Gel diphyllite: instructions for use


  • 1Deep Relief - effective remedy for osteochondrosis and joint pain
    • 1.1Composition
    • 1.2Form of issue
    • 1.3pharmachologic effect
    • 1.4Why use Deep Relief Gel?
    • 1.5Contraindications
    • 1.6Interaction
    • 1.7Side effects
    • 1.8Overdose
    • 1.9Mode of application
    • 1.10Terms of Sale and Storage
    • 1.11Price
    • 1.12Analogues
    • 1.13Opinions of specialists
    • 1.14Reviews
  • 2Dip Relief Ointment: instruction, price, analogues and reviews
    • 2.1Packaging, description and composition
    • 2.2Features of the drug
    • 2.3Pharmacodynamics of the drug
    • 2.4Indications for use
    • 2.5Contraindications for use
    • 2.6Careful use
    • 2.7Ointment "Deep instruction
    • 2.8Adverse Events
    • 2.9Drug Interactions
    • 2.10Special recommendations on the use of ointment
    • 2.11Price and analogues of the external preparation
    • 2.12Patients' comments about the external preparation
  • 3Dip reilif - instructions for use, analogues, price, reviews
    • 3.1Active substance
    • 3.2Form of issue and composition
    • 3.3Indications for use
    • 3.4Contraindications
    • 3.5Instructions for use Diphylliff (method and dosage)
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.6Side effects
    • 3.7Overdose
    • 3.8Analogues
    • 3.9pharmachologic effect
    • 3.10special instructions
    • 3.11At pregnancy and thoracal feeding
    • 3.12In childhood
    • 3.13In old age
    • 3.14In case of violations of kidney function
    • 3.15With violations of liver function
    • 3.16Drug Interactions
    • 3.17Conditions of leave from pharmacies
    • 3.18Terms and conditions of storage
    • 3.19Price in pharmacies
  • 4Dip Reilif - drug instructions: composition and dosage, analogues and price of the drug, reviews about the drug
    • 4.1Deep Relief - instructions for use
    • 4.2Form of issue
    • 4.3Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
    • 4.4Indications for use
    • 4.5Contraindications
    • 4.6Dosing and Administration
    • 4.7special instructions
    • 4.8In pregnancy
    • 4.9In childhood
    • 4.10Interaction with other drugs
    • 4.11Side effects
    • 4.12Overdose
    • 4.13Price Deep Relief
    • 4.14Reviews
  • 5"Deep Relief instructions, reviews, prices, application:
    • 5.1Composition and form of the drug
    • 5.2Main properties of the medicine
    • 5.3Indications for use of the medicine
    • 5.4Dip Relief: instructions for use
    • 5.5Contraindications to use
    • 5.6Are there any side effects?
    • 5.7Dip Relief: price
    • 5.8Additional information about the preparation
    • 5.9Reviews of doctors and patients

Deep Relief - effective remedy for osteochondrosis and joint pain

Sports and domestic injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, back pain of uncertain origin - probably there is no person who has not experienced the sensations of this nature.

For the rapid and competent treatment of such diseases and their attendant symptoms, many painkillers and anti-inflammatories are used.

One of the most popular drugs of this type- Gel Deep Relief. Instruction for use - is mandatory for thorough study and implementation for people who plan to be treated with this ointment.

Deep Relief has gained popularity thanks to a unique mix of constituent components. The world's only producer of this drug is the pharmaceutical company Mentolatum in the UK, which patented the gel formula.


Dip Rilif gel consists of two active components - Ibuprofen and Levomentol.

Ibuprofen- the most important component of the medicine. It is he who eliminates the main symptoms of disease. This is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).

In order for Ibuprofen to act, he needs to penetrate deeply into the tissues. The function of acceleration of this process takes on the second active component of the gel -Levomenthol.

It also cools the skin, irritating it, and distracts attention from pain. Components are combined in a unique formula and enhance the analgesic effect.

In 1 g of funds -30 mg of levomentol and 50 mg of ibuprofen.

In addition to them, the all-encompassing action is borne by:

  • Ethanol;
  • Propylene glycol;
  • Diisopropanolamine;
  • Carbomer;
  • Purified water.

Photos of components:

Diisopropanolamine Carbomer Purified Water Propylene Glycol Ethanol

They are necessary to achieve the desired consistency of the gel and improve its chemical properties for the passage of the drug into the tissues of the body.

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Form of issue

Transparent gel has a pronounced menthol odor.

The drug is packed into tubes of 15 g, 30 g, 50 g and 100 g, tubes - in cardboard packages.

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pharmachologic effect

Dip Reilif Gel is a remedy from a group of combined preparations that are used exclusively externally. Ibuprofen effectively has anti-edematous, analgesic and local anti-inflammatory effects.

The mechanism of action is as follows:

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Why use Deep Relief Gel?

Ointment almost instantly affects the pain that occurs both at rest and during movement.

In addition, it relieves of joint stiffness, which often manifests in the morning.

You can select a list of indications for the use of the tool.


  1. Arthritis;
  2. Radiculitis;
  3. Osteoarthritis;
  4. Osteochondrosis;
  5. Sciatica;
  6. Inflammation of tendons;
  7. Injuries to joints and soft tissues;
  8. Stretch marks and bruises;
  9. Pain in the back and back of an unknown origin.

Photo-gallery of diseases:

ArthrosisOsteoarthrosisIsiasis Inflammation of tendonsIntroduction of soft tissues and joints to the contents ↑


The drug is contraindicated when:

  • Individual sensitivity to any constituents of the drug, as well as to other NSAIDs;
  • Open wounds and damage to the skin in those places where you need to apply ointment;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Age to 14 years.

In addition to these absolute contraindications, one should carefully apply Deep Ripleyf Gel to people with:

  • Ulcers;
  • Insufficiency of the kidneys, liver or heart;
  • Bronchial asthma and bronchospasm.

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The use of the Deep Relief gel can enhance the effect of drugs that cause photosensitivity - increased sensitivity to exposure to solar, ultraviolet or other visible radiation.

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Side effects

Despite the fact that the drug is usually well tolerated by patients, sometimes there are some allergic side reactions to its effect:

  • Rash;
  • Itching;
  • Eczema;
  • Dermatitis.

Related photos:

DermatitisB.Excellent sludge

In isolated cases - bronchospasm and angioedema.

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Since the drug has a low absorption in the blood, there have been no reports of an overdose of the drug.

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Mode of application

In order to protect yourself from side effects, you must first use medications carefully examine the indications and contraindications, and carefully follow instructions:

  1. Apply exclusively externally to clean, dry skin.
  2. Apply the ointment on the affected area with a thin layer and gently rub it until it completely absorbs into the skin.For one application, enough gel strips 3-5 cm.
  3. Canuse the gel no more than 2-3 times a daywith intervals of not less than 4 hours.
  4. The course of treatment lasts 7-10 days, if the doctor did not cut it or prolonged it.
  5. After using the gel, you should thoroughly wash your hands.
  6. Do not apply the ointment close to the mucous membranes, so that it does not get into the eyes or mouth. If this happens, flush with water and consult a doctor.
  7. Also do not apply the drug under the bandage.

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Terms of Sale and Storage

Gel Deep Relief is released in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

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Depending on the volume of the tube, the price of the drug also varies:

Price Volume
15g From 130 rubles (63 hryvnia)
50 grams From 330 rubles (105 hryvnia)
100 g From 494 rubles (170 hryvnia)

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To date, the structural analogue of Dip Reilif Gel, which would have both active components in its composition, does not exist.

But you can find a lot of drugs that are similar in mechanism of action and pharmacological properties.

Most of them can be bought cheaper than this ointment.


  • Diclofenac - injections;
  • Carmolis is a gel;
  • Voltaren - gel or tablets;
  • Nimide - gel or tablets;
  • Dolobene - gel;
  • Finalgel - gel;
  • Turpentine ointment.

Photos of the analogs:

KarmolisSkipidarnaya ointmentDolobene FinalgonNimidVoltarenDiclofenac retention in ↑

Opinions of specialists

Svetlana Vladimirovna, traumatologist-orthopedist:"What is Deep Relief Gel? This is the first combination of NSAIDs in the European market.

It is designed to eliminate pain in the locomotor apparatus. The combination of ibuprofen and menthol as active ingredients makes it more effective than other drugs of this type.

This is the main advantage of the gel. Ibuprofen relieves swelling and inflammation, and levomenthol has a cooling effect, thereby irritating the skin and distracting attention from pain. Therefore, in the pair these components are a powerful mixture.

The gel can be successfully applied even with large-scale damage and severe pain. A local action of the drug provides a low frequency of systemic allergic reactions, which can not but rejoice.

The ointment works almost instantaneously, which saves in emergency situations, for example, when patients from pain can not even make a step or straighten themselves. "

Julia Alexandrovna, a vertebrologist:"A nonspecific feature of the Dip Reilif gel is that it first cools the affected area of ​​the skin, rather than warming it up immediately, like most similar drugs.

The heating effect is not shown to some patients with back problems. Therefore, do not engage in self-medication, and use drugs only on the advice of specialists.

This is especially true for patients with impaired renal or hepatic function. They need consultation and examination before using Dip Reilif Gel. The same rule applies to the treatment of children under 14 years of age.

The authorization to use the drug, the choice of dosage is exclusively the prerogative of the doctor. "

Andrei Igorevich, sports doctor:"A lot of my patients are people who have earned stretching and trauma after active physical activity.


In such cases, I often appoint Deep Relief Gel - he very quickly anesthetizes, people forget about their injuries almost instantly.


I recommend that you take this medicine to everyone who is involved with the activity - Professional sportsmen, fans of a sports hall or fitness, and also to people who are hard work physically. "

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The testimonies of patients who used the gel Dip Reilif, say that he copes quite effectively with his task - removes inflammation and puffiness, quickly relieves pain:

Julia, 32 years old: "Deep Relief is an indispensable component of my home medicine chest. Quite often I have a low backache. Sometimes the pains are so strong that I can not straighten it.

This affects the performance, because the patient back does not have to take action. We have to choose for ourselves some acceptable position and not move. In such cases, this gel will quickly save me and bring me to life.

In periods of frequent pain - I always carry it with me in my bag just in case. With him, I feel calmer! "

Виктор, 45 years old: "It seems to me that Deep Relief is a universal medicine. We use it to the whole family in a variety of cases: when the ligament was pulled, tore off the back, the neck bore, or osteochondrosis in the father played out.

Saves all from small to large, whatever happens. At the same time, if you use Deep Relief, you can no longer take painkillers, it helps without them. Dorogovat, but their money is quite.

I recommend buying in the largest amount, such a tool is always useful and unnecessary in the medicine cabinet will not. "

Marina, 20 years old: "I have been studying for a long time in the gym and without sports injuries it was not without. Sometimes stretching is accompanied by such pain that you just want to cry.

Once the doctor in the first-aid post of my room advised me to buy Deep Relief Gel. Now he always saves me. For training without a tube I do not go out.

I especially like the fact that the gel is very quickly absorbed and leaves no stickiness. Namazala - and you can immediately dress, not afraid to get dirty things.

And the cooling effect and the menthol smell also invigorate, add a sense of freshness after sports. It's a nice bonus. "

A source:

Dip Relief Ointment: instruction, price, analogues and reviews

How should I use "Deep" ointment? The instruction, price and indications of this tool will be described later. Also, we will tell you about the properties of this local preparation, whether it has contraindications and side effects, whether it has analogues and what the patients say about it.

Packaging, description and composition

The external preparation "Dip" (ointment), the instruction of which is indicated below, contains active substances such as ibuprofen and levomenthol.

Also in the composition of the medicament are the auxiliary ingredients in the form of a carbomer, purified water, 96% of denatured ethanol, diisopropanolamine and propylene glycol.

Ointment "Deep" (the price of this drug is quite high) is produced in aluminum tubes, placed in cardboard packages. The medication has no color, but it has a characteristic menthol flavor.

Features of the drug

What is the "Deep" medication (ointment)? The instruction informs that this means, which is intended exclusively for local use. It is used to eliminate pain symptoms that are associated with problems in the musculoskeletal system.

Pharmacodynamics of the drug

How does the "Deep" ointment work? The use of this drug is especially common in rheumatological practice.

According to the instruction, this medicine belongs to the group of combined means, which are intended only for external use.

The ibuprofen (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory component) that is part of the ointment is quite effective manifests itself in symptomatic therapy of pain in joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons.


This drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, as well as antiexudative effect in the area of ​​injury.


Levomenthol and menthol, characterized by locally irritating properties, help to achieve a rapid analgesic effect.

As medical practice shows, "Deep" ointment instantly reduces the pain that arises in the joints, both during movement and in a state of complete rest. In addition, the drug in question significantly reduces their stiffness.

Indications for use

For what purposes can a rheumatologist assign a "Deep" ointment to his patient? According to experts' reviews, this drug effectively manifests itself in arthritis, sciatica, radiculitis, osteoarthritis, lumbago and ankylosing spondyloarthritis. Also it is actively used for inflammations or diseases of soft tissues of post-traumatic and rheumatic, including bursitis, sprains, bruises, lesions of periarticular tissues and tenosynovitis.

Contraindications for use

What diseases prohibit the use of "Deep" ointment? Instruction for use informs that this medication is not recommended for people with bronchial asthma.

Also, it is not prescribed for patients with hypersensitivity to drug substances, pregnant women, children before the age of 14 years, and nursing mothers.

In addition, it is forbidden to apply "Deep" ointment on damaged skin (open wounds, abrasions, etc.).

Careful use

With special care, as well as under regular medical supervision, "Deep" ointment should be used in the presence of patients with heart failure, porphyria, impaired renal function, lesions of the digestive tract, which are erosive and ulcerative character. Also, the external preparation is carefully prescribed to people in the absence of normal liver function.

Ointment "Deep instruction

The price of this drug will be listed below.

According to the instructions, the medication in question is used only externally. It is gently applied to the skin immediately above the focus of inflammation. In this case, the ointment is rubbed lightly for several minutes.

Adults and children under the age of 14 years, the drug is recommended to use no more than four times a day. The cream is applied in a thin layer, squeezing out a strip of 3-5 centimeters from the tube.

What do I need to know before using this medication? After applying an external ointment, you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

This is necessary in order to avoid getting medication on other parts of the body that are not are an object of therapeutic treatment (for example, on mucous membranes, facial skin and other).

The duration of the course of therapy with this drug should be determined only by an experienced specialist. As a rule, this period is about 10 days (no more).

Adverse Events

What side effects can cause dip «Relief»? The use of this drug rarely causes any undesirable effects.

Although experts argue that this drug still contributes to the emergence of such reactions as eczema, urticaria, skin peeling, allergic reaction, pruritus, rash generalized on the skin, papules, angioedema, contact dermatitis, photosensitivity, swelling, bronchospastic reaction, redness at the site of application and vesicles.

When these or other side effects are observed, discontinue use of the drug and immediately consult a doctor.

Drug Interactions

Is it possible to use ointment "Dip Relief" with other drugs? The use of this agent can enhance the effectiveness of drugs that cause photosensitivity. Therefore, it is forbidden to combine these medicines.

Special recommendations on the use of ointment

Before applying Dip Relief, patients with impaired renal function should consult a doctor and take a medical examination. Also, it is necessary to carefully read the attached instructions.

The drug in question is used only externally. It is applied only to clean and dry skin. It is strictly forbidden to apply the gel to damaged areas, including open wounds, abrasions and so on. It is also necessary to avoid getting the drug on the mucous membranes.

After applying "Dip Relief" ointment, the focus of the lesion should not be covered with airtight (occlusive) bandages.


It should also be noted that with the regular use of this drug, especially in large doses, its effectiveness is markedly reduced.


The risk of adverse reactions increases.

Price and analogues of the external preparation

To date, there are no structural analogs to the dip dipent ointment. However, there are such drugs, the mechanism of action of which practically does not differ from the above-mentioned.

To such medicines carry: "Alor "Espol "Algasan "Finalgon "Apizartron "Finalgel " "Bainvel turpentine ointment, "Bengey "Capsicum "Boifrez "Gederin "Vipratox "Gevkamen " Viprosal. "

As for the price, the drug in question may be different. It depends on the volume of the ointment in the tube. On average, 50 g of medicinal product can cost about 230 rubles, and packing with 100 g of the drug will cost you 390-400 rubles.

Patients' comments about the external preparation

Ointment "Dip Relief" is a popular anti-inflammatory drug for topical application. Therefore, there are a lot of reviews about him.

Most patients leave only positive messages about it.

According to them, this medication is a very effective drug aimed at fighting joint and muscle pain.

After applying the ointment, its active substances immediately fall into the lesion, reducing unpleasant sensations to a minimum.

Patients note that the "Deep Relief" drug in a short time helps to cope with muscular and joint pain, even in cases when other drugs were ineffective.

However, experts argue that this medication may not be suitable for all people.

A source: http://.ru/article/213636/maz-dip-relif-instruktsiya-tsena-analogi-i-otzyivyi

Dip reilif - instructions for use, analogues, price, reviews

Diprilif is a combined preparation that is applied externally for the treatment of joints, muscles and ligaments.

Active substance

Ibuprofen + Levomenthol (Ibuprofen + Levomenthol).

Form of issue and composition

Diprifilip is available in the form of a gel for external use. The drug is sold in tubes of 15, 30, 50 or 100 g.

Dip-Relief, gel 100 g
Ibuprofen 5 grams
Levomenthol (menthol) 3 grams
Excipients: purified water, ethanol denatured 96%, propylene glycol, diisopropanolamine, carbomer.

Indications for use

Diprilif is used for numerous diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Sciatica and osteoporosis.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Lumbago.
  • Osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome.

It is also often prescribed for rheumatic diseases of soft tissues, for example, bursitis, tendovaginitis, with lesions of periarticular tissues.

Diprilif is effective in the treatment of posttraumatic inflammation of soft tissues. It is also effective in the treatment of back pain and back pain.

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The use of Diprilif is prohibited when hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug. Also it can not be used for bronchial asthma, if there is confirmed information that it was triggered by taking acetylsalicylic acid.

Diprilif can not be used in areas with compromised skin integrity. It is strictly prohibited to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

With caution the drug is prescribed in the presence of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, with violations of the functioning of the liver, and with chronic heart failure.

Also, with caution, ointment is prescribed to patients in old age.

Instructions for use Diphylliff (method and dosage)

The drug is intended for external use.

Children older than 14 years and adults a small amount of gel (3-5 cm) cause a thin layer on the skin above the focus of inflammation. Next, the drug is lightly rubbed. Frequency of use - up to 4 times / day.

After applying the gel, you should thoroughly wash your hands if they are not the object of treatment.

The duration of therapy is no more than 10 days.

Side effects

The use of the drug Diprilif can cause the following side effects: itching, hives, skin rash, concentrated in the place of application of the drug. Also, redness, flaking and puffiness can occur in the place of application of the ointment. In rare cases, even bronchospastic reactions may occur.


Cases of overdose are not fixed.


Analogies according to the ATC code: Brufen, Dolgit, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Ibutol gel.

Do not make the decision to replace the drug yourself, consult a doctor.

pharmachologic effect

The active substances of the drug are ibuprofen and levomenthol.

These components enhance the effectiveness of each other's influence, but are directed to different parts of the pain syndrome.

Ibuprofen is one of the most popular nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the world. In addition, it has an analgesic effect, as well as antiexudative and antipyretic.

Levomenthol or menthol irritates the nerve endings and has a distracting effect. This substance helps to expand the vessels, than regulates pain sensitivity locally, it is expressed in a noticeable local anesthetic effect.

Gel Deeplylph is well absorbed, deeply penetrating the skin and soft tissues.

special instructions

Patients with kidney disease should consult a doctor before using the drug.

The gel should be applied to intact skin, avoiding contact with mucous membranes, eyes and open wound surfaces. Do not apply an occlusive dressing.

At pregnancy and thoracal feeding

Contraindicated use of the gel during pregnancy and lactation.

In childhood

Deep Relief is not prescribed for children under 14 without a doctor's recommendation.

In old age

The drug is used with caution in elderly patients.

In case of violations of kidney function

It should be used with caution Dip reylife with severe impairment of kidney function.

With violations of liver function

It should be used with caution Dip reylife in severe violations of liver function, exacerbation of hepatic porphyria.

Drug Interactions

Cases of interaction with other drugs are not fixed.

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep out of the reach of children at a temperature of not more than +25 ° C. Shelf life - 3 years.

Price in pharmacies

Price Dipelift for 1 packing from 359 rubles.

A source:

Dip Reilif - drug instructions: composition and dosage, analogues and price of the drug, reviews about the drug

Every year the quantity of medicines grows, because the need for them does not decrease. Pharmacies are overcrowded with funds with different properties and prices for them.

Ointment Dip Reilif is a combined preparation for external use, it is universal for therapy Many nosoforms, including problem areas of the back, are recommended by many specialists and have available the cost.

Deep Relief - instructions for use

Complete instructions for Deep Relief and a description of the drug are contained in the original packaging. It is recommended to familiarize with it, as this article is only a brief annotation to the application.

It should be remembered that if the instructions are not followed, the risk of side effects increases many times.

The course of treatment, the dosage of the drug is selected individually for each person and is consistent with the attending physician.

Gel Deep Relief has advantages over other medicines.

It contains ibuprofen and levomenthol, and the auxiliary substances are: ethanol, purified water, propylene glycol, carbomer.

The components of the drug reinforce each other's effect and the curative property manifests itself more quickly, which made it popular among the population:

  1. Ibuprofenbelongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Components of ibuprofen reduce the inflammation foci by inhibiting the enzyme cyclooxygenase. COX is responsible for the conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandins, involved in the formation of inflammatory mediators.
  2. Levomentholis a natural product, it is stronger than menthol several times. Has local irritating and reflex action. Stimulating certain receptors, causes distracting, anesthetic, cooling and antipruritic action.

Form of issue

Dip Reilif is produced in the form of a transparent gel with a pronounced smell of menthol. Such a base allows for rapid absorption and maximum concentration.

The gel is packaged in aluminum tubes at 15, 30, 50 and 100 grams. You can buy it without a prescription in the drugstores of the city or online store, having previously reviewed the reviews.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Ointment is quickly absorbed through the skin during external application. The bloodstream absorbs about 5% of the substance compared with oral forms. The maximum concentration is achieved in two hours. The drug has a wide range of effects:

  1. Has anti-inflammatory effect due to ibuprofen, which does not selectively block isomers of cyclooxygenase. In the mechanism of fever, prostaglandins are directly involved, and by reducing their production, the drug leads to an antipyretic effect.
  2. Anti-edematous effect is due to antiexudative action. The mediators of inflammation are blocked and the permeability of the vessels decreases, the fluid does not go excessively into soft tissues, and there is no edema. Pain syndrome develops when products of inflammation are exposed to certain receptors.
  3. Has an analgesic effect, which is achieved by reducing the manifestations of inflammation. The effect is reinforced by the reflex action and local anesthetic mechanism of the action of levomentol.
  4. It also has anticoagulant abilities, blocking enzyme systems, prevents the formation of arachidonic acid thromboxanes. The biological role of thromboxanes lies in the cascade of reactions leading to platelet aggregation and the triggering of coagulation mechanisms.

This is an ideal tool for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The cream greatly increases the volume of movements, relieves the painful morning stiffness, the patient for a long time forgets about pain in the joints both during rest and during movement. Thanks to all these manifestations significantly improves the patient's quality of life.

Indications for use

The cream is used in various spheres, it is used in sports medicine, traumatology and family medicine.The main indications are:

  • pain in the joints;
  • joint stiffness;
  • pain in the back, lower back;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • injuries;
  • dislocations;
  • subluxations;
  • sprains of ligaments;
  • diseases of joints, tendons;
  • myalgia;
  • lumbago;
  • sciatica;
  • myositis;
  • radicular syndrome;
  • Reiter's syndrome;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • synovitis;
  • bursitis;
  • chronic sciatica.


Contraindications include the following conditions:

  • children under the age of 14;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • liver disease (including hepatic porphyria);
  • burns;
  • exudative dermatitis;
  • damage to the skin;
  • impaired renal function;
  • kidney disease;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart failure.

Studies have shown the ulcerogenic effect of the drug in systemic use, so in the presence of peptic ulcer in the patient is used very carefully.

The mechanism of ulceration is in the inhibition of the formation of prostaglandins, which not only participate in inflammation, but also protect the gastric mucosa from the action of gastric juice.

It is strictly forbidden to apply to the skin surface together with other local remedies.

Dosing and Administration

Apply the gel externally, in small amounts, thinly rubbing into the skin immediately above the source of inflammation.

It is not recommended to use more than 4 times daily, the interval between the procedures should be at least three hours.

Duration of application - 10 days, the course can be extended after consultation with a specialist. An airtight dressing for fixing is not allowed.

special instructions

Without the doctor's advice and extreme necessity, use in children under 14 years is not allowed. The product is rubbed only on the entire skin, avoiding the wound surface.

It is forbidden to cover with the occlusive dressing the place of application of the gel. The contact of the substance with eyes and mucous membranes is not allowed.

In case of contact with a doctor, seek medical attention.

In pregnancy

Before appointment, the doctor should make sure that the patient is not pregnant, because her presence is a contraindication to the use.

During the lactation, a woman should refuse either the drug or breastfeeding.

If the drug was used before the pregnancy was established, it is recommended to stop using it so as not to harm the baby.

In childhood

Experts do not recommend medicine for children who are under 14 years old.

If necessary, the child must undergo a medical examination and receive the appropriate doctor's advice.

The best option is to select a less dangerous analogue, which is safe for the child, does not contain harmful components that can adversely affect his health.

Interaction with other drugs

Due to the low absorption of the agent into the blood, there are no undesirable interactions with other drugs.

It is only possible to increase the effect of the means that cause photosensitivity, that is, it is allowed to be used simultaneously with other medicines, but before that it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Elderly people for the treatment of joints, other diseases are prescribed only when absolutely necessary.

Side effects

The drug almost does not enter the bloodstream, does not cause classic adverse reactions of NSAIDs. Side effects are rare when the instructions for use are violated. These include:

  • headache;
  • malaise;
  • allergic reaction;
  • angioedema;
  • bronchospasm;
  • generalized urticaria;
  • photosensitization;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • eczema;
  • hyperemia and edema on the treated area;
  • itching.


Information about cases of overdose is absent. Perhaps the manifestation of adverse reactions.

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If accidentally ingested into the stomach causes abdominal pain, nausea, reflex can stop breathing and depress the central nervous system.

When side effects occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor for the selection of an analog that does not have the appropriate contraindications.

Consider the most popular medicinal preparations - analogues of Rilif cream:

  • Diclofenac Gel- active substance diclofenac, inhibiting COX-1 and COX-2, suppresses inflammatory reactions and prevents the development of pain and edema syndrome. Blood absorbs about five percent of the substance and there is no systemic effect.
  • Finalagel- also refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The active substance is piroxicam. In addition to local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, it manifests itself as an anticoagulant by inhibiting the formation of prostaglandins and thromboxanes.
  • Voltaren- gel for external topical application. The active substance is a derivative of phenylacetic acid - diclofenac. Reduces foci of inflammation, reduces body temperature, accelerates regeneration processes.
  • Biofreeze- transparent gel of green color, contains menthol and camphor. Has a cooling, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, relieves the sensation of pain. Strengthens blood circulation at the site of injury, promotes drainage of the focus, increasing the permeability of blood vessels.
  • Carmolis gel- a natural preparation for the therapy of the pathology of the musculoskeletal system. It is widely used by sports medicine, facilitates the condition of athletes after injuries due to an anesthetic effect.
  • Remicid Gel- the active substance is nimesulid, which is a selective blocker of COX-2. It differs from analogues by the absence of an effect on the synthesis of prostaglandins in the stomach, in the kidneys, and does not cause systemic side reactions.

Price Deep Relief

The drug can be bought in many pharmacies, as well as ordered in online stores, familiarized with the cost, customer reviews. Prices depend on the pharmacy network and the manufacturer. Below is an approximate table, how much can Reelif cost with analogues:

A drug Cost, rubles
Deep Relief 404-586
Diclofenac 132
Finalagel 407
Voltaren 330
Biofreeze 615


A source:

"Deep Relief instructions, reviews, prices, application:

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are by no means a rarity in the modern world.

Naturally, the pain syndrome, which often accompanies such ailments, significantly worsens the quality of human life.

Fortunately, modern medicine offers a lot of tools to help stop pain. And one of the rather effective drugs is the "Deep Relief" gel, which quickly relieves discomfort.

So what is included in the preparation? Are there any contraindications? Are complications and adverse reactions possible? How much does this drug cost? This information will be useful for many patients.

Composition and form of the drug

The drug "Dip Redif" is available in the form of a virtually transparent gel with a loose consistency with a characteristic pleasant smell of menthol. In the pharmacy, you can buy aluminum tubes that contain 15, 30, 50 or 100 g of medication.

The main active components of the drug are ibuprofen (in 1 g of gel 50 mg of this substance) and levomenthol (30 mg / 1 g).

Naturally, the "Relief Deep" gel also contains some auxiliaries, in particular purified water, carbomer, 96% denatured ethanol, as well as diisopropanolamine and propylene glycol.

Main properties of the medicine

The drug "Dip Relief" is a combined preparation that is intended exclusively for external use.

The properties of the drug are due to the action of its active components. For example, ibuprofen is one of the most effective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances.


It provides an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, and also reduces the amount of exudate.


Levomenthol has irritating properties, so it provides rapid anesthesia. The gel really relieves pain and reduces inflammation, therefore it is widely used for symptomatic therapy of certain diseases.

Indications for use of the medicine

In what cases is it expedient to use the "Deep Relief" preparation? Indications for the use of this drug are quite diverse.

First of all, it is used to relieve pain in such diseases of the musculoskeletal system as radiculitis, osteoarthritis, spondyloarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, lumbago, osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome.

The application of "Dip Relief" is also indicated for some soft tissue lesions, including tendovaginitis and bursitis.

The gel is used to eliminate pain of unknown etiology in the back and waist.

Also indications for use are inflammatory diseases of soft tissues and joints, which appeared as a result of injuries.

Dip Relief: instructions for use

Immediately it is worth noting that before starting to use it is advisable to consult a specialist. The doctor will tell you about how to properly use the drug "Deep Relief." The instructions for use contain only general recommendations.

The gel is applied to the cleansed skin over the site of pain localization (hands before the procedure also need to be washed well). It is necessary to apply a small amount of a tool - the strip squeezed out of the tube should be no longer than 3-5 cm.

The gel can be gently rubbed into the skin with gentle movements. The procedure can be repeated depending on the severity of the symptoms, but no more than four times a day.


Categorically it is contraindicated to apply "Dip Relief" ointment to damaged skin with scratches, scrapes, cuts, unhealed wounds, etc.


The average duration of therapy is 10 days. If necessary, the doctor can extend the course of treatment. But it is worth noting that prolonged use of the gel increases the likelihood of side effects.

Contraindications to use

Is it possible to use the "Deep Relief" preparation for all categories of patients? The instruction indicates that the gel has some contraindications.

First of all, it should be noted that this drug is not prescribed to women during pregnancy and lactation.

In addition, the drug should not be used to treat children under the age of 14 years.

There are some other contraindications. Ointment "Dip Relief" can not be used in patients with hypersensitivity to ibuprofen or any other constituents of the drug.

In addition, do not use the gel and people with bronchial asthma, attacks which can be triggered by the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including acetylsalicylic acid.

There are also so-called relative contraindications, which include peptic ulcer diseases digestive tract, severe liver and kidney damage, as well as chronic cardiac insufficiency, porphyria. In these cases, the drug is used very carefully, under the supervision of medical personnel. By the way, elderly patients are prescribed drugs only after a thorough examination.

Are there any side effects?

In fact, this drug is considered relatively safe. But there are some side effects that patients who use the Dip Relief product can face. The instruction says that in some cases allergic reactions are possible.

The most common is a generalized skin rash, as well as urticaria.

To the list of side effects can also be attributed the appearance of eczema and contact dermatitis, which accompanied by skin peeling, swelling of soft tissues, as well as skin redness, itching, the appearance papules and vesicles.

Much less often patients have bronchospastic reactions or angioedema.

It is also worth noting that the gel has photosensitizing properties and increases the sensitivity of the skin to light.

This is especially pronounced with prolonged use of the drug.

Dip Relief: price

Of course, for patients, any information about the drug that was prescribed by the doctor is important. A curious question is the cost of the Dip Relief gel.

The price, of course, can differ, because it depends on many factors.

In particular, it is worthwhile to take into account the firm-manufacturer, the price policy of the pharmacy, and so on.

For example, a tube containing 50 g of gel costs from 380 to 450 rubles. Packing 100 g of the drug will cost about 700-800 rubles.

Additional information about the preparation

Of course, before starting to use it is worth to read more information about the drug "Deep Relief." In this case, it is extremely important to observe the storage conditions - keep the gel in a place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature of no higher than 25 degrees.

This drug should be used very carefully in the presence of liver and kidney disease, so if they are you have an anamnesis, you should first consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo a medical examination.

The gel needs to be applied to clean skin without scratches, wounds and other open injuries. In no case should you use a drug to treat mucous membranes.


The treated area of ​​the skin can not be covered with an occlusive dressing - this can only exacerbate the situation.


Long-term use of this drug increases the likelihood of side effects.

If the use of medication is associated with the appearance of deterioration of well-being, it is necessary to stop using for a while and consult with the attending physician.

Reviews of doctors and patients

To date, this tool has become a constant "inmate" of many home medicine kits.

The opinions of doctors and patients agree that the gel really copes with its main task - it quickly removes soreness and reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process.

Of course, it is worth understanding that the drug helps to cope with the symptoms, so in no case can not replace the full therapy.

Patients who tried the medicine on themselves, speak about it positively. The gel is easily applied to the skin, quickly absorbed, leaving no traces and stains.

The drug provides a mild warming effect, but burning and other unpleasant sensations are absent.

In addition, the substance has a pleasant, not too sharp menthol odor.

The undoubted advantage of the drug is a relatively low number of contraindications.

Side effects, although possible, but in modern medical practice are recorded very rarely and, as a rule, are associated with non-compliance with the instructions and recommendations of the doctor.


The price of the drug is also relatively affordable, which is one of the advantages. In addition, the gel is easy to get, as it is sold in almost any pharmacy.


A source:

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