Atrial scotoma (eye migraine): characteristic signs and methods of treatment

Eye migraine or scintillating scotoma is a common visual dysfunction, which is expressed as a temporary distortion, less often complete loss of the image from the field of vision. This pathology is often a warning sign of the development of classical migraine, which is diagnosed in 20% of all people on the planet. Ophthalmic manifestations of migraine are more common in pregnant women and adolescents, which is due to the restructuring of virtually all body systems.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Main symptoms
    • 3.1Retinal form
    • 3.2Ophthalmoplegic migraine (Moebius disease)
    • 3.3Migraine with aura (hemicrania)
    • 3.4Basilar migraine
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

The first to identify and describe the dysfunction in the 19th century was the English physiologist Hubert Airy, which is considered a pioneer in the field of studying migraine. Today, studies of atrial scotoma have moved far ahead, all the main causes have been identified and methods of effective treatment have been developed.

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It is not a separate disease, but only a characteristic feature of traditional migraine.

The scotoma manifests itself as a complete or partial loss of the image from the field of view, the emergence of a specific visual aura that looks like a shimmering object.In this case, there is never any organic damage to the eyes, since the disease is associated with violation of the blood supply of cortical and subcortical structures of the brain responsible for visual function. All visual disturbances are temporary, but they tend to recur and sudden short-term remission.In untimely treatment, pathology can lead to partial or complete loss of vision.Such a visual problem is most often found in pregnant women, adolescents and people whose work is associated with strong emotional or physical stress.

Defect is more often diagnosed in people living in megacities. This is explained by the large amount of stress in their lives, in contrast to rural residents.


The main cause of ocular migraine development is the neurological pathology of the cerebral divisions of the visual analyzerlocated in the occipital part of the brain. This defect can provoke a number of factors:

  • Chronic lack of sleep or disturbances in sleep and wakefulness;
  • Frequent changes in climatic zones, residence in regions with a frequently changing climate;
  • Regular stress, intense emotional experiences and stress;
  • Mental overwork;
  • Hops of the hormonal background, especially during pregnancy and puberty;
  • Diseases of the cerebral vascular system;
  • Incorrect nutrition, consumption of large amounts of caffeine and products from cocoa beans;
  • Acceptance of some medications.

There is a widespread opinion that all types of migraine and the syndromes characteristic for them have a genetic predisposition, but reliable evidence of this hypothesis has not yet been found.

Main symptoms

There are several varieties of migraine, which differ in the clinical picture and severity of manifestations.

Retinal form

With this type of disease there are single and short-lived scotomas that can have all kinds of shapes and sizes.Less common is the loss of individual parts of the image from the field of view.The duration of visual pathologies is 10 to 20 minutes, after which all vision functions are restored.A characteristic feature of this form of migraine is the presence of phosphenes in peripheral vision.There is a pulsating headache, localized more often in the frontal lobe and in the orbit region.

Ophthalmoplegic migraine (Moebius disease)

In addition to regular and prolonged occurrences of flickering cattle, ptosis of the upper eyelid or anisocoria often develops. When the eye moves during an attack, diplopia may occur (double vision). As a rule, this form of migraine occurs in young children. Seizures can last from an hour to several weeks. In the absence of treatment, ophthalmoparesis may develop, especially when the blood vessels of the brain stem cells are severely affected.

Migraine with aura (hemicrania)

This is a classic form of migraine, in which visual defects appear in the form of a flickering aura, flashes, zigzags or sparks in front of the eyes.In the early stages of the development of the disease, small light spots appear, and in the absence of necessary treatment, seizures become more frequent and worse.Visual disturbances can last from several minutes to an hour, in severe cases, ophthalmic hallucinations, paresthesia of the hands, tongue and some parts of the face occur.

Basilar migraine

This is a typical form for pubertal age.Visual disturbances are sudden flashes before the eyes, temporary blindness. Girls of adolescence often have photophobia.If the disease developed at an earlier age, then there may be a microsession or Alice's syndrome in Wonderland (AIWS), various short-term visual hallucinations, in which the shape and size of objects, their Colour.Visual disturbances always precede attacks of headache.

The emergence of migraine attacks is most often provoked by certain triggers, for example, intense flickering of light, emotional experience or stress.

Possible complications

As a rule, visual migraine has a favorable prognosis for treatment, but if the disease develops, serious complications can develop:

  • Transition to the chronic form of migraine, in which attacks of headache can last for weeks;
  • Complete or partial loss of visual acuity.Sometimes the ability to see objects located in the periphery disappears;
  • Development of photosensitivity;
  • If an attack of scintillating scotoma lasts a long time,there may be an attack of epilepsy or a faint;
  • With serious disorders of blood flow in the braina stroke or an aneurysm develops.

The diagnosis is made only after 5 or more migraine attacks. With repeated occurrence of flickering scotoma, you need to see a doctor and go through all the necessary examinations to avoid the development of a chronic form of the disease.


Therapy for all forms of migraine, as a rule, is medicated.It consists in the prevention of seizures and is prophylactic in nature. If it still could not be avoided, the use of analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is recommended to reduce pain. 2 hours after the onset of scintillating scotoma, an aspirin injection should be given to normalize the blood vessels in the brain.With mild forms of the disease, you can take paracetamol or indomethacin.

In acute migraine, hospitalization and subsequent recovery therapy are necessary.At the same time often use systemic hormonal drugs and neuroleptics to remove neurological manifestations.As an anesthetic in the outpatient treatment, intraosseous blockades are used at the detected trigger points.

Between the attacks of visual migraine, a complex treatment is selected, which consists of antidepressants, neurometabolic stimulants and means for muscle relaxation (muscle relaxants). Of great importance is the observance of the regime of the day, regular rest and the ability to cope with emotional overloads and stresses.


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There are several things to remember in order to avoid the development of the disease and reduce the likelihood of another attack:

  • Normalization of sleep and wakefulness, competent distribution of physical activity during the day;
  • Exclusion from the menu of products with a high content of amino acid tyramine: milk, tomatoes, chocolate, wine and others;
  • All kinds of physiological relaxation procedures are very effective(acupuncture, aromatherapy, therapeutic massage, balneotherapy);
  • Methods of rational therapy, auto-training and other ways to combat stress;
  • Keeping the Calendar of Attacks, which celebrates food, as well as all the strong emotional experiences and other factors triggering a relapse. This will help to identify the trigger of the disease.

When diagnosing it is important to regularly undergo a brain examination in order to detect possible pathological changes of blood vessels as early as possible.



Migraine with aura in the eyes is a common disease, which today can not be cured completely, but it can be kept under control for a long time. When the first ophthalmological signs appear in the form of flickering images, one should immediately turn to neurologist, since this symptom is almost always a disturbing signal about the onset of development of pathologies of the head the brain.

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