Schlätter's disease: causes, symptoms and ways of treatment

One of the types of necrosis of a part of the bone is called Osgood Schliatter's disease, more precisely, it is osteochondropathy, aseptic necrosis of bones without bone marrow, tuberosity (protrusion, to which the muscles are attached) tibia bones.

This is a chronic process, which gives many complications in the form of fractures, while the function of the formation of new bone tissue is disrupted.

The disease is non-infectious, is born as a result of prolonged physical exertion. It is often found in adolescents under 18 years, engaged in traumatic sports - football, basketball, hockey, weightlifting. Previously, the disease was noted to a greater extent in boys, because they were fond of such sports, now similar defects are found in girls.

The first manifestations of this problem are noted in the form of cones that grow below the knee. When Osgood Schläter's illness begins, the consequences manifest themselves after intense running and jumping. Usually, the disease itself passes in a few years, when the growth of the body and bone tissue stops.

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Modern medicine can easily cope with the problems, only occasionally there is a residual deformation below the kneecap in the form of protuberances of the bone and reaction to changes in weather conditions, reminiscent of rheumatism,

In severe cases, such complications can occur:

  • restriction of mobility of the knee joint;
  • muscular atrophy of the diseased limb;
  • destruction of the joint.


  • 1Causes of the disease
  • 2Symptoms of the disease
  • 3Treatment of the disease
  • 4Conservative method
  • 5Physiotherapeutic method
  • 6Surgical method
  • 7Prevention of disease

Causes of the disease

First, painful sensations appear due to the detached muscles of the hip tendons under the knee. This is a natural result of frequent microtraumas of the kneecap and surrounding tissues. Tubular foot bones have growth zones consisting of neostegrated cartilage at the end.

Since the cartilaginous tissue is still fragile, it easily suffers from bumps, heavy loads, the knee at the end of the day can swell and hurt. Sometimes suchloads cause a rupture of tendons, which gives impetus to the onset of the disease- the body begins to save the affected joints and builds up bone tissue around the defective place. This is how the formation of the cone begins in the Schlätter knee disease.

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The pathological process with regular loads on the hamstrings can reach a detached fracture of the tibia that has not yet grown stronger than the tibia bones and complicate concomitant tendonitis, in which the tendon tissues become inflamed and become dystrophic, and the muscles grow to bones. There is a pathological proliferation of bone.

In such cases of Schlätter's disease the consequences are manifested in the form of the inability to rest on the knee, with the pain spreading along the tendon and beyond.

Symptoms of the disease

It happens that neither the child nor the parents pay any attention to the painful manifestations in the knee. The problem can be aggravated before the child's disability.

Be sure to take a look and see a doctor if:

  • when the knee begins to ache;
  • there is swelling, swelling, or cones in the patella;
  • pain concentrates below the knee;
  • painfully crouch, run or walk fast.

Sometimes, with Schlatter's disease, the symptoms may differ: for example, only pain in the calyx can be present, and no cones or edema appear. Therefore, to exclude other diseases, you need to talk with an orthopedist.

Schlatter's disease in adults is not observed for the simple reason that in adult bones there are no active growth zones and weak cartilage tissues.

Treatment of the disease

First, the doctor should carefully question the adolescent about his physical activity, find out what painful feelings he has are present, how it feeds, whether there are similar cases of the disease in the family, whether there have been previous injuries, and then to examine knee-joint.

Usually only one limb suffers. The specialist determines whether there is an edema, a tumor, how freely the hip and knee move. X-rays of the diseased zone are made to visually verify the problems of attaching the tendon to the bone.

Coping the disease occurs in three ways:

  • conservative;
  • physiotherapeutic
  • surgical.

Conservative method

It consists in the elimination of inflammation in the zone of the patella ligaments, and also in stopping the process of ossification (formation of bone tissue, ossification of cartilage) on the tibia.

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For the period of treatment of Osgood Schlätter's disease,Limit active movement and stop playing sports(further restrictions are removed). The area of ​​tuberosity is fixed by a special fastening - a bandage with a pad or bandage. This fixation makes it possible to reduce the amplitude of shearing parts of the joint.

To reduce the pain syndrome and inflammatory process, it is recommended thatanalgesicsandanti-inflammatory drugs. Usefullvitamins B and E, and also preparations are mandatorycalciumto replenish the deficit of this mineral. Already at this stage the patient's condition improves, the pain is not felt even under heavy loads.

Physiotherapeutic method

It is based on the results of X-ray research. The treatment method consists in the appointment of UHF, electrophoresis with the application of a bandage with a solution of lidocaine (for the removal of inflammation and analgesia), nicotinic acid and calcium chloride.

Surgical method

It is used in extreme cases, when the disease lasts too long, and conservative methods do not help. It is also prescribed for bone fracture, if the patient is over 14 years old.

On the postoperative area a tight bandage is imposed for a period of 1 month, it fixes the zone of tuberosity of the tibia, gypsum immobilization is not used. After the operation, the pain syndrome disappears after 2 weeks.

To treat Osgood Schlatter's disease is not difficult when following the recommendations of a doctor. The general course of treatment of the disease is 3-6 months, after which it is usually allowed to return to the usual physical activity.

Prevention of disease

Parents always need to be attentive to various micro-traumas in children, especially if theyengage in aggressive sports, professional dances(for example, traumatic Irish dances with high jumps and quick kicks on the stage) -all this carries the danger of injuring the lower limbs.

Children who have devoted their lives to professional sports practice need to get used todo healing compresses on your knees and massages after training. The food should be rich in vitamins and minerals, and in addition you can occasionally drink calcium supplementation courses. AlsoDo not allow weight gain- The load on the knees increases, as does the risk of injury to the joints.

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The tuberosity of the tibia is an important part of the skeleton, since muscles and tendons of the musculoskeletal system are attached to it. Violation of the ligament, in the absence of treatment, can cause serious harm to the motor function of a person.

The question of whether the army is taking children with Schläter's disease, worries many conscripts. This is decided by the draft commission, which carefully examines the medical history. If, after curing, there are no abnormalities in the work of the knee joint, then there are no restrictions to military service.