Eye surgery

Eye pathologies occupy one of the leading places in the prevalence among the population. From eye diseases suffer men and women, children and adults. Some ophthalmic diseases do not prevent a person from living and working normally, but most of them are a serious problem and can lead to complete blindness. In serious cases, the doctor may prescribe a surgical procedure.


  • 1Definition of methods
  • 2When an operation to improve vision is prescribed
  • 3How is the operation performed?
  • 4What is estimated by the results of the operation
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Definition of methods

In the early stages of eye diseases and in the case of infectious eye lesions, the most commonly used medication. These are eye drops, ointments and antimicrobial drugs. Operative intervention is used in the following cases:

  • the use of medicines is contraindicated;
  • drug treatment does not give positive dynamics;
  • need to improve vision after a serious illness;
  • elimination of cosmetic defect.

In ophthalmic practice, two methods of eye operations are used.

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This is a traditional method of surgical intervention with the technology of eye microsurgery and an innovative method with the use of a laser.Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as certain contraindications. Eye operations with the use of laser are becoming more common. This is determined by the following factors:

  • the laser operation is absolutely painless;
  • it is performed without disturbance of the vascular system of the eye;
  • local drip anesthesia;
  • laser correction of vision is performed on an outpatient basis.

Unfortunately, not all the visual defects can be eliminated with a laser, so the eye surgical operations are also very much in demand and are often the only way to improve or preserve vision.

When an operation to improve vision is prescribed

The cause of impaired vision can be the following pathologies:

  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • myopia or hyperopia;
  • astigmatism;
  • retinal detachment;
  • eye trauma.

Cataract- one of the most common eye diseases. Its main symptom is clouding of the lens, and visual acuity is markedly reduced. The only way to treat this pathology is to replace the lens with an artificial lens. This surgery is performed only surgically.

Whenglaucomathe intraocular pressure increases, which leads to severe visual impairment. In addition, glaucoma can provoke detachment of the retina. Various drugs are used to reduce pressure, but the most effective way is to the creation, surgically, of a microscopic opening, through which the outflow of intraocular liquid.

Myopia and hyperopiaarise in the process of changing the curvature of the cornea, when the image is not focused on the retina, as in people with normal vision, but in front of or after it. The surgery to improve vision, in this case, is to correct the curvature of the cornea with a laser. This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, practically does not injure the patient and has a small, rehabilitation period.

If the optical system of the eye is disturbed,astigmatism.Its appearance is associated with impaired curvature of the cornea and the lens. With this pathology, all subjects are perceived vague and indistinct. Elimination of astigmatism can be performed surgically or using a laser.

One of the common pathologies of the eye is associated with the separation of the retina from the choroid. Such a defect is usually called a retinal detachment. To eliminate it, laser coagulation or "welding" of the exfoliated area using a high-temperature optical beam is widely used.

Surgery for eye trauma depends on the degree of eye damage. In some cases, it may be necessary not only to restore the operation, but also complete prosthetics of the eyeball.

The same disease in different persons can manifest themselves in different ways, so only an ophthalmologist can prescribe the necessary treatment.

How is the operation performed?

The order of the operation depends on what kind of intervention will be conducted.The operation to improve the vision, performed with a laser takes no more than 30 minutes. Before any ophthalmic operation, the patient must undergo a complete examination, during which possible contraindications may appear. In the office of the ophthalmologist, the patient is instilled with a drip anesthetic. Then, to facilitate the access of the physician to the operating field, an eyelid extender is installed. When laser surgery the patient does not experience pain. There can only be unpleasant sensations when the local anesthesia is over.

In surgical eye operations, not only the diagnosis of the disease in the ophthalmologist, but also a complete examination of the patient. Most microsurgical operations are performed under general anesthesia under conditions ophthalmologic clinic, where there is a hospital for the postoperative period, which can last long enough.

Laser surgery

After any ophthalmic operation, it is extremely important to follow the recommended regimen during the entire rehabilitation period.

What is estimated by the results of the operation

Depending on the disease, there are different criteria for assessing the changes that have occurred as a result of the operation. Most often, patients note the following:

  • visual acuity improved;
  • color perception has changed;
  • in general, the quality of life has grown.

Visual check with the oculist: driver tables

All about one-day colored lenses with diopters is written in this article.

Than to treat a conjunctivitis at grudnichka it is presented in a material under the link.


After the operation, almost all patients were able to return to normal labor. It became possible and problem-free to read books, watch TV and work on the computer. The sharpness and sharpness of visible objects was restored. The colors became much brighter and the color distortions disappeared. Headache and eye pain, insomnia and increased irritability, which affected the quality of life, ceased.

Harmful habits and a constant stay in stressful situations can negate the positive result of an ophthalmic operation.



Do not abandon surgical intervention or laser correction, if all other methods of improving the eyesight did not give a positive result. But not always the eye surgery ends successfully, so before choosing a doctor and clinic you should carefully read the patient's feedback on the site of the medical institution.