Heparin ointment from bruises under the eyes

Virtually every person with age, there is such a problem as bruises under the eyes. Incorrect sleep, stress, constant work on the computer is the reason. Specialists have long solved this problem by developing a lot of creams, ointments and masks. This cream from bruises under the eyes is recognized as an excellent tool in the fight against this ailment.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2pharmachologic effect
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
    • 3.1Indications for use
    • 3.2Contraindications in use
    • 3.3In pregnancy
    • 3.4To small children
  • 4Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Heparin ointment is a remedy aimed at eliminating various thrombi, bruises, lesions. The spectrum of action is quite wide, in connection with this in the cosmetic industry the drug under consideration is extremely popular. It's all about the antiaggregant, it does not allow blood to clot, to stick together the platelets.The components of this medicine dilate the vessels well.

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Heparin ointment is used to combat bruising under the eyes

The effect of the drug is enhanced by a rather large amount of excipients. Vessels are noticeably enlarged due to the influence of medical components on them. That's why the flow of blood to problem areas improves.As a result, puffiness, blue eyes, and pale eyes disappear.

Heparin ointment not only helps to get rid of bruises under the eyes, but with bruises, bruises and much more. This is due to the peculiarities of the composition of the Heparin ointment.

pharmachologic effect

The main active substance of the ointment is heparin. Its action is aimed at diluting the blood. In this regard, the range of this ointment is very wide. Especially well, she proved herself in the cosmetic industry. The cost of components is lower than that of most similar components.

Thanks to Heparin's ointment you can get rid of acne, swelling of the face, remove wrinkles and bruises under the eyes.An excellent tool for dealing with age problems.

Ointment has a wide spectrum of action

However, it is worth considering the fact that, like most drugs,Heparin ointment can have indications and contraindications in use.They are significantly less than those of similar drugs with the same spectrum of action.

Heparin ointment has not only the ability to save bruises under the eyes, but also to help in the fight against age-related skin changes.

Indications and contraindications in use

To understand the principle of action of the ointment under consideration, carefully read the indications and contraindications to Heparin Ointment.

Indications for use

This drug should be used in the following cases:

  • Presence of bags under the eyes.
  • Bruises in the eye area.
  • Swelling of the face.
  • Elimination of acne from the skin of the face.
  • Help in the fight against age-related changes.

Contraindications in use

Heparin ointment, because of its wide range of uses, is a powerful enough tool. If you have at least one of the following factors, stop using this medication as a matter of urgency.

  • The use of drugs that dilute blood expand the vessels.
  • Wounds, abrasions, open injuries.
  • Bad coagulability of blood.
  • Allergy to any component of the ointment.
  • Low level of platelets.
  • When taking tetracycline ointment.
  • The course of treatment with antibiotics.
  • With couperose.

In pregnancy

It is worth considering that during pregnancy, the use of Heparin Ointment is prohibited.This applies to the menstrual period, lactation.


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To small children

There are no data on the harmful effects of the use of this drug by children.But you can take a recommendation from a doctor.

The maximum and positive effect of using this ointment is possible if you adhere to all measures and rules for use.

Possible complications caused by the drug

Heparin ointment can cause complications when a number of measures are not taken. The main and most common complication can be considered an allergic reaction.The low probability of negative influence of this remedy is due to the fact that parabens and preservatives do not enter the composition, as well as many other similar components.

Nicotine can reduce the effect of this ointment.Smokers should either give up a bad habit, or find another means. It is highly likely that it will be less effective.


What to do if the vision falls

All about the preparation Polinadym is written in this article.

Exercises for restoring vision with nearsightedness and their descriptions are here.


Thus, this ointment has almost no dangerous complications, all the more so if all the rules and precautions are observed. It is worth considering that consulting with an expert will help you understand whether it is worth using this ointment or not.

Due to the absence of harmful components in the composition reduces the chances of complications resulting from the use of the drug.



Heparin ointment is a choice not only for people who have decided to get rid of bruises under the eyes, wrinkles, bruises, but also professional cosmetologists. The absence of parabens, preservatives and other ingredients makes this ointment one of the safest.

Also read about such drugs as Okomistin and Solcoseryl ointment.