Where to smear an asterisk for colds

How to cure a cold with a balm "Asterisk"?

Catarrhal rhinitis people are treated in a variety of ways, among which the use of Zvezdochka ointment from the common cold is considered effective. This balm has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, due to this it can be used for treatment of the common cold not only to remove the underlying symptoms of the disease, but also to eliminate its underlying cause. Thanks to aromatic oils, which contains this remedy, a balsam asterisk at a cold also allows to increase immunity, contributing to the speedy recovery of the patient.It is also considered effective for preventive purposes, so often balm is used during the epidemic of colds.

The effect of balm on the human body

It is known that it is often used in the treatment of the common cold "Zvezdochka because this balm has a lot of positive properties that contribute to recovery from catarrhal diseases. First of all, such a miraculous property of the ointment is due to its rich composition, because in the process of its manufacturing, such components are used:

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  • butter of clove flowers;
  • butter of Chinese cinnamon;
  • peppermint oil;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • camphor laurel oil.

All these oils have been used extensively for many years in homeopathy, because they have a property through the skin to penetrate deeply into the body, having a therapeutic effect on it. In addition, essential oils quickly volatilize and when inhaled penetrate the respiratory tract, contributing to the elimination of the inflammatory process.Apply this for a cold, this remedy is only possible if the inflammatory process is caused by the course of the cold.

Ways of applying balm

An asterisk in the cold can be used for medicinal purposes in several ways. You can apply a healing ointment on the chest, carefully rubbing it into the skin except for the area nipples, since balsam can cause irritation, which is manifested by redness and burning mucous membranes. This procedure should be carried out three times a day, after which the patient must be warm.

To cure rhinitis, it is very important to know where to put a star in the nose. Experts recommend that you massage on the wings of your nose, gently rubbing the ointment, after applying it to the patient can notice how the nasal breathing improved and the amount of mucus secreted in the nasopharynx decreased. If you use an asterisk from the cold for prophylactic purposes, it must be rubbed into the region of the temples, the nape, the brow, into the wings of the nose. At the initial stage of development of rhinitis, the course of the disease can be stopped by rubbing the ointment on the feet in the night, after which it is necessary to put on warm socks and go to bed.

With the disease, you can not only rub the ointment into the skin, but also do inhalations. To conduct the procedure, you must perform the following actions:

  • boil a liter of water;
  • add a spoonful of sea or ordinary table salt to the hot water tank;
  • put a small pea ointment, mix everything thoroughly;
  • cover with a towel and breathe over the container with the balm for 10 minutes.

After the therapy, the patient's well-being significantly improves, because the essential oils cleans the airways well, expanding the vessels and removing the inflammatory process, as a result of which the edema is removed and the nasal breath. The procedure should be done in the morning and in the evening, and to accelerate the process of recovery, it must be alternated with acupressure.

A good therapeutic effect on the nasopharynx is inhalation, which uses an ointment for an asterisk in the rhinitis and eucalyptus leaves. To prepare the solution, a spoonful of eucalyptus leaves should be poured into the floor with liters of water, boil and add a pea of ​​ointment. Remove the container from the fire, cover with a towel and breathe for 15 minutes. Such treatment is also considered effective in the runny nose, which is accompanied by a cough, which is caused by the lowering of mucus into the lower respiratory tract. Inhalations using the "Golden Star" balm have such a complex effect on the body:

Leaves of eucalyptus

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • mucolytic;
  • bronchodilator.

The prevalence of this method of treating the common cold is due to the fact that the application of "Zvezdochka" practically never causes side effects, the exception is only personal intolerance of components preparation.

Also, such therapy is contraindicated in the presence of pustular skin diseases, with mechanical damages Skin covers in the form of abrasions, scratches and cracks, as well as with increased sensitivity to components balm.

In the case when after application of the ointment on the skin, rashes appear on it, the product should be washed off with warm water and no longer used. Under the conditions of the correct application of balm in the treatment of the common cold, this method of therapy can be a good alternative to expensive medications.


At the expense of an asterisk. Girls that need to smear with a cold asterisk ??


Nina -

Throat... Nose. But it's better than IOM, it's softer... From the star strongly pinches... She's strong.

Victoria Krasnov

bridge of nose and whiskey

this is

the ass?


With a cold, the warming of the nose and sinuses with an iron helps. Only without hi-hee. Really. On the face a thick towel in 2 layers, on top of the iron on medium heat. Important!!! pour out the water, release all the steam!!! And then you can make a burn. Turn on a good movie. Gray 30 min. on the one hand, 30 min. on the other - next morning for a cold, nothing remains.
Such deep heating as an iron, nothing more can be done.

Ingrid Björn

I love an asterisk in the cold. I smear densely inside the nostrils and the outside of the nose, it helps a lot and I generally like this smell, although the ointment pinches, of course)

Krivorotov Yuri

Everything that hurts, but will distract from the main sore cool!

OZORNO I slap on the puddles)

points in the sinuses of the nose

Linocka Alinocka

when so put a question, well it's right inside the itchy answer-head, generally asterisk well-inflamed lymph nodes to smear, and then a scarf to roll and resemble half an hour



Valeriya Ponomarenko

I am cured of sinusitis forever!


There. where the sinuses of the nose and above the bridge of the nose. It is better to smear in the nose Oxolin ointment.

Andrey Kolodiy

Whiskey and nose bridge on both sides

What helps the asterisk?



From many things: from migraine, to rub whiskey, insect bites, a cold to rub points at the nose, an allergic rash - to lubricate it, from back pain - to rub the sore spot ...

Natalia Cherednichenko

From sciatica, sciatica, osteochondrosis, they say more from colds and a cold (apply to acupuncture points, but there may be irritation)

Personal Cabinet Removed

Well, you can smear on a subgenus when the throat hurts under your nose... she is heating up


You mean balm? Then from a cold and a headache.

Alexander Mikhailov

From mosquitoes. =)


If it is a balm, it helps with a headache (it is necessary to rub whiskey), from mosquito bites, from a cold, from joint pain.

Alex Leningradsky

If you mean Vietnamese balm "Asterisk, then I use it when my head hurts. I drank a pill of something and threaded the place where it hurts with an asterisk. The asterisk helps instantly. But, with the headache, its action passes quickly enough. And by this moment the pill starts to act. Still children to bite mosquitoes and other mucks to grease. Too well helps or assists.


for colds


I smear an asterisk, if I hurt myself, immediately the place of the bruise, that there would not be a bruise, I smear both myself and the baby, that would not be a cone. helps

Can I smear an asterisk with a star in my nose?


Tatiana Sidorova

Better not! Shchipet also does not help. It is necessary to top it up with d \ sagrevu and breathe with inhalation. There is a better option: beet juice diluted 1 to 2 with water and onion juice diluted 1 to 5 with water. Once at 2 o'clock drip and well scrape. Helps even at the beginning of a sinusitis stage.

Svetlana Novitskaya



They say that it irritates the nasal mucosa, but it helps some. Act at your own peril and risk.


near the nose! or rather, points near the wings of the nose and under the nose.


Do not smell, do not try

Grohovskaya Alena

yes you can

Irina Melenevskaya

You can not, but you need! This is the most effective medicine!

Julia NORD

Only not in the nose. In general, it smears bioactive points, and not mucous - it will be severely burned: you can corners of the wings of the nose, whiskey, points at the base of the eyebrows


You can anoint under your nose... the difference is not particularly large, and save the mucous.


there is a special pencil for inhalation... just this asterisk... smelly contagion... but it helps))))))))))




No!!! just in the nose itself you can not.. Pts burn will be terrible!!! around the nose can be but not the nose!!! exactly say! but not inside. you can not bear it.. will Pts badly seriously!

Online Therapeutic Help 03

Inside the nose - not recommended.
Inside the nose it is better to smear the cream nasal - "pinosol"


and it is possible and necessary!

Rimma Hamayan

You can, but hold on, it's unbearable... but the nose instantly breaks through ...

Ivan S.

With a cold, it may temporarily deprive you of sensitivity to odors, but in the nose will cease to itch.

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