Vitamins for cervical osteochondrosis


  • 1Vitamins in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis
    • 1.1The role of vitamin therapy in the treatment of osteochondrosis
    • 1.2What vitamins are indicated for osteochondrosis?
    • 1.3Retinol
    • 1.4Vitamins of group B
    • 1.5Ascorbic acid
    • 1.6Calciferol
    • 1.7Tocopherol
    • 1.8What foods contain vitamins?
    • 1.9Nutrition for osteochondrosis
    • 1.10Vitamin preparations
    • 1.11Reviews
  • 2The best vitamins for osteochondrosis: reviews and recommendations
    • 2.1How does therapy work?
    • 2.2How can this help?
    • 2.3What vitamins should I drink?
    • 2.4Benefits of Vitamin B
    • 2.5How useful is vitamin D?
    • 2.6Nutrition for osteochondrosis
    • 2.7List of required products
    • 2.8Nutrition recommendations
    • 2.9Vitamins for lumbar osteochondrosis
    • 2.10Effects of admission
    • 2.11What other vitamins can I drink with osteochondrosis of the lumbar region?
    • 2.12Other drugs
  • 3Vitamins for osteochondrosis
    • 3.1What does vitamin therapy provide for osteochondrosis
    • 3.2What vitamins help to treat osteochondrosis
    • 3.3Vitamin B1
    • 3.4Vitamin B6
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.5Vitamin B12
    • 3.6A nicotinic acid
    • 3.7Combined medicines of vitamins of group B
    • 3.8What vitamins help maintain a healthy spine
  • 4Vitamins for osteochondrosis for treatment of cervical and lumbar spine
    • 4.1Vitamins for osteochondrosis and their beneficial properties
    • 4.2Retinol (A)
    • 4.3Group B
    • 4.4Ascorbic acid (C)
    • 4.5Calciferol (D)
    • 4.6Tocopherol (E)
    • 4.7Why is vitamins important for the treatment of the spine?
    • 4.8Sheep Department
    • 4.9Thoracic
    • 4.10Lumbar
    • 4.11Products containing vitamin composition
    • 4.12What Drugs to Drink
    • 4.13How to take
    • 4.14Injections that can be pierced
    • 4.15Conclusion
  • 5Vitamins necessary for cervical osteochondrosis
    • 5.1The general benefit of vitamin therapy
    • 5.2The most necessary / H3> As a rule, the complex includes vitamins that promote the process of recovery in osteochondrosis:
    • 5.3Ascorbic acid
    • 5.4B1 (thiamine)
    • 5.5B2 (riboflavin)
    • 5.6B6 (pyridoxine)
    • 5.7B12 (cyanocobalamin)
    • 5.8Vitamin D
    • 5.9Tocopherol
    • 5.10Drugs from a pharmacy

Vitamins in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Vitamins D, group B and vitamin C help to delay the development of osteochondrosis, reduce its symptoms and even help the body fight the disease

Osteochondrosis is a frequently occurring disease of the spine, predisposing factor to which is a wrong way of life. This diagnosis has a large number of people of different ages.

With this disease, the spine loses its elasticity, the intervertebral discs become numb, salt elements form on the spinal elements. These processes are fraught with the development of inflammation, infringement of the nerves that come out through the body of the vertebrae.

Treatment of the disease includes the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments, physiotherapy, a number of methods folk and alternative medicine, but as a complex treatment of osteochondrosis, doctors recommend taking vitamins. It is about vitamins that will be discussed in this article.

The role of vitamin therapy in the treatment of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a serious disease, to slow its development, the body needs a wide range of various vitamins

Osteochondrosis is a gradually developing chronic disease. Diseases with such a course, in addition to the main target organ (in case of osteochondrosis it is the spine), affect the whole organism as a whole.

Therefore, it is extremely important to provide worthy support to the entire body.

Vitamins are organic chemicals that the body needs for life.


If there is a lack or excess of any of the substances, this inevitably leads to a general deterioration of the body and serious diseases.


Also, in order for the body to resist the development of diseases, a person should receive a full range of vitamins. In the conditions of our life, people often develop hypovitaminosis - a deficiency of compounds in the body.

Vitamins in osteochondrosis are extremely important, as they supply the body with vital substances. To the content ↑

What vitamins are indicated for osteochondrosis?

When complex treatment of the disease, the role of vitamin therapy is directed to the performance of a number of functions: general strengthening of the body, restoration of the structure of the cartilaginous tissue spine, adjustment of carrying out of nervous impulses, provocation of regeneration of tissues, improvement of general well-being - improvement of a patient's psychological state.

With such a disease as osteochondrosis, the body needs a number of water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins, each of which must fulfill a certain function.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the brain suffers, the cells of which do not receive the necessary amount of oxygen, and the conduction of nerve impulses is disturbed.

There are such symptoms: dizziness, sleep disturbances, poor concentration of attention, even neuroses.

With vitamin osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, a special role for the organism is played by group B - thiamin, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin.

They promote the conduct of nerve impulses, setting up the work of the brain, and cyanocobalamin helps cells to saturate with oxygen, preventing the occurrence of oxygen starvation in the body.

Here is a list of the most important vitamins in the treatment of the disease:

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Vitamin A. Refers to the group of fat-soluble vitamins. It is a powerful antioxidant. In the human body, retinol is synthesized from beta-carotene.

The daily norm of retinol for an adult is 900 mcg.

In the treatment of osteochondrosis, retinol is an indispensable vitamin, since strengthening the cell membranes, helps restore damaged cartilage tissue and protects against the progression of the disease.

Participates in the processes of formation of new blood cells, helping to transport oxygen and nutrients to the affected areas of the spine. To the content of ↑

Vitamins of group B

All vitamins of this group are water-soluble, they are easily eliminated from the body, causing hypovitaminosis. Group B plays an essential role in the cellular metabolism, the normal course of which is necessary for the growth, recovery and regeneration of the tissues of the whole organism.

In vitamin therapy of osteochondrosis, the most important:

  1. thiamine (B1) - converts proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy necessary for the development of the cell. Normalizes the conduct of nerve impulses along the fibers. Participates in the restoration of intervertebral discs, gives impetus to the oppression of the disease, it relieves painful attacks, improves the overall psychological state.
  2. pyridoxine (B6) - is involved in the formation of hemoglobin - a protein transporting oxygen in the blood; adapts the work of the nervous system. Reduces the risk of hypoxia in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, improves nutrition of the cells of the intervertebral discs and muscles surrounding the spine, reduces pain.
  3. cyanocobalamin (B12) - promotes hemopoiesis, restores the structure of nerve tissues. Removes inflammation, improves nutrition of disease-affected cells.

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Cyanocobalamin PyridoxineTiamin content ↑

Ascorbic acid

Vitamin C - water-soluble, does not accumulate in the body. Participates in most vital processes, being one of the most important vitamins. Antioxidant.

The daily norm is 90 mg for an adult.

In the treatment of spine osteochondrosis, an important function of ascorbic acid is to participate in the synthesis of collagen necessary for the elasticity and performance of the cartilaginous discs of the spine.

Antioxidant properties cause the removal of harmful substances from the body (toxins), strengthening immunity and the general stability of the body.k content ↑


Vitamin D. Refers to fat-soluble vitamins. The presence of fats in the diet is necessary for the assimilation of the vitamin by the body.

The daily requirement is 15 mcg.

Calciferol is indispensable in osteochondrosis - it is thanks to this vitamin that the body is able to use calcium-derived calcium to repair damaged structures of the spine.

Calcium accumulates in the bone and cartilaginous tissues of the spine, strengthening the content ↑


Vitamin E. Also from the group of fat-soluble vitamins.

Protects cell membranes from oxidative processes, preventing their destruction. It is indispensable in slowing the development of the disease.

The need for an organism in tocopherol is 8-10 mg per day.

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What foods contain vitamins?

To get the body the necessary amount of vitamins, each person's food should be varied and balanced.

Retinol is found in plant and animal foods, but the leading sources are animal products: fish oil and liver. From vegetable products, carrots, spinach, green onions, Bulgarian pepper are allocated.

Vitamins of group B are rich in cereals, buckwheat, peas. An exception is cyanocobalamin - it is found only in products of animal origin (liver, egg yolk, cottage cheese, cheese).

The leaders in the content of ascorbic acid are rose hips, parsley, sweet pepper, kiwi, sea buckthorn and currant.

Fish oil is a deposit of calciferol, as are fatty fish species (cod, salmon). Strongly behind the leaders - mushrooms (chanterelles).

Vitamin E is found in almost every plant, the most rich are seeds. For consumption of the norm of tocopherol, nuts and vegetable oil should be present in the diet.

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Nutrition for osteochondrosis

Many of the food products available to most residents contain these vitamins, respectively, if the rules of nutrition for osteochondrosis are observed, good results can be achieved

In the presence of any chronic diseases you need to monitor your diet. Few can use the abundance of harmful products with impunity.

Osteochondrosis is no exception. General requirements for spine disease are the exclusion of smoked products, the normalized consumption of sweet, floury, fatty. It is recommended to focus on vegetables of all kinds, low-fat varieties of meat (poultry, rabbit).

Such a necessary structure of the spine of calcium can be obtained from fermented milk products - they are extremely important for patients with osteochondrosis.

Many vegetables, characteristic of our climate, contribute to the removal of toxins from the body, which is also an important criterion in this disease.

Necessarily in the diet of a person with a diagnosis of osteochondrosis should be present fish, preferably 1-2 fish days a week.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the amount of salt consumed.

Excess of salts greatly accelerates the development of the disease, contributing to the formation of osteophytes - salt deposits on the spine.

It is important to monitor your own weight, avoiding overeating. The presence of excess weight creates an additional burden on the patient's spine, worsening his condition.

More about nutrition and diet for osteochondrosis read in this article.

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Vitamin preparations

In the treatment of osteochondrosis, doctors often prescribe the use of vitamin complexes. It is not excluded and the appointment of injections of vitamins separately, because most of them have an injection form.

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However, this way in the treatment of the disease is used rarely because of the painful injections and the complexity of combining all the necessary vitamins.

The modern assortment of pharmacies is rich in tablets containing a complex of the most important vitamins and microelements. They vary depending on the composition, the manufacturer and the price.

Vitamin complexes are sold without a prescription, but before using them, it is advisable to consult a doctor, especially if you have chronic diseases.

The most common and quality vitamin preparations:

  • Undevit;
  • Vitrum;
  • Supradin;
  • Quadevite;
  • Alphabet;
  • Complivit.

Photo preparations:

VitrumCompletitKvadevit UndevitSupradinAlfavite

With vitamin therapy of such a disease as osteochondrosis it is desirable to select a complex containing water and fat-soluble vitamins and calcium (Complivit, Vitrum, Centrum).

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Alla, 51 years old: Already more than 20 years I live with the diagnosis of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

In parallel with ointments and regular massage, I often go through a course of vitamins. With exacerbations of the sting group B, in the stage of remission every six months I drink Centrum.

I will say that with complex treatment the condition is stable, the exacerbations of the disease are extremely rare.

Igor, 43 years old: Years from 14 1-2 times a year I drink the supradin. At the age of 23, we noticed osteochondrosis at the initial stage, more than 10 years passed, from the treatment only vitamins, the disease did not pass to the next stage.

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The best vitamins for osteochondrosis: reviews and recommendations

What vitamins are better for osteochondrosis? This is a common question. Let's look at this article.

Often the elderly suffer from osteochondrosis. However, recent cases have become more frequent cases of this disease among young people under 25 years old.

This is due to the modern low-mobility "office" lifestyle and spending most of the time in front of the computer monitor.


It is this pastime that adversely affects the intervertebral space, causing it to contract in the cervical and lumbar regions.


At first, the pain syndrome manifests itself weakly and irregularly, but over time, the situation can sharply worsen, and the pain - become your terrible nightmare.

How does therapy work?

The therapy of osteochondrosis is carried out in a complex way and, as a rule, takes a very long time. With exacerbations, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic preparations may be prescribed.

In especially severe cases, the technique of stretching the spine is applied, which relieves pain, extends the intervertebral space, giving freedom to the clamped tissues, and allows the cartilage to begin recovery.

If the disease does not occur in an acute form, special massages, therapeutic physical training and physiotherapy are prescribed.

Not the least in the process of recovery is the support of the body as a whole with the help of vitamin therapy and compliance with the water-salt balance.

How can this help?

For the normal functioning of all organs and systems in the human body, it is vitally important to balance the level of vitamins and minerals.

The intake of vitamins in osteochondrosis is aimed at normalizing the body's functions from within, enhancing immune properties, regenerating tissues, etc.

Thus, replenishment of the level of vitamins helps:

  1. It is better to absorb calcium in bone structures.
  2. Strengthen cartilage tissue.
  3. Normalize the conductivity of nerve impulses.
  4. Restore the tissues.
  5. Increase sensitivity.
  6. Strengthen the immune properties of the body.

What vitamins should I drink?

Treatment requires mandatory inclusion in the diet of vitamins for osteochondrosis. Necessary for the restoration of cartilaginous tissue are:

  1. Retinol (vitamin A). Restores tissue cartilage and promotes blood circulation.
  2. B vitamins for osteochondrosis are very useful. Thiamine increases the resistance properties of the body, nourishes the tissues of the nervous system, promotes the exchange of proteins. Riboflavin acts on the cartilage, making them more elastic. Pyridoxine increases the muscle strength and immunity of the body as a whole. Cyanocobalamin removes inflammation and normalizes metabolic processes.
  3. Vitamin C. Provides deintoxication of the body, increases immunity, relieves inflammation and has a beneficial effect on regeneration processes.
  4. Vitamin D. It helps calcium to be absorbed in the body in full.
  5. Vitamin E. It is a powerful antioxidant.

Benefits of Vitamin B

Vitamin B in osteochondrosis is the basis of successful vitamin therapy for osteochondrosis. It helps to get rid of soreness and reduce neurological manifestations of the disease.

You can use both in the form of injections, and orally.

When administered intramuscularly categorically it is not recommended to mix B1, B6 and B12 in one injection, since they can either neutralize each other, or promote the development of an allergic reaction.

How useful is vitamin D?

Vitamins from the D group help calcium assimilate in the body in the required amount. This allows to significantly strengthen the bone structures and ligaments. A and E do not allow the cartilage to disintegrate, since during their admission, free radicals are neutralized.

Both vitamins are taken at the same time, since in this variant their action in the tissues is enhanced, and they protect each other from the destructive intestinal environment.

In addition to single-component vitamins in the osteochondrosis of the cervical department, special complexes have been developed that contribute to replenishing the level of minerals in the body.

Nutrition for osteochondrosis

Regardless of localization of osteochondrosis, it delivers to the patient a lot of unpleasant and painful sensations. In neglected form, serious complications can begin, since the cervical region is in close proximity to the brain.

Sometimes the lack of therapy for osteochondrosis leads not only to small mobility of the hands and neck, but also to numbness, but also to hypotension, unceasing pain and, in some cases, to muscular atrophy. Thus vitamins at an osteochondrosis can accelerate convalescence.

The proliferation of bone tissue in the cervical vertebrae, together with the lowered position of the cerebellar tonsils in the large occipital foramen, can lead to clamping of the medulla oblongata, which, in turn, is responsible for the full functioning of the heart and respiratory organs.

To prevent such fatal complications for the body, with osteochondrosis of the cervical department it is necessary to take vitamins, placing emphasis on group B.

This will help support the body as a whole and the nervous system in particular.
The early stage of the disease does not require, however, the intake of special vitamin-mineral complexes, since a sufficient amount of useful substances can be obtained from products by correcting their diet.

List of required products

Let's see what products contain the necessary vitamins for cervical osteochondrosis:

  • Vitamin A: dairy products, fish oil, carrots, butter, green onions.
  • Vitamin B1: bran bread, rice, nuts, meat, yeast, dairy products.
  • Vitamin B2: meat, eggs, liver, mushrooms, buckwheat, yeast.
  • Vitamin B6: bran, meat and fish, soy, milk, eggs, butter.
  • Vitamin B12: liver, meat, milk, eggs.
  • Vitamin C: citrus fruits, kiwi, tomatoes, red pepper, parsley, spinach, raspberries, onions, cabbage, spinach.
  • Vitamin D: butter, eggs, dairy products.
  • Vitamin E: yolk, liver, legumes, vegetable oil.

Vitamins for cervical osteochondrosis are usually taken as a course lasting one month. The break between the courses should be several months, and a year can hold no more than four vitamin therapies.

Nutrition recommendations

Admission of vitamins in osteochondrosis certainly contributes to a speedy recovery, but nutrition plays a significant role in this process. And in this regard, there are some recommendations:

  • Fractional meals up to 6 times a day.
  • Daily calorie within 2500-2600.
  • Decreased consumption of fast carbohydrates.
  • Reducing the amount of salt used.
  • Eating vegetables in raw form.
  • The exclusion of sugar in the diet and its replacement with honey and dried fruits.
  • Refuse to use spices and coffee.
  • Supplement the diet with chondroprotectors.

Vitamins for lumbar osteochondrosis

The pharmaceutical industry is ready to offer a wide range of vitamin-mineral complexes aimed at solving a variety of health problems. Below we will consider the most popular drugs that are prescribed for patients suffering from any kind of osteochondrosis.

  1. "Pentovit." Produced in Russia and contains vitamins from group B: B1, B6, B12 and B9 and nicotinic acid. The drug is actively involved in the metabolic processes of the body, regulating carbohydrate and lipid exchange, has a stimulating effect on the conductivity of nerve impulses and replenishes the level vitamins. The daily dosage is from three to six tablets. The average course of admission is one month.
  2. "Duovit". Contains 19 names of minerals and vitamins in the composition. Provides the body of a patient with osteochondrosis with all necessary useful substances. The drug is a tablet of red and blue. The first provide the body with vitamins from group B, and the latter - the necessary minerals. In a day, one tablet of both colors is taken. After 20 days of taking a break. The repeated course is conducted only according to the appointment of a specialist.
  3. «Decamevit». Quite often it is prescribed for osteochondrosis therapy and has well proven itself. In addition to the full spectrum of B vitamins, it contains ascorbic acid, vitamins A and E, cholecalciferol, methionine and vitamin K.

Effects of admission

The combination of components in vitamins with osteochondrosis provides the following effects from taking the drug:

  • Stimulation of growth and restoration of cartilage and bone structures.
  • Antioxidant action.
  • Acceleration of carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism.
  • Normalization of glucose.
  • Podstegivanie immune qualities of the body.
  • Detoxification.
  • Regulation of blood clotting rate.

"Decamevit" is taken 2 tablets per day. The course is 20 days, and the break between the two methods should be at least a couple of months.

What other vitamins can I drink with osteochondrosis of the lumbar region?

  • Centrum. Produced in the USA. It is intended for saturation of nervous, cartilaginous and bone tissues with useful substances. Includes not only all the necessary vitamins, but also minerals. Thus, a patient with osteochondrosis can provide his body with all the beneficial microelements. The drug has a positive effect on the restoration of bone structures in the spine, as well as stimulates metabolic processes. The course of therapy involves taking the drug for one month.
  • "Milgamma." The drug comes from Germany. In addition to providing the body with the necessary vitamins, it is able to have an analgesic effect in osteochondrosis of any part of the spine. In addition to the standard set of vitamins, the "Milgramam" includes lidocaine. The drug is administered intramuscularly and is able to quickly and effectively stop the process of inflammation. Often appointed for therapy of osteochondrosis and neurological pathologies. Among other things, it normalizes blood circulation and hematopoiesis. Used in a dosage of 2 mg. per day for 10 days. After the course of injections and the removal of pain, the drug can be administered in the form of tablets for further therapy.
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Other drugs

In addition to these drugs, there are a number of other medications, such as Magne, Unicap, Neurobion, Calcium D3-Nycomed, and so on.

The choice is quite large, therefore, it is better to give it to the attending physician, who will be guided by the appointment to your individual characteristics and the nature of the course of the disease.

In addition to drug therapy and revision of the diet, treatment of osteochondrosis involves the rejection of bad habits, the connection of special exercises and training, as well as massages.

Now we know what vitamins to drink with osteochondrosis.

A source: http://.ru/article/354762/luchshie-vitaminyi-pri-osteohondroze-otzyivyi-i-rekomendatsii

Vitamins for osteochondrosis

On the development of dystrophic processes in the spine, which inevitably cause irreversible changes, affect the way of life, excessive loads, excess weight and, of course, the rate of metabolic processes.

Indirect impact has and nutrition, and the balance of vitamins, trace elements, reflecting on the state of cartilaginous tissues and the abilities of nerve connections.

Therefore, diet therapy and vitamin therapy occupy key positions in both preventive and recovery activities when dealing with pathologies of the joints and spine.

In addition, vitamins for osteochondrosis are directly involved in the treatment of pathology.

What does vitamin therapy provide for osteochondrosis

Treatment of osteochondrosis is aimed at eliminating pain and inflammation, removing spasms, as well as restoring the structures of vertebrae and damaged nerve tissues.

Vitamin complexes help to start the regeneration process, having a multifaceted effect on the body and greatly facilitating the patient's condition.

Vitamins for cervical osteochondrosis have a wide range of actions:

  • strengthens immune defense;
  • participate in the restoration of cartilaginous, nervous tissues;
  • improve the conductivity of nerve endings, fibers;
  • have analgesic effect;
  • stimulate metabolic processes;
  • restore sensitivity;
  • strengthen the bone elements;
  • prevent the degeneration of cartilage.

Vitamins can trigger many chemical reactions in the body. Their deficiency slows down metabolic processes, is reflected in the state of all organs and systems.

What vitamins help to treat osteochondrosis

For the normal condition of the spine vitamins are important, affecting the structure of bones and cartilage, reflecting on the functionality of nerve tissues, promoting protective and restoring abilities organism.

Vitamin B1

Thiamin takes a direct part in protein metabolism, affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Reflected on the state of the skeletal structures and the speed of nerve impulses. Has analgesic effect.

Can in small amounts accumulate in tissues, the absorption of thiamine depends on the state of the flora of the intestine. Drugs containing thiamine are taken orally or in the form of injections.

Has contraindications in the form of personal intolerance and side effects in the form of increased heart rate and sweating.

The natural form contains:

Our readers recommend


For the prevention and treatment of OSTEOCHONDROSIS, our regular reader uses the method of NEOPERATIVE treatment that is gaining popularity, recommended by leading German and Israeli orthopedists.


Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention.

  • in paprika, coriander;
  • in wheat, lentils;
  • in walnuts, pistachios;
  • in oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • in corn, macaroni;
  • in pork, liver.

Vitamin B6

Pyridoxine is indispensable in the treatment of osteochondrosis, since it participates in the formation of neurodermatites, affects the activity of the nervous system, helps to relieve muscle spasms.
Pharmacological drug occurs under the name pyridoxine hydrochloride in the form of tablets or ampoules.

Deficiency of pyridoxine is easily replenished by products in the form of:

  • tuna, sardine, mackerel;
  • garlic, horseradish;
  • sweet pepper;
  • pomegranate, sea-buckthorn;
  • chicken meat, beef liver;
  • millet.

Vitamin B12

Cyanocobalamin affects the synthesis of myelin, which is responsible for the state of nerve tissues and the speed of impulses.

Vitamin is involved in the formation and growth of conductors of nervous origin. With its deficiency there are feelings of nerve limbs, pain sensitivity is distorted.

Medical preparations with vitamin B12 are well tolerated.

For replenishment of stocks from food you can use:

  • cheese and eggs, sour cream;
  • pork, lamb, rabbit, beef;
  • carp, mackerel, sea bass;
  • liver and crab.

A nicotinic acid

Vitamin PP participates in oxidative processes, affects the recovery of nerve tissues. Thanks to nicotinic acid, respiration of tissues improves and metabolic processes are enhanced.

Combined medicines of vitamins of group B

In the treatment of osteochondrosis, combined therapies are often used. They are injected at the time of exacerbation of the disease in the form of injections to speed up the action. The injections of Milgramam, Vitagamma, Trigamma are popular.

Further treatment involves the administration of tableted drugs such as Neuromultivitis, Neurobion.
In the treatment of osteochondrosis with vitamin preparations, the parallel intake of other complexes is excluded.

What vitamins help maintain a healthy spine

In addition to B vitamins, which are so important for both treatment and health of the spine, it is advisable to take other vitamins:

  1. The level of calcium absorption depends on the vitamin D content, which directly participates in the structure of bone tissues.
  2. Vitamins E and A, supplementing each other, restrain the action of free radicals, than suppress the destruction of cartilaginous compounds.
  3. Vitamin C affects inflammatory processes and enhances the effect of other vitamin, medical drugs.

Vitamins play an important role in the health of the spine, taking part in many processes occurring in tissues, nerves, muscles, ligaments, and bones.

Of course, vitamin therapy does not belong to the main way of treating osteochondrosis, but it helps to speed up the healing process and forces the body to activate its forces to fight the disease.

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Vitamins for osteochondrosis for treatment of cervical and lumbar spine

Such negative factors as aging of the spine, changes in the cartilaginous tissues of the intervertebral discs, loss of moisture create the prerequisites for osteochondrosis. Pain occurs when the nerve roots begin to suffer from degenerative processes.

In complex treatment it is important to remove pain syndrome, inflammatory process and make prerequisites for the regeneration of damaged tissues, including nervous ones.

To start these processes, the treatment course includes vitamin preparations. Vitaminotherapy is involved in the cessation of destructive processes and significantly improves the patient's well-being.

Vitamins for osteochondrosis and their beneficial properties

Varieties of vitamins Group of antioxidants Vitamins of group B
Fat-soluble vitamin group E A D
Water-soluble vitamin group FROM IN 1 AT 2 AT 6 AT 12

Useful action of vitamin-containing drugs:

  • strengthening immunity,
  • participation in the regeneration of cartilage, bone and nerve tissue,
  • Improving the conductivity of nerve fibers,
  • anesthesia,
  • restoration of skin sensitivity,
  • strengthening the structure of bones,
  • protection of cartilage from destruction.

Retinol (A)

One of the purposes of the substance is the fight against free radicals.

This means that it protects the body at the cell level from destruction.

Retinol strengthens the barrier function of cartilage, improves their regeneration. He takes part in the hematopoiesis, the delivery of nutrition to the cells of the organs.

Strengthens immunity, protects the system from infections. It initiates the normalization of metabolic processes of calcium and phosphorus, is a participant in the regenerative processes of bone tissue.

Group B

They take part in the restoration of nerve fibers. Their presence is necessary to improve the metabolism of nerve cells.

Vitamins of group B do not have the property to accumulate. For normal life requires that a person received them daily.

  • AT 12- extremely important for the performance of nerve fibers. Deficiency of vitamin B12 automatically creates a shortage of В1. Tsianokobalamin helps reduce the course of inflammatory processes. It normalizes metabolism, participates in cellular respiration.
  • AT 6- is a catalyst for metabolic processes, revitalizes the regeneration of tissues. It is very useful in diseases of the spine, it is necessary in the postoperative period.
  • AT 2- promotes elasticity of cartilage. Positively affects the state of the nervous system. Riboflavin creates enzymes that are involved in the transfer of oxygen.
  • IN 1- improves protein metabolism, raises immunity. Nerve fibers need the presence of this vitamin.

Ascorbic acid (C)

It is a protective shield for cells from destruction by free radicals. Promotes tissue regeneration.

Takes part in the creation of collagen fibers. In the absence of ascorbic acid, connective tissue is not restored.

Increases immunity, fights infections. With inflammation, you should use increased doses of vitamin.

Ascorbic acid does not accumulate, it is necessary to continuously replenish its reserves through food or in the form of preparations.

Calciferol (D)

With age, the structure of the bones weakens, which leads to violations in the spine and joints. This contributes to an unhealthy lifestyle. The emerging porosity of bones leads to rickets in children, in adults it can cause osteoporosis.

The best remedy for such problems is the increase in the body of vitamin D and phosphorus, which will help him to digest.

This vitamin is the building material for the restoration of bones, it participates in the formation of the spinal cord, controls the calcium-phosphorus metabolism.

Vitamin D helps to ensure that cartilage and bone structures can receive calcium. Sunbathing and massage promote the appearance of the vitamin in the cells of the body.

Tocopherol (E)

Protects cartilage and other tissues from damage. Vitamins E and A should be taken at the same time, as their interaction produces a synergistic effect, they mutually help each other to survive and not break down in the intestine.

They participate in the regeneration of tissues, do not let them grow old.

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Why is vitamins important for the treatment of the spine?

With proper intake of vitamin therapy has no negative effect.

Vitamins are compounds that naturally can be transported into the body with food.This is necessary for a person to fully function all systems.

Food should be arranged so that the body receives with its intake of vitamin norms. It is also necessary that the ability to fully absorb them from food is not lost.

If there has already been a breakdown in health, vitamin-containing medications are prescribed by a doctor, and they become a means for restoring the functions of the tissues of organs and systems.

Sheep Department

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is fraught with complications, and its proximity to the brain makes this area a zone of increased attention. Vitamins are needed for tissue renewal.

Conditions are created that a new cell of tissue is born more healthy than an old one that has become obsolete.


Vitamin therapy brings healing closer. Vitamins will support the whole body as a whole, replenish its energy reserve and improve mood.


To make an appointment, the doctor will ask for an analysis for the presence of these substances in the body. Analyzes: whether there are deviations from the norm, and will make a precise prescription.


In the treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, during the remission period, B vitamins are prescribed to maintain the nerve tissues and exclude the occurrence of pain. Vitaminotherapy will help restore the body naturally.

Improvement of the roots of the nerves will help improve the work of the organs for which they respond.


In the treatment of this department, B vitamins are prescribed intramuscularly.

Nerve fibers due to partial destruction of the integrity of the myelin sheath poorly conduct a signal, which can create significant health problems. The intake of vitamins helps to establish the integrity of the shell.

It is important and after the end of treatment to continue to support the body with vitamins, selecting the appropriate diet.

Vitaminotherapy is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. Dose and how to properly conduct a course is determined by a specialist.

Because the positive effect can be achieved by making an individual and competent appointment, for example: B vitamins can not be combined in one syringe.

They should be pricked separately each vitamin.

Products containing vitamin composition

To compose a therapeutic diet, you need to get a specialist consultation.

The name of the vitamin Contained in products
E vegetable oils of cold pressing: soybean, corn, olive, sunflower, also fresh vegetables,
A liver of beef, pork, cod; cottage cheese, especially fat, fodder, milk, butter,
FROM rose hips, grapefruits, sweet peppers, greens, fruits and leaves of black currants, fresh vegetables, sprouted wheat,
D herring, oats, acre, as well as, sea products, yeast, fish liver, egg yolks, fish oil,
AT 12 liver beef, beef or veal, egg yolk, sour-milk products,
AT 6 a large number in the liver of animals, potatoes, bran, yeast, anana, egg yolk, pork, carrots, asoles
AT 2 yeast, milk, beef, almonds, buckwheat, oat flakes, eggs, veal,
IN 1 yeast dry beer, hazelnuts, oatmeal and buckwheat groats, meats, eggs, apples, fish, poultry, milk.

What Drugs to Drink

When osteochondrosis is prescribed:

How to take

Preparations take courses. The period of admission is a month. Take a break the same for a month.

On the recommendation of a doctor, treatment with vitamin therapy can be repeated.

During the year, several courses of vitamin therapy can be taken. It is better to coordinate your actions with a specialist.

Vitamins, which are fat-soluble - have a property in the body to accumulate.

Therefore, the purpose of vitamin-containing drugs is reasonable to do after the analysis for their presence in the body.

Injections that can be pierced

Traditionally, the doctor often prescribes preparations for group B for injections in a quick way. Intramuscular intake of vitamins usually gives a positive effect.

Care should be taken and during this period, do not take any drugs and supplements with the content of similar components.B vitamins are administered separately.


Vitaminotherapy in the complex treatment of osteochondrosis will help the body to raise the level of energy and adjust its own forces for recovery. Treatment of osteochondrosis is a lengthy process and the result depends on the patient's desire to recover.

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Vitamins necessary for cervical osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the cervical part affects the work of the nervous system and can be complicated by depressions and neuroses on the background of accumulated fatigue and sleep problems.

For this reason, in the scheme of drug treatment there are always preparations containing a complex Vitamin improves the transmission of nerve impulses, also contributing to the restoration of the cartilaginous plate.

Vitamins for cervical osteochondrosis can be used in the form of injections, tablets, and must be present in the patient's diet in sufficient quantities.

The general benefit of vitamin therapy

When it comes to irreversible changes in the structure of the spine, it is unlikely that anyone will seriously take vitamin therapy as one of the effective methods to overcome the ailment. However, the facts in favor of vitamins speak for themselves.

Vitamins are involved in all processes in the body, promote the production of collagen, participate in the synthesis of proteins, without them it is impossible to assimilate many nutrients.

At the same time, the body synthesizes part of the vitamins itself, but most of them we get only with food or, with an unbalanced diet, we must use synthetic vitamins.

An abnormal metabolism, which always accompanies osteochondrosis or is its attendant factor, does not allow the digestion of vitamins from food in the necessary quantity, so that the deficit of useful substances does not become catastrophic, the patient is prescribed a number of drugs containing all the necessary vitamins in sufficient quantity. Such complexes significantly strengthen immunity, reduce inflammation in the joints and soft tissues, anesthetize, improve tissue regeneration and innervation of internal organs, promote regeneration cartilage.

In this case, vitamins for osteochondrosis should be applied systematically and according to the prescription of the doctor, as some of them can neutralize or enhance the effects of others on the body. With vitamins, as with medicines, self-medication can not be tolerated, since their overabundance in the body can be no less dangerous than the deficit.

The most necessary / H3> As a rule, the complex includes vitamins that promote the process of recovery in osteochondrosis:

Retinol is a powerful antioxidant, participates in the structure of intercellular membranes, promotes the restoration of cartilaginous and binding tissue.

Ascorbic acid

An irreplaceable substance for the restoration of bone and connective tissue, eliminates inflammatory processes, eliminates the headache, removes toxins, promotes the production of collagen necessary for the construction of cartilaginous tissue.

B vitamins are especially important in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, depending on the formula they perform a number of tasks that favorably influence the body:

B1 (thiamine)

It is concentrated in the bones used by the body for the normalization of metabolic processes and the assimilation of proteins. Has a direct effect on the work of the cardiac and nervous system. With thiamine deficiency, there are disruptions in the rhythm of the heart, and nerves also occur.

B2 (riboflavin)

It participates in the transportation of oxygen to cells, gives elasticity to the skin and connective tissue, speeds up the metabolic processes. With its deficiency, vision is impaired, the skin fades, depressions and neuroses arise.

B6 (pyridoxine)

Participates in the synthesis of adrenaline, serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine. He takes part in the production of hemoglobin, as well as in the assimilation of glucose by nerve cells.

B12 (cyanocobalamin)

Promotes the absorption of proteins and fats by the body, participates in blood formation, prevents the aging and death of nerve cells. Eliminates inflammation, which relieves pain in osteochondrosis.

Vitamin D

Helps absorb calcium and phosphorus from food, synthesizes hormones, participates in the multiplication of cells. It is irreplaceable for osteochondrosis, complicated by osteoporosis of bones.


Updates cells, removes toxins, removes inflammation, slows down the destructive process in the disk.

When appointing a vitamin complex, the doctor will certainly inquire about the patient's eating habits, the conditions of life and work, as well as the existence of bad habits.

Also, the doctor should examine the skin, the condition of the mucosa, hair and nails, additionally indicative of a shortage of a substance. Only, based on these data, you can recommend the vitamin complex, as well as its dosage.


So, a person who is constantly in the sun is contraindicated taking vitamin D in the warm season, and, to for example, smokers, there is a catastrophic lack of vitamin C, which is destroyed by heavy metals from tobacco smoke.


It should also be taken into account the amount of vitamins consumed with food, sometimes with a change in diet and method of heat treatment of products, up to 70% of the daily allowance of these substances is filled.

Drugs from a pharmacy

Drugs prescribed for osteochondrosis contain therapeutic doses of vitamins in combination, which enhances their efficacy, and also often supplemented with lidocaine for intramuscular administration in case of exacerbation disease.

Most often, with osteochondrosis of the cervical part, with the root syndrome, Milgamma injections are used, which includes B group vitamins and painkillers.

Can be used once in the form of blockade or intramuscularly course 2 - 3 weeks.

Neurovitan tablets contain B vitamins in therapeutic doses, this combination positively influences the state of the nervous system, normalizes blood circulation, increases efficiency. Dosage is prescribed by the doctor based on the initial indicators of the patient's condition and the deficiency of these active components in the body.

Multivitamin Neurobionum is also used for osteochondrosis of various parts, as it has analgesic effect and promotes the regeneration of nervous and cartilaginous tissue.

All without exception, vitamin complexes have their own contraindications and peculiarities of compatibility with other medicinal products, for this reason it is impossible to take them without prescribing a doctor.

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