Treatment of alcohol dependence

Leading syndrome of chronic alcoholism is a pathological passion for alcohol. In treatment, the most important, is getting rid of alcohol dependence of a sick person. Because painful dependence on the psychological and physical levels determines the system of spiritual values ​​of the individual, distorts his worldview and thinking, leads to a dead end and leads to an antisocial way of life.

Dependence on alcohol is inherent in alcoholics, it is often irreversible. And, whatever is used from the means of alcohol dependence for the treatment of the patient, after treatment, one can not take any kinds of alcoholic beverages for life. Any small dose of alcohol leads to a breakdown, binge, nervous, mental and neurological disorders.

Alcohol dependence develops imperceptibly, there is no awareness of its presence in a sick person. The test for alcohol dependence can help to understand whether she is or not. But let us remember the important characteristic feature - if a person realizes that he is sick - he is healthy, for the present. And every mentally unhealthy person never realizes himself to the sick and does not recognize himself.

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How to get rid of alcohol dependence?

There are various methods for dealing with alcohol dependence. It is always better to use them comprehensively, rather than singly. The main thing in treatment is voluntary abstinence from alcohol in the patient himself. The patient is treated with drugs from alcohol addiction, cleanses the body and blood from toxic substances and slags, conducts social and psychological adaptation to a new lifestyle without alcohol.

Any effective methods, means and directions in getting rid of alcohol dependence should include psychotherapeutic methods. After all, it is the psychological impact on the patient's consciousness that starts to create in him a negative attitude to alcoholic beverages. A hard but effective method of coding from alcohol dependence for many decades has been successfully used in official medicine. Methods of coding from alcoholism are polyvariant and diverse. In each individual case, the most appropriate method is selected. But, much depends on the most sick person. If he does not want to quit drinking, get rid of alcohol dependence, a breakdown occurs, which nullifies all treatment. There are binges. The destruction of the health and psyche of the alcoholic continues.

Treatment of alcohol dependence can occur by drug therapy. Entered inside, intramuscularly, subcutaneously, intravenously, medications are incompatible with alcohol. And when alcohol gets inside, a very painful reaction arises that scares the patient, turns him away from alcohol, but in high doses alcohol consumed causes such side effects that a threat to the life of the patient may arise. It is necessary to abstain completely from alcohol in any form.

Removing alcohol dependence is not such a simple task as it might seem at first glance. We need to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, support it with vitamins and nootropics, restore the work of internal organs and nervous system, restore sleep.

Psychological help is designed to strengthen the person in the belief in their own strength, to help in creating a motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Can alcoholism be cured in an alcoholic without his knowledge?

Until now, it remains questionable and sometimes dangerous treatment of an alcoholic without his knowledge. Although there are folk remedies that pacify the passion for the green snake. Let's face it: alcoholism must be treated consciously, voluntarily. On the other hand: have we seen a lot of alcoholics who realize their illness? Virtually none! You can certainly try the advertised drugs for hidden treatment, but they basically have to have plant components, soft, not giving side effects and psychoses. Optionally, the drug should have exclusively coding properties, because many medicinal plants have soothing, restorative, vitamin and other beneficial properties.

For any reasons of alcohol dependence, family psychotherapy is needed. She changes the behavioral and mental stereotypes of the patient toward a healthy sober lifestyle. In the psychotherapeutic process, the sick person and his relatives participate. All family members study the behavior with the patient, his perception, the necessary places of psychological influence.

Forced treatment of alcohol dependence is used in the complete absence of the patient's desire to be treated. In the conditions of the clinic they use drugs from alcoholic dependence of hard action.

Methods for getting rid of alcohol dependence

There are many methods, directions and ways of treating alcohol dependence. Since the early 80's of the past century, the coding of alcoholism using the Dovzhenko method has been used successfully. The basis of it is psychological suggestion for aversion to alcohol.

Non-traditional methods of getting rid of alcoholism include phytotherapy( therapy with medicinal herbs).An alternative method is acupuncture( the eastern method of using stimulation of biologically active points for improving the body and removing alcohol dependence).

There are developments and the latest method of treatment at the cellular level. Where specialists study the patient's body, its strengths and weaknesses. On the basis of these data, an individual course of treatment is selected.

In the treatment of alcoholism in the complex often use a laser. The laser beam, affecting the blood and biologically active points, removes the alcohol withdrawal syndrome, increases the effectiveness of drug therapy and normalizes the activity of internal organs - the heart, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, pancreas.

Many years in the treatment of alcoholism, hypnosis is used. It is used alone and in combination with other medicinal methods. After all, dependence on alcohol is a serious disease. And at home, complex methods can not be used. Therefore, it is better to be treated better in the clinic, hospital, hospital, in the end - anonymously outpatient in the office of the narcologist of any hospital.

Treatment in hospital from alcohol dependence is very effective.

Alcoholism in women and fighting with it

Female alcoholism is more serious than male alcoholism. It affects the life of the whole family, including children and adolescents. Women are drunk discreetly, they hide their defect for a long time and suffer morally from moral degradation. Therefore, they often show depression and suicidal thoughts and actions.

Independently stop drinking a woman even harder than a man. You can use pills and drops from alcohol dependence, but it is better to be treated under the guidance of a doctor.

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