Heart disease is a persistent pathological change in its anatomical structures, which leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. The most common heart defects that are associated with damage to its valve apparatus. One of such pathologies is mitral cardiac defect. Contents General and statistical information 1 General information and statistical information 2 Clinical manifestations and differences 3 Diagnostic m...
Heart pathologies - severe congenital disorders of the structure and work of the organ. They have different nature and symptoms, but, in any case, lead to a decrease in the quality of life of the patient. The anomaly of Ebstein is a kind of congenital heart disease. It is rare, but treatment is necessary to avoid fatal consequences. Content 1 Summary 2 Causes and risk factors 3 Classification 4 risks and complications 5 Symptoms 6...
The tricuspid( tricuspid) valve is one of the valves of the heart that is in the right side of the heart, between the atrium and the ventricle. When it is open, the blood from the right atrium passes into the right ventricle, and after filling the latter its valves are closed, which prevents the return of blood to the atrium. If, for some reason, the valve does not function properly, the blood flow is disrupted, causing a dangerous condition that the doctors call a tricuspid valve def...
By "heart disease" is meant multiple heart diseases, which were combined for a number of specific parameters. This pathological problem occupies a large part of such a science as cardiology, and is of great interest to specialists around the world. Consider the basic classification of congenital heart disease in children and adults acquired: what they are and how they differ. Contents 1 General 2 Types 3 Disease symptomatology 4 Diagnostic me...
Coarctation of the aorta in appearance resembles the formation of a constriction on this organ, which visually resembles the shape of an hourglass. This is a dangerous pathology, in case of refusal of treatment, severe complications or fatal outcome are possible. It is easy to cure it, since after diagnosing it is easy to identify the necessary measures to eliminate the violation. Contents 1 Description of the disease 1 Description of the disease 2 C...
One of the main conditions for the proper functioning of the human heart is the flow of blood through the heart chambers and vessels in one direction. This is due to the anatomical structure of the heart itself and the presence of valves in it, which act as "doors" that open only one way. If a heart valve does not fulfill its function as a "regulator" of blood flow, a heart defect called "valve stenosis" occurs. Among such vices, the most frequent is stenosis of the mitral valve. ...
Pulmonary artery stenosis( SLA) in newborn infants is a narrowing of the lumen of the outflow tract of the right ventricle. Pathological changes affect the pulmonary artery valve or part of the vessel in the valve area. According to statistics, the different forms of isolated ALS account for about 10% of cases of congenital heart diseases. Most often, valve stenosis, often associated with congenital heart defects, is revealed. Contents of 1 Reasons for 2 Classi...
Rheumatic heart diseases are related to acquired diseases. Unlike congenital, such violations of the structure of the heart valves develop in a person with age, and in this case the risk of acquiring a heart failure or disability is more significant. Rheumatic heart disease is a consequence of rheumatism, because in this disease often become inflamed heart shells. Contents 1 General description 2 Species, forms and classification 3 Diagnostic methods 4...
Aortic insufficiency is a pathology in which the valves of the aortic valve do not close completely, as a result of which the return of blood to the left ventricle of the heart from the aorta is disturbed. This disease causes many unpleasant symptoms - chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, heartbeat and other. Contents of Description of the disease 2 Description of the disease 2 Causes and risk factors 3 Types and forms of 4 disease ...
The combination of four strictly defined anatomical defects in the structure of the heart and blood vessels gives grounds to diagnose the UPU called "Fallot's Tetrad" - we'll figure out what it is. This disease was identified and described by French pathologist ELFallo in 1888.Over the past 100-odd years, doctors have been able to achieve good results in the early detection and elimination of this ailment. Contents 1 Description of the disease, its prevalence 2 ...
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