Recently, there has been a trend towards an increase in the number of diseases of the respiratory system. These are such ailments as chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tracheitis, bronchitis, allergic rhinitis and other diseases.
In case of lung diseases, the function of the affected area is limited, blood circulation is disturbed, stagnation occurs, and as a result, the process of scarring develops after recovery and the appearance of adhesions is not ruled out.
In pulmonary diseases, there is a disruption of the function of external respiration. This is due to the fact that the lung tissue loses its original elasticity due to a disorder in the mechanics of breathing.
Anomaly manifests itself in a change in the rhythm of breathing, it becomes superficial and more rapid, the chest becomes less mobile.
All of the above changes lead to a disruption in the ventilation of the lungs, minimizing their diffuse capacity. As a result of possible bronchospasm, it is difficult for the bronchial patency to pass through and they are blocked by a large amount of sputum.
One of the main factors contributing to the increase in the insufficiency of the function of respiration is a weakened muscular system. And above all, the muscle group that takes a direct part in breathing.
These are the muscles of the back, abdomen, neck, chest and diaphragm. Quite often, breathing is hampered by destructive changes in lung tissue, chest deformation and atrophy.
- Effects on the body
- Benefit or harm?
- General rules for
- How to perform correctly?
- Reviews
Exposure to the body
Special physical exercises play an important role in the development of the respiratory apparatus and the treatment of its ailments.
And this is due to the fact that with each muscle contraction, chemical processes occur in them, which at the reflex level excite the respiratory function.
Muscle work provokes increased ventilation and gas exchange in the lung tissue.
When we perform physical exercises, tissues are oxygenated 10 times more efficiently than at rest. The blood circulation increases, the number of functioning capillaries increases.
- Therapeutic gymnastics greatly improves the gas exchange processes in the lungs. This is due to the formation of a clear mechanism and structure of the respiratory process. Breathing becomes rhythmic, correct and deep enough.
- With the help of special exercises strengthens the respiratory muscles.
- Relaxes the muscles of the trunk( when they are in a clamped state, this contributes to improper breathing).
- Medical gymnastics can provide invaluable help in eliminating chest and spine defects.
- Exercises for the formation of proper breathing strengthen the abdominal muscles.
Benefit or harm?
With pneumonia in the lungs, an inflammatory focus is formed, which gives a person a lot of trouble, in particular - shortness of breath. Due to a slowdown in metabolism, there is a deficiency of oxygen in the blood. With breathing exercises, you can quickly get back to normal breathing.
- Different techniques provide the greatest possible support to patients with lungs.
- They favorably affect the circulation of lymph in affected areas.
- Gymnastics contribute to a more active movement of blood through the vessels.
- Breast muscles work with increased strain.
- Therapeutic exercises have a beneficial effect on healthy lung tissue, special exercises help it to engage in the breathing process.
All these indicators contribute to the speedy recovery of the patient, who was diagnosed with pneumonia.
If the patient is also an avid smoker, then pneumonia can not be cured by some medications, in this case, you can not do without a set of special exercises.
It's very important to know! Respiratory exercises with pneumonia are not always indicated. They should be used with great care, because there are contraindications.
Training sessions may only be scheduled by a specialist after examining the patient.
- Do not do respiratory gymnastics, in the case when the body temperature is increased.
- With fever.
- Intoxication of the body is also a contraindication to training.
- It is possible to start breathing exercises only after the results of the tests are ready, according to which the doctor can determine that the disease has ceased to progress, and the process has turned in the opposite direction. This will be seen on the X-ray.
- The following diseases should serve as a strict restriction to occupations: heart failure, severe malaise and weakness after illness, oncological diseases, immunodeficiency.
Read more about the treatment of pneumonia in this article.
Symptoms and effective treatment of gastroduodenitis by folk remedies.
How to quickly cure thrush in women? Read in this article.
General rules
If a patient begins classes during the period of bed rest, he shows exercises of a dynamic nature for medium and small muscles. They can be performed only from 4 - 5 days of bed rest. Exercises are performed from the initial position, lying down or sitting on the bed, lowering their legs to the floor.
Each exercise should be repeated at least 8 - 10 times. The procedures should last at least 10 - 15 minutes 3 times a day.
If the patient is in a hospital and has a semi-post regimen, he should perform the exercises in the same way, gradually increasing the dosage, including the exercises for large muscles and small objects.
The starting position is standing or sitting on a chair. Walking can be included in the complex of exercises. Classes last 20 - 30 minutes, the total duration of each day - 1,5 - 2 hours.
From the 7th day the patient is transferred to the general regime. In this case, the load increases, the occupation lasts up to 40 minutes, in addition exercises are used on simulators, games and walking.
How to perform correctly?
Consider one of the many options for the correct performance of breathing exercises - gymnastics Strelnikova.
- It is necessary to concentrate completely on breathing only through the nose. You only need to breathe, it should be like a clap - loud, sharp, strong and as short as possible.
- Exhalation - after each inhalation, it must be done through the mouth. If the breath should be as active as possible, then the exhalation is absolutely passive. Noisy breathe in any case impossible.
- Inhalation should be done simultaneously with the active movement. In gymnastics, this method should not be inhaled without movement.
- When performing exercises, you must strictly follow the recommendation - to breathe only with your mouth.
Basic gymnastic exercises of respiratory gymnastics:
- Cleansing breathing .We take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, then let out the air with short jerks through the mouth( do not cheat while cheating).
- Breath with tightly compressed lips .This warm-up should be done only in a completely relaxed state. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth after 3 - 4 seconds, the lips must be tightly compressed.
- Breathing with the pronunciation of sounds. This exercise is similar in its execution to the first. The only difference is that when the air comes out with jerks, it is necessary to make pulsating sounds. This exercise will help remove the spasm from the internal walls of the bronchi.
Is it possible to treat bradycardia with folk remedies? Useful recommendations for patients.
How to cure chronic cystitis with folk remedies? Read in this article.
Is it possible to treat mastopathy with a cabbage leaf?http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva / zhenskoe-zdorove / mastopatiya.html
Patient Reviews
- Not so long ago I had pneumonia. It hurt very hard. The rehabilitation process took a very long time. For some time she lay in the hospital, the attending physician prescribed therapeutic exercises for breathing. At first, I was skeptical about this and tried to stay out of school, then decided to deal with everyone who was in the ward. Recovery began to pass much faster.
- My grandmother contracted pneumonia. She is no longer a young woman, and the disease has knocked her down completely. My mother and I were afraid that bed rest and sedentary lifestyle would further affect her health. The doctor urged her to do respiratory gymnastics, otherwise, relapses may occur. Granny initially resisted, then agreed to comply with all the prescriptions of the doctor. Thank you for the good clue how to get out of the crisis after pneumonia to an elderly person.
- The father had a severe form of pneumonia. After discharge, we thought that he would quickly recover, but the process of recovery was prolonged. A week later he went to a re-appointment to the therapist, and he advised my father to do respiratory gymnastics. The doctor said that his patients' reviews of the complex of therapeutic breathing exercises are only the best. Dad decided not to test fate and began to practice - to breathe according to the rules of Dr. Strelnikova. After several months of regular classes, my father stopped thinking about his sore. This is the miracle that he did with breathing exercises.
In general, respiratory gymnastics is an effective method of treating many diseases, in particular it is an effective healing procedure for pneumonia. It should be included in the complex treatment of patients immediately after the symptoms of the acute disease process disappear.
Video exercises that can also be performed with pneumonia: