Eye Exercise Complexes

Vision is the main sense of perception of the world. Through visual images, up to 90% of information comes to us. Any deterioration in the quality of visual perception is reflected in the standard of living. However, not everyone knows that at the initial stage there are several ways to improve vision on their own.


  • 1 Types of Deviations
    • 1.1 Myopia
    • 1.2 Farsightedness
    • 1.3 Astigmatism
    • 1.4 Presbyopia
    • 1.5 Strabismus
  • 2 Home Recovery Methods
    • 2.1 With myopia
    • 2.2 With farsightedness
    • 2.3 With astigmatism
    • 2.4 With strabismus
    • 2.5 Muscle relaxation
    • 2.6 Vitamin therapy
    • 2.7 Medicines
  • 3 Video
  • 4 findings

Types of Deviations

A decrease in visual perception can occur for various reasons: due to age-related changes, infectious or systemic diseases (local or general) due to genetic predisposition due to traumatic damage. In most cases, there is a connection either with age or with eye strain.

as seen with astigmatismVision problems


The first thing that any ophthalmologist checks at the appointment is visual acuityI am. Everyone knows the table with letters drawn in rows of various sizes. It is located at a distance of at least 5 m from the patient, and with its help, as well as the selection of lenses of different convexities, the doctor can determine the degree of myopia - how well the patient sees into the distance. Web version of instagram for desktop and computer

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The focus of the image is formed on the retina of the human eye, passing through the cornea and lens (natural lenses), as well as through the vitreous body that fills the eyeball. Thus, the clarity of the picture entering the brain depends on the degree of curvature of the lens and cornea and the size of the eyeball. EIf these sizes exceed the standards, the image focus does not reach the retina, and a person develops myopia (myopia).

The rate of view is described in this article.


In the process opposite to myopia, the focus of the image perceived by the eye, on the contrary, is formed outside the eyeball. With farsightedness, a person does not see well near, but with strong degrees of farsightedness, distance vision is also disturbed.

Hyperopia (hyperopia) is a normal condition for each newborn, which is due to the too small size of the eyeball. However, the visual system, like other organs, undergoes changes almost to adulthood. And pNearly to school age, farsightedness in almost all children disappears, but there is a risk of myopia in the teenage period.

Monitoring of the child's vision should occur, starting from 6 months., Constantly. And in case of any deviations, undergo treatment with spectacle correction.


If hyperopia or myopia is due to size imbalance in the eyeball, astigmatism is due to a change in the shape of the cornea. Ideally, the surface of the corneal layer resembles the surface of a sphere segment. T. e all the rays passing through it are refracted to the same extent.

With astigmatism, a natural lens takes an elongated shape along one of the meridians (horizontal or vertical). Each light ray, reflected from a point on an object, passes through such a lens with varying degrees of refraction. Thus, a distorted and blurry image is formed on the retina, sometimes even bifurcated. This visual impairment is called astigmatism.

Like farsightedness, astigmatism is present in all newborns due to immaturity of the visual organ, but by about 3 years of age, its manifestations almost completely disappear. A mild degree of astigmatism (-0.5D) is a normal condition for most people and almost never affects visual acuity.

How is an astigmatism test read in this article.


Deviations in vision can also be caused by a violation in the accommodation system. The lens, being one of the main optical media of the eye, has a high degree of elasticity and is able to change its curvature depending on the distance to the subject. In this, the ciliary muscle helps him, which can relax and strain.

However, due to age-related changes, this ability is lost both in the lens and in the ciliary muscle. Therefore, a person begins to see poorly close objects. Such a visual impairment is called presbyopia or presbyopia.


Vision in which both eyes work the same is called binocular, and this is the normal state of human eyes. However, when one of the eyes deviates, a defect of vision, called strabismus (strabismus), directly develops when looking. Two different images come into the visual analyzer from the retina, and with the duration of this phenomenon in most cases, amblyopia develops (lazy eye) - a decrease or loss of one of the eyes see.

This violation may be due to a number of reasons: injuries, paralysis, severe or moderate other deviations, diseases of a psychological or physiological nature.

Types of Strabismus

However, the biggest risk of developing strabismus is in childhood, when improper placement of hanging toys near a child can provoke a visual deviation.

Home Recovery Methods

The effectiveness of various methods of restoring eyesight today has no scientific justification, and the effectiveness of such methods can be judged only on the basis of user feedback. However, no one can deny the need for good blood supply to maintain the functionality of any organs and systems. It is on this principle that the majority of sets of exercises that restore vision are based.

With myopia

The complex must be done systematically, following all the recommendations:

  • Pgently and slowly draw a figure eight in the air in the eyes (5-7 times);
  • For a few seconds, look at the thumb of the arm extended forward (at eye level). Without turning your head or taking your eyes off, slowly take your hand to the side, then bring it back. Repeat for the other hand. (5-7 times);
  • Look at the object in the distance, move your gaze to the finger, which is 30 cm from the eyes at their level (10-15 times);
  • Look alternately at the finger located 30 cm from the eyes with the right and left eye, holding the gaze for 5 seconds. (10-12 times);
  • Put your hands on your belt and put your feet shoulder width apart. Gently turn your head left and right, while the gaze should be directed in the direction of travel (20 times);
  • Eyes wide open, after squinting, then lower eyelids (20 times).
    eye exerciseEye exercises for myopia

With farsightedness

The complex is recommended to be performed twice a day, gradually increasing the number of repetitions (daily by 2-3):

  • Move your eyes left-right and up-down (5 times in each direction);
  • Stick a dark mark (1 × 1 cm) on the glass, stand 1.5 m from the window and look alternately at the distant object outside the window and at the mark, changing focus. After each repetition, blink strongly and close your eyes (3-5 times);
  • Sit near the wall clock and alternately fix your eyes on the numbers 3, 6, 9, 12. Sight to translate slowly (3 times clockwise and 3 counterclockwise);
  • Make eye movements, "looking" around an imaginary object along the contour: star, triangle, square, bow, figure eight.
    How to improve eyesight in 5 minutes at home, an exercise for the eyes, what foods, without surgery, drugs, a child with hyperopiaEye exercises to improve vision

With astigmatism

The complex is recommended to be performed in the morning, when the eyes are not tired:

  • Rotate eyes smoothly and slowly at first, then counterclockwise, then right-left, up-down;
  • Raise your gaze upwards, maximally stretching the muscles, fix for 10 seconds. Repeat, looking down, left, right, diagonally;
  • Shift eyes from distant to close (30-40 cm). In this case, the main condition is the stillness of the eyes;
  • Extend your arm forward and fix your gaze on your index finger. Alternately smoothly move your hand to your eyes and look back without taking your eyes off;
  • Blink gently and often, then close your eyes for a few seconds, then blink again.
    exercises for the eyes, exercises for the eyes to improve vision, exercises for the eyes according to Zhdanov, exercise for the eyes to improve vision, exercises for the eyes according to Norbekov, exercises for the eyes when working on a computer, exercises for the eyes with myopiaExercise complex

Each exercise is recommended to be done 5-7 times.

With strabismus

The implementation of each exercise in the complex is recommended to be repeated at least 16 times:

  • Do not take your gaze from the finger of an outstretched hand when approaching and moving away from the eyes. Repeat the exercise by lifting your finger up and down;
  • Avert your eyes left and right as far as possible, then up and down, and at the end, describe with your eyes the number 8 in the horizontal plane;
  • It is useful to keep an eye on an object moving quickly left and right (for example, a ball during ping-pong), as well as an approaching and receding object;
  • With intense visual load, do a focus change exercise every half hour: to look from a close subject to a distant one and vice versa;
  • Turn your back to the sun, close your palm with a healthy eye. Until then turn your head towards the squinting eye until the sun's rays become noticeable. Movements should be smooth and slow;
  • When the left eye squints towards the bridge of the nose, cover the healthy eye, extend the right leg forward, reach with your left hand to her fingers. After that, while maintaining an inclined position, stretch your arm up, watching her with a sore eye. If the same eye squints outward, expose the left leg, and stretch with the right hand. To carry out the same exercise with a sore right eye, respectively changing the arm and leg.
    How to improve eyesight in 5 minutes at home, an exercise for the eyes, what foods, without surgery, drugs, a child with hyperopiaTypes of visual exercises according to the Bates technique

Muscle relaxation

The complex is recommended to be performed in the most relaxed state, taking a comfortable body position:

  • Closing your eyes and lowering your head, imagine that the tip of the nose is a pen, and begin to "write" letters or numbers. Exercise helps relax neck muscles;
  • Lightly rub your palm on the palm of your hand and cover them with your eyes closed so that your fingers slightly cross on your forehead. An important condition - the palms should prevent the penetration of light;
  • Through-finger exercise: place hands with slightly open fingers opposite the eyes. Turn your head left and right, looking into the distance through your fingers. Close and open your eyes every three turns. Perform 20-30 reps;
  • Make eye movements in various directions: left-right, up-down, diagonally and describing the figure eight. In each direction, do 5-7 repetitions;
  • Describe the circle with the eyes, gradually increasing the diameter;
  • To look from a near subject to a distant one and vice versa.

Do all exercises smoothly and slowly, without losing your breath and monitoring the comfort of sensations.

Vitamin therapy

Good functionality of the eye tissues is provided not only by regular training, but also by proper nutrition. Vitamins play a huge role in the continuity of biochemical processes. For the eyes, the following are vital:

  • Vitamin A. Contains red carrots, spinach, pumpkin, fish oil, egg yolks, pork and beef liver;
  • Vitamin C. Contained in red pepper, lemons, black currants, apples, cranberries, cherries;
  • Vitamin B1. Contained in eggs, beef liver, lactic acid products, wheat flour;
  • Vitamin B2. Contained in green vegetables, eggs, dairy products.
    Vitamin-containing foods

In addition, vitamins B6 (vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, eggs), B12 (dairy products, fish, liver), lutein (broccoli, leaf lettuce), anthocyanins (blueberries, currants, eggplants) are useful to the eyes.


Synthetic complexes will help fill the lack of vitamins: Complivit Ophthalmo, Vitrum Vision, Blueberry Forte, Starry Eye, Biorhythm Vision, Omega-3.

You can improve vision with the help of other drugs aimed at normalizing metabolism:

  • Quinax drops and Vitafacol;
  • Pills Focus;
  • Drops of Riboflavin;
  • BAA Adruzen Zinko;
  • Capsules: Vegetarian Doktor′s Best, Gel Lutein, Vegetable Solgar.



Before using any means or methods, be sure to go through an examination with an ophthalmologist, make sure that your vision problems do not have a pathological cause, but at the same time get expert advice.

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