Professor Zhdanov and his method of restoring vision
Treatment of eye diseases has always been considered a complex area in medicine and surgery. The eye is an organ whose component parts are very small. Therefore, the surgeon must have the highest qualifications and be able to work with a miniature tool. In addition, most ophthalmic operations are performed under a microscope, and this further complicates the work of the doctor. The method recommended by Professor Zhdanov suggests various techniques and exercises, which, in the author's opinion, are considered a true panacea for all eye pathologies.
1Who is Professor Zhdanov
2Definition of the methodology
3Exercises in Bates's method
3.1Mental images
3.3Exercise of "blinking"
3.5Eye gymnastics
Who is Professor Zhdanov
Recently in the media began to appear articles where a certain professor Zhdanov sets out his point of view on treatment of eye diseases and suggests using a rather original technique that will help everyone who wants to get rid of points.
On the Internet sites as much information on this topic. So who is Professor Zhdanov? It should be noted that Professor Zhdanov does not have medical education. Also, the scientific title "professor" is not confirmed, which Zhdanov submits and signs his articles. Half of the opinions about Mr. Zhdanov argue that he is a genius, but the other half considers him a total charlatan.
Prof. Zhdanov Vladimir Georgievich
According to numerous reviews of professionals on his "scientific" work, we can conclude that Mr. Zhdanov should be attributed to a galaxy of such figures as Kashpirovsky, Chumak and other healers of a similar level. Mr. Zhdanov offers a complete cure for myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism with the help of a technique developed by the physician William Bates.
Definition of the methodology
American ophthalmologist William Bates already at the beginning of the 20th century developed his method of correcting visual defects.This technique does not use medicines, and there is no surgical intervention in the organ of vision. Theoretical premises of the Bates method are as follows:
the change in the refractive force of the eye is not due to the curvature of the cornea and the lens, but due to a change in the configuration of the eyeball with the help of eye muscles;
the deterioration of vision in a person is associated with mental stress, which is caused by the desire to view the object regardless of the distance to it.
The technique of Dr. Bates is mental mental exercises combined with gymnastics for the eye muscles.
Modern ophthalmology does not support the theory and practice of the Bates method, considering it unscientific, despite the fact that there are confirmed cases of healing from some eye pathologies.
Exercises in Bates's method
All exercises should be performed without glasses or contact lenses, about one hour before meals.
Put on a flat surface any drawing or picture. Densely close your eyes with your hands and imagine imagining the image in dark tones. You can perform this exercise in dynamics, gradually thickening the colors from lighter tones to darker ones.
Present bright colored stripes.Repeat all the colors several times.
Mentally imagine a beautiful landscape, which is well remembered.It can be a sea shore, an autumn forest or an urban landscape. The picture should be seen as if in reality.William Bates Methodology
For the next exercise, you will need an alphabetic table to check your visual acuity. It should be located at a distance of six meters. Carefully considering the letters, it should be noted the smallest, which is identified. Close your eyes with your hands and, after a while, look again at the letter. Exercise is considered successful if the letter became noticeable a little more clearly.
Mental images
Closing your eyes with your hands, you need to present your things in black.You can imagine a dress, a skirt, jeans, shoes and everything else.
Draw a circle in your head and write all the letters of the alphabet into it.Then moving clockwise, one should imagine each letter in black color, spending on each letter not more than a second.
Using a table to check your eyesight, look at a well-marked line.Moving the view sequentially through the letters you need to achieve the effect of "running line".
To fix a look at any letter from the top row of the table,then on the letter from the line below. To achieve the effect of moving the table up and down.
Carefully looking at any letter you need, moving your eyes from one edge of the letter to the other to achieve its "rocking".Sivtsev's table
Exercise of "blinking"
Standing in front of the mirror, you should look at your right eye and blink.Then look at the left eye and blink again. Do the exercise 25-30 times.
On a walk, you should accustom yourself to blink at every step you take.
Considering any text typed in small print, you should blink at every line spacing.
We must close our eyes and turn to the side of the sun.Make smooth movements left and right. Raise the eyelid and move the eyeball downward, so that sunlight gets only on the shell of the eye, excluding getting it on the pupil. Same for the other eye. Perform 10-15 times.
In clear weather, find a spot on the street with light and shadow.With closed eyes move your head from the shadows to the light and back. Perform 2-3 minutes.
Eye gymnastics
5-8 times raise your eyes up, then lower them.Exercise should be slow.
Move the eyeball to the right and left, drawing a straight line. Then draw vertical and diagonal lines
Closing your eyes, you should imagine circles, squares, broken lines and outline them with your eyes.
Exercises should be performed on an empty stomach and no more than three times a day.
Eye gymnastics is categorically contraindicated in individuals with retinal detachment, as well as in the postoperative period.
Along with the mental and physical exercises for the eyes, it is very useful to take vitamins and herbal preparations that have a beneficial effect on the visual function.It is, first of all, carrots and blueberries. Carrots contain beta-carotene, which promotes cataract treatment and has a preventive effect. Blueberries contain a whole complex of vitamins. This berry increases visual acuity, relieves fatigue and irritation.
In the technique of Professor Zhdanov, the preparation "Blueberry" is recommended, which contains the extract of blueberry along with bee pago and the preparation "Vetom".
Medicine knows many cases where a placebo (absolutely neutral drug that does not have medicinal properties) not only caused improvement, but also completely cured the disease. The factor of suggestion is of great importance here. If a person deeply and sincerely believes that this technique or medicine will help him, he will necessarily feel improvement, up to full recovery. The application of the Bates method can help cure myopia or hyperopia in case of visual impairment by no more than 2-3 diopters.