Normal pulse in an adult and a healthy child: mean values ​​and possible deviations

The human body is a complex system, where each organ, tissue and bone has its own role. It reminds the clock mechanism: all the details are connected with each other and do not stop working for a second.

Of course, such a complex system needs its signals, which would tell a person about the state of his health.


  • 1 What the heart rate per minute says
  • 2 Step-by-step measurement algorithm: how to count heart beats
  • 3 Age-standard for men, women, adolescents and toddlers
  • 4 Causes of rapid heart rate
  • 5 Why slows down and what to do
  • 6 What examinations can a doctor prescribe?

About what the heart rate per minute is

Cutting down, the heart pushes blood through the arteries, which then fills every vessel and vein of the , thereby ensuring the proper functioning of the organs.

The largest artery in the human body is the aorta. In it, the blood crashes with such force that the "shock wave" passes through all the bloodstreams of the

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.It can be felt if the artery wall is clamped in the right place. It is this powerful push that is usually called the pulse.

I must say that many factors affect the indicator. When you are worried, you feel a heart pounding in your chest, and your pulse is accelerating. Whereas, if you are too cold, then all the processes in the body begin to slow down.

In addition to anxiety, the stimulating fact is also the physical exertion, strong emotions, medicines and much more.

Measurements should be carried out by all teens who are involved in the sports sections of the .

At this age, the body undergoes the most significant changes, so too high a figure can be the first news that this sport does not suit a person.

Such a survey is a daily responsibility and for professional athletes .However, in their case, this is due to the selection of the training program, it is its effectiveness, as well as whether it suits the athlete or not, will show the pulse.

If you regularly visit the gym, you probably know that many programs, whether training for muscle mass gain, weight loss or simple warm-up, are designed for a certain range of human heartbeats. The measurements in this case will tell you whether you have performed the program in good faith or are not trying hard enough.

Daily check of this indicator should become a habit not only for the elderly, but also for those who have serious heart problems.

In addition, similar measurements are performed by ambulance in case of a heart attack, fainting, and severe bleeding .However, the pulse will tell you about health problems long before the inevitable happens. You just need to be able to understand what the body tells you.

A step-by-step algorithm for measuring: how to calculate heart beats

The simplest method is to compress the artery with two fingers at the location of the heart rate in humans. This can be done near the wrist, on the temples or the inside of the foot.

If you are measuring from a small child, it is better to do it on the temples of .For an independent procedure, the radial artery closest to the wrist is best.

  1. Gently press the artery with two fingers, but keep in mind that the force of the impact should be minimal.
  2. Count the jolts that you will feel for 60 seconds.
  3. The resulting digit and it will be your indicator.

In addition to the already described method, the can be investigated using a special device .Outwardly it resembles a small counter and a cuff that is tightly fixed near the hand. The device will count the pulse for 1 minute. This method is more accurate than palpation.

The age-standard for men, women, adolescents and toddlers

It should be noted that children have a much higher figure than adults, especially in newborns. What is the normal pulse of a newborn baby?

Many mothers are frightened if their young children have a measurement above 100, but this is normal. Ideally, the heart rate of the newborn should be 140 beats per minute, but other indicators are possible in this range. The main thing is that the figure is not less than 110 beats and more than 170.

The indicator usually changes slightly from the first month of life and up to the year of .The norm is data from 102 to 162 beats per minute, and best of all, if there are 132.

From 1 year to 6 years old the kid actively grows and develops, and his physical activity goes off scale, so the normal pulse of a healthy child should be in therange from 90 to 150.

At the age of 6 and up to 12 years of , when a child begins to study at school, the decrease in physical activity and on the state of the body affects. The norm is between 75 and 115.

During adolescence( 12-15 years) pulse is significantly slowed, and therefore should be in the range of 55 and 95.

Average heart rate of a healthy adult( from 15 years and upup to 50 years ) is 70 beats per minute, but 60-80 strokes are also normal.

In the 50-60 years of the there is an increase again, therefore daily measurements are necessary. Normally, the pulse rate in the elderly varies from 74 to 79 beats per minute - this is considered normal, although more than other values.

Of course, a person is not always at rest, and therefore the pulse can often be higher or lower than normal.

Rapid heart rate is normal during physical exertion of .In addition, the pulse accelerates if you are worried or experiencing some strong emotions. It is about this condition that they say: "The heart jumps out of the chest."

A slowdown is usually observed if you find the in the hot tropical climate of the .Rest in the countries of South-East Asia is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular problems, since the climate there implies not only heat, but also strong humidity. An unprepared organism is subject to overheating, which adversely affects the condition of the heart.

If you do not have cardiovascular disease, then a slight decrease in the figure is normal , but the "cores" should carefully monitor their health when in a hot country.

Learn more about the pulse in a healthy adult( both men and women) is the norm, how many heart beats should be in a minute in a calm state, and in what cases is it to be agitated because of a deviation from normal heart rate:

Causes of rapid heart rate

Rapid heart rate( tachycardia), which is the cause of the accelerated heart rate, may be the first bell of such serious problems as:

  • Infection .In this state there is also a slight increase in temperature.
  • Heart work is incorrect. .Any defeats of the heart muscle and insufficient blood circulation also lead to an increase in the index.
  • Bleeding, syncope and any other shock conditions .Such a collapse causes a decrease in pressure and leads to an immediate, acute reaction of the whole organism.
  • Abuse of caffeine and alcohol .A lot has already been said about the harmfulness of both substances for the heart. Any excesses in the use of alcohol and caffeine immediately affect the work of the heart and pulse.

In the presence of such a problem, should first of all try to calm .Lay down on your back and eliminate all the annoying factors, whether it be bright light or noise. Breathe deeply. At first it can be difficult, but after a few such inhalations and expirations, the heart rate will slow down.

If you do not have the opportunity to lie down, it will be enough to rinse several times with cold water .This will cause a "diving reflex", and naturally there will be a slowdown.

However, after such a situation, you should definitely consult a doctor, as this may be a symptom of serious diseases.

How you can still calm your heartbeat, is told in this video:

Why it slows down and what to do with it

A pulse is considered rare, with less than 60 strokes per minute. This condition is called "bradycardia", and it may be an attendant factor of the following diseases:

  • Thyroid disease;
  • Brain edema, tumor, cerebral hemorrhage, meningitis;
  • Poisoning with drugs or chemicals;
  • Reception of beta-blockers;
  • Infectious diseases.

However, in addition to such serious problems, a slow pulse is possible due to for prolonged exposure to cold or low pressure .

Come to normal in this case will help with small physical exertion, for example, walk in the fresh air for 20 minutes, swimming, running .

You can resort to caffeinated substances , however, if you have heart disease, then you should not abuse this method. Increase the pulse will help take a hot bath.

Traditional medicine in this case recommends the use of decoction of yarrow, mixed with lemon juice and squeezed from garlic.

What examinations a doctor can appoint

For tachycardia and bradycardia, doctors prescribe the following examinations and tests:

  • ultrasound of the heart .Most often it is prescribed to people with chronic or hereditary diseases, be it hypertension, ischemic disease, or heart disease. It is necessary for the analysis of the condition of the organ and its valves.
  • ECG.Due to the measurement of electrical pulses, the doctor has a complete idea of ​​the frequency and rhythm of organ reduction, the work of the heart ventricles, and also the smallest manifestations of serious diseases.
  • General blood test. Shows the number of blood cells, and in case of their lack, is the basis for additional tests for the presence of diseases such as leukemia or anemia( anemia).
  • A blood test for thyroid hormones and urine analysis of are mandatory with an accelerated heart rate, as it is often caused by problems in the endocrine system.
Of course, not always the acceleration or slowing of the human heart rate from the norm is a signal of a serious disease. If such a problem occurred to you once, then, most likely, the reason lies in your mental or physical state at the moment.

However, if the indicator is far from normal and is accompanied by nausea and dizziness , then after taking the necessary measures for its normalization, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Perhaps, there will be no cause for concern, but it is better to engage in prevention than treatment of neglected diseases.

The features of diagnosing people with heart failure are described in this video:

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