How to get rid of parasites folk ways

Infection with parasites, especially in childhood is not uncommon. Sometimes it takes on the nature of an epidemic, when worms are found in almost all children of one collective. This problem is slightly less common in adults, but also requires intervention to avoid complications. Then the question arises, what should be treated? Cleansing the body of parasites with folk remedies can be a worthy alternative to the use of harmful medications.

  • When you need to cleanse the body of helminths
  • Trojka from worms
  • Tincture with peel of the nut
  • Wormwood Powder
  • Carnation seeds
  • How to get rid with hydrogen peroxide
  • Purification by the method of Semenova
  • Sodium Cleansing Soda
  • Garlic from worms
  • Garlic enema
  • Methods of cleansing with herbs
  • Tansy
  • Collection of herbs
  • Nettle
  • Tea for body cleansing
  • Castor oil against parasites
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When you need to cleanse the body of helminths

To conduct treatment by folk remedies for the sake of prevention is impossible. Even safe methods that can not harm the body in any way affect the natural defense of the body. Human immunity must independently combat bacteria, viruses and other dangers that can invade the body. Therefore, treatment should take place when the doctor diagnoses the presence of helminths, or you will notice such symptoms:

  • frequent causeless digestive disorders;
  • severe cramping pain in the abdomen;
  • increased salivation at night;
  • a sharp change in appetite and rapid weight loss;
  • increase in temperature to subfebrile marks.

Important!These symptoms may indicate other diseases that are not associated with helminthiasis.

Also sometimes there is gnashing of teeth during sleep, coughing, itching and redness near the anus, allergic rash and dermatitis.

If the suspicion of the presence of worms on the characteristic symptoms was confirmed, try to adjust the food before cleaning the body. For 2-3 weeks, exclude from your diet heavy food, fatty meat, confectionery. Perhaps unsustainable nutrition has affected your condition. Only after that you can begin to cleanse the body of helminths.

Trojka from worms

Treatment at home gives a positive result when using the means of purification is combined. Only then can you achieve a quick recovery without harm to your health.

In this recipe, three medicines are used:

  • tincture with walnut peel;
  • wormwood powder;
  • crushed seeds of cloves.

Tincture with peel of the nut

To prepare this tincture take 12-15 ripe nuts, which have already fallen from the tree, peel them off. Chop the husks, fill them with pure alcohol (use 450 ml). The tincture should be in a dark place for 28 days, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

Important!For this method of cleansing, you can replace the tincture from the peel of the nut with a solution with Lugol added. To prepare it, add 10 drops of the drug to 100 ml of water.

Start taking the tincture you need from one drop. Each next day, increase the dosage by 1 drop. On the sixth day, take 0.5 tbsp. l. tinctures, and next week - the same amount of medicine 2 times a day.

Dilute the product in 100-200 ml of water. Drink the tincture before eating in the morning. To prevent infection with worms and improve the body's condition, you can take a medicine at 0.5 st. l. once a day.

Healing properties of walnuts are achieved due to the content of a large amount of iodine.

Wormwood Powder

Collect the ripe wormwood. You need to use both leaves and fruits of the plant. Be sure to joke the herb, and then grind to the formation of powder.

Begin the treatment with wormwood with a small pinch of powder, gradually increasing the dose to 0.5 st. l. This amount of powder should be consumed after 2 weeks. Wash down wormwood with a little water before eating. Take the maximum dose of powder for a week, then for preventive purposes - for 1 hour. l. 1 time a week.

Important!If it's hard for you to eat the entire dose of powder at a time, divide it into several parts that you eat before meals throughout the day.

Wormwood is an extremely effective tool for fighting parasites. It cleanses the digestive tract, has a harmful effect on all kinds of worms that have settled in the intestines.

Carnation seeds

For the recipe, a common clove is used, which is sold in the store as a seasoning. Use finely ground seeds.

Start taking cloves with a pinch 3 times a day. Every day, increase the dosage. Until the tenth day of treatment, you should consume 1 hour. l. at one time. After 10 days, take clove seeds for 1 hour. l. once a week.

This seasoning has healing properties, removes parasites, increases the protective functions of the body.

Important!During treatment, use all three components at the same time to achieve the maximum effect. Separately, these medicines do not give such a positive result.

If one course of treatment does not help, you can repeat it after 1-2 months. Also, if the infection with parasites has been confirmed, with the preventive purpose, every member of your family must undergo treatment.

How to get rid with hydrogen peroxide

Neumyvakin is a doctor of medical sciences who created unique methods of purifying the body, in particular, with the help of hydrogen peroxide. This drug in the correct dosage positively affects all processes in the body, cleans it of parasites and wastes.

Important!If after taking hydrogen peroxide, you feel unpleasant sensations in the stomach, stop drinking the medicine or reduce the dose.

First, start taking 1 drop of hydrogen peroxide 3 times a day, diluting in 60 ml of water. Then increase the dose by one drop per day. After 10 days, take a break for 3 days, then continue to use peroxide in the maximum dosage. You need to drink medicine 20-25 minutes before eating.

Neumyvakin together with Zakurdayev developed unique methods of purification that can be used at home. By the method of Zakurdaev developed natural preparations from worms, which include fruits of mountain ash, burdock roots, ginger, horsetail and other medicinal plants.

Purification by the method of Semenova

Nadezhda Semenova is a well-known healer who developed her own unique method of purifying the body of worms. The main ingredient that is used is cranberry juice. It gently acts on the intestines, helps get rid of various types of worms and other parasites.

The juice is taken in the form of an enema, which is placed 2 times a day. Carry out such procedure in the morning and in the evening.

  1. Take 1.5-2 liters of boiled chilled water.
  2. Dissolve in it 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  3. Add 2 tbsp. l. cranberry juice.
  4. Insert all liquid into the intestine.
  5. Try to keep the solution inside for 5-15 minutes.
  6. After several bowel movements you can see in the toilet bowl worms.

Do cranberry enemas for 3-10 days. After a course of treatment for 2 weeks, drink every day apple juice or chamomile tea. This will help restore damaged mucous internal organs.

Sodium Cleansing Soda

It has a high efficiency cleaning with soda, which has antiseptic properties and quickly eliminates various types of helminths. Cleanser soda solution can be used even for children, because it acts gently and does not damage the mucous membrane.

Important!Before the procedure you need to empty the intestine. Ask the child to go to the toilet.

To make a liquid, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. soda in a liter of boiled water. Keep the solution in the intestine need 15-20 minutes to achieve the maximum result. Repeat the procedure every other day. The course of treatment with soda is 1-2 weeks.

Garlic from worms

Cleaning garlic one with the most effective methods, because the burning plant has bactericidal and antihistamine properties. It can be used in a variety of ways - like tincture, enema or raw along with food.


  1. Peel 200 g of garlic.
  2. Grind it and pour 0.5 liters of vodka or cognac.
  3. Insist 20 days in a place where sunlight does not penetrate.
  4. Take tincture every day for 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach.
  5. The course of treatment is 2 months.

This tincture has contraindications. It can not be taken by children, people with stomach or heart disease.

Important!Daily eating a few cloves of garlic, you will protect yourself from infection by parasites.

Garlic enema

Very effective in combating the most common childhood parasites - pinworms. Conduct an enema every day in the evening. To do this, dissolve in 1 liter of warm water chopped garlic head. Stir well the liquid, let it brew for 10-15 minutes, then strain and use for enema.

Apply the procedure for 3-10 days, depending on the degree of defeat by worms.

Methods of cleansing with herbs


Infusion of tansy is used as an enema in the presence of parasites in the intestine. To prepare the broth, steal 1 tbsp. l. herbs 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist 15 minutes and use as directed.

Important!This recipe is categorically contraindicated for children.

Collection of herbs

Mix in equal proportions:

  • tansy;
  • caraway;
  • cent.

Pour 15 g of medicinal herbs mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for 45-50 minutes. Drink the broth for 1 tbsp. l. before each meal.


Cook on low heat for 10-15 minutes 1 tbsp. l. nettle roots together with a glass of water. Then insist about 30 minutes. Take inside 30 ml of broth before meals 2-3 times a day.

Tea for body cleansing

This drug will help cope with worms, cleanse the intestines, liver, gall bladder from slags. For its preparation, mix in the same amount:

  • bark of oak;
  • tansy;
  • sagebrush;
  • bark of the buckthorn.

At night, prepare tea, bay 1 tbsp. l. Grass herbs with 150 ml of boiling water. In the morning on an empty stomach drink this liquid. The course of treatment is 15-20 days.

Castor oil against parasites

Treatment with castor oil against worms is very effective, especially if it is combined with cognac. Before the cleaning procedure, eat whole-day digestible food the whole day, and supper with rice with raisins.

At night, drink sweet tea, and then a mixture of cognac with castor oil. Take 50 ml of each liquid. If it's hard to take medicine, put a lemon in your mouth. The acid will break the unpleasant taste. After that, walk 10-20 minutes and go to bed.

Important!When cleaning the body with castor oil, drink plenty of liquid.

The effect of the laxative should be in the morning. Repeat the procedure for 3-5 consecutive days.

People's methods of cleaning the body are no less effective than tablets from worms. Pre-prepared medicines gently act on the body, do not produce toxic effects and quickly eliminate intestinal parasites. Many recipes can be used to treat children, because they do not harm the health.

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