Gymnastics by the method of katarina meal


  • 1Gymnastics Katharina Schroth - treatment of scoliosis
    • 1.1Gymnastics Katharina Schroth in scoliosis
    • 1.2The essence of respiratory gymnastics
    • 1.3Contraindications to meal therapy
    • 1.4The method of Katharina Schroth is alive to this day
  • 2Gymnastics Katharina Schroth for the treatment of scoliosis
    • 2.1The essence of the method
    • 2.2Contraindications
    • 2.3Rules for performing gymnastics
  • 3Scoliosis treatment: Catarina Schroth's method
  • 4Gymnastics Schroth in Scoliosis: Foundations and Principles
    • 4.1Therapeutic gymnastics in scoliosis
    • 4.2Determination of damaged areas
    • 4.3Katharina Schroth Clinic
    • 4.4The basis of gymnastics
    • 4.5Building classes
    • 4.6Exercises of therapeutic gymnastics Schroth
    • 4.7Final part
  • 5Gymnastics Katharina Schroth in scoliosis: the basic principle of action and exercise
    • 5.1Who is Katharine Schroth?
    • 5.2Gymnastics Katharina Schroth: methods and the principle of its operation
    • 5.3Indications for use in scoliosis
    • 5.4The technique of performing gymnastics Katharina Schrot
    • 5.5Contraindications to use
    • 5.6Conclusion
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Gymnastics Katharina Schroth - treatment of scoliosis

Despite the fact that this method was known at the beginning of the last century, today many people do not know about it. Meanwhile, in modern Germany it is the main conservative method of treating scoliosis.

This can only mean one thing: how the old wine becomes better with time, and truly valuable scientific discovery or development and after many years is able not only to maintain its position, but even to strengthen their.

It is a question of one method of eliminating scoliosis, which has received such a name -Katharina Schroth's gymnastics or schrot-therapy.

Gymnastics Katharina Schroth in scoliosis

Who was this woman? She was born in Germany in 1894 and was a physical therapist for medical education.

Scoliosis was familiar to her, since she, alas, herself was ill with them: on the right in the center of her back was a sparse hump, and in front of her chest, opposite the hump, formed a hollow.

Katarina reminded herself of a ball with a dent, which I wanted to level out, breathing in a dent in the air. So, for the first time she had the idea of ​​asymmetric breathing, with which she could level out scoliosis.

Armed with mirrors opposite each other, Katharine Schroth began experimenting with exercises, trying to breathe more air into them on the left side.

She noticed that with this breath, the hump on the right was leveled, and the hollow on the chest disappeared too.

So, she made a discovery, which enabled her in 1921 to open a clinic in which she began to treat scoliosis by her method of patients not only at home, but also from around the world.

Katarina Schroth has developed a whole system of special isometric exercises based on controlled asymmetric breathing, with the help of which could have been corrected pathological bends of the spine in three planes: horizontal, frontal and sagittal.


Many years of experience with patients helped her to perfect her technique to perfection.


She developed her own authorial classification of scoliosis and a number of very effective specific exercises, combining them under the name "Three-dimensional correction of scoliosis."

The very same therapeutic gymnastics today is called respiratory orthopedics by the method of Katharina Schroth.


A person who suffers from scoliosis, initially breathes incorrectly due to deformation of the chest: it turns out that the inspiration from the convexity of the arc of curvature is deeper than on the side of the concavity. The task of the orthopedist is to make an isometric assessment of the defect and develop corrective exercises.

The essence of respiratory gymnastics

  1. The physiotherapist, having studied the character of scoliosis, gives the patient the right position: on the floor, lying on his back or on the side, sitting or standing with the use of auxiliary means: ball, gymnastic wall, roller, staves
  2. The patient performs the exercise, trying to make a maximum stretching effort on inhaling - this will help bring the ribs to the correct position, increasing the distance between them
  3. On exhalation, which is done through the half-compressed lips, an exercise is performed that shortens the distance between the ribs on the convex side
  4. Due to the repeated repetition of the exercise, the patient consciously begins to take the position corrected by the doctor already without his presence and without mirrors

Contraindications to meal therapy

Breathing exercises Shrot has contraindications, which can be divided into two groups:

General Contraindications

  • acute infections and inflammatory processes with hyperthermia
  • period of exacerbation of scoliosis and other diseases of the spine
  • deterioration of cerebral and coronary circulation
  • thrombosis
  • Embolism
  • acute cardiovascular failure
  • the presence of a cancerous tumor or metastases
  • cardiac blockade
  • severe mental illness

Temporary contraindications

  • all chronic diseases in the acute stage
  • trauma and complications
  • hypertension or hypotension
  • cardiac arrhythmia, tachycardia, or bradycardia

Risk factors in which damage to bones and joints is possible:

  • age-related osteoporosis
  • spastic paralysis with loss of sensation
  • badly healed fractures

The method of Katharina Schroth is alive to this day

The method invented by Katarina Schrot was successfully developed and supplemented by her daughter Krista Lenart-Schroth - and today the clinic in a small German town called Bad Zobernheim is known all over the world. Students of the Schroth school are successfully practiced all over the world, and in 2009 the clinic for the 3D correction of scoliosis by the Schrot method appeared in Russia.

Treatment of scoliosis is a difficult and long process, requiring great patience:

  1. Correction is carried out sequentially: from the third stage of scoliosis - to the second, from the second - to the first, from the first - to complete cure
  2. Cure in the fourth stage is very difficult and not always feasible
  3. Gymnastics Schroth today is successfully combined with wearing corsets Chenot
  4. For the treatment of scoliosis by the method of Schroth requires a physiotherapist of high qualification
  5. One course of rehabilitation in scoliosis is not enough. Repeated courses for children are usually appointed at regular intervals once a year, for adults - every 2-3 years

About other methods of treatment of scoliosis:
Massage is also used as a conservative method of treatment.

In conclusion, a video about how the gymnastics of Katharina Schroth passes in a German clinic:

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Gymnastics Katharina Schroth for the treatment of scoliosis

Table of contents

  • The essence of the method
  • Contraindications
  • Rules for performing gymnastics

In today's world, many residents of large cities suffer from back problems.

Gymnastics for Schroth in scoliosis can be an excellent assistant for these people.

We have heard about it far from all, although in Germany this method is still the most popular method of conservative treatment of scoliosis.

The essence of the method

Gymnastics Katarina Schroth in scoliosis was invented in the beginning of the last century.

Its creator was familiar with this problem firsthand: in the right in the center of the back she had a hump, and in front on her chest was a hollow.

By her own admission, Katarina Schroth reminded herself of a ball with a dent on one side. And to give this ball a round shape, it should be properly pumped.

So Schroth first conceived the idea that to return the spine to its original position, one must learn to breathe properly. When inhaling, she tried to direct the flow of air to the left side, and when exhaled, she focused on the right side.

In the course of the experiments, two mirrors, placed opposite each other, were used. Gradually, the hump began to decrease, and the hollow began to straighten.

This discovery served as the basis for the creation of a spinal disease therapy system that quickly became widely known in Germany.

Therapy of scoliosis by the method of Katharina Schroth is based on the practice of asymmetric breathing. In the curvature of the spine in the thoracic region, a narrowing of the space between the ribs from the affected side is observed.

Lungs do not get enough oxygen and can not do it properly. If you direct your breath to the deformed side, the curved spine will gradually straighten.


At the same time, a muscular back corset is developed, which is necessary to hold the bones in the desired position.


Katharine Schroth has developed a whole system of isometric exercises based on asymmetric breathing, which is now used throughout the world.

Correctly controlling the movement of air in the body, you can achieve an impact on the spine in three directions at once: frontal, horizontal and sagittal.

Such therapeutic gymnastics was called the three-dimensional correction of scoliosis.

Gymnastics for Schroth in scoliosis began to be officially applied in the clinic, discovered by Katarina herself in 1921. And her daughter Lenard, a physiotherapist by training, developed and improved the technique. In 2009, a clinic for 3D correction of scoliosis was opened in Russia.


The treatment of scoliosis by the method of Katharina Schrot can not always be performed. The method has both general and local contraindications. In particular, gymnastics in scoliosis is prohibited in the following pathologies:

  • cancerous tumors;
  • heart failure;
  • severe mental illness;
  • respiratory insufficiency;
  • osteoporosis;
  • violation of blood circulation of the heart and brain;
  • thromboses;
  • acute infections and inflammatory processes.

Respiratory exercises are contraindicated in the aggravation of such diseases:

  • bradycardia;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • tachycardia;
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • any chronic pathology in the acute stage;
  • complications of scoliosis.

Risk factors that may contribute to injury during class:

  • poorly healed fractures;
  • age-related osteoporosis;
  • spastic paralysis.

Therapeutic gymnastics by the method of Schroth was developed for the therapy of scoliosis of the third degree and is easier.

Correction of the spine is carried out sequentially - from a more severe form of the disease to an easier one.

Treatment of scoliosis of the 4th degree is difficult and not always possible. Often, conservative treatment in this case will not be enough.

It is worthwhile to listen to the general recommendations of Catarina Schroth on contraindications in scoliosis:

  1. Do not tumble and get involved in upside down poses, as this entails increased stress on the spine.
  2. Should be bent sideways with extreme caution.
  3. Prohibited fast running, spinning and twisting.
  4. You can not hang on one hand, so as not to expand the intercostal space.
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When performing exercises to correct lumbar scoliosis, you should be very careful not to stretch the pelvic ligament.

It is advisable not to be in one position for too long and change the position of the body as often as possible.

When carrying weights, you should evenly distribute the weight to both sides.

Rules for performing gymnastics

At the first stage, the patient learns the basics of proper breathing in combination with static poses. An explanatory conversation is conducted with him. A person should perform exercises as consciously as possible, directing his energy to straighten the deformed area of ​​the spine.

The doctor carefully examines all the features of the patient's scoliosis. On their basis, a correct posture is developed to perform respiratory gymnastics.


The condition of the body is purely individual, because there are no two identical scoliosis. Training can be performed standing, sitting, lying on the back or on the side, near the gymnastic wall.


If necessary, auxiliary means are used: balls, poles, rollers, towels.

On inspiration, the patient makes the maximum effort, directing the flow of air to the concave side of the body.

This will expand the space between the ribs and restore their anatomically correct position. Exhaling is done through half-compressed lips, its execution can be accompanied by hissing sound.

Simultaneously, an exercise is done on the convex side to reduce the intercostal space.

At the initial stage the doctor helps the patient.

When performing exercises, he can massage the deformed area of ​​the chest, which helps restore intercostal muscles.

On inspiration, the patient should touch the palm of the instructor, set at the correct height. Thus, the correct depth of breathing is fixed.

To achieve the desired effect, the exercises are repeated many times. Subsequently, the patient will be able to do their own home. Respiratory exercises should include at least 30 repetitions of each exercise. Behind the position of the back you need to follow through the system of mirrors.

The course of this treatment is calculated for about 2-3 months. However, one cycle for complete elimination of scoliosis will not be enough. Such courses of therapy are prescribed with a frequency of 2-3 times a year for adults and 1 time for children.

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Scoliosis treatment: Catarina Schroth's method

Gymnastics Katarina Schroth in scoliosis is used in rehabilitation centers due to the fact that it optimally combines power, breathing and restorative exercises.

Its creator -Katharine Schrothon myself I checked the effectiveness of my method.

She suffered a lateral curvature of the spine, and to get rid of it developed a complex of gymnastics.

Schroth received official recognition in Germany in 1921, when the first scoliosis clinic was opened, in which the Schroth breathing exercises were applied.

Katharine Schroth

Basic principles of gymnastics:


At the heart of an effective complex of scoliosis treatment lies the idea of ​​the creator of the method that the body of a sick person resembles a ball in functionality.When pressure is applied to it, it is leveled. This principle is the basis of the complex exercise therapy.


The method is based on correct breathing.It is he who plays the leading role in eliminating the abnormal breathing stereotype, formed due to the displacement of internal organs in scoliosis.

With lateral displacement in the thoracic spine, the intercostal spaces are narrowed on the side of the lesion.

Because of this, the lungs on the side of the constriction of the thorax receive less oxygen. They can not fully crack down.

Without breathing training, this pathology can not be eliminated.

Rotation of the spine (twisting along the vertical axis) with deformation of the spinal column also causes the instability of the vertebrae, so any careless movement causes a person pain syndrome. To prevent it, Katarina's treatment complex includes exercises to increase the power endurance of the muscular corset of the back.

Displacement of the vertebrae is eliminated by a unique system of breathing exercises, which were developed by Katarina's daughter Schroth Lenard. She is a physical therapist by education.

For many years of practice, Lenard Schroth succeeded in perfecting his technique for eliminating subluxations of the vertebrae, which are always observed with frontal deformation of the vertebral axis.

The cornerstone of the method is breath by the Schroth.

Its meaning is that for corrective effect of exercises it is necessary to teach the patient how to breathe properly time of their fulfillment, contrary to the formed scoliotic stereotype of respiratory movements of the thoracic cells. The fact is that in scoliosis the thorax participates in breathing asymmetrically.

Rotation of the spine leads to a change in the position of the ribs: the ribs attached to it from the convex side of the arc, go out (in the side and back), and the ribs, attached to the opposite concave side of the arc, go inside (forward and from the side to the middle), fall, intercostal spaces on this side are narrowed. The thorax has a sucking action in relation to the lungs: in the pleural cavity the negative pressure. Therefore, the lungs follow the inspiration behind the expanding thorax, filling its volume and repeating its shape.

In scoliosis, the inspiration mostly comes from the convex side of the arc, rather than from the opposite side.

With each respiratory excursion (movement) the situation is gradually aggravated: intercostal spaces with the convex side of the arch widens, the intercostal muscles stretch, and the concave side inhales all less. Those.

, respiratory movements occur in the same direction as the spinal rotation, and aggravate it. This is how the rib bump is formed, gibbus.

The rate of its formation depends on the rate of progression of scoliosis, with a rapid increase in the curvature and rotation of the vertebrae, the displacement of the ribs is sharper and the breathing is more and more asymmetric.

Therefore, it is due to breathing that the most noticeable manifestation of the spinal rotation is the rotation of the thorax: the gibus and the contralateral (from the opposite side) the westernization of the ribs. This is seen from the back. In the front, the opposite picture: the ribs forming the back of the gibbous go, fall, and from the opposite side go forward (the so-called front gibbus).


Of course, all people breathe from birth without thinking. So do people with scoliosis.K. Schroth also developed a corrective asymmetric respiration, opposite to the scoliotic.In this case, the patient must consciously breathe in the falling zones of the chest.


With the most common variant of scoliosis with thoracic and lumbar arcs, these zones are:

Behind the concave side of the lumbar arch (lower ribs and waist on this side) Behind the concave side of the thoracic arch (approximately the level of the blade angle)

In front of that side of the sternum, where the thoracic arch is pointing, under the collarbone.

The exact location and severity of these zones depends on the level of the apex of each arc in each particular patient and is marked on the diagram in a special booklet that is given to it.

In the same place, all correction directions and position of small correcting pouches are marked - pads (with rice), which are laid down during exercises lying from the opposite (convex) side under the projecting ribs and muscle rollers - to limit inhale into these zones.

At first glance, it is unclear how one can consciously breathe in one side and not inhale another.

But, if we remember that the intercostal muscles, which are responsible for the movement of the ribs during respiration, are the same skeletal striated muscle-controlled musculature (in the difference from the smooth muscles of the internal organs, acting regardless of our consciousness), as the limb muscles, for example, which obey our commands, it does not sound like this strange.

Up to certain limits, voluntary regulation of breathing is possible. And it's actually real, it's used by both children and adults.

Classes on respiratory therapy occur as follows. They are individual.Before that the patient already knows what type of scoliosis he has, he was explained where there are some zones on his torso and noted the places that he should learn to inhale.


The patient lies on his stomach on a soft massage table-couch with a hole for his face, so as not to turn his neck and breathe freely. The instructor makes an easy tonic massage of the falling zone so that the patient concentrates and remembers its location.


Then the instructor asks to take a breath with this place and raise his hand in this way, after each attempt to re-stimulate the memorization of this zone with a massage. The patient tries to lift the instructor's hand with his breath, then reach and touch his slightly raised palm on the inspiration.

Since the right type of breathing is diaphragmatic, the sequence of inspiration is from the bottom to the bottom, ie,

: at the beginning of the inspiration, the patient concentrates on the lumbar fold (opposite to the lumbar spine), then inhales the sinking chest zone (opposite to the costal bulge).

The last part of the inspiration is concentrated on the chest in front, the inhalation of this zone is trained sitting, facing the instructor.

The exhalation along the Schroth should be longer, the longer, the better, and noisy, produced through the half-compressed lips, thus increasing the exhalation resistance, and, therefore, and the work of the musculature, especially the intercostal muscles, which have a high proprioceptive sensitivity (i.e., reflex enhancement of muscle contraction with its stretching).

During the exhalation the instructor strongly presses on the convex sides: thus inducing the patient to exhale the maximum air from there, as much as possible to strain the musculature of this zone, tighten the stretched intercostal muscles, shorten the widened intercostal muscles intervals. Ie, the exhalation is not passive, but active, with a great tension of the muscles of the convex side of the arc. Thus, the patient remembers and gets used to "what place" to inhale, how to exhale.

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The skill is trained and monitored every day, individually, and in a group. In my impression, it is the skill and skill of inhaling the falling zones, the asymmetric respiration that is most responsible for the corrective effect of the Schroth therapy.

All Schroth exercises are performed only under the condition of such breathing.

Exercises, mostly static, giving an isometric load on the muscles.

Since the muscles in scoliosis also work asymmetrically, on one side of the arc they are overstretched, with the other tightened and shortened, the meaning of the exercises not in training or creating a common "muscle corset which in scoliosis is unlikely to be symmetrical, but in a purposeful corrective, directing the action on deformation of the trunk in three planes (frontal, i.e., lateral, sagittal, i.e., antero-posterior and horizontal).

The main components of the exercises are:

Passive correction.Ie, such an initial position for the exercise of an exercise that already in itself gives a partial correction of arches and deformities, or allows for the most effective muscular effort with the aim of their correction.

Auto-selection, ie, self-extension, stretching of the trunk.

This component is necessary in order to most effectively make inspiration in the declining zones, increasing by stretching the intercostal spaces, stretching the stiffened muscles of the concave side of the arc.

The instructor gives the command "stretch" and stimulates the movement of the hand along the spine in the direction of extension. It is carried out by pulling the head from the shoulders, or pulling the pelvis back (depending on the exercise) in the adopted corrected position.

Breathe along the Schroth by the falling zones in the previously indicated sequence.

The instructor gives the command "inspiration" and touches the falling places in the necessary sequence, the patient "follows breathing in, with his hands.


The patient knows that with the correct corrective inspiration, the sinking ribs should move outward (backward), laterally and upwards, monitor it in the mirror and check with their own hands.


Active correction.Performing the muscular effort given by a particular exercise (thrust, emphasis, etc.) during a long exhalation (see. above) with the musculature of the convex side of the arches.

Exercises are built to work, the stretched muscles of the zone of costal bulge contract.

The instructor gives the command "exhale then immediately "pull in yourself stimulating the hand to contract the muscles of the necessary zones or recalling the direction of correction.

Thus, all the muscular efforts to perform the exercise occur only on exhalation, keeping as much as possible the achieved correction due to the extension, spreading of the inspiratory zones on inhalation and the immediate voltage muscles. Then the exercises are repeated on their own 24-30 times.

Exercise and breathing are controlled by mirrors, they are front, rear, top (on the ceiling), i.e.

the patient should see how he breathes, what muscles strains, how much he achieves alignment during each exercise.

Because the breathing is forced, and the effort is considerable, one must drink a lot, and open the windows. Before and after the growth is measured, the difference can be 1-2 cm. published by

P.S. And remember, just changing your mind - we change the world together! © econet

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Gymnastics Schroth in Scoliosis: Foundations and Principles

Gymnastics Schroth in scoliosis is aimed at achieving a number of results. A unique technique will help not only reduce the existing scoliosis, but also stop its progression.

Therapeutic gymnastics in scoliosis

Up to 15 years the human body is actively developing, gaining muscle mass. In case of incorrect physical development, lack of control by parents and teachers, the spine is easily deformed.

This curvature in the lateral direction is called scoliosis. The most effective way to deal with diseases of the spine is properly composed physical activity, more precisely - exercise therapy.

And most importantly, such a treatment method is available for everyone.

Determination of damaged areas

The most vulnerable point for a lesion on the spine is the part between the lower back and the upper point of the thoracic region.

This does not mean that only these parts of the back can be prone to deformation.

When assigning gymnastics, the doctor determines the line of curvature, the exact location, the size of the deformation, the degree of curvature.

Any degree of scoliosis should be treated with exercise. Especially known for its positive response gymnastics Katharina Schroth. According to the Schroth method, patients with varying degrees of scoliosis are treated.

Katharina Schroth Clinic

The clinic is located in Germany. It appeared only because Katarina herself was diagnosed with a "scoliosis" in her youth. Maybe because the Schroth gymnastics in scoliosis is so effective.

Since all the exercises were tested through Catarina itself. She tried on herself all the techniques of breathing and passed her to her patients. All her patients are people with a very complex degree of scoliosis.

To date, the clinic is under the direction of her son H.R. Weiss.


Time does not stand still, and the clinic underwent modernization of the material and technical base, the newest specialized simulators for performing the Schroth exercises were installed. Also H.R.


Weisset introduces the method of corset treatment with the help of corsets. Therapeutic gymnastics successfully interacts with the corset technique, giving more and more positive results.

The basis of gymnastics

Katharina Schroth's technique in scoliosis is built not only on the performance of certain movements. The basis is correct breathing. From the deformation of the spine, a man accustoms to incorrect breathing, asymmetrically.

This is due to the displacement of the chest, which, in turn, reduces the distance between the ribs from the side of the concavity. On the other hand, the gap becomes larger. Accordingly, on the one hand more air gets to the lungs, on the other - less.

This is how the rib hump appears on one side and the westing of them with the opposite.

Katharina Schroth has set herself the task of correcting asymmetrical breathing, which appears in scoliosis.

The main strong breath should be directed to the depressed area of ​​the chest.

In this case, special rollers are used, which restrict air ingress from the other side of the chest.

This breath is successfully trained by both adults and children. This is due to the fact that the intercostal muscles have muscles, the structure of which is analogous to the muscles of the legs and hands. It should be noted that corrective breathing is taught individually.

Because all cases are similar, and do not resemble one another. Teaching proper breathing is done by adjusting the inspiration in the lower part of the chest, then gradually rising up.

The patient and the instructor are facing each other.

All exercises are performed on a very long inspiration through a half-open breath. The instructor presses the convex parts of the chest to stimulate the muscles.

Building classes

To the exercises the patient proceeds only after a thorough examination by a specialist. It is done not only for the doctor, but also for the patient.

He should be familiar with the degree of development of his disease, understand how many scoliotic arcs, how they are located, in what part is the zone of sinking and convexity.

So the patient will be able to understand what the instructor wants from him, what muscles are talking about, what will happen to them.


Exercises are constructed in such a way that the patient's body is corrected in the horizontal plane, the frontal plane and the profile plane.


Everything must be done in front of the mirror. After careful study of individually-selected exercises, the patient will be able to perform them independently.

Each of them must be worked on 25-30 times.

Exercises of therapeutic gymnastics Schroth

The complex of therapeutic exercises Katharina Schroth in scoliosis consists of the following:

  • exercises aimed at maintaining a correct posture, which help to correct the curvature;
  • Stretching muscles of the trunk, which helps to breathe properly and increases the gap between the pressed ribs;
  • All exercises are performed in strict sequence with control over the movement of the ribs in the mirror image;
  • All movements that shorten the stretched muscles of the convex part are performed only on exhalation.

Final part

After the course, training should be done constantly. It should be remembered that the Schrot technique does not cure of scoliosis, it is designed to combat further bending and correction of an already existing bend.

Clients who have completed the course note that an increase in the degrees of curvature is suspended, ease of movement appears, pain disappears. However, you can not stop. Such gymnastics should become a daily compulsory exercise.

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Gymnastics Katharina Schroth in scoliosis: the basic principle of action and exercise

Gymnastics Katharina Schroth- the main conservative way to treat scoliosis in Germany.

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Despite the effectiveness and long life of this method (it became known at the beginning of the last century), today not everyone knows about it.

Schrot-therapy can stop the progression of scoliosis, reduce the angle of curvature of the spine, align the muscle tone, improve posture.

Method K. Schroth received official recognition in Europe and, in particular, in Germany.

Before proceeding to the meal therapy, it is necessary to understand what it is.

Who is Katharine Schroth?

Katharine Schroth- German by nationality and physiotherapist by education. The woman was born in 1894 and knew about scoliosis not by hearsay: on her back was an ugly rib hump, and on her chest - a hollow.

Katharina herself reminded herself of a ball that she wanted to level out by inhaling air into it. This is how the patient thought about the treatment of scoliosis with asymmetric breathing. Armed with mirrors and arranged them opposite each other, the woman began to conduct experiments.

Gymnastics Katharina Schroth is based on asymmetric breathing

Katarina noticed that when she inhaled more air on the left side, the hump on the right was leveled, and the cavity on the chest disappeared. Thanks to this discovery, Schroth was able to open a clinic in 1921. and was able to treat Germans and people from other countries.

Katharine Schrothdeveloped a set of special isometric exercises, the basis of which is controlled asymmetric breathing. These exercises allowed us to correct pathological bends of the spinal column in 3 planes: frontal, horizontal, sagittal.

Constant work with patients suffering from scoliosis, allowed Catarina to bring the technique to perfection.

Schroth developed her own classification of scoliosis, several effective specific exercises and called it all"Three-dimensional correction of scoliosis".

Today this medical gymnastics is called respiratory orthopedics by the method of K. Schroth.

Gymnastics Katharina Schroth: methods and the principle of its operation

At scoliosis asymmetric pathological respiration is observed- most of the air enters the convex half of the thorax, because of which the curvature of the spine is strengthened, the costal hump is formed.

According to Katharina Schroth, the body of a patient with a scoliosis resembles a ball with a dent. If you fill the ball with air, the dent will crack down. Similarly, the concave part of the human body is decompressed under air pressure.

Thus, the gymnastics of Katharina Schroth implies the following: if one consciously breathes the concave side of the chest, You can prevent further curvature of the spine and achieve regress of scoliosis, i.e. a significant decrease in the angle offsets.

Notice how asymmetric breathing works

Some patients do not understand how one can consciously inhale with one side and not inhale another.

But everything will fall into place, if you remember that the intercostal muscles obey the commands of consciousness in the same way as the muscles of the limbs.


In other words, conscious regulation of breathing is possible. And, adults and children can master this technique.


Treatment of scoliosis is a long and complicated process, requiring great patience:

  • Treatment of the disease by the Schroth method is carried out by highly skilled physiotherapists.
  • Correction is carried out gradually: from the third stage to the second, from the second stage to the first, from the first stage to the complete cure.
  • Scoliosis of the 4th degree is not always amenable to correction, and even more so to cure.
  • Today, the gymnastics of Katarina Schroth is combined with the wearing of corsets by Chenot.
  • To achieve a lasting positive result, it is necessary to repeat courses from time to time. Children are recommended to do this once a year, and adults - 1 every two or three years.

Gymnastics Katharina Schroth is designed to achieve the following results:

  • improvement of posture, getting rid of a cosmetic defect;
  • improving self-esteem, improving the patient's psychological state;
  • reduction of pain or complete elimination of pain syndrome;
  • stopping the progression of scoliosis, fixing the results;
  • normalization of breathing;
  • stabilization of the correct and healthy position of the back in different planes;
  • no need to resort to surgery.

: "Conference on the topic: treatment of scoliosis with the technique of Katarina Schroth"

Indications for use in scoliosis

You can perform breathing exercises at any stage of scoliosis. The main goal of gymnastics is by the Schroth method - to stop progressive disease, reduce the angle of deformation, eliminate external cosmetic defect, correct muscle imbalance.

Such treatment can be prescribed if available:

  • scoliosis of any degree;
  • cosmetic effects, which give the patient psychological discomfort;
  • contraindications to surgical intervention;
  • pain syndrome and other unpleasant scoliosis symptoms.

: "A new method of treating scoliosis"

The technique of performing gymnastics Katharina Schrot

A selection of interesting facts:

And did you know that ...

The breath of a person suffering from scoliosis is initially incorrect due to a deformed chest: the inhalation from the convex side is more profound than from the concave side. The doctor's task is to make an isometric assessment of the defect, to develop a system of corrective exercises.

The essence of respiratory gymnastics is as follows:

  • The physiotherapist studies the nature of the disease and gives the patient the correct position: on the floor, lying on his side or back, standing or sitting with the help of auxiliary equipment (gymnastic wall, poles, ball, roller).
  • The person performs the exercise, trying to make the maximum stretching effort on the inspiration - this helps to increase the distance between the ribs and bring them to the correct position.
  • The patient exhales through the half-compressed lips and performs an exercise whose task is to shorten the distance between the ribs on the convex side.
  • On exhalation, which is done, an exercise is performed that shortens the distance between the ribs on the convex side.
  • Since the exercises are repeated many times, soon the patient takes a position adjusted by the doctor consciously, and, without the presence of a doctor and mirrors.

Gymnastics classes are held individually. The patient lies on his stomach, and the instructor-doctor lightly massages the falling zone so that the person focuses his attention on it and remembers the place of its location.

Then the doctor asks the patient to inhale the sinking part of the body (at first the expert puts his hand on the body the patient, then - keeps her on weight; in the first case the patient should lift the palm of the doctor, then - touch her back).

Exhalation should be made through half-compressed lips and be long: this increases the exhalation resistance, the training of the intercostal muscles.

At exhalation the expert can press on the convex zones, stimulating the musculature of these areas, pulling muscles, cutting the intercostal distance from the convex side.

With this breath, a person understands which parts of the body need to be used for exhalation, and which ones should be inhaled.

Pay attention to the basic rules for the maximum efficiency of gymnastics ShrotaEfficiency training is significantly increased if:

  • The patient observes the position of the body prescribed by the doctor, tk. it helps to work out the muscles better, correct the arc of scoliosis;
  • each exercise is performed at least 24-30 times a day (while a person must follow the progress of training with the help of mirrors);
  • during the gym the patient drinks at least one liter of water.

Regular performance of gymnastics Shrot (at least 3 times a week for 2 hours a day) during the period of wearing the corset and after its cancellation, promotes:

  • to achieve the optimal correction of deformation in the corset, thanks to highly specific active exercises, selected individually;
  • the development of a stereotype to consciously take the right position, even in the absence of orthopedic adaptations;
  • consolidation of the effect of therapy.

Contraindications to use

Contraindications to the performance of respiratory gymnastics Katarina Shrot can be divided into 2 main groups: general and temporary.

Common indications include: Temporary contraindications are:
  • acute infectious diseases, inflammatory processes with hyperthermia;
  • deterioration of coronary and cerebral circulation;
  • periods of exacerbation of scoliosis and other diseases of the spine;
  • embolism;
  • cardiac blockade;
  • thromboses;
  • severe mental illness;
  • presence of metastases or cancer;
  • cardiovascular insufficiency is acute.
  • any chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • hypotension or hypertension;
  • bradycardia, tachycardia, or cardiac arrhythmias;
  • trauma and complications.

To pathologies in the presence of which the probability of damage to joints and bones increases,:

  • poorly healed fractures;
  • age-related osteoporosis;
  • spastic paralysis with loss of sensation.

The method of scoliosis treatment, created by Katarina Schrot, was successfully supplemented and developed by her daughter - Krista Lenart-Schrot.

It is not surprising that patients from all over the world are flocking to the institution located in the small German town of Bad Sobernheim. In the year 2009

clinic of three-dimensional correction of scoliosis by the method of K. Schrot appeared on the territory of Russia.


Catarina Schroth's method for the treatment of scoliosisis very effective and allows achieving significant improvements without surgery.The main principle of therapy is asymmetric breathing.

The only thing - to get a lasting result will have to try: Katharina Short's gymnastics must be performed regularly, even if scoliosis has ceased to progress.

The purpose of this technique is not to get rid of the curvature once and for all, but to effectively resist the disease.

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