Meningioma of the spine: treatment, consequences after surgery


  • 1Meningioma of the spine, or arachnoidendothelioma: what is it and how dangerous is it
    • 1.1Etiology and factors of the disease development
    • 1.2Clinical picture
    • 1.3Diagnosis of the disease
    • 1.4How is it treated?
    • 1.5Denial of responsibility
  • 2Meningioma of the spine
    • 2.1Tumor of the spine - Meningioma
    • 2.2Why is a meningioma formed?
    • 2.3Classification of meningiomas
    • 2.4Meningotiomatous meningioma
    • 2.5Fibrous meningioma
    • 2.6Transient meningioma
    • 2.7Psammomatous meningioma
    • 2.8Angiomatous meningioma
    • 2.9Microcystic meningioma
    • 2.10Secretory meningioma
    • 2.11Metaplastic Meningioma
    • 2.12Symptomatic manifestations of spine meningiomas
    • 2.13Who is at risk?
    • 2.14Diagnosis of a meningioma
    • 2.15Treatment or removal of meningioma?
    • 2.16Surgery
    • 2.17Radiosurgery or Cyber ​​Knife
    • 2.18Embolization of a tumor
    • 2.19Radiation therapy against meningioma of the spine
    • 2.20Chemotherapy against meningioma
    • 2.21Prophylaxis, or how to prevent meningitis?
  • 3Meningioma of the brain after surgery, prognosis
    instagram viewer
    • 3.1Classification and features
    • 3.2Manifestations of a meningioma
    • 3.3Risk
    • 3.4Diagnostic procedures
    • 3.5Therapy measures
    • 3.6Meningioma of the brain
  • 4Meningioma of the brain: surgical intervention and rehabilitation
    • 4.1Features of development of meningioma
    • 4.2Surgery
    • 4.3Features of surgical treatment
    • 4.4Condition after removal of meningioma
    • 4.5Rehabilitation
    • 4.6Rehabilitation Objective
    • 4.7Physiotherapy
    • 4.8Massage
    • 4.9Healing Fitness
    • 4.10conclusions

Meningioma of the spine, or arachnoidendothelioma: what is it and how dangerous is it

Meningioma is a benign (in 90% of cases) or malignant neoplasm in the cells of the arachnoid medulla. It is localized in the connective (fibrous) tissue.

These tumors grow very slowly. In the United States, a case has been documented when the tumor has been growing for 45 years and manifested itself in the patient only in 80 years.

However, the growth of the spine's meningioma occurs in the direction of the spinal cord, and this leads to its squeezing and disruption of normal functioning.

The consequences of this disease can be quite severe. According to WHO statistics, this type of tumor is extremely rare (one case per 2 000 patients suffering from other kinds of meningitis). In general, the age of patients is 35 years and older.

Etiology and factors of the disease development

Meningiomas of the spine are characterized by slow, uneven and benign growth. They are more often localized in the thoracic or lumbar spine.

The tumor affects the arachnoid membrane - this is one of the three shells that cover the dorsal or brain. It is formed by a connective tissue, which contains a large number of fibroblasts.

Meningioma of the spine is a limited horseshoe-shaped unit, usually connected to the dura mater. Because of its elongated shape, it affects several vertebrae.

The main factors affecting the development of the disease:

  • Age. According to clinical data, this disease affects people from 35 years old.
  • Floor. Women suffer 1.5-2 times more often, possibly due to hormonal changes in the body.
  • The impact of the environment (X-rays).
  • Craniocerebral injury.
  • Genetic factors, an oncological heredity in the anamnesis.
  • Neurofibromatosis is an autosomal dominant hereditary disease, in which many benign neoplasms are formed in the central nervous system, mainly meningiomas and schwann.

Clinical picture

With tumors of the spinal cord, three stages of the disease are distinguished:

  • syndrome of radicular pain;
  • Brown-Sekar syndrome (on the one hand - paralysis, on the other - loss of sensitivity);
  • transverse lesion of the spinal cord (disruption of normal functioning of many systems in the body, complete loss of sensitivity).

At the first stages of the disease a person experiences radicular pain (pressing or girdling) on ​​one side. There are chronic paresthesias - loss of sensation, characterized by a feeling of numbness, tingling, "creepy crawling."

Radicular pain can manifest as symptoms of neuralgia (cervical, intercostal, lumbosacral). Painful sensations become much stronger in a supine or sitting position. In 35% of cases in the first stages, the disease can be asymptomatic, painless.

Due to the growth of the tumor in the spinal cord, there is a half compression of the spinal cord. At this stage, the pain may decrease. On one side there is a decrease in sensitivity (tactile, vibrational), and on the other - hyperesthesia (hypersensitivity).

In subsequent stages, all layers of the spinal cord are affected. If the meningioma is located in the cervical spine, then there is a decrease in the motor activity of the hands and feet.

Neoplasm in the thoracic spine leads to paraparesis (weakness) of the lower extremities. In this case, the normal functioning of the genitourinary system is disrupted.

Meningioma of the lumbar region is characterized by increasing, pulling pains in the perineum, pelvis and lower extremities. It intensifies during coughing and sneezing, during lying or sitting.

Symptoms may not appear at the first stages of the disease. If a person is at risk, he must undergo preventive examinations twice a year.

Diagnosis of the disease

As a diagnostic, the following methods are used:

  • Investigation of cerebrospinal fluid. The amount of protein in this pathology greatly increases.
  • MRI. One of the most accurate and effective ways to determine the tumor of the spinal cord.
  • CT with contrast. An effective method of diagnosis, which allows not only to determine the meningioma, but also the change of bones and calcifications.
  • Auxiliary: PET and angiography.
  • Blood test (oncomarkers, biochemistry, general).

How is it treated?

The main way to treat this disease is surgical intervention. Complications after surgery depend on the proximity of the tumor to the spinal cord, the degree of its damage and its correlation with the vessels and peripheral nerves.

An effective way to remove the meningioma of the spine is the radical removal of the tumor site itself and the portion of the dura mater and the bone tissue affected by the disease. Simultaneously, they make plastic grafts. Complications after surgery are frequent - it paralysis of the lower or upper extremities, paresis.

A modern and effective way to remove meningiomas of the spine are stereotactic methods using irradiation (cyberknife or gamma-knife). The difference lies in the fact that the first uses X-rays, in the second - strong ionizing radiation.


The prognosis for complete recovery after removal of the spine with meningioma is much higher by this method than with traditional surgical interventions.


Treatment with herbs and folk remedies as basic is unacceptable. This is dangerous for human health!

The consequences of a meningioma for health and normal functioning are unpredictable. Relapses with this type of tumor occur only in 3%.

A successful outcome of the disease depends on timely treatment.

It is important when there are unpleasant sensations and pains immediately go to the doctor, and not engage in self-medication.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Meningioma of the spine

The tumor of the spine (spinal cord) is a phenomenon more rare than the brain tumor. And still…

Tumors of the spinal cord are divided into two types:

  • Intramedullary- these tumors are formed from the tissues of the spinal cord itself (ependymomas, astrocytomas, etc.);
  • Extramedullary- develop from tissues surrounding the spinal cord (meningiomas, neurinomas, etc.).

Tumor of the spine - Meningioma

Meningioma affects the connective tissue of the cerebral cortex of both the brain and spinal cord (spinal rarer than the head one). It is one quarter of all primary brain tumors.

Most meningiomas areslow-growing benign tumors.

Nevertheless, if the meningioma is not noticed and allowed to develop calmly, then eventually it will lead to squeezing under the shell of brain cells - for example, the unimpeded development of the spinal cord meningioma results in developmentparaplegiaand so-called.the Brown-Sekar Syndrome. This is because the meningiomas grow inward, i.e. to the side of the brain.

For your reference: Brown-Sekar Syndrome is a syndrome of a half-lesion of the spinal cord. The onset of the syndrome is probably due to injury to the spinal cord, development of an extramedullary tumor or violation of the blood supply to the spinal cord along the anterior sulcular artery (branch of the anterior cerebrospinal arteries).

However, 10% of all meningiomas aremalignant rapidly developing brain tumors.

They are also called aggressive meningiomas, anaplastic meningiomas, meningeal sarcomas.

Malignant meningiomas can affect adjacent tissues and cause various neurological problems. They also have a fairly high percentage of the likelihood of relapse.

In addition to these two kinds of meningiomas, in medicine it is customary to allocate a thirdatypical meningioma. Atypical meningioma accounts for about 5% of all cases.

This kind of meningiomas, in its "aggressiveness is located between benign and malignant meningiomas - in terms of growth, development, penetration into the brain tissue and relapse.

Treatment of a tumor depends on its place of localization, condition and other factors. Most often, this is surgical removal with the use of radiation therapy in case of malignancy of the tumor.

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Why is a meningioma formed?

To this question science can not unambiguously answer. The opinions of scientists are divided into those who prefer a genetic predisposition, heredity, etc., and those who blame the environment around us - for example, radiation the situation.

Classification of meningiomas

Periodically, the World Health Organization (WHO) classifies meningiomas according to their type, determined by histological studies.

For the first time, tumors of the nervous system were classified in 1979 in Geneva, and in 1993, 2000 and 2007, new classifiers were published.

Revealed to 15 meningiomas, as well as several of their subtypes, differing in cellular composition.

The WHO classification specifies the type of meningioma, the code for the international classification of cancers (ICD-O: 9530 / 0-9539 / 1), and the degree of malignancy (G = I-III).

The abbreviation G = I-III means three degrees of malignancy of one or another meningioma:

  • G = I - 1-st degree, which includes nine subtypes of benign and slowly developing meningiomas, without any atypicality, not infiltrating surrounding tissues, with favorable prognosis for recovery and minimal frequency of the likelihood of relapse (3% within five years after complete removal tumor). By the 1 st degree, almost 95% of all meningiomas belong.
  • G = II - the second degree, consisting of three subtypes of atypical meningiomas, characterized by more aggressive development and growth of the tumor, greater frequency of recurrence (38% within five years after complete removal of the tumor) and less favorable prognosis for complete recovery. To this extent, almost 5% of all meningiomas belong.
  • G = III - the third degree, which includes three subtypes of malignant meningiomas, characterized by aggressive growth and development, infiltration of surrounding tissues, and a high likelihood of relapse (78% within five years after complete removal tumor). The prognosis for full recovery is unfavorable. By the third degree of malignancy is about 1% of all meningiomas.

Distinctive features of subspecies of meningiomas:

Meningotiomatous meningioma

Cells meningoteliomatoznoy meningioma are located in the form of a mosaic. They have round (or oval) nuclei and a moderate content of chromatin (chromosome substances).

In the stroma of the tumor, a low content of vessels and thin strands of connective tissue bordering the cell.

For this subtype of meningioma, the most typical is the concentric structure in which the flattened tumor cells are located one on top of the other. The center of the formed tumor is calcified.

Fibrous meningioma

The basis of fibrous meningioma is fibroplastopodobnye cells in the form of parallel interlocking connective tissue beams-fibers. Cell nuclei have an elongated shape. There are concentric structures or psammal bodies.

Transient meningioma

The transitional meningioma absorbed the features and elements of the two first mentioned subspecies.

Psammomatous meningioma

A distinctive feature of psammomatous meningioma is the large content of psammomatic bodies in it.

Angiomatous meningioma

The structure of angiomatous meningioma is rich in the content of blood vessels in it.

Microcystic meningioma

In the microcystic meningioma, there is a large number of microcystoses that are surrounded by tumor cells in the form of asterisks.

Secretory meningioma

This is the most rare histological case. A characteristic feature of this subspecies is the secretion of substances that form hyaline inclusions.

Metaplastic Meningioma

It differs from other subspecies in that it is able to transform cells of one species into another species, i.e. meningothelial cells, for example, in adipocytes.

Symptomatic manifestations of spine meningiomas

There are no pronounced symptoms of a meningioma. It can "sit" for years and gradually mature in the human body, and be discovered quite accidentally during an MRI or CT scan, conducted for reasons unrelated to oncology.

Nevertheless, meningiomas have their own symptoms andit is related to the location of the tumor itself, its magnitude and level of development.

Speaking of the spine, the presence of a tumor in its canal will have an effect on the spinal cord (press on it), which can be manifested by a loss of balance, loss of coordination of limbs, weakness in arms and legs, changes in sensitivity in them, and in more difficult situations - paralysis, urinary incontinence and problems with intestines.

Who is at risk?

Meningioma most "loves" women - they have this tumor is foundtwice as often, than in men. The scientists believe that women's hormones are at fault.

It is no coincidence that pregnancy in women whose spine develops a meningioma tumor provokes tumor growth. As for the age category, most cases of meningiomas are noted in people,whose age ranges from 40 to 70 years.

However, there are cases when meningiomas have been found in children and adolescents.

Of the other risk factors that can cause a tumor-meningioma, it can be mentionedhereditary problems of the central nervous system, the presence of cancer, in the treatment of which radiotherapy is used, as well as long-term exposure to radioactive rays, etc.

Diagnosis of a meningioma

Initial diagnosis begins withneurological testingpatient's vision, hearing, coordination and reflexes. After this, the doctor will necessarily appoint an additional examination in one of the following ways.

The main methods of diagnosing tumors of the brain and spinal cord are:

  • MRI- Magnetic resonance therapy.
  • CT- CT scan.
  • Angiogram- Study by means of the injection of a colorant to isolate the blood vessels of the brain.
  • Electroencephalogram- procedure for checking the activity of the brain by passing an electric current through it.
  • Biopsy- an analysis in which a patient takes a piece of a tumor. The tissue taken is sent for histological examination to determine the exact type of tumor.
  • Blood test- in modern medicine, this analysis can also help to reveal a meningioma.

Diagnosis of diseases with MRI is the most accurate and modern method. The device acts on the human body with the help of a magnetic field. But this method has a disadvantage - the cost. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the overview of prices for MRI in different cities and clinics.

Treatment or removal of meningioma?

If the detected meningioma is small, does not increase and does not manifest itself clinically, then there is no special need to resort to any methods of treatment. However, do not forget periodically - every 6 monthsundergo medical examination.

In other cases, it is necessary to resort to measures to remove (complete or partial) a tumor of meningioma. Modern medicine actively uses several methods of combating tumors of the spinal cord. Which one is better or worse is impossible to say.


As already mentioned, most meningiomas are benign lesions with clear boundaries, which are quite successfully completely removed with the help of a surgical operation.

However, there are cases when the tumor is in a hard-to-reach place or insurrounded by vital organs.

In such a situation, the complete removal of the meningioma is fraught with negative consequences for the patient's further life.

Therefore, part of the tumor is left in the place of its localization with the condition of constant monitoring of its condition. Sometimes an additional course of radiotherapy is prescribed.

Radiosurgery or Cyber ​​Knife

Perhaps the most sparing and painless way to get rid of an unwanted tumor in the spine is to use radiosurgery using a stereotaxic systemCyberKnife.

This system was developed in the US by Professor D. Adler back in 1992.

The Cyber-Knife system is installed on a special robotic manipulator arm, which is aimed at a certain point on the patient's body and exposes it to a beam of photons.

Application of the Cyber-Knife system -it is absolutely bloodless and painless treatment, not requiring hospitalization of the patient. As a rule, from 1 to 5 radiotherapy procedures are assigned.

Embolization of a tumor

To make the tumor smaller and facilitate its removal during surgery, the method of embolization of the meningioma is sometimes applied. itpreoperative procedureduring which a catheter is inserted into the blood vessels supplying the tumor in order to block the flow of blood to it.

Radiation therapy against meningioma of the spine

Radiation therapy is prescribedin cases of malignant meningiomaor with partial removal of the tumor as an additional means to prevent its growth and the possibility of relapse. Also, radiation therapy is applicable in those cases when the patient has contraindications to surgical intervention. In a number of cases, radiation therapy is used in combination with chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy against meningioma

Chemotherapy drugs are prescribedonly to combat malignant forms of meningioma. However, one "chemistry" is not enough, therefore it is prescribed together with a surgical operation and radiotherapy.

Prophylaxis, or how to prevent meningitis?

To this question, as well as to many other things, there is no answer for today's medicine. The only advice islead a healthy lifestyle!

As for the predictions for recovery and survival, here doctors are guided by several criteria:

  • In patients with benign meningiomas, the chances of recovery are much higher.
  • Complete removal of the tumor also creates good prerequisites for optimistic predictions.
  • The location of the tumor of the meningioma, as well as its condition - is an important condition for predicting the future.
The insidiousness of the meningioma lies in the fact that you can live with her in the spine for decades and not feel that she is. Nevertheless, it is a tumor that one day can not behave itself is not predictable, and declare itself at a stage when it will be much harder to cope with it. So let's listen more sensitively to pain in the back, numb hands or unexpectedly stumbling legs.
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Meningioma of the brain after surgery, prognosis

Meningioma - a benign tumor that grows from the shell of the brain. Meningioma is a disease that, in the presence of malignant cells, progresses fairly quickly and affects organs and tissues. With this diagnosis, you need immediate removal of tissue with harmful cells.

Initially, the disease does not manifest itself in any way. It can take its start in the spinal cord.

The peculiarity of the disease - localization is noted simultaneously in several places of the brain and spinal cord.

It is known when a benign tumor degenerates into a malignant tumor. In both cases, treatment is prescribed by surgery and rehabilitation procedures.

Classification and features

According to statistical data, meningiomas are most often observed in female representatives. But experts do not advise to resort immediately to treatment. If the education is "asleep you can just keep on control of the disease. The most vulnerable age is 40-70 years.

Most cases are presented in the form of a benign meningioma, a little less often - malignant. Only 5 percent of patients suffer from an atypical appearance of this disease. The meningioma is classified according to the following groups:

  • I stage - benign;
  • II stage - atypical;
  • III stage - malignant;

Education, despite its degree, according to scientists, arises from the impact of radiation, with, in large quantities.

There are cases when a meningioma occurs even when exposed to a small dose of radiation.

Most types of the disease are diagnosed based on the place of tumor formation:

  • Concerning the frontal lobe, parietal, temporal or occipital areas. This type is observed in 40% of identified patients;
  • The sickle process is affected;
  • The pituitary gland or hypothalamus is affected;
  • It is located in a large aperture of the occipital zone;

As a consequence of the transferred meningioma - an increase in the number of metastases and their dispersal into different organs.

In this situation, the disease manifests itself in a variety of symptoms.

According to the ICD, the type of meningioma has its own code, which is assigned to each type, depending on the nature and location of the localization.

If a benign lesion affects the cerebellum, then it is possible to diagnose the meningioma of the naim. In the world of modern diagnosis, to identify and establish the diagnosis of the cerebellum at the initial stage is very simple.


This became possible with a constant appeal to the method of MRI examination. It helps to determine the method and possibility of the surgeon to get to the cerebellum, in the place where the meningioma was localized.


But the MRI is not enough to determine the small details for carrying out operational activities.

It is not always clear where the education in the cerebellum disperses. If the exact location of the tumor is known, this will save the patient from unwanted interventions in neighboring structures and will contribute to the complete elimination of the affected tissue.

Manifestations of a meningioma

Clinical manifestations in the main number of detected diseases are not observed. It is usually possible to learn about the presence of education only after undergoing an MRI procedure. Clinically, the picture is as follows:

  • Increased skull volume;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • There are feelings of a hangover;

If a meningioma is present, the following are the reactions of the body:

  • Headache;
  • Loss of vision;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Memory impairment;
  • Epileptic syndromes;
  • Constant weakness;
  • Violation of coordination;

The result of the impact of education on organ systems is the following:

- loss of sight;

- absence of smell;

- the transition of pain to the area of ​​the nose;

- visual impairment in the form of double vision;

Speech dysfunction and inability to perceive sound;

- mental disorder, convulsive state, violation of behavioral reactions;

Symptoms of formation depend on the size and location of the tumor, which subsequently leads to the elimination of the meningioma of the brain. This is necessary in the case of its intensive development, when it begins to act on the brain region, or affects the spinal cord.

A trip to the neurosurgeon should not be postponed, even if there is one symptom from the list of possible signs.

Many of the manifestations accompany other diseases.

Diagnosis of the disease is desirable at an early stage, as it is impossible to delay the examination, because the consequences can be very deplorable.


Anatomically, the brain covers the shells, which serve as protection for the most important organs. Scientists have tried to identify the risk group and factors contributing to the development of the disease and the manifestation of symptoms:

  • Irradiation during the study;
  • Effects of female sex hormones;
  • Hereditary factor;

Diagnostic procedures

Diagnosis involves the detection of meningiomas of the brain by checking visual functions, coordination, the presence of reflexes.

First, it is conducted at the reception of the district doctor, after the patient is sent for a detailed study. Tomography with angiography will show in detail which changes and pathologies occur.

A CT scan can also be performed.

Spectroscopy is designed to determine the chemical structure of education, character and localization, for the purpose of productive treatment.

A positron emission tomography method can also be used.

This method shows the presence of recurrent formations, which manifest themselves as a headache.

The presence of at least two types of symptoms of this disease gives grounds for prescribing a biopsy to make sure of its variety: a malignant or benign tumor.

When confirming the diagnosis, the operation can not be avoided. The surgical method takes a sample of a meningioma for research in a laboratory.

The course of treatment will be effective if you accurately establish the type of disease.

Therapy measures

The most, perhaps, the main method of treatment is the elimination of meningioma in the process of surgical intervention. Medical preparations in such a situation are powerless.

The surgeon prescribes the referral to the patient for radiation therapy. To treat this disease, chemotherapy is not prescribed.

The method of influencing education directly depends on certain factors.

Physicians consider the size of the tumor, the time of its existence, localization, the physical condition of the patient.


First of all, it is necessary to remove the swelling and eliminate the inflammatory process - for this, corticosteroids are prescribed.


When the main manifestation is convulsive condition - drugs are prescribed, which are based on anticonvulsants.

It is impossible to avoid treatment, but to really control the development of the disease, which does not always progressively develop.

If the doctor predicts a positive treatment - surgery is not required. But in this case, diagnosis is required more often.

When observing the progress of the disease - it will take an operation.

The overwhelming number of cases confirm that the tumor is treatable.

But the huge risk is the removal of education in the place where the operation can damage organs that are vital. In such cases, the meningioma is excised partially.

After a while, the appearance of already known symptoms may occur, but relapse occurs only in 10% of the cases identified.

In order to avoid the onset of terrible consequences after the operation, the patient undergoes thorough preparation for the operation.

In addition to general procedures, he is given detailed studies to identify various types of diseases that will have effects on the body after the operation. It is important to properly and accurately tell the doctor about the presence of symptoms.

If the meningioma influenced the work of the brain - the surgical process will become more complicated.


If, during surgery, the tumor is not completely removed, the doctor resorts to radiation therapy. It is based on the influence of radioactive rays on the root causes of the disease.


Irradiation promotes the removal of cells of education. It is necessary to conduct several sessions for the final elimination of meningioma. The rays are directed to the same site.

Possible consequences of this method of treatment are the manifestation of dermatitis, alopecia.

Today, a more modern method for the treatment of meningioma is known - the use of stereotaxic radiation therapy.

A plus is the receipt of a maximum dose of radiation directly by formation, while the absence of the influence of rays on healthy tissues.

The expediency of using this method of treatment depends on the size of the meningioma and the symptomatology. If the tumor is huge - radiosurgery is necessary.

Meningioma of the brain

Specialists insist on a strict visit to the doctor in the postoperative period. It is very long and constantly tolerates changes and adjustments along with the appointment of the survey.

Allowed the use of traditional methods of treatment, which contribute to a rapid recovery. It is recommended to change the mode of food intake. It should provide reception of broths and infusions from berries of a viburnum. Folk methods are an auxiliary method.


The active use of traditional medicine promotes the rapid rehabilitation of the patient. Broth of dogrose, raspberry, mint is taken inside. You can not ignore the intake of vitamins from different groups - B, E, D, which will contribute to recovery.


Meningioma of the brain after surgery - a difficult period, requiring increased attention to avoid recurrence of the disease.

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Meningioma of the brain: surgical intervention and rehabilitation

Meningioma of the brain is a neoplasm that grows from the cells of the arachnoid membrane. As early as 1922, its clinical manifestations and classification, which is used to this day, was introduced by the American neurosurgeon Cushing.

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Every fourth case of development of primary neoplasms of the brain arises from the growth of meningioma cells.

This tumor, contrary to the beliefs of many people who are wondering what a meningioma is, is not a derivative of the dura mater.

As a rule, it refers to oncological diseases with benign growth, but sometimes even The meningioma can germinate into neighboring tissues and recur after the operative interference.

Features of development of meningioma

The common characteristic manifestations of this oncological pathology are:

  • benign growth (ie capsular development without germination in surrounding tissues);
  • small size;
  • slow progression;
  • the possibility of having both single and multiple forms of the tumor;
  • increased risk of relapse;
  • the possibility of the appearance of atypical cells in a biopsy (the transformation of a benign tumor into a malignant one).

Malignant meningiomas can metastasize not only into the skull. Some of them descend to the cervical lymph nodes, after which they spread to various parts of the body.

Single meningiomas often do not show any symptoms, so the use of urgent surgery in this situation is not shown.

Because of the slow progression and the absence of a specific clinical picture, tumor development can occur over many years.

Such patients are given non-invasive treatment.


Convexual meningioma is the main indication for the use of transcranial access, however, when a meningioma occurs in the area of ​​the Turkish saddle or temporal region.

The transnasal method can also be used. Sometimes these accesses can be used in combination to better perform an operation to remove the meningioma of the brain.

The method of conducting surgical intervention is selected individually for each patient.

For example, to remove the meningioma of the spine, vertebral access will be used altogether, and The meningioma of the cerebellum nerve can be removed by perforating the skull in the lower region the occipital bone.

Each method of performing surgical intervention is controlled by a microscope or an endoscope.

The purpose of surgical treatment is:

  • elimination of factors that threaten human life;
  • correction of complications associated with compression of the pituitary gland located in the area of ​​the Turkish saddle;
  • a decrease in the intensity of visual disturbances;
  • Removal of a tumor that does not cause a vivid symptomatology, in order to prevent deterioration of the patient's condition.

Features of surgical treatment

It should be noted at once that absolutely not all patients need the meningioma for surgery.

Patients who have a slow growth of tumor growth, its small size and absence of any clinical symptomatology may not expose themselves to the risk of performing a surgical interference.

It is enough only to track the progression of the tumor in dynamics. For this, it is necessary to regularly pass a magnetic resonance imaging and be continuously observed in a neurosurgeon.


In a situation where there is a significant progression of the meningioma of the Turkish saddle, surgical intervention is necessary.


This method of treatment will help the neurosurgeon to completely excise the brain tumor or part of it (with atypical neoplasm location).

However, with the removal of a part of the meningioma, there is a risk of recurrence, which is observed in every 10 patients.

To date, the radiosurgical method of treatment is characterized by maximum efficiency and safety for the life and health of the patient.

This technique consists in sending a powerful ionizing radiation to a specific area of ​​the body. However, the appointment of this technique also has some contraindications.

Therefore, for the diagnosis and appointment of an individual treatment plan, you need to contact a specialized medical institution.

Condition after removal of meningioma

According to statistics, the consequences of surgical intervention in the cerebral hemispheres arise 1-2 days after its completion. Consequences after surgery:

  • meningiomathe Turkish saddle is relapsing;
  • calcination of non-removed tumor sites;
  • the occurrence of partial amnesia with a gradient course;
  • the occurrence of epileptic seizures;
  • disinhibition of drives due to the defeat of certain areas of the brain;
  • disorders of perception and transformation of information received from outside;
  • development of nasal liquorrhea;
  • meningitis;
  • hemorrhage from a vessel lying near a distant tumor;
  • cerebral ischemic stroke due to atherosclerotic plaque damage;
  • the emergence of intercurrent pathologies;
  • diabetes insipidus;
  • hypopituitarism, etc.

IMPORTANT! The nature of all postoperative complications depends on the type of lesion of the meningeal tumor.

  1. With benign meningiomas, organic lesions of brain tissues practically do not occur;
  2. Atypical meningioma of the brain is characterized by a rare occurrence of meningeal disorders in the form of epileptic conditions;
  3. Malignant course of meningioma is characterized by a violation of the emotional sphere of the patient and the emergence of complete or partial amnesia.


Life after surgery for the patient should begin with a long recovery period. Its duration, as a rule, is from 3 to 6 months.

Successful surgical treatment is not proof of the patient's complete cure.

Therefore, even in the rehabilitation period, one must constantly be on guard to prevent a possible recurrence of the tumor disease.

Rehabilitation Objective

The main goal of native and medical staff is to focus on the maximum recovery of lost abilities of the patient and his return to domestic and labor activities.

Improving the quality of life is not only a complete revival of the damaged processes of human activity, but also in its adaptation to the emerging limitations for a significant normalization of life.

The early onset of rehabilitation is the main factor that affects the prevention of disability of the patient with cerebral meningioma. The recovery takes place with the help of a whole team of specialists: a surgeon, a chemotherapist, a radiologist, a psychologist, a physician at the physical training and nursing staff.

The main goals of rehabilitation are:

  • Restoration of lost vital functions;
  • Training certain skills: walking, eating, caring for yourself, etc .;
  • Adaptation to the arising consequences of surgical intervention and a new way of life.


Many patients after the surgical treatment that is undergoing need symptomatic treatment.

For example, when paresis occurs, it is necessary to use myostimulation, with the development of painful sensations and swelling in the extremities - magnetotherapy.

As an additional method of treatment, phytotherapy can be used.


The most common complications of a surgical procedure are conduction disorders in the peripheral nervous system. The main symptoms of such lesions are the paresis of the lower limbs. Massage procedures can contribute to:

  • improvement of trophism in the area of ​​damaged skeletal musculature (due to a violation of its innervation);
  • stimulation of outflow of blood and lymph;
  • increased musculo-articular feeling;
  • improving surface and deep sensitivity;
  • increase neuromuscular conduction.

Healing Fitness

It's no secret that life is movement. Therefore, the appointment of exercise therapy for patients with meningiomas of the Turkish saddle is an integral part of all therapy. Carrying out physical exercises is advisable both in preoperative and postoperative periods.

  1. Before the operation in patients in a satisfactory condition, the exercise therapy is used for increase muscular musculature, adapt the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to the forthcoming load.
  2. After the completion of surgery, therapeutic exercises are used to restore lost abilities, improve blood circulation and trophism of damaged areas. It is also necessary to create lost conditioned reflex synapses and to combat the violation of the patient's spatial perception.

In the early postoperative period, exercise therapy is necessary in a passive mode.

If possible, breathing exercises should be used to prevent possible complications, which include pneumonia.

With a satisfactory state of health of the patient, it is possible to correct the mode of his motor activity and extend the daily routine up to the exercise of exercise therapy in active-passive mode.

Over time, the patient can be seated and perform physical exercises in this position.


In the absence of contraindications, in the future, it is possible to expand the patient's motor regime: proceed with restoring the walk.


For greater efficiency of exercise therapy, additional equipment can be used: balls and weighting agents.

All exercises should be performed until the patient feels a little fatigue, but they should not be accompanied by a pain syndrome.


The main thing is to remember that the patient's motivation is one of the most significant aspects of a successful recovery period. It is important to pay his attention to minimal improvements in the functioning of the motor system, increasing the amplitude of movements and increasing muscle strength.

In order for the patient to progress more rapidly, it is necessary to break all the intervals of rehabilitation into small time intervals, during which time certain tasks must be performed. Such a technique will contribute to the additional motivation of the patient who underwent the operation, he can independently see success in all his endeavors.

It is worth noting that patients who are at the initial stage of the recovery period tend to develop depressive conditions.

Therefore, they need the care of loved ones.

As a rule, rehabilitation lasts about 3 months and after it normalizes the functioning of vital organs and restores motor activity.

The prognosis after the removal of the meningioma of the brain is favorable. Most patients with a newly diagnosed neoplasm restore most functions lost during the squeezing of the brain region by meningioma and after the operative interference.

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