
Bursitis of the Knee: Symptoms and Treatment

Content 1Symptoms and modern treatment of knee bursitis 1.1Causes 1.2Symptoms 1.3Types of bursitis 1.4Exercises 1.5Surgical intervention 1.6Antibiotics 1.7Ointments for topical application 1.8Use of novelties - knee pads Knee Inferno Wrap 1.9Prevention 2Symptoms and treatment of bursitis of the knee joint 2.1Classification 2.2Symptoms and forms 2.3Acute and chronic bursitis 2.4Features of treatment 3Bursitis knee joint: symptoms, treatment in the clinic and at home, pho...

  • 11-Aug-2018
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Gymnastics by the method of katarina meal

Content 1Gymnastics Katharina Schroth - treatment of scoliosis 1.1Gymnastics Katharina Schroth in scoliosis 1.2The essence of respiratory gymnastics 1.3Contraindications to meal therapy 1.4The method of Katharina Schroth is alive to this day 2Gymnastics Katharina Schroth for the treatment of scoliosis 2.1The essence of the method 2.2Contraindications 2.3Rules for performing gymnastics 3Scoliosis treatment: Catarina Schroth's method 4Gymnastics Schroth in Scoliosis: Foundatio...

  • 12-Aug-2018
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Seragem bed: contraindications

Content 1"Seragem" (bed): reviews of doctors and buyers, contraindications 1.1Why do I need spine massage? 1.2External characteristics 1.3Design features 1.4Scanning 1.5Operation process of the apparatus 1.6"Seragem" (bed): contraindications 1.7terms of Use 1.8"Seragem" (bed): reviews of doctors and patients are positive 1.9Reviews are negative 2Seragem bed (Ceragem, massage): Master - models, contraindications 2.1What is a Seragem bed: description 2.2Device and principle of...

  • 14-Aug-2018
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Gymnastics: complex with diseases of the spine

Content 1Medical gymnastics for osteochondrosis, scoliosis, intervertebral hernia and joint diseases - home classes 1.1What is therapeutic gymnastics? 1.2Indications for curative gymnastics 1.3Means and forms of exercise therapy 1.4Types of therapeutic gymnastics 1.5Complexes of exercise therapy for various diseases 1.6Complex exercises for osteochondrosis of the spine 1.7Gymnastics with a hernia of the spine 1.8With scoliosis 1.9For joints 1.10With hemorrhoids 1.11With prostat...

  • 20-Aug-2018
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Gymnastics Bubnovsky for the neck: exercises in diseases of the spine

Content 1Gymnastics for the neck according to Bubnovsky 1.1Peculiarities of the Bubnovsky method 1.2In what cases is the gymnastics for the neck of a Bubnovsky 1.3Are there any contraindications 1.4How to Exercise 2Three options for gymnastics Bubnovsky for the neck, the rules of training 2.1Six rules for doing exercises on Bubnovsky 2.21. Complex of exercises to relieve pain in the neck 2.32. Complex for getting rid of withers on the neck 3Gymnastics for Bubnovsky with cervi...

  • 22-Aug-2018
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Ointment from osteochondrosis of cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine

Content 1Review of effective ointments for osteochondrosis 1.1Principles of treatment 1.2Painkillers 1.3Warming and vasodilating preparations 1.4Homeopathic Remedies 1.5Application of chondroprotectors 2Ointment for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region 2.1What is included in the therapy? 2.2Painkillers and warmers 2.3Application of chondroprotectors 2.4Homeopathy and complex ointments 3Review ointments from osteochondrosis of the thoracic region 3.1Treatment of breast os...

  • 11-Aug-2018
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Breast Cancer: Symptoms Treatment

Content 1Thoracic radiculitis: symptoms, treatment 1.1Symptoms and treatment of thoracic radiculitis 1.2Clinical symptoms of thoracic radiculitis 1.3Treatment of thoracic radiculitis 1.4Examples of exercises with thoracic radiculitis 2Symptoms and treatment of thoracic radiculitis with folk remedies, tablets, physiotherapy 2.1Causes of development and types of thoracic radiculitis 2.2Treatment of thoracic radiculitis. 2.3Treatment with folk remedies 2.4Medication 2.5Nonsteroid...

  • 27-Jul-2018
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Burning in the lower back: causes

Content 1Burning in the lower back 1.1Etiology 1.2Symptomatology 1.3Diagnostics 1.4Treatment 1.5Prevention 2Causes of burning in the back area with osteochondrosis 2.1Factors leading to the development of ailment 2.2How to distinguish between diseases by symptoms? 2.3Course of treatment activities 2.4Control of intervertebral hernia 3Burning in the back with osteochondrosis 3.1Main reasons 3.2Differential diagnostics 3.3Burning treatment 4Symptom of burning in patient...

  • 15-Aug-2018
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  • 309

Dona: instruction on the use of powder, tablets, injections

Content 1Prick of the Don for joints: instructions for use 1.1Clinical and pharmacological group 1.2Conditions of leave from pharmacies 1.3Price list 1.4Form of issue and composition 1.5Pharmacological effect 1.6Indications for use 1.7Contraindications 1.8Application in pregnancy and lactation 1.9Instructions for use 1.10Side effects 1.11Overdose 1.12special instructions 1.13Drug Interactions 1.14Reviews 1.15Analogues 1.16Storage conditions and shelf life 2Instructions ...

  • 09-Aug-2018
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Massager for back and neck at home

Content 1Home massage for neck and back 1.1Types of massagers for back and neck for home use 1.2Electric 1.3How to choose the right massager 2Overview of electric massage for the back and neck 2.1Who and for what is needed 2.2What can an electric massager 2.3Principle of operation 2.4Choosing an electric massager 2.5Models of electric massagers 2.6About contraindications 2.7Reviews 3Electric back massager - types, price, reviews 3.1Types of massagers 3.2Vibro Massager CS...

  • 23-Aug-2018
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  • 407

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