Dislocation of ankle: first aid and treatment

Dislocation of the ankle is considered a fairly common injury, it manifests itself in the displacement of the joint as a result of partial or complete rupture of ligaments.

The condition in which the joint is not completely displaced, and the ligaments are broken up not completely, is called subluxation. There are cases when the joint is displaced, and the ligaments remain intact, such a variant is called a dislocation without muscle rupture.

Risk factors include sports, wearing uncomfortable shoes with heels. Injury can be obtained at work and at home. Dislocation of the ankle can be the result of an unsuccessful fall, the leg can be tucked when walking on slippery surface, in the process of skating or skiing, when the limb rotates when fixed stop.


  • 1Degrees of severity of injury
  • 2Symptoms
  • 3First aid for ankle dislocation
  • 4Treatment
  • 5Folk remedies
  • 6Recovery period after ankle dislocation
  • 7Possible complications

Degrees of severity of injury

There are three degrees of severity of injury.

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First degreeis accompanied by rupture of the fibers of the ligaments and complete preservation of the motor function.

Whensecond degreea partial rupture of the ligament is diagnosed, motor function is hampered by pain.

Forthird degreetrauma is characterized by a complete rupture of the ankle ligament, a swelling and subcutaneous hemorrhage on the plantar and outer side of the limb is formed.

The danger of an ankle dislocation lies in the untimely taking of measures.In the absence of treatment in the joint, inflammation begins, provoking the formation of scar tissue. A few days after the injury there is a scar that will bother the patient constantly, getting rid of it is very difficult.

In some cases, the situation is complicated to such an extent that only surgical intervention can solve the problem. For a professional athlete, such a trauma threatens the completion of a career, so when the first symptoms appear, you need to seek medical help.


Dislocation of the ankle is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain that increases with movement and palpation;
  • changes in the appearance of the ankle - deformation of the foot, sometimes the presence of uncharacteristic bone protrusions (photos of the deformed ankle you can see on the Internet);
  • instability of the joint - a small load can provoke a repeated dislocation;
  • hindered mobility, limited movement of the ankle;
  • swelling of soft tissues, resulting in the joint increases in volume;
  • bruising (if the vessel is damaged);
  • forced position of the foot.
If after the dislocation of the ankle there was a lump, then from the joint bag as a result of its rupture articular fluid leaked out.

First aid for ankle dislocation

Dislocation of the ankle joint is usually accompanied by a characteristic click, the foot is visually shifted slightly backward, forward, outward or inward. When an ankle is dislocated, first aid can be provided by anyone, for this special skills are not required.

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First aid measures:

  • put an injured leg on something soft (a pillow, a folded blanket), ensure the limbs are completely at rest;
  • wrap the elastic bandage around the foot, apply ice to the site of the injury;
  • take an anesthetic;
  • deliver the patient to the hospital, where the specialist will determine the extent of the injury and prescribe the treatment.


At an easy degree of a trauma treatment of the house is supposed. During the first 2-3 days on the foot,wear a tight bandage, to the injured joint is necessary3-4 times a day to put something cold.

The affected limb should be at rest. The patient is advised not to leave the house for several days.

To remove the edema and accelerate the healing process, the ankle must be above the body level, for this, it is necessary to lay something under it.

With severe pain prescribed painkillers, one of which -Nurofen. To remove severe swelling, you can use anti-inflammatory ointments:Indowzin, Voltaren.

The action of drugs is aimed at reducing edema and restoring normal nutrition of tissues, which contributes to acceleration of the recovery process. After three days (after consulting a doctor), you can move on to warm compresses.

If, in spite of the measures taken, after the dislocation of the ankle does not go through a tumor, and the hemorrhage increases, it is necessary to repeatedly consult a doctor.If the ligaments are severely damaged or completely ruptured, a gypsum fixation bandage is applied to the joint. In this case, the recovery time is from 14 to 60 days, in some cases physiotherapy is prescribed.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes:

  1. Soaked in an alcohol solution, put a napkin on the injured ankle, wrap it in polyethylene, and put on a sock. The procedure is carried out at night.
  2. Moisten the napkin in a solution of ½ tbsp. l. salt and 125 ml of table vinegar, put on the joint, cover with cellophane, put on a sock.
  3. Pour boiling water over tansy flowers, celandine, streaks and marigold, let it brew for 40 minutes. Soaked in a napkin to attach to the joint, the procedure should be repeated after drying.
  4. Powder bdjady to dissolve in water up to a consistence of sour cream, to rub in an ankle massaging movements, is better in rubber gloves.
  5. Wiped onion mixed with salt, use as a compress, on top apply polyethylene and warm cloth, tightly secure with a bandage, hold for several hours. The drug has anti-inflammatory properties, promote the removal of the tumor.
  6. Apply to the joint a cotton bag with heated sand.
  7. Mix the grated garlic with vinegar. The mixture is rubbed into the injured ankle throughout the treatment.
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Such compresses also contribute to the elimination of toxins.

With proper treatment, all symptoms go through 7-21 days.

Recovery period after ankle dislocation

To restore and strengthen the injured ligaments is shown therapeutic physical training.

LFK includes the following exercises:

  • active movements of the toes;
  • rolls from heels to socks and back;
  • walking with outward and inward directed heels;
  • rolling by a foot of a cylinder or any other similar object;
  • employment on a stationary bike;
  • swimming.

After strengthening the ankle muscles, you can start more active exercises (jumping and running), you must first consult with your doctor. As a physiotherapy, UHF is most often prescribed, the duration of the session is 15 minutes, the course consists of ten procedures.

Depending on the degree of dislocation of the ankle, recovery in the lungs may take 1 month, in severe cases - 3 months.

If necessary, it is recommended to use crutches, during the year to wear shoes with insteps.

Possible complications

In some cases, dislocation of the ankle is accompanied by a complete rupture of the ligament or a fracture of the shin. In such cases, medical care, delay or self-medication may result in an incorrect fusion of the tendons and ligaments and the foot, which will lead to its instability.

The following complications may occur:

  • periodically repeated dislocations of the ankle;
  • progression or development of arthrosis or arthritis;
  • formation of dense scar tissue;
  • formation and growth of osteophytes;
  • hindered motor activity of the injured joint after healing;
  • inflammation of soft tissue around the ankle;
  • chronic hemarthrosis;
  • partial or complete atrophy of muscles, circulatory disturbance.

Dislocation of the ankle is most common among the elderly, athletes, at risk are also girls who prefer shoes with high heels. Dislocation is accompanied by pain, swelling of the joint, with damage to the vessel - bruising.

First signs of dislocation should be given first aid measures. To determine the severity of injury, you should consult a doctor who will tell you how to properly treat an ankle dislocation at home. After therapy, a recovery period begins, within which the patient must perform special exercises.

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