Diet after vomiting

Contents of
  • Basic recommendations of
  • What can I eat after vomiting?
  • How to feed the baby after vomiting?
  • Video on topic

Vomiting is the protective mechanism of our body. It can appear as a result of disturbances in the digestive tract, nervous system, or medications. Vomiting may be one-time or have a prolonged nature.

One of the most common causes of gag reflex is food poisoning. When a person ate low-quality or spoiled food, the stomach throws it out with vomiting. Regardless of what caused the gag reflex, the stomach should be kept calm and give time until the appetite returns.

Vomiting very often leads to dehydration. Due to the violation of the water balance, the body is malfunctioning. That is why it is so important to comply with the drinking regime. Natural water should be drunk in small sips every twenty minutes. Preference is given to mineral water without gas, which includes salts.

If you drink a large amount at once, this can further exacerbate the situation. Water with gas will irritate the stomach even more. And what about milk? During vomiting, it is strictly not to drink, it can cause a new wave of an attack of nausea and vomiting.

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Diet in vomiting is the main method of treatment. It helps restore the water-salt balance, create sparing conditions in the intestines, and also provide the body with the necessary vitamins. Duration and severity of the diet directly depends on the cause, which caused vomiting. So, what can you eat after vomiting? Than to feed the child? How much can I go back to the usual diet? These and other questions will be answered in this article.

Basic recommendations of

First of all, you should find out why vomiting has occurred, whether it is accompanied by a stomach disorder or is an isolated case. If it is accompanied by painful cuts in the stomach, this may indicate an infectious process in the gastrointestinal tract( GI tract).

With nausea and vomiting, water is the most important thing the body needs.

The human body needs sufficient natural water. The liquid will help to quickly remove from the body those substances that triggered the disease. Try to drink a little water. If after that there was no repeated attack of nausea and vomiting, then drying, bread, or crackers without sugar and any additives.

A little later it is allowed to eat a little broth on lean meat, but without skins and fat. It is best to use chicken breast. In addition to water, you can drink decoction of herbs, diluted juices from green apples, weak tea. Rice broth will help to get rid of an unpleasant feeling of nausea.

Sometimes people have a strong desire to eat something salty. This may indicate a lack of chloride ions and sodium. In this case, in a glass of warm water, dissolve a teaspoon of salt and drink. Replenish the lack of potassium, you can with cabbage decoction, rose hips or a weak broth of prunes and raisins.

Enrich your body with a lot of vitamins and minerals the following recipe will help: two carrots and potatoes are poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled. The resulting broth filter, add salt to taste and take 100 ml every half hour. If an attack of nausea is accompanied by painful sensations in the abdomen, prepare a drink from starch.

A tablespoon of the product is filled with a glass of warm water. This solution envelops the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves irritation and pain.

It is strictly forbidden to eat foods that can adversely affect the work of the stomach, for example, pickles, marinades, jams, spicy, fatty, fried. This can again cause an eruption of the contents of the stomach, and in fact repeated vomiting has more serious consequences.

To help the stomach to cope with the disease will help self-prepared jelly from berries. The starch contained in it will help to stop the inflammatory reaction. Beneficially affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and oatmeal. Just cook it on water, not milk.

You should not also eat baked goods and fresh bread, it can even more destroy the microflora of the stomach during the period of illness. Only gray bread of coarse grind and some homemade noodles on lean broth are allowed. Use as little oil and fat as possible. Such products are digested for a long time and therefore will even more irritate the walls of the stomach.

Green tea with mint will help to get rid of the urge to vomit

To remove irritation, disinfect the digestive tract and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues, the following medicinal plants will help:

Feeding the baby with diarrhea
  • chicory;
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • elecampane;
  • seeds of flax.

If the unpleasant symptom was caused by eating spoiled food, the diet after vomiting should include the following:

  • liquid mucous porridges on water;
  • rice and oatmeal porridge;
  • compotes of dried fruits;
  • bread crumbs;
  • meat steamed meatballs.
Fatty, sharp, smoked foods can cause vomiting again, so they can not be eaten.

The "black list" of poisoning includes the following products:

  • vegetable and animal fats;
  • eggs;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • whole milk;
  • sour-milk products;
  • onion, garlic;
  • spices, spices, sauces, ketchup;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • coffee.

What can I eat after vomiting?

Not only the right choice of products is important, but also the way they are prepared. It is best to cook food for a couple, boil, bake, stew. Fry foods, especially with the use of large amounts of fat is strictly prohibited.

Prepared meals should be thoroughly grinded and served in a puree. It is recommended that the meat be twisted twice. Do not rush during the meal, chew everything thoroughly. Try not to eat hot or cold dishes, for the stomach it will be more comfortable to process food coming in a warm form.

Salt food irritates the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, so try to reduce the intake of table salt

The food after vomiting may include the following foods:

  • beets, carrots, zucchini;
  • bananas;
  • porridge with a small addition of milk and butter: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, semolina;
  • fish, chicken and turkey meat;
  • cottage cheese, yoghurt, kefir;
  • boiled eggs, steam omelettes;
  • crackers, biscuits, dried bread;
  • wild boar.

Consider an approximate diet menu, which can be adhered to both an adult and a child. The difference is only in the sizes of portions. Next, the ration will be presented for one day:

  • Breakfast. Oat porridge on the water and steam omelet. Green tea.
  • Snack. Homemade yogurt and banana puree.
  • Lunch. Mashed potatoes and meatballs from turkey. Berry jelly and biscuit biscuits.
  • Snack. Baked in the oven fish. Dried fruits compote.
  • Dinner. Rice porridge and stewed vegetables. Still mineral water.

Vomiting with bile can be caused by poisoning, but this symptom also indicates the development of diseases of the liver, pancreas and bile ducts. The vomitive reflex is accompanied by the appearance of unpleasant bitterness in the mouth. To determine the cause and further tactics, it is important to undergo a survey.

How to feed the baby after vomiting?

Children usually react sharply to the food they are given for the first time, this can cause a vomiting reflex. Also, infectious processes can become the cause of an unpleasant symptom. During an attack of nausea, there is no appetite, so parents should not force-feed the child.

In the first day of the child, you need to alternately drink such drinks:

  • herbal and black tea;
  • rose hips;
  • mineral water without gas;
  • pharmacy water-salt solutions;
  • slightly saline water;
  • compote of dried fruits.

At first, a child needs a sparing diet to restore the stomach. To accelerate the restoration of the gastrointestinal tract, the following foods will help: baked apples, bananas, boiled carrots and broccoli, a decoction of dried fruits, homemade yogurt, low-fat kefir. Eating for a child of 5 years should be crushed in a blender.

First, the child is given rice and buckwheat porridge. In a few days, you can give children's curds, vegetable purees, fruit juices. Parents should clearly understand what foods will be heavy for the baby's stomach: meat and fish, grapes, plums, pears, sweets, fruit juices, bakery products, some porridges: barley, pearl, millet, fats, vegetables and fruits in raw form.

Do not give food until vomiting stops.

And how to eat if vomiting started accompanied by diarrhea? The appearance of diarrhea indicates that the intestine has also become involved in the pathological process. After each act of defecation the child should be given a liquid, so in this case the risks of dehydration are doubled.

In diarrhea, whole milk should be eliminated, it is better for the child to give sour-milk products. In doing so, do not forget that one-day kefir has a laxative effect, which can further exacerbate the situation. Cottage cheese, eggs and rice, on the contrary, have a binding property.

In the diet should exclude foods rich in fiber:

  • white cabbage;
  • beans;
  • radish;
  • cucumbers;
  • greens.

Separately it is necessary to tell about a vomiting at grudnichkov. If this happens, then you should not stop breastfeeding, but on the contrary, you need to do it more often. Mother's milk is well absorbed and helps to fill the stock of lost fluid. If the baby is on artificial feeding, continue to give the usual mixture.

So, vomiting is an unpleasant symptom that signals various diseases and they are not always related to the work of the digestive tract. Most often, a gag reflex arises from poisoning. Diet plays a big role in the process of recovery and recovery of the digestive tract.

Due to the eruption of the contents of the stomach, a large amount of fluid is lost, so patients should drink more. If vomiting occurs in your child, do not force him to eat during nausea. Be sure to take a survey and follow the recommendations of the specialist in every way!

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