Tolerance, what is it in simple words and language

" Tolerance " is, in simple terms, the notion of patience, patience and acceptance, which is widely used in sociology in relation to the definition of tolerance for a different world view, lifestyle, behavior, sexual orientation and customs. It should be noted that tolerance is not equivalent to indifference. It also does not mean accepting a different worldview or way of life, its essence consists in giving other people the right to live in accordance with their own worldview.

Tolerance means respect, acceptance and proper understanding of other cultures, ways of self-expression and manifestation of human individuality. Tolerance is not meant to be a concession, indulgence or indulgence. The manifestation of tolerance also does not mean tolerance for social injustice, rejection of one's beliefs or concessions to other people's beliefs, and impose their beliefs on others.


Sociological theories of tolerance

The problem of tolerance at the level of microsociology was investigated by J. Mead and G. Bloomer. To explain the tolerance, they used the description of the processes of interpersonal interaction and the theory of symbolic interactionism.

Individuals and social actions are symbolized, symbols, relations, position and social attitude are embedded. In the future, communicating individuals interpret each other's symbols. The assignment of signs and symbols is an identification process.

With the help of signs people and groups of people find their place in the system of "their own".Tolerance can exist only in those cases when a person tries to look at the situation through the eyes of the "other".The same tolerance is provided by the creation of symbols that correspond to universal human values, such as: human rights, democracy, peace.

What is the tolerance:

  1. Gender.
  2. Racial and national.
  3. Relative to disabled people.
  4. Religious.
  5. Sexual orientation.
  6. Political.
  7. Educational.
  8. Interclass.

According to Drobizheva( 1998), to assess the tolerance in society, it is necessary to take into account:

  1. how tolerant the attitude is divided and declared by social institutions and official organizations;
  2. to what extent different social groups share the values ​​of tolerance;
  3. shows whether tolerance is manifested in various spheres of human life;
  4. causes the intolerant attitude of social institutions and social groups;
  5. the possibility of forming tolerant installations.

DM Bondarenko and EB Demintseva talk about today's tolerance as a fundamental universal principle, on which both the world as a whole and individual societies should be based. Among many other aspects of the problem of tolerance( social, gender, etc.), by the beginning of the 21st century, its ethno-racial and confessional components acquired special significance. In the statement of tolerance the most important role is given to education.

What is Tolerance and Tolerance for

In many cultures the concept of "tolerance" is a kind of synonym for "tolerance": lat.tolerantia, Engl.tolerance, German. Toleranz, fr.tolérance. In addition, all the dictionaries of the 20th century clearly indicate a direct interpretation of tolerance as tolerance.

Dictionaries of the XX century define tolerance as tolerance for someone else's way of life, behavior, alien customs, feelings, beliefs, opinions, ideas, or simply call tolerance a synonym for tolerance. The dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron reduces tolerance mainly to religious tolerance.

The word "tolerance" is present in almost all dictionaries of the Russian language. In particular, the dictionary of V. I. Dal interprets "tolerance" as the ability to tolerate anything only by mercy or condescension. Other dictionaries give a similar interpretation. In MV Semashko's opinion, the concept of "tolerance" includes passive acceptance of the surrounding reality, non-resistance to it, the ability to substitute a second cheek.

The concept of "tolerance" was introduced into scientific circulation in the XVIII century. In Russia, the notion of tolerance began to be used in the liberal press since the middle of the XIX century, but from the mid-1930s it disappeared from political vocabulary until it reappeared in the early 1990s.

The semantic field of the word tolerance in general can be considered a segment of the semantic field of the word tolerance, with some shift towards the notion of "accept."In modern language it came from English.tolerance is "tolerance, willingness to accept behavior and beliefs that differ from one's own, even if you disagree or disapprove of them."

The Commissioner for Human Rights in the Perm Krai and the Ph. D. in Psychology Tatiana Margolina also distinguishes the concepts of tolerance and tolerance:

Of course, there is a certain tradition of understanding the word "tolerance".Up to the middle of the last century it was treated as a passive position: to tolerate means to step on yourself, yield to someone. The word "tolerance", although used as a synonym for "tolerance", has other meanings."Tolerance" is an active social behavior, to which a person comes voluntarily and consciously.

How tolerance develops in Russia

Simultaneously, recognition of tolerance in a broader sense is a condition for effective struggle against racism, since civil, political and economic human rights are closely linked to social and cultural rights.

As you know, "new thinking" was offered to the whole world as a strategic orientation by Mikhail S. Gorbachev. The paradigm of "new thinking" can be imagined as an attempt to subordinate empirical data on the existence of global threats to the task of forming a universal brotherhood of the peoples of the world.

Gorbachev was completely confident that the restructuring of the old consciousness and the establishment of a "new thinking" would solve the key global problems "in a spirit of cooperation, not hostility."The world, therefore, was to enter a qualitatively new era - the era of universal tolerance. Gorbachev argued that the concept of perestroika is not a ringing phrase, but a carefully prepared program.

Gorbachev was forced to give the idea of ​​restructuring the content of a multifunctional panacea. Perestroika was called upon to play the role of a magic force that allows resolutely overcoming stagnant processes, reliance on the living creativity of the masses, a comprehensive intensification of the economy, a decisive turn toward science, the combination of a planned economy with the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution, the priority development of the social sphere, the consistent implementation of the principlessocial justice. Accordingly, "new thinking" was viewed as a universally valid lever for the improvement of the entire international situation.

Based on the specific logic of the "new thinking", Gorbachev argued that the image of thought and the way of action based on the use of force in world politics "have lost all reasonable grounds".

The filter of "new thinking" confirmed only those truths that were formed in its structures. Among them, we can conclude the conclusion that "security is indivisible. It can only be equal for all, or it will not be at all. "Bitter experience, however, showed that with the breakdown of the Warsaw Pact caused by perestroika, the security of the United States and NATO countries significantly strengthened, while Russia's security has significantly weakened.

In the Russian Federation main document for wide definition of tolerance - Constitution .

In the field of racism and racial discrimination, art.136 of the Criminal Code( Violation of the equality of human and civil rights and freedoms) and 282( Responsibility for actions aimed at incitement of national and racial hatred, humiliation of national dignity, propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of their national or racial identity).

The state is obliged to provide equal access to protection of health, education, social security, realization of the right to housing for all without any discrimination, including on the grounds of registration at the place of residence;to regulate migration problems that lead to different forms of ethnic discrimination for members of minorities and migrants.

The media should cover the events in such a way that the reports reflect, among other things, the views and opinions of groups that are or may be subject to national discrimination and racism. These and other requirements were contained in the resolution of the All-Russian Conference of NGOs. Human rights defenders assign a key role in combating racism and racial discrimination to intergovernmental organizations: the UN, the OSCE, the Council of Europe.

The United Nations: Determining Tolerance

In accordance with the Declaration of Principles of Tolerance( UNESCO, 1995), tolerance is defined as follows:

The value and social norm of civil society, manifested in the right of all individuals of civil society to be different, ensuring a stable harmony between different faiths, political, ethnic and other social groups, respect for the diversity of different world cultures, civilizations and peoples, readiness for understanding andcooperation with people who differ in appearance, language, beliefs, customs and beliefs.

The characterization of the definition of tolerance in the Preamble of the UN Charter is as follows: "To show tolerance and live together, in peace with one another, as good neighbors."Here, the token receives not only an effective, socially active coloring, but is also seen as a condition for successful socialization( integration into the system of social relations), consisting in the ability to live in harmony, both with itself and with the world of people( micro- and macroenvironment).

Tolerance in Religion Buddhism

The Buddha pointed out that religious tolerance is necessary in relation to other religions. Researchers MS Ulanov, VN Badmaev believe that this became practically the first in the history of the proclamation of this principle.

Also the Buddha urged not to impose one's own teachings on those who have not yet reached spiritual maturity and have not come to the teacher on their own. The Buddha believed that every seeker has the right to self-search for spirituality.

Among Indian Buddhists, tolerance was a "religious ideal."

The ruler of Ashoka, known for the spread of Buddhism, in his decree declared: "You should read someone else's faith. In doing so, a person contributes to the success of his faith and supports a stranger. Doing otherwise, he undermines the roots of his faith and harms the stranger. "

There is also a tolerant attitude towards the schismatics in Buddhism, which allowed the creation of a large number of schools of Buddhism. Such tolerance, according to the Buddhist and Professor VP Androsov, "makes the oldest religion the most modern."

In addition, as noted by the Buddhist and Professor VG Lysenko, a Buddhist follower can also be a follower of Shinto, Taoism and "any other religion."

The Dalai Lama XIV noted that it is desirable for Christians and Jews to take from Buddhism only those meditative and philosophical parts of the teaching that do not contradict their religions, because rejection of Judaism or Christianity is not a necessary condition for the practice of Buddhism. Critics evaluate this phenomenon as the "weakness" of Buddhism, in turn, scholars indicate that this kind of tolerance attracts a lot of followers to Buddhism, especially in the West.

Scientists, considering Buddhist tolerance, often mean that Buddhism does not accept the forcible dissemination of the teachings. The spread of Buddhism to another culture is non-violent and gradual. Forcible "imposition" of the teachings of Buddhism considers "crime and violence against the person."

The candidate of historical sciences and senior researcher of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences GI Yusupova, considering the Buddhist school of Zen, predicted that in the future the distribution of this school in the world will increase, including for the reason that the school's teaching contains "inexhaustible opportunitiesfor the development of tolerant consciousness, tolerance, acceptance of a person by himself and others. "

Source: https: // Tolerance