Home Treatment

Causes of ureaplasma in women

Ureplasma is a common infectious disease that often affects men and women. The main difficulty in diagnosing and treating infectious disease is the almost complete absence of symptoms. It is easier to protect against ureaplasmosis than to fight it, it is worth knowing about the main causes of ureaplasma in women, on what grounds infection can be detected, as this disease usually treats. Content: What it is? How is it transmitted Causes of pregnancy Symptoms Can ureaplasma cause infertility? ...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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Home Treatment

Learn how to remove the stone on the leg

Bulging bones and cones on the legs are very common, sometimes such pathologies do not initially cause inconvenience. However, later they can provoke the development of other diseases and become a serious cosmetic defect. It is worth knowing how to remove the stone on the leg with the most accessible, simple and modern methods. Content: Why bones on the legs grow? Is it possible to remove the stone on the leg How to remove a bone on the leg without surgery How to remove the stone behind the ...

  • 28-Jun-2018
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How to get rid of bad breath

Unpleasant odor from the mouth is a common phenomenon. In medicine, it is called halitosis, which can be eliminated after eliminating the provoking factor. An adult can have discomfort, self-doubt. Deciding how to get rid of the smell from the mouth, it is important to know under what diseases it appears. Content: How to check the freshness of breathing How to remove after Smoking and alcohol After meal After sleep In diseases of the digestive tract Home-made recipes Related articles: Inst...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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Diet for adults and children with bronchial asthma

The most significant causes of bronchial asthma are hereditary predisposition and allergic reactions. Of allergens, medicinal allergens, the products of vital activity of dust mites and cockroaches, bird fluff, spores of mold fungi, pollen of plants are of the greatest importance. Also one of the allergens that cause asthma are food. People who have problems with respiratory organs need a special diet for bronchial asthma. It is important to take in food only those foods that do not cause all...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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Home Treatment

Treatment of dermatitis with ointments and creams

Dermatitis is a serious disease of the skin. Experts agree that the disease must be treated in a comprehensive manner, so it is recommended to use several drugs at the same time. As a rule, the doctor will carefully examine the affected area, if necessary, assign tests and on the basis of the data obtained, select the correct treatment regimen. The article will talk about a disease such as dermatitis, its treatment with ointment and cream. Content: Brief description of the disease Types of r...

  • 05-Jul-2018
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Home Treatment

Condylomatosis: genital warts in women, causes and treatment

Condylomas are inflammatory processes that have a viral origin. Gynecologists consider such neoplasms as factors that can provoke cervical cancer. Why does condylomatosis appear (genital warts in women), treatment with traditional and folk methods. Do I need to remove condylomas? Content: Why are the The main signs of the disease Medication Do I need to delete it? Condylomatosis in Pregnancy Home Treatment Celandine Iodine Related articles: Condylomata in women: photo and treatment of dise...

  • 28-Jun-2018
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Home Treatment

How to increase hemoglobin in the blood with the help of products

Hemoglobin is an important constituent of red blood cells, it is a protein complex, in the absence of which anemia develops. Usually hemoglobin deficiency arises from too little iron in the diet. It is worth knowing which foods increase hemoglobin, how best to make a diet to cope with this condition? Content: What products contain iron for hemoglobin? Products that increase hemoglobin in pregnancy Products to raise hemoglobin in children Related articles: Low hemoglobin in adults - what pr...

  • 08-Jul-2018
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Dry cough how to cure folk remedies?

Surely everyone at least once in life experienced an attack of dry cough. Starting with a simple sore throat, it gradually intensifies, shaking the entire body, depriving sleep and rest. Attacks can begin quite unexpectedly and last a long time. Therefore, you need to quickly cure dry cough folk remedies. Content: Treatment of dry cough folk remedies in adults What drink Medicinal herbs Lollipops Rinses Inhalation Compresses and applications for the treatment of dry cough Treatment of dry co...

  • 25-Jun-2018
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Home Treatment

Decoding of biochemical blood test - table

To establish the exact cause of the disease, based only on external examination is almost impossible. This requires laboratory diagnosis. One of the most revealing is a biochemical blood test, the transcript of which allows to reveal many pathologies, even in the absence of severe symptoms. Content: What is it needed for Preparation for biochemical analysis What is included in the biochemical blood test Table of decoding by indicators Possible diseases Biochemical analysis in children Rela...

  • 04-Jul-2018
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Home Treatment

What are ascarids - the symptoms of infection and treatment

Parasites live close to us everywhere - they are worms, bacteria, germs, fungi. There are a lot of them. We are also interested in: "What are ascarids?" These are helminths - round worms from a detachment of nematodes. The people call them worms, and the disease caused by parasites - ascariasis. Consider what the worm is, what signs appear in a person during infection, how to determine the presence of worms and methods for their treatment. Content: What do they look like? Features of the str...

  • 29-Jun-2018
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