Inflammation of the periosteum of the lower leg: treatment


  • 1Types and treatment of leg periostitis
    • 1.1Types of periostitis and their signs
    • 1.2Treatment of the disease
    • 1.3Preventive measures
  • 2Features of inflammation of the periosteum of the shin and its treatment
    • 2.1Why there is a pathology
    • 2.2Symptomatology and diagnosis of the disease
    • 2.3Conservative methods of treatment
    • 2.4Folk remedies
  • 3Inflammation of the periosteum of the lower leg: symptoms and treatment of periostitis
    • 3.1Concept and characteristics of the disease
    • 3.2Causes
    • 3.3Types of leg periostitis
    • 3.4Plain
    • 3.5Ossifying
    • 3.6Fibrous
    • 3.7Serous
    • 3.8Purulent
    • 3.9Tuberculosis
    • 3.10Syphilis
    • 3.11Symptoms
    • 3.12Periostitis in the child
    • 3.13Diagnosis of the disease
    • 3.14Treatment
    • 3.15Conservative treatment
    • 3.16Folk remedies
    • 3.17Forecast
    • 3.18Complications and prevention
  • 4Inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth. Inflammation of the periosteum of the lower leg - treatment:
    • 4.1What is periostitis?
    • 4.2Detailed classification
    • 4.3The main causes of the disease
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.4Acute inflammation of the periosteum, symptoms
    • 4.5Symptoms of Chronic Inflammation
    • 4.6Diagnostics
    • 4.7Treatment of ankle inflammation
    • 4.8What can a doctor prescribe?
    • 4.9Course of the disease
    • 4.10Chronic osteomyelitis
    • 4.11Acute osteomyelitis
    • 4.12Prevention
    • 4.13Periostitis of teeth: causes
    • 4.14How to identify the disease?
    • 4.15Treatment of dental periostitis
    • 4.16Preventive measures
    • 4.17Treatment with folk remedies
    • 4.18In conclusion
  • 5What is and how is inflammation of the periosteum of the shank treated?

Types and treatment of leg periostitis

Many people, feeling pain in the periosteum, write off unpleasant sensations for bruising or stretching their legs.

But the pain often indicates that inflammation of the tibia has begun - periostitis.

Periostitis of the tibia is an inflammation of the periosteum (periosteum) with possible damage to all tissues.

Periostitis is dangerous with the ability to spread rapidly, to move from the periosteum to the bone. Most often, the periosteum of the shins affects athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor.

Provoke inflammation of the periosteum factors such as traumas of legs of different nature (first of all, bruise, sprain, fracture), the presence of rheumatism, congestion in the body of a large the amount of toxins after major illnesses (toxins contribute to the destruction of the upper layers of the bones), the use of certain drugs that lead to intoxication organism. What is dangerous periostitis of the shin and what treatment is required?

Types of periostitis and their signs

Depending on the development and course, acute and chronic periostitis are distinguished, and depending on the form of expression, the periostitis of the shin is divided into:

  • plain;
  • fibrous;
  • purulent;
  • serous;
  • ossifying;
  • tubercular;
  • syphilitic.

Symptoms that can detect inflammation of the periosteum are a strong pain syndrome in the lower parts of the leg that increase during physical activity, as well as the presence of swelling of the periosteum shanks. The color and appearance of the skin does not change. Also, the symptoms of periostitis are supplemented by some stiffness in the movements of the foot.

With a simple periostitis inflammation in the periosteum, if the treatment is started in time, does not affect the deep tissue and does not affect the bone, and full recovery is already in the third week.

However, if the inflammation penetrates deep into the tissues, fibrous growth of the bone begins, the inflammation of the periosteum becomes chronic.

In this case, the above symptoms complement the modification of tissues (the skin over the inflammation acquires a red tint).

In this situation, if you do not start timely treatment, there will be numerous areas of inflammation of the affected bone, the person will constantly experience severe pain in the legs, and the periostitis of the shin can go into purulent or serous shape.

With syphilitic inflammation of the periosteum, there is a thickening of the tibia. The strongest pain sensations a person experiences at night, while at rest. The swelling on the leg is dense, the color of the skin over the affected area can become cyanotic.

Symptoms of purulent periostitis: all the above symptoms, as well as the appearance on the lower leg of fibrous thickening and small ulcers (inflammation of the skin), a sharp increase in body temperature.


If after this treatment is not started, the abs can develop an abscess, the periosteum will die and necrosis of bone will begin. Purulent periostitis is especially dangerous by the penetration of pus into the bone marrow.


The functions of the foot in this case will not be fully restored, and also serious consequences for the whole organism can be.

In the serous period, the symptoms are generally the same as those with purulent. But they also add the appearance on the periosteum of the so-called racemose sac with serous-mucous contents. This disease requires serious medical measures.

Treatment of the disease

As already noted, if a person receives a bruised leg and begins to feel pain in the periosteum, in most cases, this pain will heal to a bruise or, at the very least, stretching ligaments. Having received a bruised leg or any other kind of injury, you should always consult a specialist.

Diagnosis of inflammation of the periosteum includes examination and questioning of the patient, as well as laboratory and instrumental studies.

Thus, blood tests will show whether the level of leukocytes is increased, whether there is an abscess in the tissues.

X-rays can help determine what caused the periostitis - a common injury or such a dangerous disease as tuberculosis.

The form Healing measures
Treatment of acute form of periostitis Supposes the imposition of the tire (to immobilize the foot), applying cold (to relieve inflammation and reduce pain), and the use of anesthetics - painkillers. When acute inflammation is removed, treatment should be adjusted: apply physiotherapeutic procedures, exercise therapy and massage.
Treatment of a chronic form of periostitis. Takes a longer time. Treatment in this case will include the use of Novocain blockade of the affected area (it is usually recommended to do injections in 1-2 days).
Treatment of purulent form of periostitis. It requires surgical intervention, the use of disinfectants, drains, and regular dressings.

Preventive measures

It's not about completely giving up loads, but, rather, about using sparing healing physical exercises, which will strengthen weakened muscles.

Especially relevant exercise, if the cause of periostitis was a severe injury or other injury to the shin.

So, if the injury (bruise, stretch) of the limb was not serious, therapeutic physical exercises should be performed even if they bring light discomfort.


Such exercises include walking on socks and heels alternately, running by overlapping, running on straight legs. However, physical exertion should be short-lived, and in case of severe pain they need to be reduced.


If the injury of the periosteum was received by the athlete - to the usual loads, after the treatment is over, he must return very gradually. Otherwise, relapse is possible.

For example, in the initial stages after treatment, it is impossible to develop a high speed when running, and it is advisable not to run on asphalt tracks, but on terrain with soil, sand.

Before training, be sure to perform a warm-up.

For some time after recovery (a specific period is determined by a doctor), you should massage and rub the shins with warming ointments, you may have to get a warming up routine.

Preventive maintenance of a periostitis is very simple.

It consists in the gradual training of muscles and a smooth increase in physical exertion on the lower limbs, mandatory performance of special warm-up exercises before training. It is also necessary to pay attention to the shoes that are used during classes:

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Features of inflammation of the periosteum of the shin and its treatment

Periostitis of the tibia is a disease that requires immediate therapy. There are many ways of traditional and folk treatment, with which you can effectively get rid of pathology.

Why there is a pathology

The causes of such a disease lie in the receipt of serious injuries.

This usually happens with professional athletes who are constantly exposed to heavy physical stress.

Therefore, doctors recommend choosing a qualified trainer for classes. This will prevent the development of pathology.

Causes of pathology can hide in muscle weakness, prolonged emphasis on the front of the foot or as a result of a long run up the inclined plane.

Often, the disease occurs against the background of tuberculosis. After all, such an ailment can affect any organs, because it spreads throughout the body and causes inflammatory processes. Periostitis can occur due to tertiary syphilis, which affects the diaphysis of the muscles.

Pathology develops because of rheumatic or allergic reactions to substances that have penetrated the periosteum. If the shins are exposed to toxins, then this too can lead to the progression of the disease.

Symptomatology and diagnosis of the disease

Symptoms of pathology in each person are manifested in different ways. Often, patients develop an aseptic inflammatory process. There is a strong pain syndrome and swelling of the tissues in the area of ​​the affected periosteum.

With periostitis of the tibia, a noticeable swelling immediately appears. Sometimes a person can even have a fever. If the affected area is palpated, the patient will feel pain. In some cases there is a disorder of the supporting function and lameness.

To determine the pathology will need a thorough diagnosis. To fix the acute form of the disease can be based on the results of anamnesis and clinical symptoms.


Most often, X-rays are used to diagnose the periostitis of the lower leg. With this method, you can evaluate the change, its structure, shape and size.


Also, ultrasound duplex scanning is used to confirm the diagnosis.

Conservative methods of treatment

Treatment of inflammation of the fibula begins with the imposition of the tire. This is required to immobilize the foot. A cold compress is applied to the affected area.

The physician can prescribe anesthetics to reduce the pain syndrome and stop the inflammatory process. In some cases it will be necessary to use the Novocain blockade. The injections should be attributed to a specialist.

Purulent periostitis will have to be treated with surgical intervention.

For the treatment of the disease, a complex of gymnastics is prescribed, which is designed to strengthen the muscles. The most common exercises - walking on the toes, raising and lowering the hip, sometimes run on the straightened limbs.

Among physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are appointed:

  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • exposure to leeches;
  • applications of paraffin.

For successful elimination of pathology, it is recommended to include in the diet many dishes containing calcium. A comprehensive approach will eliminate periostitis of the tibia in a short time.

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Folk remedies

The disease can be treated with folk medicine. This method of therapy has anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling and eliminates pain syndrome.

To get rid of the pathology, you can apply comfrey. The plant is to be crushed, pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. The drug must be used for 1 tbsp. l. before each meal.

Of this culture, ointment is often made. The comfrey root must be crushed. At 100 g. raw materials take 200 g of butter, melt it on a steam bath.

The ingredients must be mixed and left for 30 minutes. When the gel cools, they should treat affected legs. Keep the product better in the refrigerator.

You can treat inflammation of the periosteum at home using the Adam's root. Raw materials need to be grated on to make 200 g.

Then it needs to be poured, l alcohol.

The drug should be infused over a period of 5 days, after which the agent should rub the inflamed area, wrapping a warm scarf.

Compresses are often used for folk therapy of pathology:

  1. Melissa broth. 2 tbsp. l. dried raw material pour 400 ml of boiled water. The drug should be infused for 4-5 hours, then wait for its cooling. In the liquid, wet the bandage and apply to the inflamed area, fixing the food film. Keep the applique for 6-8 hours.
  2. Soda solution. 2 tbsp. l. the powder is poured into 250 ml of water. Components are mixed, and then moistened in the preparation of cheesecloth, which is applied to the affected shin. It is recommended to fix the compress with polyethylene. The duration of exposure is 4-5 hours.
  3. Applique from white clay. The powder (40-60 g) is mixed with water until a creamy consistency is obtained. The affected area is treated with sunflower oil, and then a compress of clay is spread on it. The application is required using a gauze dressing. During the exposure, the surface should be slightly moistened with water. The duration of the procedure is 45-60 minutes.
  4. To remove the inflammation of the periosteum of the lower leg, use a decoction of dandelion roots. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials it is required to pour 500 ml of boiling water and put on a weak fire for 3-5 minutes. The received preparation should be cooled down and used on a glass on an empty stomach. It is better to take the medicine in the morning.

If traditional medicine will be used in conjunction with traditional therapy, it will quickly get rid of inflammation of the periosteum of the shin.

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Inflammation of the periosteum of the lower leg: symptoms and treatment of periostitis

Inflammation of the periosteum of the lower leg (periostitis) is a disease of inflammatory genesis, characterized by affection of the connective tissue of the tibia or fibula.

The cause of its development can be trauma, allergic reactions, rheumatic processes, osteogenic sarcoma, chronic pathology of veins, etc.

Manifestations of periostitis are puffiness and hyperemia of surrounding tissues, as well as pain worse during walking.

Concept and characteristics of the disease

Periostitis of the tibia - acute or sluggish inflammation of the periosteum (periosteum), which is a connective tissue membrane.

According to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), two codes are assigned to the shin disease:

  1. M90.1 * - periostitis and other infectious diseases, classified elsewhere.
  2. S80-S89 - traumatic lesion of the lower leg and knee.

Most lesions are localized in the region of diaphysis (central parts) of cylindrical bones.

Catarrhal processes can occur in the outer or inner layer of the periosteum, and then spread to surrounding tissues.

Cartilaginous and bony structures of the lower limbs are closely interrelated, therefore, belated treatment of periostitis often leads to the development of osteoperiostitis.

Depending on the causes of the onset of inflammatory reactions, the therapy can be handled by specialists from different fields of medicine:

  • rheumatologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • phthisiatrist;
  • venereologist;
  • traumatologist;
  • oncologist.

Therapy consists not only in suppressing pathological reactions in the periosteum, but also in eliminating the causes of the development of the background disease. With the progression of periostitis, the surrounding periosteum can be involved in the pathological process with soft tissues and tendons.


Inflammation of the tibia is a consequence of a number of exogenous and endogenous factors. The most common causes of periosteal involvement are:

  • rupture of tendons;
  • severe bruises;
  • fractures of the lower leg;
  • exhausting workouts;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • injuries of soft tissues;
  • excessive physical exertion;
  • rheumatic processes;
  • oncological diseases;
  • overstrain of the forefoot;
  • tuberculosis of bones.

In 79% of cases, periostitis is a consequence of excessive loads on the lower limbs.

Continuous climbing up, lifting weights without any previous warm-up, static pressure on the front and back of the foot inevitably lead to overstrain of the muscles and inflammation of the periosteum bones.

In most cases, periostitis of the tibia is diagnosed in professional athletes - bicycle riders, skaters, biathletes, kickboxers, etc.

Types of leg periostitis

Clinical manifestations of pathology are determined by the peculiarities of the course of pathological processes in the periosteum and the cause of their appearance.


This form of the disease is characterized by aseptic inflammation of the perioste, which can be caused by:

  • soft tissue damage;
  • bruises;
  • fractures;
  • excess loads.

Foci of lesion are formed mainly in the region of the tibia on the anterior inner surface of the tibia.

Patients complain of pain in the shins, which are worse with pressure or walking.

In the case of a timely appeal to a specialist, the pathological processes in the periosteum can be eliminated within 5-7 days.


The chronic form of periostitis develops due to the constant influence of irritating factors on the periosteum.

Subsequently, in bone lesions, bone growths (osteophytes) form, which cause even greater discomfort.

The process of bone formation is suspended immediately after the elimination of provoking factors.


As in the previous case, this form of periostitis develops as a result of prolonged destruction of the periosteum. Provocators of pathological processes can be:

  • bone necrosis;
  • phlebitis of the tibia;
  • low-grade arthritis;
  • ulcerative lesion of the legs.

Over time, fibrotic tissue forms in the area of ​​the affected area, which has a destructive effect on the bones. The pathological process stops only in case of elimination of the irritating factor.


Accumulation of effusion under the periosteum leads to the development of exudative (serous) form of periostitis.

The liquid can accumulate in the region of the knee joint, thereby causing compression of the nerve endings and severe pain.

In medical practice, cases of the formation of more than 2 liters of serous exudate under the periosteum have been documented.


The cause of the development of periostitis is the infection of serous exudate with bacterial and fungal pathogens, resulting in the disease from the serous form becomes purulent. Also provoke the multiplication of septic inflammation in the perioth can:

  • face;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • low-grade arthritis;
  • phlegmon;
  • abscess.

In the chronic course of the disease and pyemia, the formation of multiple lesions along the entire length of the tibia is not excluded. The causative agents of purulent periostitis are coccoid bacteria - staphylococci, meningococci, streptococci.


The disease is characterized by a chronic course and occurs against the background of the development of the pathogenic flora represented by Koch's wand.

Tuberculous periostitis is more common in children, and foci of inflammation in 70% of cases are localized in the lower part of the tibia and fibula.

Over time, deep fistulas are formed in the areas of the lesion, of which purulent exudate is secreted.


Syphilitic periostitis is the result of congenital or tertiary syphilis. The primary signs of the disease are:

  • swelling in the affected areas;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain syndrome;
  • malaise.

With the progression of inflammation in the periosteum, the cartilaginous and bony structures are involved in the pathological process. For congenital syphilitic periostitis, the central part of the tibia is affected.


With the transition of acute inflammation to a chronic form, the clinical picture is supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • hyperemia of tissues in the lesions of the periosteum;
  • fluctuations under the skin in the region of the shin;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • formation of fistula (tuberculous periostitis).

In the absence of adequate therapy, symptoms increase, as evidenced by the accumulation of serous effusion in areas of the knee joint, discomfort during palpation, limb mobility limitation and enhancement pain. With the progression of inflammation, pathological foci begin to form on the surface of other tubular bones.

Periostitis in the child

In young children, the disease rarely turns into a chronic form. To provoke an inflammation of the periosteum can:

  • dislocations and bruises;
  • infectious diseases;
  • grueling workouts.

Sluggish form of periostitis only develops as a complication in tuberculosis. Severe disease can be accompanied by severe pain in the leg, edema of the lower leg and thighs, subfebrile fever, decreased appetite and the formation of purulent fistula.

Diagnosis of the disease

When the patient addresses the orthopedist, traumatologist or phthisiatrist, a detailed questioning of the complaints is made, on the basis of which additional types of examination are appointed.

In 75% of cases, the diagnosis of acute periostitis is established on the basis of a physical examination and anamnesis.

To determine the type of chronic inflammation of the periosteum, the following methods of instrumental examination are used:

  • radiography;
  • blood test;
  • a biopsy of periosteum contents.

Elevated serum white blood cell count indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.

During the diagnosis, the specialist can be identified comb-like, needle-like, linear and other types of stratification on the periosteum.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor can establish what exactly provokes the formation of lesions in the periosteum and, as a result, determine the appropriate method of recovery.


Principles of therapy depend on the causes of the lesion of the periosteum and the features of the course of background diseases.

To treat a simple periostitis follows only symptomatically, i.e. with the use of analgesic and antiphlogistic means.

With exudative and purulent form of the disease, preparations of local and systemic action are prescribed.

Conservative treatment

Nonsurgical therapy is more suitable for eliminating periostitis at the initial stages of development. To accelerate the regress of inflammation in the periosteum and the regeneration of connective tissue, the following types of drugs are used:

  • antiexudative ("Advantan "Beloderm") - contribute to the resolution of serous exudate in the lesions of the lower leg;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Nurofen) - suppress inflammatory reactions in tissues and relieve pain;
  • wound healing ("Argosulphan "Levomekol") - stimulate the restoration of the integrity of the outer soft tissues, which prevents their septic inflammation.

Treatment of periostitis of the shin also involves the use of analgesic and antiseptic ointments and solutions - Ketoprofen, Miramistin, Dioxydin. They improve the condition of the skin in case of traumatic injury to the limbs.

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Folk remedies

Alternative medicine can be used as an adjunct to pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy of periostitis. If the leg aches after a bruise or if a hematoma forms at the site of the stroke, local manifestations will be eliminated with the help of such folk remedies:

  • broth: 2 tbsp. l. dried comfrey root pour 1.5 liters of water and boil in a water bath for 30 minutes;
  • ointment with fisheye: 100 g of butter is mixed with the same amount of crushed root of the livebud.

The healing properties of the plant are associated with a high content in its leaves and root of allantoin, cyanocobalamin, flavonoids and other bioactive components. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory activity, and therefore accelerate the healing of the periosteum and surrounding tissues.


The likelihood of complications or regression of the inflammation of the periosteum depends on the timeliness and correctness of the therapy.

In the treatment of simple, serous and fibrous periostitis, the prognosis is favorable.

In the case of diagnosing the syphilitic and tubercular form of the disease, the absolute recovery of patients is unlikely.

Complications and prevention

Delayed diagnosis and therapy of periostitis is fraught with the progression of periostitis and the development of such complications:

  • osteitis;
  • abscess of soft tissues;
  • osteoperiostitis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • phlegmon;
  • fistula formation;
  • sepsis.

Therapy of fistulous formations requires surgical intervention and long-term rehabilitation. Often in patients with severe form of periostitis, there is bone degeneration, which leads to a violation of the functional activity of the shin.

To a greater extent, athletes are exposed to the disease, so specialists recommend that the following rules be observed for its prevention:

  • wearing comfortable orthopedic shoes;
  • timely treatment of injuries;
  • compliance with the load and rest regime;
  • temporary failure of training in case of inflammation of the periosteum.

Launched forms of the disease are almost impossible to cure without surgery. To avoid complications, it is necessary to avoid bruising of the shin and in time to stop the inflammatory processes.

Periostitis is a pathological condition characterized by damage to the connective tissue film of the bone.

Manifestations of the disease are pain in the tibia and fibula and swelling of the soft tissues.


Treatment of periostitis of the shin consists in the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and the drainage of inflammation in the case of suppuration.


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Inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth. Inflammation of the periosteum of the lower leg - treatment:

The periosteum or periosteum is a dense thin shell. In fact, it is a connective tissue covering the bone. In it, there are blood vessels and nerves.

Such a disease, as an inflammation of the periosteum, in medical terminology sounds differently - periostitis.

At the primary stage of development, the lesion covers the inner or outer layers of the tissue, subsequently spreading to other areas.

The inflammatory process can affect the bone itself, contributing to the development of osteoperiostitis, and bone marrow, when osteomyelitis is manifested.

What is periostitis?

On clinical significance, the inflammation of the periosteum is divided into chronic, subacute and acute forms.

If you classify the disease according to the pathoanatomical picture and etiology, you can identify a simple, fibrous, serous, purulent, ossifying, syphilitic and tuberculosis varieties.

Detailed classification

  • Simple inflammation of the periosteum. This is an aseptic process accompanied by acute inflammation. Affected tissue slightly thickens, there is infiltration and hyperemia. Such conditions often develop after fractures, injuries and bruises, near inflammatory foci, which are localized in bones or muscles. The restricted area hurts and swells. If the corresponding therapy is not carried out, fibrous growths are formed, deposition of calcium salts occurs, neoplasms develop.
  • Fibrous inflammation of the periosteum. The disease often takes on a chronic form. It develops gradually. The main factor are irritations that last for years: chronic ulcers of the lower leg, necrosis of the bone tissue, inflammation in the joints. Absence of treatment can lead to partial destruction of the bone. There are neoplasms of bone tissue.
  • Purulent inflammation of the periosteum. As a rule, the main factor in the development of the disease is infection in the wound of this site. Rarely occurs as a factor of postoperative complications.
  • Ossifying periostitis. The process most often develops due to inflammation, localized in nearby tissues, can be accompanied by varicose ulcers of the shin.
  • Serous albuminous inflammation of the periosteum of the lower leg. Inflammatory process, accompanied by the formation of exudate - mucous fluid fluid. The neoplasm is surrounded by a granulation tissue, on the outside, resembles a cyst. The amount of liquid can reach two liters. If the element is placed under the periosteum, it can exfoliate, exposing the bone. This is very serious, because there is the possibility of developing necrosis.

The main causes of the disease

Among such reasons are:

  • fractures, bruises of bones, stretching of tendons;
  • complications of open wounds or after surgery;
  • Periostitis can be caused by various bacteria (staphylococci, fungi, less often streptococci, typhoid bacilli, tuberculous pathogens), if the body has a foci of infection, through the bloodstream the bacteria reach the periosteum and provoke it inflammation;
  • biochemical factor - most often excessive pronation;
  • excessive sports loads, mistakes in training;
  • incorrectly selected shoes.

Acute inflammation of the periosteum, symptoms

  • Sharp painful sensations at various movements, pressing and tapping.
  • Swelling in the affected area.
  • Discomfort in the place of inflammation.
  • The color of the skin does not change, it does not form spots, cyanosis or redness. The skin can become red only when the ailment passes into a chronic stage.

Symptoms of Chronic Inflammation

  • The temperature rise is always insignificant.
  • Formation of purulent discharge.
  • The pain is stupid, prolonged.
  • Edema.


X-ray examination allows you to fix the disease only in the late phases of development, when the deformation of bone tissue begins to manifest. At the initial stage, diagnostic techniques rely on external signs.

Treatment of ankle inflammation

If a person reveals the symptoms of a disease, it is recommended to seek medical help immediately.

Inflammation of the periosteum of the lower leg, the treatment of which is performed independently, threatens the development of sepsis. It is fraught with infection of blood.

If the disease is not accompanied by a purulent infection, the therapy is carried out at home, with strict adherence to all recommendations.

What can a doctor prescribe?

  • Antibacterial therapy.
  • Cold - calms the pain when the leg is particularly worried by inflammation of the periosteum. Treatment is less tedious.
  • Full rest - it is better to completely immobilize the injured leg.
  • Painkillers.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.

The first goal of any therapy is the relief of irritation.

Patients who, due to their profession, are exposed to high physical stress, it is necessary to suspend work. Periostitis lasts longer than a soft tissue injury.

With the development of purulent lesions, surgical intervention is realized.

In order for the recovery to be more effective, doctors prescribe the following drugs: Biseptol, "Sulfadimezin "Analgin "Sulfadimetoksin drugs antihistamine group ("Diazolin "Dimedrol " "Suprastin").

With conservative treatment, it is customary to use anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, the drug "Lornoxicam" quickly eliminates inflammation, and recovery occurs more quickly.

The dose of each drug is selected individually.

To improve the general condition of bones used drugs with a high content of calcium: gluconate Ca, lactate Ca, a solution of chloride Ca and other vitamin compounds, including ascorbic acid.

Course of the disease

Quite rare in medical practice there is an isolated periostitis, usually the bone tissue itself is affected. Of the major concomitant diseases, osteomyelitis can be distinguished.

Chronic osteomyelitis

  • The tissues of the periosteum and bone marrow are destroyed.
  • Cavities with purulent contents are formed, but not always.
  • Formed fistulas that communicate with the bone.
  • The periosteum becomes compacted, and the abnormal amyloid protein begins to be synthesized. If you do not do therapy, do not use surgical intervention if necessary, the amyloid will accumulate in the body and start hitting vital organs.

Osteomyelitis and inflammation of the periosteum of the lower leg, the treatment of which is not carried out appropriately, can lead to limb amputation. In some cases, this is the only chance to save human life.

Acute osteomyelitis

Occurs when the pathogens penetrate the purulent infection through the bloodstream. The acute form is no less dangerous and obliges to immediately consult a doctor.


It includes:

  • strengthening of all muscle groups with the help of physical education;
  • choosing the right footwear, better with orthopedic properties;
  • performance of any loads in proportion to own forces;
  • strengthening of immunity.

This disease affects not only the lower leg, but also the teeth.

This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms: the occurrence of sudden, unexpected pain, swelling of nearby tissues, often the temperature rises and pus is released. In unofficial medicine, a periostitis of the tooth is called a flux.

Periostitis of teeth: causes

Inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth is often found in dental practice. If you pay attention to the pathogenesis, you can identify a uniform pattern: the connective tissue penetrates the microbes and begin to multiply between the bone socket and the tooth.

It is accepted to distinguish two types of the disease depending on the path of development of the inflammatory process:

  • Intradental inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth - caused by complications of caries and pulpitis;
  • extradental - as a result of periodontal lesions, inflammation comes from surrounding tissues.

Non-infectious forms: medication (lack of proper hygiene in surgical intervention and removal of teeth) and traumatic.

How to identify the disease?

If you experience even a few symptoms, it is recommended to consult your dentist immediately. It is the qualified specialist who will put the correct diagnosis and prescribe the treatment tactics.

Treatment of dental periostitis

In the event of such a disease, it is recommended to begin dental treatment immediately.

Traditional sealing is only part of all activities.

Physicians have long developed an algorithm, which fits the treatment of inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth, so that the patient quickly acquires health:

  1. Drainage of periodontal disease. Therapeutic surgical intervention allows the inflammatory fluid (exudate) to exit normally.
  2. Disinfection treatment. The doctor attracts various antibacterial drugs to eliminate the inflammation of the periosteum. Antibiotics are prescribed often enough as part of therapy.
  3. If necessary, the tooth is sealed.

Preventive measures

To treat inflammation of the periosteum of the tooth is not a reality, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures:

  • regular visits to the dentist;
  • useful herbal mouth rinses;
  • vitamin support of the body.

Treatment with folk remedies

Any experienced surgeon will say that among the whole spectrum of diseases one of the most serious is inflammation of the periosteum. Treatment with folk remedies as the basis of therapy is simply unacceptable. Such recipes can be used only to stop pains before going to the doctor:

  1. In order to reduce aching pain, you can use lard. According to the recipe, a slice of raw fat is placed between the gum and cheek on the affected area. The piece must remain on the gum for 15 minutes.
  2. If the periostitis touched the wisdom teeth, the plantain root is used. His piece fits into the auricle on the side where the flux developed. Plantain should be in the ear to reduce pain.
  3. Melissa broth will help calm inflammation and reduce pain. Fifty grams of dry plant leaves are mixed with 500 ml of boiling water. The broth is infused for about 30 minutes and is used to rinse the mouth.
  4. One of the most famous folk recipes is the rinsing of the oral cavity with soda solutions. In 250 ml of warm boiled water 15 grams of soda are mixed. The resulting mixture is rinsed several times a day.
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In conclusion

In the absence of treatment, inflammation of the periosteum can be extremely dangerous.

To date, most forms have been successfully treated, despite the resistance of some pathogens to antibiotics.

An experienced specialist will compose a correct treatment program with complete recovery of the diseased limb.

The key is the timely use of qualified medical care. If the disease progresses, the consequences can be very detrimental to health. The deeper the disease enters the tissues, the more difficult it is to get rid of it. Treatment risks becoming expensive.

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What is and how is inflammation of the periosteum of the shank treated?

Traumatology and surgery of the musculoskeletal system

Inflammation of the periosteum of the shin is one of the most common problems that athletes face.

The onset of the disease is noted in one of the layers of the periosteum (internal or external) with subsequent spread to other layers.

In addition to the periosteum, due to the close location of the bone, the latter is also involved in the inflammatory process. The disease can be acute or prolonged for a long time.

The bones of the human skeleton are quite flexible material and, despite the fact that they are solid, they can periodically change, adjusting for movement.

Correct this process allows you to make the upper layer of tissue called the periosteum or periosteum.

It is a connective tissue, and most active at an early age, helping to provide sufficient blood supply to bone tissue. In periosteum there are 2 layers.

Muscle tendons and ligaments are attached to the outer layer, and the synthesis of bone tissue provides an inner one. In the human body, the periosteum covers all tissues, except for small bones.

Thanks to the periosteum, all bones are covered with a peculiar protective coating.


Various injuries that did not cause a fracture, negatively affect the condition of the periosteum, resulting in an inflammatory process called a periostitis. Such injuries include a variety of injuries.


Most often, as a rule, long tubular bones are injured, and the least protected from shin injuries. It is for this reason that the inflammation of the shin is observed quite often.

The reasons for which inflammation in the periosteum may occur may trigger such factors as:

  1. 1. Long physical exercises, in which the main load falls on the lower limbs. In this case, periostitis of the tibia may occur. Symptoms of this inflammation are the pain in the back of the inner leg.
  2. 2. Strong external influence on the anterior part of the tibia.
  3. 3. Open damage that has reached the surface of the periosteum.
  4. 4. Presence of any chronic infections. An infection such as syphilis can cause a person to damage the bodies of the tibia. The affected part hurts during this mainly at night.
  5. 5. Injury of tendons, bruises, deep wounds, penetrating under the skin and cracks.
  6. 6. The presence of tuberculosis in a person can provoke a lesion of the periosteum from the nearest hearth.
  7. 7. The presence of rheumatism, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcer, sepsis or varicose veins in a person can cause damage in other tissues.

The periosteum of the tibia is subdivided into several varieties at once, and for each of them certain symptoms are characteristic. So, the simple form of a periostitis arises at a trauma, various bruises and fractures.

Tibial bones in this case suffer in the first place. This form is accompanied by pain, swelling and reddening of the periosteum. With a careful examination, you can find a small mound on the surface of the affected area of ​​the bone.

Such inflammation of the periosteum, as a rule, passes independently in a couple of weeks.

In some cases, a simple form flows into a sharp one.

In the acute form of the periostitis of the tibia, complications arise such as fibrous growths, fistulas, suppuration of the hematoma itself with a hemorrhage between the periosteum and bone. Inflammation with time without appropriate treatment can go to the underlying layers.

Manifestations may subside for a while, but they do not completely disappear, and such a course is characteristic for the transition of periostitis to a chronic form. Chronic periostitis is called ossifying and with it calcium salts begin to be deposited and osteophytes appear.

Inflammation of the periosteum can be provoked by external inflammatory foci. Such centers include tuberculosis, ulcers and others.

As soon as the effects of these factors cease, the pathological formations of the bone stop, and in some cases the growths on the bone can dissolve.

Fibrous form also refers to the chronic process and appears with constant prolonged irritation of the periosteum.

As a rule, this form, as an independent process, is extremely rare and often accompanies minor inflammations in adjacent tissues.

With this form, easily probed fibrous thickenings are observed on the affected area of ​​the bone. Fibrous tissue with significant growth can lead to bone tissue malignancy.


Serous or albuminous forms of periostitis are characterized by inflammation with the formation of serous exudate, which contains albumins. The albuminoid form is very rare and provokes its occurrence mainly trauma.


One of the most severe forms is purulent periostitis. It occurs mainly due to suppuration of the hematoma after injury of the lower leg. In some cases purulent periostitis appears due to infection of the wound.

Initially, a person has hyperemia in the region of the shin and an accumulation of purulent or fibrous exudate. You can also develop swelling, raise body temperature and increase pain in the legs and damaged area.

If there is a development of purulent infiltration of the periosteum, the periosteum may die and exfoliate from the bone. If there is a violation of the blood supply, bone necrosis may also result, soft tissue may suffer, and bone tissue itself may melt.

In this case, only the operation will help.

In the event that the inflammation provoked tuberculosis or syphilis, a growing condensation is observed in a person, which sometimes spread.

This inflammation proceeds painlessly, but if you ignore the condensation that has appeared, the disease will begin to progress, leading ultimately to deep shin lesions.

When inflammation of the periosteum of the shin, you must completely abandon the heavy physical exercises and loads. They must be replaced by certain exercises, which are aimed specifically at strengthening the shin.

This complex includes walking on socks and other simple exercises that you can do, even if there are minor pains in the damaged area. If the pain is completely absent, then it is possible to perform the hip lifts, the swelling of the shins and running on the straight legs.


All exercises must necessarily be performed smoothly. When they are done, do not rush and accelerate the pace.


When complicating the inflammation of the periosteum, the treating doctor may be prescribed anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications. Most often shown are such procedures as:

  • electrophoresis;
  • special massage;
  • physiotherapy.

Treatment will be supported by a special diet enriched with calcium.

Purulent periostitis is treated with surgery. During the operation the doctor dissects the tissues and removes the purulent mass. In the postoperative period in this case, antibiotics are prescribed.

Methods of traditional medicine in the treatment of inflammation of the periosteum of the shin will also be effective, especially in combination with prescribed medications.

An excellent anti-inflammatory effect can not only provide special drugs prescribed by your doctor, but also certain medications. They not only help to remove inflammation, but also will remove redness, swelling and relieve pain.

You can treat inflammation of the periosteum with the help of a healing ointment, which you can prepare yourself from butter and the comfrey root.

A small packet of butter should be melt and then add the crushed root of the dried comfrey into it. The mixture should be mixed and heated, after putting for a while in a secluded place.

After 30 minutes, the finished ointment can be applied to the inflamed area.

When self-treatment of acute periostitis, it is worth remembering that the affected area is in no case It is impossible to warm up, because it can provoke the spread of inflammation to other bone tissue.

If certain simple requirements of inflammation of the periosteum of the shin are observed, one can avoid or reduce the likelihood of its appearance.


Periostitis occurs most often in the category of people professionally engaged in heavy sports and those who embark on complex training without the necessary training.


But people who are not related to sports are not insured from inflammation of the periosteum. Incorrect distribution of loads entails the onset of this disease.

Muscles of the shin should be gradually strengthened by a variety of jumps and regular running. You need to carefully consider the choice of shoes for sports.

Shoes must be soft, fit to the size of the foot and have a hard back, which helps to avoid injury.

In the right pair of sneakers, the leg should not feel any discomfort.

To avoid inflammation of the periosteum, it is necessary to monitor the state of immunity, and in case of failures or vitamin deficiency, take vitamin-mineral complexes. When the first symptoms of the disease should immediately begin treatment.

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