Children's urine: how to get rid of the smell on the couch at home

When a small child, a sick elderly person or a domestic pet lives in the house, this adds some trouble associated with uncontrolled urine outflow to all possible surfaces at home, especially on a carpet, sofa or bed.

Regular ingestion of urine, its subsequent drying and renewal of outpourage leads to the appearance of an unpleasant ammonia smell in the house.

Today we will talk about numerous ways, recipes and remedies to get rid of the unpleasant smell of the urine of a child, an elderly person and a pet.


How to get ridfrom the smell of baby urine

As soon as a fresh puddle is seen on the upholstered furniture or carpet, immediately remove the wet spot to prevent it from being absorbed into the fabric and lint.

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To quickly remove the stain on the couch, you can use the following methods:

  1. You can use the or folded to fold the sofa from the baby's urine, folded into several layers of .They need to be changed to new dry ones as paper absorbs moisture. And so, until the stain dries completely.
  2. Hair dryer helps to quickly dry the stain. But do not keep it close to the upholstery, so as not to spoil it. And do not dry the product for more than 7 minutes, to avoid overheating and damage to the hair dryer!
  3. For the removal of human urine residues, you can use the usual iron .Turn on the device and pass it through the wet area. But do not leave it on the couch, carpet or bed so as not to damage the upholstery.

Removing the smell of urine: ways, remedies and prescriptions

Now you need to remove the smell after drying. The choice of a cleanser directly depends on who left the stain:

  1. small child,
  2. elderly person,
  3. pet.

For each type of pollution its own way is intended.

Eliminate the smell of children's urine: 3 recipes

In any home, there are tools that will help cope with the smell from childhood urine:

The first .To get rid of the smell of baby urine, you need to dilute the table vinegar with water in a 1: 5 ratio. In this solution, soak the diaper and squeeze it well. Cover her with a dirty place. So repeat until the unpleasant odor disappears completely.

Second .When the child described the sofa, a solution of iodine tincture will help to cope with an unpleasant odor. Take 15-20 drops of the drug and dissolve them in one liter of water. We process the stain: we take the solution into the sponge and soak the surface, then, wringing out the sponge, rubbing the movements, we try to take in it iodine solution from the fabric of the carpet, sofa or bed.

Due to the fact that iodine can paint surfaces, apply it for dark upholstery of furniture or fabric.

Third .This will help get rid of the smell of the old stain. Moisten initially a dirty area with plain water. Then rub the spot with soap and soak for fifteen minutes. Next: in 1 liter of water, dilute one tablespoon of ordinary vinegar and process the place with the resulting solution. We wash off the rest of the product with clean water and wipe the upholstery with a dry towel.

We can smell the excrement of domestic animals: 3 ways

Of course, eliminating the "fragrance" of canine or feline urine is more difficult than the nursery. But there are ways!

Method No. 1 . Lemon juice .It not only helps to get rid of an unpleasant smell, but also will repel the animal to re-shit in the same place. The smell of citrus fruits is unpleasant for pets. It will be enough to spray over the couch with a spray of juice of half a lemon.

Method No. 2 . Hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap .Take 10 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide and mix it with two teaspoons of liquid soap. After applying the mixture on a dirty surface, allow it to dry. Then just rinse the place of application with warm water.

Method No. 3 . Baking soda .Take a little baking soda and dilute it with water to the state of cereal. Apply the mixture on the stain from the urine, let it dry. Then brush the upholstery furniture.

Smell of an elderly person: how to get rid of

Getting rid of a smell, sick person or elderly citizen is the hardest. Especially if this place is not insured against re-contamination.

Option number 1 .Take vodka and ammonia in equal proportions and mix. Do not hesitate, abundantly wet the cloth of the carpet or the upholstery of the sofa with this mixture. After half an hour, you can rinse the treatment site well with plain water.

Option No. 2 .Special preparations. When washing home remedies do not give the proper effect, you can resort to the help of specialized drugs, although they are worth a few, at some price is quite high.

The most effective means: Enzym and Odor Gone. Read the instructions for use of the product, the dose and method of administration will be indicated there.

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Now you know how to remove the smell of urine from the couch, you can restore the upholstery of furniture, return the apartment the familiar scent.