Contusion of ribs - symptoms and treatment

The contusion of the ribs is a rather painful injury, the degree of which completely depends on the causes of its occurrence.

Getting injured in this area is not only possible in case of serious injuries and accidents. You can injure your ribs just by being at home. Any slight drop, nock or stroke can cause damage to the ribs.


  • 1Symptoms of injury
  • 2Degrees of rib contusion
  • 3First aid for a bruised rib
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Edge bruise: what to treat?
  • 6Cream and ointments
  • 7Pills
  • 8Physiotherapy
  • 9Folk recipes
  • 10What should I fear?

Symptoms of injury

To recognize the bruise is quite simple, it has the following symptoms:

  • sharp piercing pain that accompanies any movement of the body;
  • discomfort during inspiration;
  • hematomas - the main sign of injury to the ribs;
  • in the first hours after receiving an injury, the patient is swelling of the injured area, palpation is marked by neuralgic pain. The color of the skin of this area is replaced by purple-red.

Symptoms of rib injury, characterized by a squeezing pain, can speak of fractures and cracks in the bone tissues, so if you identify such painful feelings it is better to contact specialists for further diagnostics.

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Since the ribs are involved in respiratory processes, any inhalation and exhalation will be accompanied by pain if damaged.

In some individual cases, the patient has a bruised rib without bruising.This can happen when minor trauma is inflicted, and pain is observed only at the time of palpation. Also, the absence of a hematoma is characteristic of internal injuries resulting from accidents.

Degrees of rib contusion

There are several degrees of contusion of ribs, depending on their degree, appropriate measures are taken to eliminate this problem.

For the first (easy) degreeis characterized by a slight pain in the place of impact, which can intensify with sudden movements and palpation, and can completely die out at rest.

In this situation, medical qualified assistance is not required, since injuries are not dangerous for life and can go on independently within a week without additional interventions and medicines. preparations.

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Second degreecharacterized by the presence of a hematoma, a constant pain, passing into the acute stage with the slightest movements. In this case, the diagnosis is made for the presence of cracks and fractures of the rib, and the bruise is treated with medications that have a dissolving effect.

Third degreeis typical for serious injuries that occurs in accidents, falls from height and has a combined symptomatology associated with the syndrome of squeezing the lungs. In this case, the patient is difficult breathing, during which acute pain is the main concomitant index.

In acute contusion of the rib, the treatment of which is delayed, serious consequences for life, up to the onset of death, can arise.

First aid for a bruised rib

If the bruise is marked by minor pain and there is no need to call an ambulance, the first steps that will help the patient are immobilization and taking the most comfortable lying position.

Pillow in this case, it is better to replace the roller of dense material.

The second step will be the application of cold to the sore spot, as well as the lubrication of this place with any ointments and creams of absorbing action.

When a trauma is characterized by acute pain, which does not allow a person to normally perform natural processes, first aid consists in calling an ambulance, and also in applying cold.

In severe cases, where there are obvious fractures of the ribs, it is better not to transport the injured person yourself. The only thing that can alleviate the situation in this situation is to maximally immobilize the patient and call an ambulance.


The key moment in the diagnosis of a bruise is the absence of fractures and cracks in the rib. To do this, use X-ray methods of research, and they give a clear picture of the condition of the ribs in relation to internal organs.

X-ray is prescribed for all patients with bruises. This procedure eliminates the possibility of more serious consequences and the development of life-threatening pathologies, such as hydrothorax and pneumothorax.

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These pathologies occur when the injured rib breaks the integrity of the lung or pneumonia, resulting in a hemorrhage into the cavity of the respiratory organ.

Edge bruise: what to treat?

There are several options for treating rib contusions: both traditional medicine and folk medicine. The most optimal option is a combined method, combining two possible variations.

With minor injuries, bruises can disappear quite quickly, however, it is better not to abuse self-medication.Only an experienced specialist is able to fully assess the severity of injury, as well as health risks, by selecting appropriate treatment.

Cream and ointments

The most effective way to get rid of bruises and to remove puffiness is the use of ointments.

Widely used drugs such as:

  • Heparin ointment;
  • Lyoton;
  • Finalgel.
The main task of local ointment treatment is the removal of the hematoma, which causes pain and discomfort.


With severe pain, tablets can be prescribed that can relieve pain. Analgesics - No-shpa, Analgin, Nurofen - will allow for a while to eliminate the attack of pain.


An excellent option for rapid elimination of hematoma and stiffness of muscles are physiotherapy methods.

Warming, UHF and massage, which is supported by rehabilitation gymnastics, will help to quickly get rid of bruises and return to a full life.

Folk recipes

Remove the pain will help cabbage leaf, smeared with honey. He is put to a bruise for the night, bandaging with a terry cloth.

Also, the resorption effect is possessed by potatoes and onions, which must be applied in a baked form to a sore spot.

What should I fear?

Self-medication can be performed only in extreme cases, when the injury is insignificant. However, if there are no improvements on the third day, doctors can not do without the help.

There is a list of situations in which you should immediately stop self-treatment and contact the hospital as quickly as possible:

  • if the patient has difficulty rapid breathing and shortness of breath;
  • when a person spits up blood;
  • at sharp increases in temperature;
  • when the pain does not leave a long time.
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A bruise is not a mere trifle. Sometimes it is enough to get serious injuries, which at first glance are completely invisible. Any treatment should be fully controlled by physicians who will choose the appropriate and effective way to eliminate the injury.