Diet after gastrectomy

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What happens to the digestive tract after operation
  • What can and can not be eat after operation
  • Sample menu for the week
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  • Resection of the stomach is an operation during which the surgeon removes a significant part of the organ and then the digestive tract is restored. Unfortunately, sometimes such intervention is the only treatment option on the way to recovery.

    Most often, the operation is performed with extensive malignant neoplasms( for example, stomach cancer, multiple polyps, etc.) or stomach ulcer. But despite the breakthrough in medicine, the removal of a part of the body is still difficult to tolerate by patients, while having a minimum of complications. The main stage on the way to health is nutrition after resection of the stomach. But what we can eat and how much, we will consider in more detail.

    What happens to the digestive tract after the operation

    After the operation, the stomach is not able to digest the food in full force, so if it receives poorly processed foods, then they in the same way go to the intestines, where he can not suckfrom food all the necessary nutrients.

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    This is why there is an overload in the gastrointestinal tract( GIT) and the patient begins to experience discomfort in the form of gravity in the abdomen, flatulence and drowsiness. In addition, as a result of insufficient absorption of vitamins and other nutrients, the patient may have vitamin deficiency, exhaustion and a sharp weight loss.

    To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to observe some rules that help to cope with the digestive process:

    • to eat in small portions, but often( at least 5-7 times a day).The fact is that a stripped down stomach can not digest a large portion of food;
    • chewing food is not slow, slow, careful;
    • to exclude from the diet products containing a large number of carbohydrates( sugar, buns, jam, etc.);
    • to increase the consumption of protein foods( lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese);
    • after the first and second dishes compote or something else you should drink no earlier than 30 minutes after the last meal. This is necessary to unload the stomach.

    If the stomach has responded with pain, nausea and vomiting of any food, it is necessary to temporarily stop eating foods that caused unpleasant symptoms of

    . Observe these rules at least 4 months after removing part of the stomach. The need is for the digestive system to be fully adaptable to the new conditions. All food should be wiped through a sieve, it is advisable to eat foods cooked for a couple.

    Many patients are afraid to eat something because of fear of pain, but this can not be tolerated, since the body may be depleted.

    What you can and can not eat after the operation

    Power after removal of the stomach must be radically changed. To exclude all sorts of complications, you need to remember what you can and can not eat.

    Authorized products and dishes Prohibited foods and dishes
    Light soups on vegetable broth with macaroni from hard varieties. Fatty meat broths( from fat pork, lamb, goose, etc.).
    Meat of low-fat varieties, poultry, fish and various dishes from them in stewed, baked, steamed and boiled. Canned food, fast food.
    Porridge from corn, millet, barley, barley.
    Thermally processed vegetables and fruits( potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, apple) mashed in the form of puree, souffle or puddings. Fresh fruits and vegetables with coarse skin.
    Peas, beans and other legumes. Dairy porridges and soups( rice, vermicelli, oats, buckwheat).Fried and smoked food.
    Eggs soft-boiled or scrambled eggs. Alcoholic products.
    Low-fat and light cheese. Carbonated drinks, strong tea, coffee.
    Whole milk and dairy products. Buns and sweets.
    Honey, jam, pastille, marshmallows in small portions. White cabbage, radish, radish, sorrel, spinach, onion. Juices and decoctions of home-made berries and fruits. Marinades and pickles.
    Slightly brewed tea and loose coffee with milk. Spices, condiments, mayonnaise, various sauces.
    Butter, melted and vegetable in ready-made meals( not for frying). Fresh bread made less than 24 hours ago.
    Yesterday's bread, unsweetened biscuits, biscuits. Mushrooms in any form.

    In addition, a diet after removal of the stomach or part of it implies the refusal to eat too cold or hot dishes( for example, ice cream or hot coffee).

    Sample menu for the week

    Stomach pain and nausea after eating

    After a partial or complete gastroectomy, it is necessary to adhere to the dietary table number 1 at least the first 3 months. Under the condition of good health and normal operation of the digestive tract, the doctor is allowed not to grind food, but simply carefully grind or chew.

    After another 1.5 months, you can enter into the menu fresh vegetables and fruits. The diet after resection of the stomach is canceled and the patient passes to the previous diet no earlier than 6 months, provided the normal operation of the gastric tract only with the permission of the doctor.

    1 day - the patient does not get food.

    2 days - slightly boiled tea, fruit jelly with minimal sugar content( better without it at all).

    3 days - boiled soft-boiled egg, not strong tea for breakfast. On chicken diluted broth, rice or potato soup. Not earlier than in 2 hours the ambassador of soup can drink a broth of a dogrose. For dinner, low-fat cottage cheese with milk, before going to bed half a cup of jelly.

    4 days - steamed omelet, unsweetened kissel. For lunch, mashed beef puree from beef or veal with pasta. After 2 hours unsweetened tea from apples. For dinner, milk buckwheat porridge, before going to bed low-fat kefir.

    5 days - for breakfast mashed porridge porridge, not strong coffee with milk. Snack a few biscuits without raisins and other additives. Lunch soup on chicken or meat broth, boiled potatoes with a slice of lean fish. At noon you can eat 100 grams of curd. For dinner, pumpkin porridge with rice and milk, at night a glass of yogurt or ryazhenka.

    6 days - for breakfast, milk buckwheat or vermicelli porridge with the addition of a small piece of butter. The second breakfast is a glass of natural yogurt. For lunch, potato soup of beef, mashed potatoes with steam chop. Puree from baked fruit is not more than 200 grams for a mid-morning snack. Supper steamed vegetables with meat, tea. At night, low-fat cottage cheese with jam.

    7 days - breakfast: scrambled eggs, coffee with milk and bread roll with butter. For dinner, beetroot, buckwheat porridge with a piece of boiled fish or meat. Afternoon snack a glass of milk with a biscuit biscuit. For dinner macaroni from hard varieties with a chop or casserole, for the night warm milk with bread crumbs of white bread.

    The doctor decides when and with what it is better to start the patient to eat

    . The condition after surgery the first 7 days is the most difficult. The organism needs to get used to a new diet. After the introduction of a new product, you must carefully monitor the health status and the way the digestive tract reacts to it.

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