Belmo on the eye: causes and treatment

There are many eye pathologies that are difficult to detect even when examined with the help of special instruments. However, finding a thorn in the eye often presents no difficulties, since it starts immediately to interfere with the normal perception of surrounding objects.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Medication Therapy
    • 5.2Surgically
    • 5.3ethnoscience
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Belmo (leukoma) is an eye pathology, the main characteristic of which is persistent opacity of the cornea of ​​the eye.The corneal tissue covers the pupil and most of the iris and is a convex lens that is perfectly transparent in the normal state.Since the cornea is one of the light-refracting media of the eye, any pathological processes occurring in its tissues affect the quality of vision.

Leukemia can be congenital or acquired, and also manifested as:

  • Spots(have blurred or clear boundaries and pearl coloration);
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  • Belma(most often - the consequence of an unsuccessful scarring after the destruction of the epithelium);
  • Cloud.

Like any other pathology, the leukoma requires a correct diagnosis and timely treatment.


Most often the walleye develops as a result of scar changes on the corneal tissue, which leads to a loss of the main characteristic of the cornea - its transparency.Initially, white or pearly, over time, the thorn becomes yellowish, as blood vessels begin to germinate and even adipose tissue is formed.

Among the most common causes of leukemia are:

  • Keratite- Inflammation of the cornea, most often occurs in severe infections of a systemic nature: tuberculosis, syphilis. In keratitis, lesions of both superficial and deep layers of the cornea can occur, and the cause of the appearance of the thorn is most often the incorrect treatment of deep keratitis;
  • Trachoma- chlamydial affection of the conjunctiva, which can pass to the cornea, resulting in scarring and replacement of functional tissue with a connective;
  • Traumatic injury- as a result of mechanical influence, burns (chemical, thermal, ultraviolet);
  • Postoperative complications- are also possible with incorrect or untimely treatment, low overall immunity level;
  • Congenital factors- Effects on the fetus during pregnancy, even in minimal amounts of certain chemicals or infectious agents, can disrupt the synthesis of collagen and lead to the formation of a thorn.

Any systemic infectious pathology in the absence of adequate treatment can cause the development of negative changes in the level of immunity, and, as a consequence, lead to the appearance of leukoma.


The main symptom in the occurrence of leukemia is a decrease in visual acuity and appearance of a cloudy spot on the surface of the cornea that interferes with vision.The limitation of visual perception may be weak or pronounced depending on the location of the leukoma. With small size of the belly and localization on the edge of the cornea, the patient may even not notice the turbidity of the corneal tissue before the examination by the doctor.The greatest discomfort can be caused by the appearance of leukoma in the central part of the cornea.

Other characteristic signs of the belly are:

  • Smooth and shiny surface in the lesion in keratitis;
  • Uneven surface and thinning in the place of leukoma in case of traumatic injury or ulcer of the cornea;
  • In case of traumatic injury, tear fluid may be increased;
  • Difficulty of visual perception when considering strong light sources.

If there is discomfort during or after treatment of various infections, careful examination with an ophthalmologist to exclude the possible progression of dystrophic processes in cornea.

Possible complications

Untimely or incorrect treatment can cause serious complications that threaten to significantly reduce visual perception and even complete loss of vision.

Among the most serious consequences of this kind are:

  • Development of secondary glaucoma. Atrophy of the optic nerve and a decrease in the level of vision occurs as a consequence of increased intraocular pressure - a frequent side effect in a number of pathological processes of the eyes;
  • Strong myopia- Focusing the image in front of the retina due to the elongated shape of the eyeball or stronger than necessary focusing of the rays;
  • Spasm of accommodation. False myopia occurs as a result of a disruption in the functioning of the ciliary muscle - one of the significant elements in the optical system of the eye;
  • Astenopia- too fast fatigue of the eyes and the appearance in them of a feeling of discomfort;
  • Nystagmus- Vibrational involuntary movements of the eyes with a very high frequency (up to several hundred per min. );
  • Strabismus- the process of unbalancing the visual axes, in which the coordinated work of the eyes is disturbed.

Most often complications in the development of leukemia occur if they are traumatic in nature or arise as a consequence of the progression of corneal ulcer.


Before the start of treatment, biomicroscopy is mandatory - examination by means of a slit lamp, which allows viewing the lesion of white color.It is important to assess the size and depth of the lesion, which will make correct conclusions about the required methods of medical tactics.

In addition, the doctor examines the patient with the help of an ophthalmoscope to ascertain the absence of pathological processes in other structures of the eye.

Medication Therapy

The main efforts of doctors in the treatment of leukemia should be aimed at eliminating the root cause - a disease that caused the development of leukemia. This tactic is justified when a disease is detected in the early stages of a cloud or spot.

The following preparations can be used:

  • Corticosteroids: Hydrocortisone ointment, drops Dexamethasone;
  • Slow-blowing: electrophoresis with Lydas, aloe vera and vitreous body;
  • Gel Solkoseril - with trophic lesions of the epithelium;
  • Pilocarpine hydrochloride - with the development of glaucoma.

For the treatment of more chronic formations, drugs can be used:

  • For resorption of scars- Lydase in drops;
  • Regenerating drugsBilarpan or Actovegin;
  • Splitting scar tissuePotassium iodide;
  • Means for increasing tissue regenerationCorreregel.


However, more effective methods of treating leukemia are still surgical intervention, which can be carried out in two main areas:

  • DeleteThe damaged part of the cornea is performed with the help of an electron microscope and microsurgical instruments. From the surface of the cornea, the finest layer is cut with the presence of scars. The method is feasible at a sufficient thickness of the corneal layer at the points of damage:
  • Transplantationthe donor cornea is the most commonly performed version of keratoplasty. The operation is performed using an excimer laser, when the damaged cornea is removed, and in its place a healthy corneal tissue is sewed.

A special type of surgical treatment is a cosmetic tattoo - the most suitable option for small size of the belly and its location on the peripheral parts of the cornea.

A separate method of treatment is the installation of a special lens on the eye, which protects the eye tissues with a strong destruction and denudation of nerve endings after trauma or burn.

The most optimal option for treatment, surgical or conservative, can be selected only by a qualified specialist.


For the treatment of eye diseases, there are many folk recipes, and some of them are effective for restoring the corneal tissues:

  • Drop a drop of fresh pike bile on the thorn.In this case, there will be a burning sensation, but after a few minutes the thorn will separate;
  • Fresh honey (4 g), dandelion juice (3 ml) and onion juice (2 ml) mix and insist in a dark place for 4 days.Ointment to pawn for an eyelid three times a day. The remedy is effective even with cataract;
  • Bake rye bread, cut a hole in a hot loaf and put a glass on it upside down.The effusion from the glass should be collected and buried daily in the eyes;
  • Lubricate the throat with a mixture of honey and mashed grains of wild poppy;
  • Infusion of herbs of ovary (1 tbsp. l. on 200 ml of water) to use for lotions 3 times a day.For ingestion of 50 ml of infusion, reduce the proportion of grass to 1 hour. l. on the glass;
  • Pour 2 tbsp. l. chopped fresh dill 400 ml of boiling water and boil for another 5 minutes, then insist, strain and instill in the eye 3 drops in the morning and evening.

Folk remedies can be used as an addition to the main medicamental treatment and only after agreement with the doctor, because some herbs and products contain potent substances and can cause an allergy.



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Observance of some preventive measures will help protect the eyes from harmful effects and prevent the appearance of not only a thorn, but also a number of other eye diseases:

  • Treat your eyes carefully, do not subject them to harmful influences without urgent need, use individual means of protection during welding operations, the use of hazardous chemicals, training in extreme sports;
  • Regularly visit the ophthalmologist, even with normal health - any disease is easier to treat at the very beginning stage;
  • In time, treat infectious diseases (even the most innocent), because they affect the overall level of immunity;
  • Watch your health and pay increased attention to strengthening immunity - because the vulnerability of any organ separately depends on the level of the defenses of the whole organism;
  • Special attention should be given to the nutrition and maintenance of vitamins for the eyes: carrots, onions, garlic, broccoli, honey, parsley, currant, cherry, blueberry, spinach, dog rose, etc.

For the health of the eyes, compliance with the regime is particularly important: sleep for at least 8 hours, walking, regular breaks with prolonged eye strain, gymnastics for the eye muscles and the lens.



Belmo, or leukemia, is a serious eye disease and, if untimely or incorrectly treated, can lead to complete corneal tissue dysfunction and blindness.

Treatment on time to the doctor and the adoption of appropriate surgical or therapeutic measures will help to protect the eyes from reducing visual acuity. Therefore, do not forget to undergo regular preventive examinations and protect your eyes from traumatic effects.

Also read about such pathologies as cataract and glaucoma.

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