How quickly to get rid of barley: medicamentous and folk remedies
Barley is a disease of the eyelids that occurs with an acute purulent inflammatory process of the hair bulb of the eyelash, the sebaceous gland, or the proportion of the meibomian gland.
This disease is characterized by symptoms such as swelling, redness and soreness of the eyelid. In most cases, barley is bacterial in nature and develops in people with reduced immunity.
In this article we will tell you about medicines, as well as folk remedies, which will make it possible to get rid of barley without any difficulty.
1Definition of disease
1.2Symptoms and signs
2Methods of treatment
2.4People's means
2.5Home Ointments
2.6Home drops
2.7Warming up
Definition of disease
Barley is an acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle of the eyelash or sebaceous gland.
If barley is formed on the outer surface of the eyelid, it is called the outer one, and if it is internal on the inner surface.
External inflammation occurs more often. It looks like an abscess on the edge of the eyelid from the outside of the eye, which is formed due to the infection of surrounding tissues.
Barley on the eye
Internal barley is an abscess on the inner surface of the eyelid, which arises from the infection of the meibomian glands. These glands are located in the middle of the century at the base of the eyelashes. They maintain the moisture of the eyes, not allowing the tear film to evaporate.
The main cause of this disease doctors call bacteria.In nine cases out of ten, the disease causes staphylococci or streptococci. The source of infection is a harmless bacterium in other cases, which lives on the skin or on the nasal mucosa. Staphylococci or streptococci can penetrate through small holes on the skin or on the edge of the eyelid, which can cause infection.
Barley can also be caused by blepharitis (inflammation of the edge of the eyelid).
The appearance of barley may be associated with a decrease in immunity or hypothermia. On the development of the inflammatory process can affect the diseases of the stomach and intestines, parasitic infestations, diabetes.
Relapses can occur several times a year for several years.It must be remembered that barley is not contagious, but doctors advise using individual towels and handkerchiefs.
Symptoms and signs
As mentioned earlier, the signs of this disease are pain, redness, swelling. In some cases barley is accompanied by lacrimation, sensation of a foreign body in the eye.
The appearance of other symptoms depends on the place of inflammation. With external barley, the yellow abscess appears near the edge of the eyelid. When you touch it, pain appears. Also, the outer barley may be accompanied by a sensation of heat. With internal barley on the inside of the turned-out eyelid, a patch of yellow appears, surrounded by a red foci of inflammation.The internal barley develops slowly, but the pain with it is stronger.
Usually barley appears only on one eye. But there are cases when several inflammations appear and even simultaneously on two eyes.
Signs of barley:
Slight swelling of the edge of the eyelid.
Pain when pressing.
Edema and inflammation.
Redness of the eye.
Increased regional lymph nodes.
Formation of an abscess on the tumor.
Rarely intoxication (headaches, fever).
Barley is opened after a while or resolves itself. To quickly eliminate barley, you do not need to try to open it yourself, because an eye can get an infection.
Diagnosis of barley is carried out on the basis of characteristic clinical symptoms and examination using a slit lamp.
Methods of treatment
In most cases, barley itself passes for several days or weeks.But to quickly and without possible complications to cure barley, you need to contact a specialist who can determine the cause of his appearance.
The main methods of treatment are medicines and folk remedies. Surgical intervention is applied only when barley is too large or does not lend itself to drug therapy. In this case, the inflamed area is pierced with a needle or a small incision is made above it so that the contents come out.
Drug medications used to treat barley have a strong effect on the inflammation focus and accelerate the healing process.
medicines can be used only after consultation with an ophthalmologist, because they have their own characteristics and contraindications that need to be considered.
Eye ointments for the treatment of barley have antibiotics in their composition.
In contrast to drops, they do not so often cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, but have their drawbacks, for example, blurred vision after ointment.
For the treatment of barley, the following types of ointments are used:
Tetracycline.It is the most popular drug for treating barley. One-percent form is used for eyes. It includes lanolin and petroleum jelly, thanks to which there is no burning sensation and dryness. Antibiotics help get rid of bacterial infection and reduce inflammation of the eyelid. Ointment is pawned for the lower eyelid once or twice a day and at night. For treatment of external barley, the procedure is repeated every three hours.
Erythromycin.The main active substance of the ointment is a complex broad-spectrum antibiotic that is effective against staphylococci and pneumococci. It should be remembered that erythromycin ointment is contraindicated in case of allergy to penicillin. The treatment lasts until the symptoms disappear completely, but the doctors recommend continuing it for a few more days to prevent the reoccurrence of the infection.
Erythromycin is used in the treatment of barley
Hydrocortisone.This ointment is a complex against barley. It combines the functions of an antibiotic and an antiallergenic drug and is used both for the treatment of barley and for its prevention.
Blepharogel.This drug is used to treat inflammation, eliminate bacteria and larvae of parasitic eye mites. The composition of the ointment includes hyaluronic acid, sulfur compounds, glycerin, aloe vera juice, deionized water, carbomer, methylparaben, propylene glycol. Thanks to this, the blepharogel copes with the most serious infections in a short time.
Blepharogel is used in the treatment of barley
the effectiveness of the ointment is ensured by their thick consistency. It does not immediately spread over the eye, so it acts on the barley longer.
Eye drops are considered one of the most effective and popular drugs. They are applied externally, quickly eliminate pain and swelling, accelerate the maturation of the abscess.
For the treatment of barley, the following types of drops are used:
Albucid.Drops have a bactericidal anti-inflammatory effect. The main active ingredient is sulfacetamide. Apply two drops in the conjunctival sac to six times a day.
Tobrex.It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group. Apply one to two drops in the conjunctival sac every four hours.
Tsiprolet.These droplets with broad-spectrum antibiotic (ciprofloxacin) are applied four to six times a day for one to two drops.Albucid is used in the treatment of barley
People's means
Home Ointments
Garlic.With a cotton swab, collect garlic juice from a cut slice. Carefully draw on the roots of the eyelashes of the diseased eye.
Zelenka.To prune a lid in the area of lesion with the help of a cotton swab, but one should try to prevent the medicine from getting on the mucous eyes.
Home drops
Dill seeds.To steam a tablespoon of dill seeds in two glasses of boiling water. Insist under the lid covered, drain, bury in the eyes daily until the symptoms disappear.
Warming up
Dry heat.Boil the hard-boiled egg, and without cleaning it from the shell, wrap it in a clean handkerchief and attach it to the barley until it cools.
The same can be done with boiled potatoes, but it is recommended to knead it before applying so that it retains heat longer. An alternative to eggs and potatoes is sea or common salt and flax seeds.
Decoction of marigold.Ten grams of fresh or dried marigold flowers pour boiling water (two hundred milliliters), hold on fire for ten minutes, close the lid, wrap the pan in a terry towel and insist one hour. Cool, drain, moisten with infusion gauze and make lotions three times a day.
Black tea. Welding of brewed black tea is applied to barley. You can use tea bags.
Aloe.Take the fleshiest leaf, crush, pour boiling water, insist for 24 hours. Use for cold lotions.
Burdock root. Rinse and grind. Ready gruel placed in gauze, attach to the affected area, do not remove 15 minutes. You can use tea from the root of burdock to strengthen immunity.
Prevention of barley includes the identification and elimination of the underlying cause,which caused inflammation, strengthening of immunity, balanced nutrition, hygiene and care rules contact lenses, the refusal to use expired cosmetics, the use of a separate face towel and so Further.
Barley on the eye can be cured quickly and without complications, if in time to see a doctor and begin treatment. The advice given in this article will help you in a short time to get rid of this unpleasant disease. Be healthy!