How to treat barley in a child?

Inflammatory process is formed on the upper or lower eyelid of the child in the period of colds, colds and virus diseases, when children have beriberi, and the immunity is too weak. Barley brings considerable discomfort, which is experienced by the child for 6-10 days, then the pus comes out of the capsule, the problem goes away. To reduce the time needed for recovery, you need to treat barley with medicines, apply the prescriptions of traditional medicine. When worried about barley on the eyes of a child, how to treat a problematic education, all parents should know. To make this process short, productive, painless help doctors advice, medications.

  • How does the process of barley formation in children manifest?
  • Treatment of barley in children - opinion of Dr. Komarovsky and other specialists
  • Methods of treatment - medicamentous and folk remedies
  • Medications to remove barley on the baby's eye
  • Application of traditional medicine
  • Practical advice on the use of medicines
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How does the process of barley formation in children manifest?

The cold season, avitaminosis, the presence of viral diseases, frequent exposure to drafts are factors that provoke the appearance of barley in a child. It is necessary to begin to treat it immediately after the problem is identified. The first signs of the onset of an inflammatory disease are qualified specialists:

  • the appearance of unpleasant sensations at the moment of touching the eye, their gradual strengthening;
  • formation of minor redness, slight swelling;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of minor pain.

Note!These signs are not always the reasons for the appearance of this problem. Such symptoms may indicate the presence of other diseases. The appearance of each of them is a weighty reason for contacting an ophthalmologist.

The causes of the appearance of barley are known to all parents to prevent the appearance of a problem in the child, they should protect it from the listed risk factors, constantly maintain its immunity with the help of vitamins.

Treatment of barley in children - opinion of Dr. Komarovsky and other specialists

A well-known doctor, whose TV programs are not missed by caring parents, Komarovsky expressed his opinion about where the inflammatory process or barley appears on the child's eye. He claims that the cause of the problem is Staphylococcus aureus. To avoid contamination of the child's body with this bacterium, parents should constantly take the following measures:

  • constantly monitor the child for compliance with personal hygiene;
  • to teach the child from an early age to cleanliness;
  • avoid finding a small patient in drafts;
  • to exclude the possibility of obtaining a child diseases of the stomach and diabetes.

Important!It is necessary to find out which doctor is treating barley. The answer can be found on the pages of our website.

The doctor advises in the first stages of the development of the inflammatory process, gently treat the place of barley formation with green, iodine or alcohol. This will help disinfect the place of infection, quickly cope with the problem.

Experienced doctors believe that barley on the child's eye is a sign of the weakness of his body. The problem says that he lacks vitamins, you need to expand the diet of the child, adding to it useful elements.

Attention!To find out the exact cause of the occurrence of barley in a particular child, parents can, if they take him to a doctor. Independently determine why there was inflammation is not possible, and treatment without prior consultation of a specialist will not be fully effective.

Methods of treatment - medicamentous and folk remedies

Conservative treatment of barley on the baby's eye is done at home. To completely solve the problem, drops, ointments, folk remedies are used. Each technique has its own specific use.

Important!Find out here which drops are used to treat barley on the eye.

Medications to remove barley on the baby's eye

Selecting medicines for young and middle-aged children, parents should understand that this should be drugs that have a soft effect. The use of medicines should be comfortable, the remedy should have a minimal list of contraindications, side effects. If barley does not pass by itself, parents should use such medicines:

  1. Torbeks.
  2. Albucid.
  3. Ointment Torbeks.
  4. Tetracycline ointment.

Important!I wonder what other ointments are used to treat barley? Read in our article.

This is an incomplete list of medications that help to cope with the problem, but these drugs have a mild effect on the children's eyes. The remaining, more powerful, antibiotic-containing drops and ointments are used exclusively for the recommendations of ophthalmologists.

Note!The duration of the course of treatment should be determined by a medical professional. The recommendations of the doctor must be observed completely, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Application of traditional medicine

To treat the house barley on the child's eye, especially if the child is not three years old, it is worth using for this folk remedies. They act milder than medications, give results after 4-5 days of use.

Hot compress

Barley is afraid of heat, exposure to high temperatures leads to a rapid elimination of purulent abscess. Compress should not be too hot. To use it you need:

  • boil half a liter of water;
  • get a towel in it, a napkin folded several times;
  • check the comfort temperature for the baby;
  • attach to the affected area;
  • withdraw in half an hour.

Repeat the procedure should be 4 times a day, complementing the treatment of compresses, traditional medicine.

Compresses made from aloe juice

Hot water, diluted with aloe juice, helps to get rid of barley on the eye of a child. To do this, you need to add a few spoons of juice to the water, mix everything, warm it up. Then in the solution it is necessary to moisten the towel, apply it to the sore spot, withstand 30-40 minutes. The result will be visible after 3-4 days.

Broth of dried birch leaves

If parents do not know how to treat barley in a child in the lower eyelid due to the fact that he is too young, it is worth using a recipe for this simple broth. The preparation costs the following way:

  • boil a glass of clean water;
  • pour liquid 2 tbsp. l. dried leaves;
  • insist half an hour in a warm place;
  • rinse the sore eye several times a day.

In the same way, a broth of dill, plantain is prepared.

Dry salt compresses

With barley in a child, it will be useful to apply warm sacks of salt to the sick eyelid. To use this method, it is worth the following:

  • take a small cloth, natural pouch;
  • fill the pouch with salt;
  • heat from battery to comfortable temperature - should not be too stove;
  • attach to the affected age.

Note!Such actions are performed not only with salt, but with sand and grains. Everyone can choose the filler to which he has access in his own home. After applying this method, the parents will not have a question how quickly to cure barley from the baby.

Practical advice on the use of medicines

Use of medicines and methods of traditional medicine will answer the questions, than to treat barley in a child in the upper eyelid and the lower one. To the process of getting rid of the inflammatory process was effective, parents should follow such rules:

  • adhere to the standard rules of hygiene, make sure that the child does the same;
  • apply all means accurately, strictly according to the instructions;
  • use medicinal products no longer than the periods indicated by the attending physician;
  • In parallel with the use of medicines, use vitamins, breathe more fresh air;
  • store medicament in appropriate conditions.

For children, you should not use ointments, they have a thick consistency, cause uncomfortable sensations. When choosing eye drops, consult an ophthalmologist. You need to put the baby on a vitamin diet. After curing barley on the child's eye, parents should make efforts that will not allow the situation to happen again.

The inflammatory process occurs quickly, brings discomfort to the baby, hurts him. Quickly get rid of this help drugs, folk remedies. If parents adhere to the elementary rules of hygiene, the use of medicinal products, maximum after 4 days, their child will get rid of an unpleasant problem. To treat a problem it is necessary accurately, and it is necessary to apply only the means appointed by the doctor.

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