Cat's urine: how to get rid of the unpleasant odor in the apartment

Often at home with the owner live cats and cats. In urban apartments, they are often not allowed to walk outside at all. And in order to accustom your pet to cope with your natural needs in a specially designated place, you have to spend a lot of patience, strength and financial resources. And then, even after the pet's complete domestication to the toilet, it becomes relevant that get rid of the foul odor of cat urine in the apartment of .

Pets, found in every third family - cats. They are clean, require minimum care and do not need to walk regularly on the street.

However, the smell of cat urine is acrid, the older the cat, and even more so the cat - the stronger the smell. Especially difficult to remove the smell of cat labels.

If a cat starts to foul in the house, it's impossible to get rid of the cat's smell, what to do - throw out the spoiled things or give the cat? Do not worry, there is a way out!


Is it possible to get rid of the smell of cat urine and how?

Any host can be confronted with the problem of the smell of cat urine. The main thing is to remove the stain, do not let the smell penetrate the floor, linoleum, in furniture or clothes and spread throughout the apartment. A cat's smell is very difficult to withdraw if you do not notice that the cat started to shit in the same place. It will be harder and wean the pet to walk in a small way to this place, because cats are guided by the smell.

There are special tools that can be bought at pet stores that will help eliminate an unpleasant odor, or use folk remedies to remove the smell of cat urine. What means to use - shop or home - to solve the owner of the pet. It is useful to know the features of the odor removal remedy in order to make the right choice.

How to get rid of the cat's smell: a review of the funds available for sale

Pet stores offer a wide range of different means for destroying the smell of cat urine or the smell of a cat in the house.

Conditionally, these funds are divided into two groups:

  • fresheners for cat litter,
  • means for removing odor, marks and stains.

Fresheners for cat litter are released in the form of a spray or in the form of a dry agent added to the cat's tray. These drugs help get rid of the smell of urine from the tray, do not give the smell spread to the apartment. Such agents are added to the clean tray on top of the filler.

The price and cost of fresheners for a cat toilet from 500 rubles. Usually you can find fresheners: Unicharm, Gimpet, Hartz, Pchelodar and NoBa. All of them are popular, differ in cost and form of release. In the form of a spray fresheners of cat litter are Hartz and Pchelodar, in the form of dry balls - Unicharm, NoBa and Gimpet.

To remove odor from the tray, special means for washing the cat's toilet can also help. On sale it is possible to meet gel of firm Pchelodar at the price - from 150 rubles.

Means for removing odors, marks and spots, are represented by a large number of brands, which have proved themselves well. More often it means in the form of a spray, without the maintenance of alcohol. They are applied to the spot itself or a label, then easily washed off with water.

There are funds for removing the smell of cat urine from 200 to 1000 rubles. The price depends on the manufacturer and the amount of the facility. Often in the pet stores you can find the products of the companies:

  1. Nature's Miracle,
  2. Urine Off,
  3. Tropiclean Fresh Breeze,
  4. Fizzion,
  5. Hartz,
  6. Beekeeping,
  7. Clever Spray.

Folk remedies: how to get rid of the smell of cat urine

Of course, to get rid of the smell of a cat does not necessarily go to a pet store to purchase expensive funds.

Do not think that household chlorine-containing products and ammonia are suitable for odor removal. They will not get rid of the smell, but the cat will lose its sense of smell. Chlorine will enhance the smell of urine.

It is more common to remove stains, labels or the smell of cat urine by using the tools that are on hand:

  • Vinegar.
  • Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.
  • Lemon juice or citric acid.
  • Manganese.
  • Iodine.
  • Alcohol or vodka.

Vinegar is diluted 1 to 1 with water. This solution is treated with a stain and allowed to dry. After a good rub with water, so that the vinegar smell is not sharp. The cat will be scared off by an unknown smell, and it stops crap in the treated place. This tool does not help to handle the soft upholstery of the sofa. Its vinegar will discolor and ruin the furniture.

Hydrogen Peroxide helps in removing the smell of cat urine. Take 15 grams of peroxide and dilute with baking soda( 2 tablespoons), add a little liquid soap. The composition is mixed and applied to the stain, then rinsed off with warm water. Or a small amount of soda is poured onto the stain, and vinegar is poured on top. Soda begins to hiss, after that place thoroughly washed with water.

Odor of citric acid repels a cat, it helps in removing odor. Take squeeze out one lemon and mix the juice with a glass of water. Dissolve the stain with the solution. Do not rinse. The smell of citrus cats do not like.

Manganese has a color, it is better used to remove the smell from the floor, linoleum. Make a saturated color solution of manganese and treat the fetid place. The smell will go away forever.

iodine tincture is available in any medicine cabinet. Take 15 drops of iodine and divorce in one liter of water. Rinse the stain with the solution obtained. Iodine will evaporate, so they can clean the textiles. If the stain remains, dry the place with a hot hair dryer.

Undiluted vodka wipe the stain, the smell will not appear any more. The truth remains a strong smell of ethyl alcohol, which can dull the smell of the cat.

The above means remove only the spots that are present. There is no guarantee that the pet will not start to mark other places. So find out the reason for the cat's behavior.

How to get rid of a cat's smell: what to do

If a cat goes to the toilet in the wrong place, pay attention to the following:

  1. Cat's tray rarely wash .After all, cats and cats are clean, some refuse to use the tray for the intended purpose after only one time they go into it.
  2. Cat's Tray smells of chemistry .Scare off chemical odors. Try to wash the tray with a specialized product with a minimum of odor or simply water.
  3. I do not like the filler. It happens that when changing the filler the cats refuse to use the tray as intended.
  4. Inconvenient tray .
  5. The cat is offended by .Happens, the attitude or relation to the owner varies. When a cat rarely fits, it means that it is offended.
  6. The cat is jealous of .When a new member of the family appears. The appearance of the child in the house is a strong stress for the cat. Try to pay more attention to the pet.
  7. Cat is sick with .Diseases of the genitourinary system lead to the fact that the cat begins to perceive the tray as a source of pain when urinating.

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