Fistula on coccyx: treatment


  • 1What is a fistula on the coccyx, how it looks, what is dangerous? Fistula on coccyx: symptoms, causes, treatment, removal, operation
    • 1.1What is a fistula on the coccyx, how it looks, what is dangerous?
    • 1.2Fistula on coccyx: symptoms and causes
    • 1.3Fistula on the coccyx of a newborn: reasons
    • 1.4Fistula on the coccyx: treatment in the home by folk remedies
    • 1.5What antibiotics to use when fistula on coccyx?
    • 1.6Ointment from fistula on coccyx
    • 1.7Which doctor treats the fistula on the coccyx?
    • 1.8Removal of fistula on coccyx: operation
  • 2Fistula on the coccyx: treatment at home:
    • 2.1Fistula on coccyx: photo, description of the problem
    • 2.2Causes of appearance
    • 2.3Who is most affected by the disease?
    • 2.4Symptomatology of the disease
    • 2.5Stages of the disease
    • 2.6Ways to get rid of the disease
    • 2.7Surgical intervention
    • 2.8Is it worth it to completely trust in traditional medicine?
    • 2.9Olive oil with vodka - an excellent remedy against the disease
    • 2.10Aloe for help
    • 2.11Recipe with St. John's wort
    • instagram viewer
    • 2.12Fistula treatment with onion
    • 2.13Therapy with the help of plantain
    • 2.14Treatment of fistula with calendula
    • 2.15What happens if you do not treat the fistula?
  • 3Fistula on the coccyx: causes, symptoms and treatment
    • 3.1Fistula - how it manifests itself
    • 3.2Symptoms of the tail of the tailbone
    • 3.3How does the fistula develop?
    • 3.4Treatment of fistula on coccyx
    • 3.5Recommendations after surgery
    • 3.6ethnoscience
  • 4Fistula on coccyx
    • 4.1Clinical picture
    • 4.2Causes
    • 4.3The main symptoms of the disease
    • 4.4Features of fistula treatment in coccyx
    • 4.5Traditional medicine
  • 5Fistula on coccyx: causes, development, treatment
    • 5.1The causes of fistula
    • 5.2Fistula development
    • 5.3Treatment
    • 5.4Surgery
    • 5.5Traditional medicine and fistula treatment

What is a fistula on the coccyx, how it looks, what is dangerous? Fistula on coccyx: symptoms, causes, treatment, removal, operation

The human body is very hardy and strong. We can tolerate a large number of unpleasant, serious, complex diseases.

But in our time, due to various unfavorable factors, people are increasingly suffering from a variety of problems.

One of them is a fistula on the coccyx, which will be discussed today.

What is a fistula on the coccyx, how it looks, what is dangerous?

Fistula is a small hole, a channel in the coccyx.

Everyone knows that the coccyx is the last part of the spine, it is almost immobile and there is a significant amountnerve endings.

Therefore, even with minor injuries, acute pain may occur.

Fistula on coccyx

The first mention of a problem like fistula, or as it is calleddermic, pilonidal or coccygeal cyst, epithelial coccygeal passage,are found during the Second World War.

How does the coccygeal cyst occur? It can be of two types:acquired and inherited. The emergence of the first type is provoked by various surgical interventions.

A congenital type occurs even during the development of the fetus in the womb of the mother. 5-6 weeks is the time when the fetus develops a small tail, which in the process of further growth normally disappears.

But due to various pathologies, he can stay and then a fistula is formed. This channel is most often covered with a significant hair ball.

And because of the significant hair and sebum secreted by the epithelium, bacteria develop there and an inflammatory process occurs.

Almost 90% of cases are congenital.

But more common in males

What is the danger of this disease? Exactlypurulent processrepresents a danger.

Because it can arise at any time and it is not controlled.

How complication can arisephlegm(extensive inflammation of fatty tissue, which has no boundaries).

In this case, a large number of operations will be needed to deal with it. But, in addition, against the background of inflammatory processes may ariseeczema and purulent abscess.

Fistula on coccyx: symptoms and causes

It is believed that, in most cases, this unpleasant disease occurs in a person still in the womb, because just then, as already mentioned above, the pathology of this department of the spine develops.

If we talk about symptoms, then they often do not appear in childhood, so during this period it is very difficult to diagnose a fistula. But during puberty, the disease begins to manifest itself.

Of course, it happens that, even with this pathology, a person does not experience any painful or other unpleasant sensations.

But still, most often some problems with the coccyx are observed. It can be painful sensations when walking, sitting or when changing positions.

Other symptoms include:

  • Unpleasant sensations in the coccygeal, interannual area
  • Inflamed, red skin
  • Allusions of pus
  • Increased temperature

From the fistula, there can be not only unpleasant sensations, but also quite severe pain

But, if the fistula development stage is acute and quite neglected, the pain can be so strong that it can not be removed, even painkillers. In such cases, it is impossible for a person to walk or take any other position.

As for the temperature, it can reach 40 ° and there will be a severe malaise.

If we talk about the causes, then, in addition to the fact that this disease arises from congenital pathology, it can be provokedinflammatory processes in the coccygeal region. And they develop for the following reasons:

  • Sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle
  • Significant physical stresses, loads
  • The disadvantage or, conversely, an excess of calcium. Most often, this problem arises from an abnormal metabolism
  • Frequent supercooling
  • Infectious diseases
  • Nerve impairment

Sedentary work is one of the reasons for the appearance of a fistula

Fistula on the coccyx of a newborn: reasons

As it was repeatedly said above, the fistula on the coccyx, in most cases, develops in the uterine period. Therefore, most often this disease is congenital.

Newborns have fistulas

But even if it is in the newborn, it is very difficult to diagnose it because the fistula begins to develop during the period of youthful maturation. Unless, that skilled experts can find out a coccyx coccyx in earlier childhood.

Fistula on the coccyx: treatment in the home by folk remedies

In our time of modern technology, people all the same quite often resort to the help of traditional medicine. That's inflammation in the fistula, you can try to remove different folk methods - compresses, tinctures, lotions.

The first plant-helper isSt. John's Wort. For fistula treatment, take:

  • 3 tablespoons of medicinal St. John's wort
  • pour 1.5 st water
  • bring to a boil
  • cook a few min.

St. John's wort is the first helper of a fistula

After percolation, put the plant on a dense surface and sit on it. If possible, you must sit for as long as possible. This procedure should be done until the time that the inflammation passes and the purulent discharge does not disappear.

The second way is a compress frombutter and tar:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. oil and 1 tbsp. tar
  • Apply to the problem site
  • Cover with a bandage for the whole night
  • Compress is placed until the problem disappears

Also use tar with butter

For the next recipe you need freshwormwood. It must be grinded before the appearance of juice and attached to the problem site. In the same way, you can useplantain, and onion juice with juice.

Wormwood is also effective

Tincture of propolis and calendula will be effective enough. To prepare the first you need:

Make a tincture ofalcohol and propolis(ratio of 6 parts of alcohol, 1 part of propolis):

  • Clean a damp cloth in water
  • Dip the napkin in a tincture
  • Attach it to a sore spot
  • Keep a napkin for several hours
  • Treatment continue for at least 5 days

The second tincture is done using freshcalendula flowers and alcohol, with a strength of 70%:

  • Dampen the napkin in water
  • Pour a little tincture on a napkin
  • Attach to the cyst
  • Leave the medicine for a couple of hours or even a whole night
  • The course of treatment continue for at least a week

Propolis and Calendula are another national assistants

What antibiotics to use when fistula on coccyx?

In order to prescribe antibiotic treatment, physicians first need to determine the type of fistula and bacteria that triggered the development of inflammatory processes. But such diagnostics, in most cases, expensive, so doctors prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics.

The course of antibiotic treatment is usually about 7-10 days. To do this, useGentamicin, Metronidazoleor its analogs for 2 ampoules up to a week to relieve inflammation.

Do not rely on antibiotics

Such drugs in this case are not very effective and, in addition, have a large number of adverse events. And also their disadvantage is that they eliminate for a while the discomfort and symptoms, but the problem itself remains. Therefore, it is best to do the operation.

Ointment from fistula on coccyx

If we talk about the removal of the inflammatory process in the fistula on the coccyx, then to prepare medicines at home, you can try using ointmentVishnevsky and the mummy. But in this way, it is possible to remove only the inflammation. No homemade medicines will help to eliminate the problem completely.

Fistula treatment Fistula treatment

Which doctor treats the fistula on the coccyx?

In case of suspicion of the presence of a fistula on the coccyx, first of all, a person needs to go to the reception to the local therapist.

It is this specialist who will assess the situation and refer to such physicians as a surgeon and proctologist.

And only then, these specialists will prescribe all the necessary tests and be determined with treatment.

Removal of fistula on coccyx: operation

As it was said earlier, surgical intervention is the only, the most reliable and effective way to completely get rid of the fistula on the coccyx. She is appointed by a surgeon with a proctologist after taking all the necessary tests.

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After the surgery, the patient will stay in the hospital for a couple of days, or even up to a week. After stabilizing the condition, he is sent home and attributed to the first few days of bed rest.

Only on the 4-5th day you can start trying to walk. After 2 weeks, remove the stitches. But it must also be strictly remembered that for 3 weeks you can not sit or wear weights.

Operation is the most effective method

The postoperative period is easy, if you listen to the recommendations of specialists. At this time, in addition, use antibiotics and pain medications.

What I would like to talk about yet, so it's about the methods of conducting an operation. And there are several of them:

  • The first of them -open wounded. With this method, the doctor completely removes the fistula, creating a natural drainage. With this method, the patient's rehabilitation time is up to a month, but the efficiency is also high. After such an operation, in rare cases, relapses may occur
  • The second is whenclosed wound. In this case, the surgeon excludes the cyst, but at the same time leaves the hole and daily performs drainage. This method is best used during the period of remission. This method is good because healing is faster, but relapses are possible
  • There is a third method. In this case, the wound will also be closed, but the essence of the operation is slightly different. The fistula is removed from the primary opening to the secondary one under the skin. And, if the primary is sewn, then through the secondary and drainage occurs
  • And the last method is the Karidakis method. But some say that it is necessary to call it the name not only of this scientist, but also of Bascom, who took part in the research. The essence of this method is that not only the fistula is removed, but also a small struck scrap of skin. In this case, the wound moves slightly and becomes between the buttocks. Recovering occurs more quickly and relapses occur rarely

Seams can be applied in several ways

Whichever method you choose is not to be feared, but it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention. By the fact that, as you understand, this is the most effective way to fight the fistula on the coccyx.

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Fistula on the coccyx: treatment at home:

If before the fistula on the coccyx could be found for the most part in older people, now this problem is addressed to doctors already 30-year-old girls and boys.

Why this disease occurs, how it manifests itself and who is most susceptible to this disease, you will learn from the article. Also, we will determine by what means it is possible to get rid of the fistula on the coccyx.

And we will learn, by what home methods it is possible to calm the pain and reduce the inflammation associated with this problem.

Fistula on coccyx: photo, description of the problem

Usually people with this pathology can live 3-5 years and not even suspect that they have such an ailment. And only when the pinholes begin to appear on the skin, after which the inflammatory process begins, they turn to a specialist for help.

Coccygeal fistula is an ailment that is a pathology of the development of soft tissues located in the sacrococcygeal region.

The fistula (another name for the fistula) is a narrow tube located in the inter-saline fold at a distance of about 3-9 cm above the anus margin.

Causes of appearance

The following points can be the factors of occurrence of such an unpleasant disease:

- Lack of calcium and vitamin D in the body.

- Various injuries of the spine.

- A sedentary lifestyle (work in a sitting position).

- Constant exposure to cold.

- Non-compliance with personal hygiene.

- Pinching of the nerve in the lumbar region.

- Various chronic infections.

Who is most affected by the disease?

Fistula on the coccyx often appears in people with weakened immunity, who previously had operations in the anus.

Also, drivers have this ailment, because, by virtue of their profession, chauffeurs sit for a long time on the coccygeal department. And even newborns can be found this problem.

In infants, the fistula on the coccyx looks like a hole and, in the absence of festering secretions, does not require surgical intervention.

Pediatricians and pediatric surgeons advise parents not to panic if they find that their problem is a problem. And doctors are advised to apply for operational help not earlier than 1 year after the birth of their son or daughter.

Symptomatology of the disease

To put such diagnosis, as a fistula on a coccyx, whose treatment requires obligatory supervision at the expert, it is simple. For this, a person must know the signs of this disease, which can be as follows:

- Periodic increase in basal temperature.

- Painful sensations in the coccyx region.

- Redness and swelling.

- Itching in the anus.

- The appearance of a cone on the coccyx, and then purulent discharge.

If such symptoms are observed in the patient, then the doctor is easy to diagnose.

Stages of the disease

Fistula on coccyx may have three states:

  1. Sharp.
  2. Chronic.
  3. Remission.

In acute stage the patient feels pain, sometimes unbearable.

The chronic condition is characterized by only small purulent discharge, without raising the temperature and other symptoms.

And the stage of remission is when the fistula has been eradicated, but after a while the illness again manifested itself.

Ways to get rid of the disease

There are two methods by which you can eliminate the pain associated with the appearance of the fistula, as well as completely eliminate the ailment:

  1. Surgical intervention.
  2. Folk ways of getting rid of fistula.

Surgical intervention

Most doctors are confident that the removal of fistula on the coccyx is possible only through surgery. Under local anesthesia, the surgeon performs excision of fistulous passages and then simply sutures, which are removed after 14 days.

Operations fistulas on the coccyx are not particularly difficult, the doctors make them without problems. But there is a catch in the other.

In practice, it also occurs when, after the fistula has been eliminated, through time it appears again in the same place. Then the doctor suggests to do a second operation, but in this case the whole coccygeal path is already removed.

In this case, all newly emerging fistulas are also eliminated. After some time, the specialist suggests performing a second stage of manipulation, during which the doctor reduces the hole left after the operation.

Now such procedures are done using the latest technology, so the patient does not experience painful sensations.

Is it worth it to completely trust in traditional medicine?

Many people try to get rid of such a disease, as a fistula on the coccyx, in various domestic ways. The most common are herbal compresses from St. John's wort, aloe, and various tinctures.

Such methods can indeed eliminate severe pain or reduce the inflammatory process. However, they can not completely eliminate the fistula on the coccyx.

Therefore, before trusting folk medicine, it is necessary to consult a specialist in order to avoid serious complications and negative consequences.

Olive oil with vodka - an excellent remedy against the disease

With the help of the following recipe you can get rid of such ailment as a fistula on the coccyx. So, first you need to take in equal proportions olive oil and vodka. Mix both ingredients.

The resulting solution wipe the affected area several times a day. After applying this rescue mixture to the fistula, fresh fresh cabbage leaf should be tied in order for it to draw pus.

Treatment with this method will last for about 4-5 weeks.

Aloe for help

This plant is capable of much, and even rid the person of such a problem as a fistula on the coccyx.

The photo of the aloe is shown below, and you can buy this plant in any flower shop and, for sure, it is in every house.

In addition, it will also require a mummy, which is worth buying in a pharmacy and pre-soak it in water to a dark color. Then in equal proportions, both components of the treatment solution should be combined.

Take a clean bandage and soak it in this mixture. Then apply a bandage to a sore spot, stick a sticking plaster on top and leave for 12 hours. The procedure should be repeated constantly until the pain disappears completely.

Recipe with St. John's wort

Fistula in the coccyx can be removed with the help of this perennial herbaceous culture. This requires 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort, as well as 300 ml of boiled water. The plant should be identified in boiling water and boil for about 10 minutes.

Then remove from heat and strain. The resulting solution should be wiped a sore spot 5-6 times a day. And St. John's wort leaves can be folded into gauze and applied to a fistula. Carry out this procedure should be until the pus itself begins to stand out.

Fistula treatment with onion

This method will require onion juice. The bulb should be peeled off and grated on a fine grater. From the resulting squash squeeze the juice, soak a piece of cotton or gauze in it and apply it to the inflamed area. Put such compresses 4-5 times a day.

Therapy with the help of plantain

The plant needs to be washed, and then thoroughly knead it to make it juice. After this, attach the prepared plantain to the inflammation focus and leave for 2 hours. By the way, you can use just the juice of the plant, making lotions with gauze.

Treatment of fistula with calendula

You can buy tincture from this plant in any pharmacy, and it costs cheaply. For the compress you need a clean cloth or cotton sponge, which you need to moisten with water, and then wring out and determine into a solution of calendula and alcohol.

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Then you should attach it to a sore spot, wrap it in a towel and leave it for 3 hours. If desired, you can make such compresses at night. The course of treatment can be from 7 to 10 procedures. Thanks to this recipe, the inflammation should pass quickly.

What happens if you do not treat the fistula?

If a person does nothing to eliminate the fistula on the coccyx or at least to calm the pain, did not consult a doctor, this pathology can cause:

- an increase in the number of fistulas and their diameter;

- purulent abscess;

Appearance of eczema.

As can be seen, the consequences of such a careless attitude towards oneself can be pitiful.

Therefore, in order to prevent the appearance of such problems, it is necessary at the first symptoms (discomfort, pain in the coccygeal region) to consult a doctor and already together with him to discuss possible methods of therapy, including folk methods.

Now you know what a fistula is on the coccyx, treatment in the home of this disease, and also within the walls of the hospital. They found out that only surgical intervention would help to get rid of this problem completely.

And to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, remove purulent discharge will help the various folk methods described in this article.

But they can be resorted to only after the patient descends to a consultation with a surgeon and he will advise him what it is better to do so that the fistula is no longer disturbed.

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Fistula on the coccyx: causes, symptoms and treatment

Most doctors claim that the fistula on the coccyx occurs in a person during the intrauterine period. It is at this moment that the coccyx develops in the child.

According to medical statistics, such deviations occur quite often, but they regularly appear in a person in the adult period.

The majority of patients with this pathology live their whole lives and do not experience any painful sensations.

Fistula - how it manifests itself

Not everyone can boast that they have no problems with the coccyx.

Unpleasant feelings, mainly occur in a person while walking, when he sits, and also changes the position of the body.

If it hurts, when you sit down or put on some tight clothes, then in this case you can talk about those or other pathologies of the coccygeal department.

The causes of fistula formation on the coccyx:

  • A sedentary way of life is hypodynamia;
  • Calcium deficiency in the body;
  • Mechanical damage to the spine;
  • Specific working conditions associated with the constant exposure to negative temperatures;
  • Pinched nerves in the lumbar region;
  • Violation or full non-observance of personal hygiene;
  • Penetration of infection.

Initially, a person may have a small bump on the coccyx. Then pus appears in it and begins to stand out. At this stage, fistula development is already diagnosed.

Symptoms of the tail of the tailbone

If you have the symptoms described below, it means that you should definitely consult a doctor.

So, the tail of the tailbone is characterized by:

  • Itching in the anus;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Pain in both the anus and the coccyx;
  • Increase in temperature;
  • Swelling, swelling;
  • With the release of pus and syphilis.

How does the fistula develop?

For some time a person may not even suspect that his fistula develops. Therefore, treatment is not carried out and no measures are taken. For some time, another fistula may appear, that is, a strong inflammatory process.

Classify several stages of fistula development:

  • Chronic;
  • Acute;
  • Remission is the final stage.

In the acute stage may occur: fever, very severe pain in the coccyx, swelling and redness of the skin. A person can not sit down, because it hurts. It becomes difficult to perform ordinary daily activities.

If you do not start treatment on time, then some complications begin to appear, such as an increase in the number of fistulas, accumulation and a strong secretion of pus, eczema.

At this stage urgent urgent intervention of physicians is necessary. Only timely intervention guarantees complete cure and prevention of fistula formation.

Treatment of fistula on coccyx

So, before you start any treatment, you need to make sure the correctness of the diagnosis.

It is necessary to know that the fistula on the coccyx has common symptoms with such pathologies as the coccyx cyst and the osteomylet opening of the coccyx.

Similar diseases occur in the case of the defeat of the coccygeal spine. Once again you need to understand that the symptoms of these pathologies are identical.

In order to put the correct diagnosis, you must first make a visual inspection and then make a roentgen coccyx.

Treatment of the fistula of the tailbone is carried out in 2 main ways:

  • Surgical;
  • Ethnoscience.

The overwhelming majority of doctors adhere to the view that treatment of the fistula on the coccyx should be done only by a surgical method. The doctor must perform an autopsy and then remove the abscess.

Before performing an operation, it is necessary to prescribe treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs. But, it is worthwhile to understand that it is completely impossible to get rid of fistula on coccyx.

In 50% of the fistula on the coccyx again begins to fill with pus. In this case, you need to be ready for a second operation, as a result of which the entire coccygeal tract is removed.

Also, all fistulas that were before are completely removed.

Upon reaching a positive result, the second stage is carried out, as a result of which a reduction in the opening that may remain after the previous removal operation coccygeal.

The last few years, these operations are carried out using the latest technology, which allows the patient not to experience any pain. After removal of the fistula, surgical treatment ends. Within a certain period of time it will be necessary to be under medical supervision.

Recommendations after surgery

After surgery, the patient needs:

  • It is forbidden to sit for about a month and a half on the coccyx;
  • Every day several times necessary to carry out mandatory hygiene procedures;
  • Process and rinse the bovine fold;
  • Do not lift weights;
  • It is forbidden to do epilation at the place where the fistula was removed;
  • Fully comply with all the doctor's recommendations.


If you are going to resort to traditional medicine for the treatment of the fistula on the coccyx, you need to know that the treatment will be quite long. Also, not all patients are warned that a positive effect can not be achieved.

In most cases, treatment of the fistula on the coccyx is recommended to be carried out with olive oil, aloe, mummy, St. John's Wort.

Olive oil is recommended to mix with vodka and this mixture should be wiped with vodka. After that, apply a leaf of cabbage and draw pus.

Treatment is carried out for several weeks and even months.

Aloe juice has restoring and anti-inflammatory properties. Also it is recommended to mix aloe together with mumiye. This mixture is applied to the gauze dressing and applied to the affected area for 5 hours.

For treatment inside it is recommended to brew St. John's Wort approximately 2 tbsp. and pour 250 ml of water. Then spread it on cellophane and put it to the sore spot. Similar procedures are performed until the moment when pus completely escapes.

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Fistula on coccyx

Pain in the coccyx may indicate the presence of a fistula on the coccyx

The scourge of modern society is that those diseases that used to be the lot of older people today can be characteristic of young people.

Fistula on the coccyx is a vivid proof of this.
The coccyx is the last, lower part of the spine, which is surrounded by a huge number of nerve endings.

The slightest damage or shock can cause inflammation, which also provokes the fistula.

Clinical picture

Fistula on the coccyx is quite often a complete surprise to the person from whom it arose. This is explained by the unique structure of the coccygeal department, which blocks for a long time, masking painful sensations without signaling the development of the cyst.

While the coccyx is a joint of several, intergrown vertebrae and is immovable, it responds rather painfully to active movements.

And this once again serves as proof that there is acute inflammation in your vertebral column.

Fistula on coccyx is usually attributed to inflammatory diseases.

The clinical picture of the fistula on the coccygeal section is as follows: an enlarged epithelial opening, which is located in the upper part of the buttocks.

In a neglected state, the fistula on the coccyx may have the shape of a hole or a small funnel.

Also note that the fistula may not manifest itself as a disease for many years. For the exit of inflammation outward, a powerful push is needed, which can become a fever or infection.


Medical practice knows two main reasons for the development of cysts in the coccyx:

  1. A congenital defect in the structure and subsequent development of the vertebrae, which in turn disrupts the proliferation of bone tissue and the structure of many other elements of the vertebral column.
  2. Inflammation, as the main process provoking the formation and development of cysts.
    Statistics say that it is the second cause of cyst development that occurs in two people out of three who have a fistula.

It is also worth highlight a number of reasons that also indirectly affect the formation of the cyst:

  • sedentary lifestyle, lack of basic motor activity;
  • acquired injuries of the spinal column (cracks, bruises);
  • excessive load on the spine;
  • excess fat mass;
  • pathology in the coccygeal or vertebral column;
  • The advanced infection that spread to the vertebral column;
  • acute lack of calcium in the body, which strengthens bone tissue;
  • constant supercooling in the area of ​​the coccygeal department.

Each of these factors immediately provokes the development of the cyst, which is formed due to a failure in the normal development of the bone structure of the spinal column.

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The main symptoms of the disease

The fistula on the coccyx of the crane is difficult to treat, and this is its danger. The depressed cyst can develop into sepsis, and in the worst case scenario, cause death.

Unfortunately, such cases have repeatedly occurred in medical practice.
It is extremely important at an early stage to detect a cystic formation.

Pay attention to the following symptoms and then, perhaps, you will be able to prevent suppuration of the fistula:

  • Inflamed cyst raises body temperature to at least 38.7 degrees;
  • acute pains in the coccygeal region, which respond painfully even at the moment when you stand or lean slightly;
  • The skin around the fistula is inflamed, possibly also zagnaed;
  • unnatural humidity between the gluteus muscles;
  • obvious acute pain, itching and redness of the anus;
  • purulent discharge in the place of the funnel formations on the buttocks.

Pay attention, adequate treatment and in the early stages of development will be able to permanently prevent a possible relapse.

Features of fistula treatment in coccyx

Before the treatment of the fistula is prescribed, the physician will have to make sure that the fistula formed exactly the fistula.

The difficulty is that this funnel is similar in appearance and behavior to the osteomyelitis aperture. With similar features of the manifestation of these two diseases, their treatment will vary.

Suppose that the radiograph has established the presence of a fistula. Further treatment can develop on two fronts:

    • treatment with traditional medicine;

When the first symptoms of fistula on the coccyx should consult a specialist

  • treatment through surgical intervention.

Surgical intervention, of course, is the most effective way to eliminate the fistula. As a rule, it is used in more advanced stages of the disease.

The first operation is a cut, and then, the removal of the source of the abscess. The operation is performed under local anesthesia and will not take more than an hour.

In case of a relapse, and it occurs in two cases out of five, re-surgery is prescribed. The purpose of repeated surgical intervention is the complete removal of the entire coccygeal path, as well as all the abscesses and fistulas.

Depending on the nature of the behavior of the funnel after the operation, another stage of treatment can be prescribed: surgical reduction of the painful hole.

There are some tips for the postoperative period:

  • for several weeks you need to sit as small as possible and only on very soft;
  • To monitor hygiene and several times a day with warm water to wash the perineum between the gluteal muscles;
  • not to lift elementary weights;
  • strictly follow all the recommendations of the surgeon.

Traditional medicine

The uniqueness of traditional medicine lies in the fact that it stores the secrets of treating almost all diseases. Fistula on the coccyx was no exception. Please note that the traditional medicine will be most effective only with a long, systematic application.

Folk ingredients for fistula treatment:

  • extract or leaves of aloe;
  • olive oil (for lack thereof, you can use castor oil);
  • medicinal herb St. John's wort and mummy.

Olive or castor oil must be mixed with an alcohol base, applied to a cotton swab and at least five times a day to wipe the inflamed area. After, give a good dry.

Aloe extract can regenerate the inflamed skin and the folded hole. Mummies and St. John's wort should be taken every morning on an empty stomach. We recommend you to brew grass.

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Fistula on coccyx: causes, development, treatment

The coccyx is the last department in the spine. It consists of several fused bones and does not possess great mobility.

The coccygeal compartment has a large number of nerve endings, so even small problems can cause painful sensations.

Inflammatory processes here can develop often enough, and from them to receive a fistula on coccyx it is absolutely uncomplicated.

The causes of fistula

Most doctors believe that the pathology of the coccygeal path arises even in prenatal development. It was at that time that there was a violation in the development of the coccyx. Interestingly, such abnormalities are very common, but they are manifested mainly in adulthood.

Many with this pathology can live a lifetime and not experience any unpleasant sensations. But not everyone can boast of the absence of problems with the coccyx.

Problems with it, as a rule, begin with the appearance of pain during walking, sitting or when changing the position of the body. These symptoms may indicate that the coccygeal spine has some problems.

There are several reasons for this:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • lack of calcium and vitamin D in the body;
  • spine trauma;
  • constant exposure to cold;
  • pinching of the nerve in the lumbar region;
  • various chronic infections;
  • non-observance of personal hygiene.

Initially, a lump on the coccyx may appear, then purulent discharge begins, and this already with 100% certainty indicates that your fistula develops.

There are some symptoms that should alert you and force you to see a doctor:

  • pain in the coccyx;
  • periodic temperature increase;
  • redness and swelling;
  • itching in the anus.

Fistula development

For some time a person may not even suspect about its existence, therefore, no treatment is being undertaken. Gradually the inflammatory process intensifies and may lead to the appearance of another fistula, but this may not be a coccygeal one.

In its development, fistula can pass through several stages.

  1. Sharp.
  2. Chronic.
  3. Remission.

In the acute stage can be observed: temperature, severe pain and swelling in the coccyx region. At this time, you need to urgently go to the doctor to prescribe the necessary treatment. If this is not done, there may be complications:

  • formation of eczema;
  • multiple appearance of fistula;
  • purulent abscess.

Only a timely medical intervention can help a patient cure a fistula.


In order for the doctor to be able to prescribe adequate treatment, you need to make sure that the diagnosis is correct.

The fistula on the coccyx has similar symptoms to the cyst and osteomyelitis, which can occur if the coccyx spine is affected.

Symptoms in these different diseases are very similar, but the treatment is very different.

To make the correct diagnosis, you need to make a visual inspection and make a radiography of the coccyx. There are two ways to treat fistula.

  1. Surgical.
  2. Ethnoscience.


Most doctors are of the opinion that it is possible to cure the fistula only surgically. For this purpose, an autopsy is performed and an abscess is removed. Before the operation, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs.

In practice, it often happens that this does not save the patient permanently from his problem, and after a while the pus starts to gather again.

In this case, a repeated operation is performed, but the entire coccygeal route is already removed. At the same time, all fistulas formed are removed. Subsequently, a second step may be necessary, during which the opening left after the operation is reduced.

As a rule, such operations are carried out using the latest technology, so the patient does not experience painful sensations. After the removal of the fistula treatment can be considered finished.

After surgery, it seems that the disease has finally receded, but it will be some time before the final recovery. During which it is necessary to follow certain recommendations for early healing:

  • you can not sit for about a month;
  • daily conduct hygienic procedures with thorough washing of the interannual folds with running water;
  • you can not lift weights;
  • within half a year to do hair removal on the site of the operation;
  • follow all the doctor's recommendations until the wound is completely healed.

Traditional medicine and fistula treatment

Traditional medicine for the treatment of all diseases has in its piggy bank methods of treatment. The coccygeal course was no exception. Traditional recipes differ from official medicine in that in order for the treatment to be successful, it is necessary to spend a lot of time.

Most often for the treatment of the fistula on the coccyx folk recipes are advised to use:

  • olive oil;
  • aloe;
  • mummy;
  • St. John's Wort.

Olive oil is usually recommended to mix with vodka and this mixture several times a day to wipe the patient area on the coccyx. After this, it is necessary to attach a leaf of cabbage to draw pus. To treat in this way the fistula on the coccyx will take several weeks.

Aloe vera juice has its own regenerating properties. It is recommended to mix it with a mummy, soaked to a dark color. Next, you need to moisten the napkin and attach it to the sore spot for several hours. Treatment is long enough.

You can meet the fistula treatment recipes on the coccyx, in which it is recommended to take the mummy inside within a month on an empty stomach.

St. John's wort is used in the treatment of many diseases. In this case, you need to boil 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort in a glass of water. Then spread it on cellophane and attach it to the sore spot. This procedure should be performed until the abscess breaks and pus begins to exit.

Leaves of aloe must be crushed and filled with a liter jar. Pour honey and leave for a week, stirring regularly. Then you need to strain and take one teaspoon before eating. To treat this way coccygeal fistula you will have a very long time.

Many of us do not like to go to doctors and begin self-treatment. In the case of inflammation on the coccyx, this will not help, but will only exacerbate the situation. If you do not start treatment, then secondary fistulas may appear, which sometimes range a good distance from the first.

There have been cases when the fistula on the coccyx, which was not treated, led to the development of cancer. Do not expect that you will escape this fate, do not neglect your health.

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