Aortic valve failure: types of disease and treatment regimens

Aortic insufficiency is a pathology in which the valves of the aortic valve do not close completely, as a result of which the return of blood to the left ventricle of the heart from the aorta is disturbed.

This disease causes many unpleasant symptoms - chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, heartbeat and other.

Contents of

Description of the disease

  • 2 Description of the disease
  • 2 Causes and risk factors
  • 3 Types and forms of
  • 4 disease 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 degrees
  • 5 Danger and complications
  • 6 Symptoms of
  • 7 When to call a doctor and to which
  • 8 Diagnosis
  • 9 Treatment methods
  • 10 Prognosis and prevention measures
  • Description of the disease

    The aortic valve is a shutter in the aorta, which consists of 3 valves. It is intended for separation of the aorta and left ventricle. In a normal state, when the blood flows from this ventricle into the aortic cavity, the valve closes tightly, pressure is created, due to which the

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    is provided with blood flow through the thin arteries to all organs of the body, without the possibility of a backward outflow of the .

    If the structure of this valve has been damaged, it overlaps only partially, which leads to a reverse transfer of blood to the left ventricle. Thus organs cease to receive the necessary quantity of blood for normal functioning, and the heart has to contract more intensively to compensate for the lack of blood.

    As a result of these processes, aortic insufficiency is formed.

    According to statistics, this aortic valve failure occurs in about 15% of people with any heart defects and often accompanies such diseases as stenosis and mitral valve insufficiency. As an independent disease, this pathology occurs in 5% of patients with heart defects. Most often affects men, as a result of internal or external factors.

    Causes and risk factors

    Aortic insufficiency is formed due to the fact that the aortic valve was damaged. The reasons that lead to its damage can be as follows:

    • Congenital malformations of .Congenital defects of the aortic valve occur during the period of gestation, if the organism of a pregnant woman has been exposed to harmful factors - for example, a large dose of radiological radiation, or long-term infectious diseases. Defects can form and in the presence of a similar pathology in someone from close relatives.
    • Endocarditis is an infectious disease that inflames the inner layers of the heart.
    • Rheumatism is a vast inflammatory disease that affects many systems and organs, in particular the heart. This reason is the most common. Almost 80% of all cases of aortic insufficiency suffer from rheumatism.
    • Aortic dissection is a pathology characterized by a sharp widening of the inner layer of the aorta with its detachment from the middle one. This problem appears as a complication of atherosclerosis, or with a sudden increase in pressure. An extremely dangerous condition, which threatens with rupture of the aorta and death of the patient.
    • Syphilis .Because of this venereal disease many organs and systems can be affected. If syphilis is started, in the organs, including in the aorta, pathological nodules are formed that interfere with the normal functioning of the aortic valve.
    • Injury to .Aortic insufficiency can occur as a result of injuring the chest, when the valves of the aortic valve are torn. Atherosclerosis of the aorta .Atherosclerosis develops when a large amount of cholesterol is accumulated on the walls of the aorta.
    • The elderly .Over the years, the aortic valve gradually wears out, which often leads to disruption of its work.
    • Arterial hypertension .Increased pressure can cause an increase in the aorta and left ventricle of the heart.
    • Ventricular aneurysm .Often occurs after a heart attack. The walls of the left ventricle protrude, preventing the normal operation of the aortic valve.
    Other causes of the disease that occur much less frequently are: connective tissue diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, immune system diseases, prolonged radiation therapy in the formation of tumors in the thoracic region.

    Types and forms of the disease

    Aortic insufficiency is divided into several types and forms. Depending on the term of pathology formation, the disease happens:

    • congenital - occurs due to poor genetics or adverse effects of harmful factors on the pregnant woman;
    • acquired - appears as a result of various diseases, tumors or injuries.

    The acquired form, in turn, is divided into functional and organic.

    • functional - formed when the aorta or left ventricle expands;
    • organic - occurs due to damage to the valve tissues.

    1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 degrees

    Depending on the clinical picture of the disease, aortic insufficiency occurs in several stages:

    1. The first stage of .Characterized by the absence of symptoms, a small enlargement of the heart walls on the left side, with a moderate increase in the size of the cavity of the left ventricle.
    2. The second stage is .The period of latent decompensation, when severe symptoms are not yet observed, but the walls and cavity of the left ventricle are already quite large in size.
    3. Third stage. The formation of coronary insufficiency, when a partial transfer of blood from the aorta back into the ventricle already occurs. Characterized by frequent pain in the heart.
    4. Fourth stage. The left ventricle shrinks slightly, which leads to stagnant phenomena in the blood vessels. There are such symptoms as: shortness of breath, lack of air, swelling of the lungs, heart failure.
    5. The fifth stage is .It is considered a dying stage, when it is almost impossible to save the life of the patient. The heart contracted very poorly, resulting in stagnation of the blood in the internal organs.

    Dangers and complications

    If the treatment is not started in time or the disease is acute, the pathology can lead to the development of the following complications:

    • Bacterial endocarditis is a disease in which heart valves produce inflammation as a result of exposure to damaged valve structures of pathogenic microorganisms;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • pulmonary edema;
    • cardiac arrhythmias - ventricular or atrial extrasystole, atrial fibrillation;ventricular fibrillation;
    • thromboembolism - the formation of blood clots in the brain, lungs, intestines and other organs, which is fraught with the onset of strokes and heart attacks.
    In the treatment of aortic insufficiency by surgery, there is a risk of developing such complications as: implant destruction, thrombus formation, endocarditis. Operated patients often have to take life-long medications to prevent complications.

    Symptoms of

    Symptoms of the disease depend on its stage. In the initial stages, the patient may not experience any unpleasant sensations of the , since only the left ventricle is exposed to the load-a sufficiently powerful heart department that is able to withstand a malfunction in the circulatory system for a very long time.

    With the development of pathology, the following symptoms begin to appear:

    • Pulsating sensations in the head, neck, heartbeat , especially in lying position. These signs are due to the fact that a larger volume of blood enters the aorta than usual - blood is added to the normal amount, which returns to the aorta through a loosely-closed valve.
    • Pain sensations in the heart region .They can be compressive or squeezing, they appear because of the violation of blood flow through the arteries.
    • Heart palpitations .It is formed as a result of lack of blood in the organs, as a result of which the heart is forced to work in an accelerated rhythm to compensate for the necessary volume of blood.
    • Dizziness, fainting, severe headache, vision problems, buzzing in the ears .Characteristic for the 3rd and 4th stages, when the blood circulation is disturbed in the brain.
    • Weakness in the body, increased fatigue, shortness of breath, heart rhythm disturbances, increased sweating e. At the onset of the disease, these symptoms occur only with physical exertion, later they begin to disturb the patient and in a calm state. The appearance of these signs is associated with a violation of the flow of blood to the organs.
    The acute form of the disease can lead to an overload of the left ventricle and the formation of pulmonary edema in conjunction with a sharp drop in blood pressure. If surgical care is not provided during this period, the patient may die.

    When to call a doctor and to which

    This pathology requires timely medical attention. If you find the first signs - increased fatigue, ripple in the neck or in the head, pressing pain in the sternum and shortness of breath - should see a doctor as soon as possible. therapist, cardiologist are engaged in treatment of this disease.


    For the diagnosis, the physician examines the patient's complaints, his lifestyle, anamnesis, then the following examinations are performed:

    • Physical examination .It allows to reveal such signs of aortic insufficiency as: pulsation of arteries, dilated pupils, expansion of heart to the left side, aortic augmentation in its initial site, low pressure.
    • Urine and blood test .With its help, you can determine the presence of concomitant disorders and inflammatory processes in the body.
    • Biochemical blood test .It shows the level of cholesterol, protein, sugar, uric acid. It is necessary to detect organ damage.
    • ECG for determining the heart rate and heart size. Learn everything about decoding the cardiac ECG.
    • Echocardiography of the .It allows to determine the diameter of the aorta and pathology in the structure of the aortic valve.
    • Radiography .Shows the location, shape and size of the heart.
    • Phonocardiogram for the study of heart murmurs.
    • CT, MRI, CCG - for the study of blood flow.

    Methods of treatment

    At the initial stages, when pathology is poorly expressed, patients are prescribed regular cardiologist visits, ECG examination and echocardiograms. The moderate form of aortic failure is medically treated with , the goal of therapy is to reduce the likelihood of damage to the aortic valve and left ventricular wall.

    First of all, prescribe drugs that eliminate the cause of the development of pathology. For example, if the cause was rheumatism, antibiotics may be indicated. As additional agents are prescribed:

    • diuretics;
    • ACE inhibitors - Lysinopril, Elanopril, Captopril;
    • beta-blockers - Anaprilin, Transicor, Atenolol;
    • angiotensin receptor blockers - Naviten, Valsartan, Losartan;
    • calcium blockers - Nifedipine, Corinfar;
    • preparations for the elimination of complications arising from aortic insufficiency.

    In severe forms, surgery may be prescribed. There are several types of surgery for aortic insufficiency:

    • aortic valve plastic;
    • prosthetic repair of the aortic valve;
    • implantation;
    • heart transplantation - performed with severe heart damage.

    If aortic valve implantation has been performed, patients are prescribed lifelong anticoagulant therapy - Aspirin, Warfarin .If the valve has been replaced by a prosthesis made of biological materials, anticoagulants will need to be taken in small courses( up to 3 months).Plastic surgery does not require the taking of these drugs.

    To prevent relapse, antibiotics, immunity, and timely treatment of infectious diseases can be prescribed.

    Forecasts and prevention measures

    The prognosis for aortic insufficiency depends on the severity of the disease, as well as on which disease caused the development of the pathology. Survival of patients with severe aortic insufficiency without symptoms of decompensation is approximately 5-10 years old .

    The stage of decompensation does not give such consolatory predictions for - drug therapy with it is ineffective and most patients, without timely surgical intervention, die within the next 2-3 years.

    Measures for the prevention of this disease are:

    • prevention of diseases that cause damage to the aortic valve - rheumatism, endocarditis;
    • hardening of the body;
    • timely treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases.

    Insufficient aortic valve - is a very serious disease that can not be allowed to drift .People can not help the cause here. Without proper drug treatment and constant monitoring by doctors, the disease can lead to severe complications, up to a lethal outcome.