Causes of Wen on the Back: Effective Methods of Removal and Treatment

Wen or lipoma is a benign neoplasm that forms under the skin from subcutaneous fat. This problem can arise wherever fat is present in the body, however, wives on the back often appear. It is worth knowing about the main causes of lipoma and ways to get rid of them as quickly and painlessly as possible.

  • Causes of appearance
  • Is the wen on the back dangerous?
  • Can a wen on the back hurt?
  • To what doctor to address?
  • How to get rid of zhirovik?
  • Do I need to remove the wen on my back?
  • How to squeeze out?
  • Zhirovik on his back burst: what to do?
  • Treatment with folk remedies
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Lipoma externally is a small tumor that can be palpated under the skin. Usually they are not very large, they can often be confused with a pimple. This disease is not a serious medical problem, but in most cases they are advised to remove. In addition, lipomas in prominent places can be perceived as a significant cosmetic defect.

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Causes of appearance

To date, specialists find it difficult to identify specific causes of the appearance of Wen. Affect the emergence of a tumor can have many different factors, and their presence does not mean that the lipoma will necessarily occur.

The main factor in the development of the disease is a violation in the metabolism, which can occur for various reasons. First of all, it affects the various endocrine pathologies, diabetes, malnutrition, the presence of bad habits.

Specialists also note that often lipoma develops in women during menopause, so various hormonal disorders and changes in the body can also trigger the onset of the disease. Some people who are diagnosed with lipoma have no health problems at all.

If a child's wen appeared, this should alert. In children, the development of the disease can also be affected by a low level of immunity. The younger the child, the more serious this condition can be.

Important!If this disease occurs, you should undergo a complete examination of the body in order to exclude serious pathologies that could provoke its appearance.

Is the wen on the back dangerous?

In itself, the neoplasm, especially of a small size, does not present a particular danger to health. However, for a number of reasons, experts still recommend removing it immediately. Lipoma usually continues to grow, over time it can reach a fairly large size.

A large lipoma can degenerate into a malignant tumor if it is constantly exposed to external physical effects, for example, friction against clothing, or it is located in the fold of the skin. The larger the neoplasm, the higher this possibility.

Also, rupture and inflammation of the tumor can occur, which can occur due to external influences. Therefore, the lipoma should be removed, it is desirable to determine the approximate causes of its occurrence, since if they are not eliminated, the disease can recur.

Can a wen on the back hurt?

Normally, the adipose does not bring any discomfort, it does not hurt, especially if it is small in size. The onset of pain can be an alarming symptom. It can indicate the onset of an inflammatory process, if the wen on the back turns red and aching, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Independently to try to remove the inflamed lipoma can be dangerous to health.

Important!The onset of pain and other significant changes in the neoplasm may also indicate a possible transition to a malignant form.

To what doctor to address?

If this disease occurs, you can contact the surgeon, you can go to the therapist. If you need the help of other specialists, the doctor can easily redirect to a doctor of another specialization.

If the lipoma has occurred in a child, you should contact the pediatrician. In any case, it is worth remembering that it may be necessary to undergo a survey and consult with other specialists.

How to get rid of zhirovik?

Get rid of lipoma under the supervision of a specialist, especially if it has reached a sufficiently large size. Treatment at home can usually be exclusively ancillary, aimed at leaving after an operation or other procedure. Also, home methods can help with a small wen.

Do I need to remove the wen on my back?

Despite the fact that this tumor does not cause pain, the risk of its transition to malignant is extremely low, experts still advise it to be immediately removed. Moreover, the smaller the lesion, the easier it is to do, with time it will grow. In the advanced stages, only surgical removal can be used.

The situation, so that the fat on the back dissolves itself, happens quite rarely, so it is better to remove immediately, do not wait.

How to squeeze out?

First of all, it is worth noting: you can not squeeze out the fatties yourself. Neoplasm is usually located under the skin, so at home it is impossible to get it. If you squeeze and disturb the tumor once more, it can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Wen do not squeeze out, usually they are opened, this simple procedure does not take much time, a trained doctor should conduct it. During the operation, an incision is made under local anesthesia, a capsule of the tumor is extracted through it. After the operation, a scar may remain.

If the tumor is small, in size it does not reach ten millimeters, it can be removed by other methods. Apply one of the following common methods:

  1. Pumping the contents of the capsule with a syringe. In the adipose needle is injected, the scars usually do not remain, the puncture site heals quickly. Anesthesia or local anesthesia in this case is not required.
  2. Small neoplasms up to ten millimeters in size can also be removed with a laser. It may take several procedures, they are almost painless. Scars and traces do not remain, but it is worth noting that the cost of laser removal can be higher.

All methods are effective enough, the treatment is usually easily tolerated, relapse of the disease occurs rarely. After removal of the tumor, it is worthwhile to observe the place of its presence for a while, if a seal is re-formed, a new course of treatment may be required.

Zhirovik on his back burst: what to do?

If the capsule of the neoplasm is broken for any reason, the inflammatory process begins to develop. Wen begins to ache, blushes, swelling, and fever. In this case, you need to contact a specialist more quickly, it will be extremely difficult to remove inflammation on your own.

How to relieve inflammation? Only temporary measures can be taken. You can apply a compress of Vishnevsky ointment. It should be applied to a cotton pad, attach it to the location of the wen, and fix it with a plaster.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies can be used only in the early stages, when the growth is less than a centimeter in diameter. Mainly used therapeutic compresses, aimed at improving blood circulation in the neoplasm. These drugs will help the tumor to resolve.

Compress from honey is quite an effective remedy, which does not cause deterioration of well-being. Honey should be applied to the area of ​​the dummy, attach a piece of gauze from several layers or a dense tissue napkin on top, fix it, apply a food film on top. Keep the compress up to three hours, then remove. When using compress and applying honey, do not rub the skin and swelling.

More aggressive means - a mixture of crushed garlic and vegetable oil, such a compress should be used if there is a certainty that this will not lead to irritation on the skin. One slice of garlic is grated, mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil and applied to the skin. Cover with gauze, keep for an hour.

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