Pain in the hand after the flu vaccination

Vaccinations against influenza: 12 of the most popular myths

As shown by medical statistics, only 1% of Ukrainians give themselves the opportunity to get vaccines against influenza. All the blame is not only elementary negligence to one's health, but also the myths about vaccinations, which we diligently read and hear from different sources. It's time to finally find out the truth about what flu shots are.

Myth 1: Vaccinations from influenza can cause flu

True. People are confused when they learn that flu shots contain the flu virus, but not alive. They think that in this way they will get influenza through an inoculation. But you should know that flu vaccinations contain only inactivated influenza viruses. They can not cause infection.

Myth 1: Influenza vaccination can cause flu

Studies comparing those who have already been vaccinated against influenza, with people who have been injected with a salt water solution (placebo) show that those who received flu shots had redness at the injection site and tenderness of the hand. In the future, they did not experience pain throughout the body, fever, cough, runny nose or sore throat, characteristic of the flu.

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Myth 2: Vaccinations from influenza do not help

True. Some people believe that it makes no sense to vaccinate against the flu after the onset of November, since it begins season colds and immunity does not have time to prepare for them with a vaccine. And experts say that it is better to get flu shots, as soon as you are ready for it (of course, if there are no contraindications). Flu vaccination can be very useful, even if the flu viruses are actively circulating around you.

Vaccinations from influenza do not help

The season of influenza varies in time from year to year. Peaks of seasonal flu usually occur in January or February, but some people get flu in late May. Therefore, flu shots can be very useful at any time of the year.

Myth 3: Immunizations from the flu will protect against the disease for many years

True. Just because you got a flu shot last year does not mean that you are protected from it this year. Influenza viruses change from year to year, which means that the flu vaccine must be updated annually.

Myth 4: Inoculations from influenza make other precautions unnecessary

True. Even if you get vaccinated against the flu in time, scientists say that daily measures are absolutely necessary to prevent the spread of microbes and viruses. Including those that cause the flu. Simple precautions include the following:

  • cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze
  • stay away from people who are sick
  • wash your hands often with soap and water - or use an alcohol based hand sanitizer - these are now sold in any supermarkets.
Vaccination will protect against the flu for many years

Myth 5: Flu vaccinations are needed when everyone around you is sick

True. Some people think that they need flu shots only when everyone as one around them is blinded to the flu. But if you wait until others fall ill, it may be too late to protect yourself. Adaptation of the body to the vaccine and the beginning of the full protection of your body will take about two weeks.

Myth 6: Children should be vaccinated against influenza from the moment of their birth

True. Children under the age of six months are in great danger because of the flu attack. But, unfortunately, they are still too young to get vaccinated against the flu. The best way to protect them from the flu is to make sure that the other family members have been vaccinated.

Vaccination is needed when everyone around you is sick

Myth 7: Influenza vaccines are not very effective

True. Vaccination against influenza does not work all year round, but studies show that vaccination can reduce the chances of getting the flu by up to 90 percent. Agree, this is very much. The vaccine is slightly less effective for the elderly and young children, but it can help them avoid serious complications due to the flu, even if they get sick.

Vaccination against influenza is not very effective

Myth 8: Everyone should get a flu shot

True. Vaccination against influenza doctors are not recommended for everyone, but starting from the age of over six months. It can not be done to people who are strongly allergic to chicken eggs or other substances in the vaccine or who have shown severe allergic reactions to previous flu shots. You can not get vaccinated against the flu and those who have the disease now in the acute stage or who have not had another two weeks from the previous illness.

Myth 9: Immunizations from influenza cause autism

True. Some flu shots contain thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative that causes health problems, including autism. But studies have shown that low doses of thimerosal are harmless, causing nothing more than redness and swelling at the injection site. Numerous studies have shown no connection between thimerosal and autism.

Vaccinations from influenza cause autism

Myth 10: One vaccination against the flu is enough

True. This year only one vaccine against influenza is needed, and most people are vaccinated only once a year. But children aged six months to nine years who have never received a seasonal flu vaccine should receive two flu shots with an interval of at least four weeks.

Myth 11: Antiviral drugs make flu shots unnecessary

True. Yes, antiviral pills, liquids, powders and inhalants for the treatment of flu symptoms usually apply if a person has not been vaccinated against the flu. But in practice this is only the second line of defense against influenza. In addition, these funds tend to work only if they are taken within the first two days after the onset of the flu.

Myth 12: Influenza vaccine is the only reliable protection option

True. If you passionately hate injecting, you can use nasal spray as a vaccine. This is especially good for protecting against the flu of healthy children of two years and adults - under the age of 49 years. When pregnancy and the onset of the elderly, the possibility of vaccination against influenza should be discussed with your doctor.

Vaccination against influenza is the only reliable option for protection

As you can see, vaccinations against influenza are not so terrible. So let us be guided by facts and common sense.

Have put inoculation against a flu, and so much the arm or hand hurts what even I can not move it or her, what does it mean? Or nothing scary?


1 ♥ · Mariska · ♥ 1

There are complications from vaccination of influenza.
Tell the pediatrician about the consequences,
the doctor must fix the consequences and give recommendations.

Evgeny Fedorov

It's okay, just next time, ask to do or make in the buttock.

Irina Nafikova

All pass, do not worry.

Alexander Aleshin

Where put something? In the corner or on the chest of drawers?


this means that you shave the zdaroviy like a bka


just do not do more and everything if you want to be healthy

Olga Shevnina

I had the same reaction to our domestic Grippol last year. She put her foolishly in her right shoulder. It was horrible. On the trail. The day the muscle swelled, as if I pumped it in the gym, hardened and began to ache wildly, and the pain gave to the shoulder joint and it was difficult even to move my hand. I could not sleep on my right side because of this. Plus, the hand was hot to the touch. It continued all about a week, then gradually passed. Since then, I have refused to put our vaccines against the flu and I will only chop the French ones. I'd rather overpay than suffer so much. And I can not get vaccinated at all. By the way, when the same flu was put in the ass, Nitsche was not observed. and here: whether near to a nerve have got, whether a hand thin too for a nyxis-HZ.

Do I need to get a flu shot?

The flu is so dangerous for people that it is on the third place among the most treacherous diseases of our time. Therefore, doctors recommend that you vaccinate to avoid the flu and its complications. Meanwhile, up to 80% of US residents prefer to vaccinate, about 10% of the population of Russia, and in Ukraine - up to 1%. There are a lot of rumors about vaccinations - truthful and not very good. Do I need to get a flu shot?

Do I need to get a flu shot?

Who needs flu vaccination?

WHO argues that although everyone is sick with the flu, not everyone needs vaccinations. But there are groups of people who need flu shots. It:

  • Children from six months who have not yet acquired immunity to colds and whose immune system is still very weak
Who needs flu vaccination?
  • People with chronic diseases of the respiratory system (but not in an acute state and without temperature)
  • Those who have immunodeficiency
  • People who have crossed the threshold of 50 years

Why is it so difficult to get a flu shot?

In the composition of the influenza virus, there are special antigens, the formula and form of which forms varieties of the same viruses. These varieties, to our regret, change their composition every year, because of what it is quite difficult to find an effective vaccine against the flu.

Why is it so difficult to get a flu shot?

In order for the vaccine to be developed correctly and, accordingly, it is necessary to rely on the doctors' forecasts regarding the likely changes in the structure of the virus. This is quite difficult, so if the vaccine is not properly selected, you can not guess and not protect the person from the flu completely. The fact is that if scientists have not guessed with the vaccine, then it will not have enough antimatter to withstand the flu. With an incorrectly selected vaccine, its effectiveness is reduced by a factor of three - this explains the inefficiency of vaccinations.

What is the composition of the flu vaccine?

As part of the vaccination against influenza viruses are contained, but not alive, but already killed. These viruses, getting into the human body, increase its immunity and cause it to fight with the infection. Having trained on weak viruses, the body instantly recognizes influenza viruses that get to it from the external environment. And easily copes with them. In this - the essence of the vaccine against the flu.

What is the composition of the flu vaccine?

The vaccine differs from the present influenza virus in that it contains too weak viruses or inactivated viruses (generally without virus content). These are inactivated viruses and can give most complications after the flu. After the vaccination, two weeks pass from the flu, and this is the time when the body fully adapts to this type of flu. Therefore, it is better to vaccinate against influenza not during epidemics, but before their onset - beginning in October.

Pros of vaccination against influenza

Vaccination against influenza helps reduce the incidence of influenza in a rather impressive scale - this is a fact. For example, among the elderly people who were vaccinated against the flu, up to 60% later they are not sick with acute respiratory diseases in general. Vaccination from the flu makes it possible not to ache more than 80% of people of all ages who have been vaccinated. Children who were vaccinated against influenza cease to be ill in more than 92% of cases. Vaccination against influenza also reduces the likelihood of complications by more than a third - one of them is a painful otitis for children.

Cons of vaccination against influenza

There are also side effects of flu vaccination. They are related to:

  • Incorrect use of the vaccine (not corresponding to the influenza strain)
  • Vaccination in those conditions that are prohibited for vaccinations - pregnancy in the first trimester, high fever, acute disease during vaccination
  • A negative reaction to vaccine substances that were not taken into account
Cons of vaccination against influenza

Consequences of the negative reaction of the body to the vaccine - weakness of the body, redness at the injection site, fever and flu symptoms in mild form - headache, lethargy and so on. With a normal reaction of the body to the vaccine, these symptoms disappear within two days after the vaccination, and when complications - a person's condition deteriorates sharply after 6-12 hours from the time of vaccination.

It is worth knowing that, in addition to vaccination against influenza, there are other methods of prevention: more abundant drinking with vitamins (decoction of rose hips, sea buckthorn, tea with lemon and honey), wearing an antiviral mask, taking multivitamin preparations to maintain immunity, frequent washing hands. They should be used, because in the cold season, a person loses a lot of vitamins - up to 70% of what is needed!

Therefore, using a vaccine against influenza as the only means is wrong. But you do not need to give it up. Especially if you find yourself on the list of people who need flu shots.

Who does not have a flu vaccine?

There are people who do not get a flu shot, because it can cause a number of complications.

  • These are people with chronic diseases of the nervous system
  • Those who have problems with the genitourinary system (ureter, bladder, kidneys and so on)
  • People suffering from diseases of the endocrine organs (thyroid, adrenal, pituitary)
  • Those who have heart failure, and clearly expressed
  • People with bronchial asthma
  • Patients with blood diseases of any age
  • Pregnant women before the third trimester of pregnancy
  • Those who have an allergy to chicken protein

Vaccination against influenza, introducing viruses into the body, can cause an adverse reaction even in healthy people who do not suffer from the above contraindications.

Influenza in Figures

Today the flu is a real plague of the century. In terms of complications and mortality, influenza is in third place after cardiovascular diseases and cancer. And the flu together with ARVI occupy 95% of infectious diseases. These viruses each year strike up to 500 million people on the planet. Of these people, up to 2 million people die. To reduce these deaths, scientists recommend vaccination.

Vaccination, according to WHO, should protect people from the flu and prevent complications after the flu, not to mention the mortality, which is significantly reduced. The vaccine works, strengthening primarily the immune system.

Influenza in Figures

But, unfortunately, this protection does not always work. As a minus, it is not always right for physicians to select a vaccine, but as a plus, even if the vaccine does not fully protect against infection with the virus, but it makes it possible to weaken its influence on the body.

More on the influenza virus

The flu virus is far from alone. There are at least three of them - the influenza virus A, B, C - as the first letters in the English alphabet. The most dangerous is considered to be influenza type A, epidemics and pandemics are associated with it. Influenza type B is also not a gift - it causes damage to the body in many people, but affects people more locally. The most mild in its impact is the influenza C virus, although it is undesirable to suffer from none of the three types of influenza.

Vaccination against influenza - contraindications

Vaccination against flu contraindications

The flu epidemic has become habitual for a long time, and preparation for it has turned into something self-evident. Even children know how important prevention is. It is also well known that one of the best means for preventing influenza is vaccination. And only those who directly faced the problem know that the flu vaccine is not universal - it has contraindications. That is, not everyone can protect themselves from the disease with the help of a vaccine. More details about the negative aspects of vaccination against influenza will be described in the article.

Side effects of vaccination against influenza

Vaccines against influenza are of different types:

  1. Injection is more popular. There are no live viruses, but it gets into the body thanks to a shot.
  2. The second type of vaccine is aerosol. This means contains live viruses. Weakened, they do not pose a threat to the body, but contribute to the development of strong immunity.

Like any other vaccine, a flu shot can cause side effects. Different organisms perceive vaccination in their own way. The most frequent negative manifestations of vaccination are the following:

  1. Immediately after vaccination a person can feel weakness, fatigue, drowsiness. Sometimes the patient is tormented by fever and fever.
  2. Many people get a headache after the vaccination.
  3. One of the most unpleasant consequences of vaccination is a runny nose or a pharyngitis.
  4. The most serious and harmful complication of vaccination against influenza is anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, this side effect is extremely rare.
  5. A fairly frequent unpleasant consequence of vaccination is pain, swelling and redness at the injection site.

Most of the side effects the patient forgets about a couple of days after the vaccination. And in order to avoid more serious and complex consequences, it is necessary to get acquainted with the list of contraindications before vaccination.

Who is against the flu vaccine?

Despite the large number of benefits, some groups of patients may not be vaccinated against influenza. An alternative method of protection against a disease is recommended in the following cases:

  1. First, it is strictly forbidden to get a flu shot from people suffering from colds or ARVI. Vaccination is allowed at least a month after recovery.
  2. Secondly, an inoculation against influenza is contraindicated to people with an allergy to chicken protein.
  3. Specialists are in no hurry to vaccinate patients who did not have a good previous vaccination.
  4. This method of preventing influenza is not recommended for people with diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems.
  5. Additionally, patients suffering from kidney and adrenal problems should consult.
  6. Vaccination against influenza Grippol and its analogs are contraindicated for chronic diseases of the lungs, bronchi and upper respiratory tract.
  7. You can not vaccinate babies.
  8. Asthma, anemia, hypertension and general cardiacHarm to vaccine against influenzaInsufficiency can also serve as a contraindication to vaccination.

As you can see, there are a lot of contraindications to vaccination against influenza for adults. Therefore, in order to really benefit the vaccination, the procedure must necessarily be consulted with specialists and with understanding to treat their detailed inquiries about the state of health and the transferred diseases.

Do not forget that the vaccine is not a panacea. To completely protect yourself against the flu, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, for the time of the epidemic, to supplement your diet with nutritious foods, fruits and vegetables.

Yesterday I received a flu vaccination



What are you tired of living?


the flu is not as terrible as its inoculation. I never put this stuff. and I do not advise anyone. but you'd better go to the doctor who did the inoculation


Vaccinations can not be done, they kill gradually the immunity of a person and there are chronic diseases over the years, and some have paralysis and death. The body itself must develop protective functions when you breathe and inhale viruses, for example communicating with a sick person.. And doctors do just a disaster, introducing the same virus directly into the blood, it immediately undermines health.

Andermanier Stuck

Maybe she helped with water? Then it's a reaction, it will pass. Look what will happen in two days. If the swelling does not come off, go to the doctor.


do not be afraid, will

Mom Choli

less hands would grab the vaccine site and put pressure on him.. from nothing to do or what?


This is a normal reaction to the inoculation. As for the possibility of getting sick, the vaccine administered parenterally (subcutaneously, intramuscularly) does not contain not that of live viruses, but even whole killed viruses. It is inactivated and adsorbed, i.e. the virus in it is killed and split into fragments of RNA into which our body and gives the immune response determining it's like a whole virus and producing antibodies, which then fight against normal living viruses that enter our body. It has long been used intranasal (introduced into the nasal passages, like drops) anti-influenza vaccine, it was indeed partially inactivated and caused symptoms of the flu, which, if initially poor, could have been a source of serious problems. Now such a vaccine is not produced and is not used. Absolute contraindication for such vaccinations are autoimmune diseases, disorders associated with clotting disorders blood and allergic reactions in particular allergy to egg white (the virus is grown on a medium containing egg white before treatment). All other contraindications relative and vaccination can be carried out after recovery or during the transition of chronic diseases to the stage of remission. From experience, he worked with 2 kinds of vaccines: Chinese "Fluvaxin" and Russian "Grippol". Every year at school, 600-700 vaccinations were given to a school with a contingent of 1200 children. Complications of those requiring urgent and urgent care have not seen ANY ONE!!!! The main thing in the careful implementation of all instructions for storage, transportation and introduction of the vaccine.

Should the hand swell after being vaccinated against the flu and get sick? no temperature.


Oksana Gerasimova

In our family, everyone has been vaccinated against the flu for several years - but never swollen or hurt. Ask the doctor - you never know what.

Olga Teplova

Nothing should get sick, see a doctor, where they vaccinated. An infection or an individual reaction to an inoculation may have occurred. It is necessary to observe!


No, it should not swell. Perhaps you have such a reaction to the vaccine - by the way, you can not do people who are allergic to egg white. If it's been three days after the vaccination and only after that there was a tumor and the injection site turned red - maybe it's an infection, so you can not do without a doctor, you need to decide what it is for you. Do not over tighten.

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