How to Cook a Portolac Garden - therapeutic properties of a plant

Portulac orchard( Portulaca oleracea) - unpretentious annual, belonging to the family of portolac.

In the literature there are other names of the grass: a sandwich, a dandur, a flea and a sausage.

Another name widely used in the people - mats.

Content of the article:
  • Background of the story
  • External data
  • Procurement for future use
  • Ancient Russian prescriptions for health
  • Luxury chemical composition
  • Assistant of all trades
  • Unrecognized genius of traditional medicine
  • Warning: Contraindications!

According to one of the versions, the most popular of the common names: portolac - came from the Latin "pulli pied", meaning "chicken leg".

On another - in the name of the plant an interesting feature of his seed box is encrypted.

Ripening, its doors swing open like a gate.

From here and the name "portolak" - after all, "the gate" in Latin sounds like "portyla".

The history of

acquaintance With a naval man, a man met thousands of years ago, but at first it was not pleasant for a simple plant - he was considered a malicious weed and mercilessly exterminated.

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That's why he managed to penetrate the countries of Europe from southeast Asia only in the 18th century.

The aboriginal homeland of Portolac is the western territory of India, from where, subsequently, it began its triumphal procession around the world.

Wise Greeks were among the first to discover surprisingly useful properties of the plant. Mention of this plant is found in the writings of Hippocrates and Pliny.

And do you know how to get rid of freckles on your face forever at home? Folk recipes are published in a useful article.

How to take tincture of hawthorn with angina is written on this page.

They indicated its ability to purify the body and recover from long-term illnesses, recommending drugs on its basis to the elderly and convalescent.

In Arabic poems dated to the 11th century, this herb is called "blessed" for its unique medicinal characteristics.

Already in those distant times, portolac was successfully used in the treatment of bitten by snakes and insects, given with sleep disturbances and beriberi, fighting with skin diseases, intestinal and hepatic disorders.

In medieval France, the food properties were appreciated, having built portalak into the rank of the most important vegetable culture.

For the first time, the porcupine garden form is found in the well-known book on plants "De natura Stirpium", published in 1536.

In Russia in the 19th century, the pearl-lobac is present in large numbers in the ration of male monasteries.

An explanation for this is found in the alleged inhibition by the plant of sexual attraction.

The Caucasus, as well as the middle belt and the southern regions of Russia, is the place of modern habitat of the village or vegetable gazelle.

In the wild it can be found in the republics of Central Asia and the Far East.

Today, portwalk is appreciated as a food seasoning, a medicinal product and a decorative element of the garden landscape.

For his sour taste, he is loved and respected by Caucasian and Mediterranean culinary specialists.

Young juicy shoots quench thirst, use in salads and hot dishes.

In the marinated view, the pork-brand is a magnificent seasoning for meat, not inferior to the famous capers.

And what do you know about the useful properties and contraindications of dandelion leaves? The best folk recipes can be found in the current article.

When collecting dandelion roots read here.

On the page: http: // narodnye-sredstva / lekarstvennye-rasteniya / chabrets.html it is written how to take grass thyme from a cough.

External data

Features of the structure of the porcelain garden conditions its unpretentiousness and unadulterated delicate beauty.

In a natural state, the seagull chooses a place for dwelling and wastes, as well as valleys of rivers.

It occurs on the fields, roadside ditches and shores of reservoirs with sand and pebble deposits.

With its juicy fleshy stems, the plant-the plant spreads along the ground, reaching a length of 60 cm.

The end parts of the shoots, which have a crimson hue, are usually raised above the surface.

Due to the oblong-oval shape of medium-sized fleshy leaves, the pearl-lacquer is sometimes compared to a well-known plump, or money tree.

Small yellow flowers, appearing in the sinuses of opposite leaves during the flowering period from June to August, are collected in bundles and very beautiful.

Later, in September-October, globular boxes are formed in their place - multicentricum filled with small black seeds.

Procurement for future use

To stock up with the most valuable medicinal raw materials, shoots that have reached a length of 15-20 cm are used.

To this extent, the stems grow only 20-30 days after emergence, therefore, for the whole growing season there is not one but several cuttings of greenery.

Harvesting is recommended to be finished before the seeds ripen - it is better to prevent their shedding with the subsequent unwanted germination in the neighborhood.

Harvested cut leaves and shoots are dried.

Prepackaged in paper bags, plant blanks are stored in a dark cool place, adding in a crushed form to the diet as a valuable food supplement( seasoning coriander, photo).

In addition, shoots of portolac are salted and marinated.

Old Russian recipes for health

  • In Russia, the leaves of the seal were used to heal wounds.
    They were applied to the wound surfaces and consumed inside, speeding up the healing process and relieving inflammation.
  • As an antitoxic potion, portolac was the most famous remedy for biting poisonous snakes and stinging insects - bees or wasps.
  • Fresh juice of green shoots our ancestors showed warts( why appear on the hands).
  • Already then portolakom treated Trichomonas colpitis - in the form of a local remedy.
    Seeds have been used effectively to get rid of scaly lichen.
  • Portulac has been successfully used in liver diseases of and renal ganglia.
    He helped to get rid of diarrhea in dysentery, removing intoxication and inflammation of the intestine( about medicinal herbs written here).
  • Portulac was given to weak and emaciated - already then he coped well with avitaminosis in children and adults.
    Healers used portolac to relieve dizziness, used patients with hypotension.
  • A fever treated with the help of miraculous grass - only here they used shoots rather than shoots, and the seeds of the portolac.

Luxurious chemical composition of

Shoots and leaves of the porcelain garden - a rich storehouse of valuable substances useful to our body.

This contains:

  • valuable carbohydrates, which are essential fuel for cells( fructose and glucose, maltose and galactose, raffinose and sucrose);
  • monoterpenoids, the most valuable of which is portolozide A;
  • substances are precursors of vitamin A with a common biological effect - carotenoids( beta-carotene and lutein),
  • phenol carboxylic acids( cinnamon, synapic, gallic and ferulic),
  • coumarins, imparting anticoagulant properties and preventing the formation of thrombi,
  • higher fatty acidsfirst of all, α-linolenic, oleic and palmitic) and organic acids( oxalic), normalizing metabolic processes in the body,
  • valuable flavonoids in the form of liquiditin, oleracins and betacyanins,
  • hormone-like substancessteroids( such as beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol and dowacosterol),
  • terpenoids, which impart antiseptic and disinfectant properties( glutathione, pariol, 24-methylene, β-amirin, butyrospermol, 24-dihydroparcool),
  • saponins and alkaloidssuch as oleracein B),
  • the necessary minerals( magnesium, potassium, calcium salts) and nitrogen-containing compounds,
  • biologically active substances similar to hormones produced by the adrenal cortex - noradrenaline and dopamine,
  • a number of useful vitamins such as ascorbicacid, vitamin B1, the strongest antioxidant - vitamin E, or α-tocopherol, nicotinic acid( vitamin PP) and vitamin K, important for blood coagulation and metabolic processes in bone tissue,
  • resinous and mucous components,
  • macro- and microelements, amongwhich are iron and calcium, sodium and magnesium, zinc and manganese.

Assistant of all trades

Such a meaningful and multifaceted range of components of the pearl-lacquer entitles him with remarkable healing abilities.

The main curative actions on the body are:

  • diuretic,
  • antitoxic( what to do for alcohol poisoning read in this article),
  • antiulcer( how to identify the stomach ulcer at home is written here),
  • anthelmintic( wormwood is an application and useful properties),
  • wound healing,
  • laxative( list of fast-acting drugs),
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • hemostatic( about the blood-thirsty drug written in this article),
  • hypoglycemicskoe,
  • antimicrobial,
  • antioxidant,

Although studies confirmed the unique composition and proven medicinal properties of plants, official medicine has not yet been given "good" for its application.

But folk medicine has long and successfully used porcelain garden, bringing relief in a variety of diseases.

For medicinal purposes, not only shoots, but also the leaves and seeds of this plant are used.

Unrecognized genius of traditional medicine

  • Portulac is widely used for cleansing the joints of from accumulated salts in them, which provoke the appearance of various forms of arthrosis and arthritis.
  • The plant effectively helps the hepatic and renal patients( treatment of renal pressure with folk remedies is described here).
  • Portulac has proven to be an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent.
    It promotes the accelerated healing of suppurating wounds.
    In addition, lotions with the infusion of portolacus instantly relieve the itching, coping with peeling and swelling with psoriasis( symptoms on the head), neurodermatitis and other skin diseases.
  • With the help of pestilence, the level of cholesterol and blood sugar can be normalized.
  • As a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent, the plant is used in the treatment of urinary tract pathology( mainly with cystitis and urethritis).
  • The analgesic effect is used to reduce the painful symptoms of inflammation in enterocolitis and hemorrhoids.
  • Infusions and decoctions of stems and leaves folk medicine recommends use for cholelithiasis( signs) and other liver diseases.
  • Beneficial effect on cardiac activity and hematopoiesis makes it possible to use portolac for normalization of cardiac activity, and also as a blood-restoring agent.
  • The strongest antimicrobial activity has shown itself in the treatment of conjunctivitis and inflammation of the gums.
  • By stimulating the release of insulin by the adrenal glands, canola is able to lower blood sugar levels, causing hypoglycemia.
    This property makes it effective in some forms of diabetes mellitus.
  • The ability to cause spasm of smooth muscle fibers makes portolac the drug of choice in the treatment of the most dangerous helminthic invasions - infections with ascarids( ascariasis), hookworms( hookworm disease, non-carotidosis).
    Spasm of smooth musculature of parasites leads to their death.
  • Fresh plant juice is used as a remedy for gonorrhea and trichomoniasis.

Warning: Contraindications!

Contraindications in Portolacus are few, but you need to take them with particular severity.

Do not consume portolacus:

  • for pregnant and lactating women,
  • for patients with autonomic nervous system disorders,
  • for people with high central nervous system excitability,
  • for people with hypertension( high blood pressure - rapid treatment with folk remedies),
  • with a heart rhythm disorder with a decreasedheart rate, contractions( bradycardia), as well as with vegetative disorders.
All the folk recipes published in the article are presented in order to acquaint the reader with the useful properties of the naval dress in general terms. Individual application of the products of the described plant must be agreed with the attending physician.

See how to distinguish a navy among other vegetable vegetation.