Miscellaneous, Collection

Non-profit organization: NGO activities, forms, features, example of socially-oriented NGOs

CONTENT Which organization is non-profit? Why are non-profit organizations established? What are NPOs in Russia: types, forms of non-profit organizations Non-profit organization: characteristics of NGOs Features of non-profit organizations: differences from commercial How to create a non-profit organization: NGOs Example of social non-profit organizations: NGOs Which organization is non-profit? If the organization does not have profit as its main objective and does not distribute the p...

  • 26-Jun-2018
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Miscellaneous, Collection

Socially oriented non-profit organizations as subjects of social security

So, in the Volgograd region, starting in 2014, social projects began to be prepared and new socially-oriented non-commercial organizations ( shortly - NCOs) social security subjects in the area of ​​social services of the population of our region are emerging. We are aware that the operation of the main provisions of Federal Law No. 442-FZ of December 28, 2013 "On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation" applies to citizens of the Russian Federation, ...

  • 28-Jun-2018
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Miscellaneous, Collection

Clinic TSELT: video about the treatment of ligaments, the consequences of injuries and dislocations

I bring to your attention three very interesting videos: on the treatment of the consequences of injuries, the treatment of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint, the treatment of the habitual dislocation of the shoulder according to the methods used in the Multidisciplinary Clinic CELT. Contact information: Clinic address: Moscow, Shosse Entuziastov, 62. Phones for inquiries:( 495) 788-33-88( multichannel), for companies and insurance companies -( 495) 305-02-68. ...

  • 23-Jun-2018
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Miscellaneous, Collection

The colors of the rainbow, what and how many colors in the rainbow are in order

Since ancient times, the rainbow was considered a symbol of extraordinary luck and luck. A bright, glowing multicolored arc in the sky pleased the eyes of everyone who saw it, certainly improving the mood and letting for a moment forget about the problems and worries. The old people said: "If the rainbow flares up in the sky from the very morning - it means everything will be easy and happy."Some people still even think of themselves when they see this beautiful phenomenon of nature. It ...

  • 01-Jul-2018
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Miscellaneous, Collection

What is the Rainbow, its colors, everything that is associated with the multicolored arc in the sky

There is no person on earth who does not admire the appearance in the sky after the rain with the breathtaking beauty of the colorful arc - the Rainbow. What is this, how is this wonderful phenomenon of Nature formed? The mystery of the origin of the rainbow has always fascinated and captivated the spirit. In the distant past, people tried to explain the appearance of a multicolored arc in the sky with the help of myths and legends. Today we will talk about what a rainbow is and how i...

  • 24-Jun-2018
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Miscellaneous, Collection

Cat's urine: how to get rid of the unpleasant odor in the apartment

Often at home with the owner live cats and cats. In urban apartments, they are often not allowed to walk outside at all. And in order to accustom your pet to cope with your natural needs in a specially designated place, you have to spend a lot of patience, strength and financial resources. And then, even after the pet's complete domestication to the toilet, it becomes relevant that get rid of the foul odor of cat urine in the apartment of . Pets, found in every third family - cats. They ...

  • 14-Jul-2018
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Miscellaneous, Collection

Spinal cord, its structure, functions, pathology in trauma, puncture

The spinal cord is an inseparable part, the whole department belonging to the central nervous system, originating in the brain. It is a white cord with a length of 45 cm and a diameter of about 1 cm. It is an extension of the medulla oblongata, the oldest structure. CONTENTS Structure Functions Pathologies, injuries, sequelae Puncture, indications Structure The spinal cord is located in the vertebral canal. Behind and in front are two furro...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Miscellaneous, Collection

Tolerance, what is it in simple words and language

" Tolerance " is, in simple terms, the notion of patience, patience and acceptance, which is widely used in sociology in relation to the definition of tolerance for a different world view, lifestyle, behavior, sexual orientation and customs. It should be noted that tolerance is not equivalent to indifference. It also does not mean accepting a different worldview or way of life, its essence consists in giving other people the right to live in accordance with their own worldview. Tolerance...

  • 02-Jul-2018
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Miscellaneous, Collection

VEPI - Voronezh-Uryupinsk - 1st issue of psychologists - 2002

The first issue of psychologists in the Uryupinsk branch of VEPI - MOU "Voronezh Economic and Legal Institute" in 2002. .. Yes. .. Fifteen years have passed since we received higher education in qualification "Psychologist in the specialty" Psychology ", it wasfun and interesting. Guys who have studied with me, leave a comment on this page about how you are, how are you doing. I, Bespalov Vladislav( if anyone remembers). Our release Zinchenko Olga Firsova Elena ...

  • 12-Jul-2018
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Miscellaneous, Collection

Children's urine: how to get rid of the smell on the couch at home

When a small child, a sick elderly person or a domestic pet lives in the house, this adds some trouble associated with uncontrolled urine outflow to all possible surfaces at home, especially on a carpet, sofa or bed. Regular ingestion of urine, its subsequent drying and renewal of outpourage leads to the appearance of an unpleasant ammonia smell in the house. Today we will talk about numerous ways, recipes and remedies to get rid of the unpleasant smell of the urine of a child, an eld...

  • 10-Jul-2018
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