cold, a chill. The condition of the patient with a common cold can be described as a general malaise. There may be a headache that does not concentrate in any particular area. The patient can not establish the most disturbing place, it seems to him that the whole head hurts. During one season a person with weakened immunity can suffer from a cold 3-4 times, and with each subsequent episode, the severity of the disease, as a rule, increases.
  4. Despite the similarity of the initial symptoms of influenza and colds, they should be treated in different ways. Therefore, when the first signs of these diseases appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the most effective treatment in accordance with the type of disease, the complexity of its course, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.
  5. In order to start fighting with the virus, to relieve the condition and to remove the symptoms of the disease before visiting the doctor, you can take "AnviMax". This is a modern combined anti-catarrhal and antiviral agent that allows you to get rid of the first manifestations flu and cold, to prevent the rapid development of the disease, as well as to avoid the occurrence of complications.

How to tell if the flu is cold. Cold and flu - what's the difference?

All people occasionally get colds. And, by the way, in our country very rarely they turn to the doctor for help. This is why not everyone knows how to distinguish between flu and cold.

A few words about colds

At the very beginning I want to say that most people come across colds, not flu. Surprisingly, today there are 250 varieties of viruses that can cause this ailment. Doctors say that a healthy adult can catch an average of two to four times a year. Everything depends on the body's resistance. Children are more likely to get sick. After all, their resistance is much lower. Breasts are sick even more often. They may have a runny nose from 6 to 10 times in 12 calendar months. Also it should be noted that those who are in different collectives are more often ill: in kindergartens, at school, at work. After all, it's easier for them to catch an infection.

A few words about the flu

It is important to understand how to distinguish influenza from colds. Features of influenza - that's what you need to first tell. So, this is a very contagious and rapidly spreading disease. It strikes the body more strongly than the catarrhal disease. It's also worth mentioning that you should not underestimate the flu. After all, in about a third of cases, it flows into a different, more complex disease. It can be, for example, a genyantritis or an inflammation of lungs. Beware of this disease is, above all, young children, the elderly, as well as people with emaciated immunity. It is much more difficult for them to cope with it. Also, the period of adaptation after recovery will be more difficult.

The first difference: the appearance of disease

How to distinguish flu from cold and not make a mistake? The main thing here is to pay attention to the appearance of the disease itself. After all, if it is a cold, its symptoms grow slowly. First there is a runny nose, there may be a swelling in the throat. Only after a while, the temperature may appear, and the patient's condition will worsen. If we are talking about the flu, this disease manifests itself with lightning speed. All symptomatology is usually immediately, brightly and acutely.

The second difference: temperature

The next tip is how to distinguish the flu from colds: examine the temperature indicators. If it is an ARVI, it will not immediately appear. The rates will rise later than other symptoms. In addition, the numbers most often do not cross the mark of 38.5 ° C. It takes all a couple of days. This temperature can be "carried on your feet," although this is highly discouraged.

If it is a case of influenza, body temperature indicators are rising rapidly. The figures are often frightening: 39-40 ° C. The temperature lasts about three days. Man can not work effectively in this state.

The third difference: sensations

The following advice how to distinguish the flu from ARVI, cold: you need to follow your feelings. They will be significantly different. So, if it is a cold disease, a person can have a weakness, a slight chill, fatigue. Expressed pains will not be. The patient will be able to serve himself without any problems.

If we are talking about the flu, the patient will have a chill in the whole body, fever. There may also be pain in the temples, eyes. Thinking activity falls. A person can develop photophobia.

The difference is the fourth: a runny nose

The next clue is how to tell the flu from a cold: you need to see if the patient has a runny nose. His presence can tell a lot. So, if he appeared first, before the manifestation of other symptoms - this is most likely a cold. Also at this time, usually stuffy nose, there is a puffiness. Allocations are strong, can change color. Often also watery eyes, but there is no conjunctivitis. The patient will also often sneeze.

If it's flu, the cold will not appear earlier than on the second day of the illness. Or it may not be at all. Eyes can only be watered in case of conjunctivitis. Sneezing will be rare.

The fifth difference: the throat

What else is the difference between a flu and flu? So, the state of the throat can tell about it. If there is a cold, it will be friable throughout the entire period of the disease, red. In this case, pain can be of any strength. Coughing is often abrupt. At first dry, then wet - when there is a coughing up of phlegm.

In the case of influenza, the back wall of the throat, as well as the palate, is most often affected. Later, after about a day, there is a painful cough that causes pain in the chest. It is very long in time: 2-3 weeks. Often develops into an additional disease - bronchitis.

The sixth difference: the digestive system

Surprisingly, the human gastrointestinal tract also reacts to the flu-like state. At this time, patients often have diarrhea, less often - vomiting. With cold disease, this happens very rarely.

The seventh difference: the duration of the disease

The last difference between a cold and the flu is the duration of the disease itself. The course of the disease will be different, this is clear. The flu will last for about 10 days (during this time, the body temperature is normalized). The first four of them are the acute period when the patient has a fever, and all the symptoms will be bright. After this time, for another couple of weeks, headache, insomnia, irritability may persist. Also, low performance, and fatigue - high.

If it's a cold, all the symptoms will be in a week. In this acute state will be only one day, usually not the first, but the second-third. Then everything will slowly decline. Workability is maintained for the entire period of the disease. However, it is better to spend this time in bed. Also after ARI there is no asthenic syndrome. Those. after recovery, a person will not feel a sense of weakness, fatigue.

Treatment of colds

How to distinguish influenza from ARVI and what is the difference in their treatment regimens? If it is a cold, then at the first symptoms of its manifestation you need to start taking action. So, if pershit throat, it must be started immediately rinse. If the runny nose - you need to wash your nose and dig it with healing drops. So, it's good to clean your nose with a so-called shower. It is necessary to take a lot of warm drinks, the food should be easily digestible. The temperature can not be brought down until it has passed beyond the level of 38 ° C (the body is still trying to cope with the infection itself). It should also be noted that let the patient's condition and not the worst, yet at this time it is better to limit activity. So it will be easier to cope with the symptoms and bring the moment of recovery closer.

Treatment of influenza

How else can you tell if the flu is cold? What is the difference between flu and symptoms? By the methods of getting rid of him! In this case, the patient should immediately go to bed, because the symptoms will be acute, bright. Performance will be very low. And besides, the sick person instantly becomes the carrier of a dangerous infection. Self-medication in this case can be dangerous, so it's best to call the doctor's house. He will prescribe the right drugs. Important: antibiotics for the flu will not help. So you do not need to exacerbate the course of the disease and the condition of your body.

How to distinguish influenza from colds

As a small conclusion, I want to say that, of course, it is important to know how to distinguish the flu from ARVI. But it is best to ask the doctor for help with the first symptoms of any illness. This is the only way to help your body deal with the problem much faster.

How to tell if the flu is cold? Are they symptomatic?


A hamster cat from space

it seems to me the cold gradually develops and the flu immediately covers


Muscle pain pathognomonic for influenza


with the flu the whole body breaks down and it hurts to look at the light

Pavel Ikhalainen

doctors make tests to take and you ask outside)))

Vladimir Korpany

This was told in the broadcast Malysheva
In symptoms there is a difference.
And you need to treat differently. When influenza needs to fight with the influenza virus, in this program, recommend an antigrippin maximum. And at us now all confuse, and agents for cold can be named influenza, though from any flu do not treat.


The flu is a virus. Ideally, analyzes determine

Love Razrapina

Not very, but if the ache is in the whole body, the eyes water. Even with a small increase in temperature, you need to go to bed.

Mikhail Komissarov

Dear Elena! In general, there are no catarrhal diseases, this is the people who invented such a "concept". All these are the same viral diseases (most of them). Just viruses are different. For the flu is usually the acute beginning, the temperature is above 39 and the headaches in the frontal area are more above the eyeballs, body aches and sharp weakness. And, of course, the epidemic situation. No coughing, no perspiration in the throat, etc. in the beginning of the flu does not happen. Good luck!

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