Bartholinitis: symptoms and treatment at home

Bartolinit in women is an inflammation of the large gland of the vestibule. Today we will consider how to treat and how to cure bartholinitis at home with folk remedies and medical drugs and procedures. Keep in mind that homemade self-treatment of bartholinitis should be based on the recommendations of a gynecologist.


Symptoms and causes of

More often, the causative agent of the disease is gonococcus, staphylococcus, less often - E. coli.

Inflammation of the Bartholin gland in the infiltration stage can spontaneously subside, the infiltrate dissolves and self-healing occurs. If this did not happen, the inflammation spreads to the gland and the surrounding cellulose - an abscess is formed.

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In acute bartholinitis with suppuration of the gland, the body temperature increases significantly, redness, swelling and sharp soreness in the region of the labia majora are noted. The enlarged gland extends the inner surface of the sham lips, and the genital slit becomes sickle-shaped. Often the abscess is opened spontaneously, and purulent contents pour out, which leads to a decrease in body temperature and the disappearance of pain. In some patients, relapse of the disease is possible. In the chronic stage, the formation of a retention cyst is possible.

How to treat and how to cure bartholinitis at home with folk remedies

Consider treating bartolinite with home remedies.

Three times a day for 30 minutes before meals, take 1 tablespoon of aloe tree ( century).Take green leaves of aloe with a total weight of 200 g, remove the spines and leave the leaves in the meat grinder. Then add 400 g of bee honey and pure natural red wine to the resulting gruel. Cook the mixture in a water bath for a small heat for 1 hour, cool, strain through a multilayer gauze.

10 minutes after taking the mixture, drink ⅓ cup decoction from a mixture of Icelandic moss - 40 g, horsetail - 50 g, piculate ordinary - 50 g, nettle and sponge 100 g each. Two tablespoons of the ground mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Brew in a sealed container on low heat for 10 minutes, cool, strain.

Two hours after a meal, take one tablespoon of a mixture of 1 kg of pure honey beet, 300 g walnuts, grinded in gruel, 100 g garlic, peeled, steamed and crushed, and 50 grams of dill seeds, ground into powder.

After 10-15 minutes after taking this mixture, drink one third of a glass of decoction from a mix of rötjäsa pharmacy, young pine tops, walnut leaves, Icelandic moss, tamarose vulgaris, camomile herbs, sandwich flowers - all components are taken in equal partsby weight. Mix two tablespoons of the ground mixture with a teaspoon of ground roots valerian, , pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Steam on low heat in a sealed container for 15 minutes, cool, strain.

If the abscess has already erupted, the area is washed with a decoction of the herb St. John's Wort: two tablespoons of flowers and St. John's wort infuse 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cook in a closed container for 2-3 minutes, cool, strain.

Ointment is applied to the deep wounds formed after opening the abscess: grease hare or rabbit - 50 g, pure beeswax - 5 g, powder from the flowers of St. John's wort - 20 g. The mixture is mixed on low heat in a clean containerto the density of the ointment.

Treatment of bartholinitis: medical preparations and procedures

In an acute period, ice, candles with Belladonna, Antipyrine, Promedol are used.

It is necessary to closely monitor the function of the intestine.

With progressive inflammation, a large gland of the vestibule is opened. An incision length of 5-6 cm is made in the place of the greatest fluctuation to the lower pole of the swelling to ensure the outflow of pus;necessarily drainage of abscess cavity with gauze band or rubber tube.

Some surgeons make a puncture in the gland instead of the incision, followed by suctioning the contents and introducing a solution of penicillin( 200,000 units) and streptomycin( 250,000 units) into the cavity.

In the absence of the effect of treatment and frequent relapses, extirpation of the gland is shown along with the duct under local anesthesia.

Beli is a watery discharge, similar to a raw egg white. They are one of the most frequent symptoms of gynecological diseases.

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