Seragem bed: contraindications


  • 1"Seragem" (bed): reviews of doctors and buyers, contraindications
    • 1.1Why do I need spine massage?
    • 1.2External characteristics
    • 1.3Design features
    • 1.4Scanning
    • 1.5Operation process of the apparatus
    • 1.6"Seragem" (bed): contraindications
    • 1.7terms of Use
    • 1.8"Seragem" (bed): reviews of doctors and patients are positive
    • 1.9Reviews are negative
  • 2Seragem bed (Ceragem, massage): Master - models, contraindications
    • 2.1What is a Seragem bed: description
    • 2.2Device and principle of action on the body
    • 2.3Indications
    • 2.4Opinion of doctors about the beds of Seragem (video)
    • 2.5Contraindications
    • 2.6What effect will there be?
    • 2.7Models and differences
    • 2.8Modes of operation
    • 2.9Where can I try the procedure?
  • 3Massage bed for LEASE: MIGUN, CERAGEM, NUGA BEST for 300 RUB / night
  • 4Is the massage bed useful or dangerous?
  • 5Ceragem: South Korean heating

"Seragem" (bed): reviews of doctors and buyers, contraindications

The South Korean company Seragem ("Seragem") is known all over the world. It produces exclusive, created on the basis of knowledge of ancient healers, but manufactured by modern technology products for health.

instagram viewer

The range of its products include massagers with and without heating, anatomical cushions, mats, rugs, linen with silver ions. One of the latest know-how of the developers of the company "Seragem" is a bed.

Reviews of doctors and patients about this device, which supposedly eliminates all diseases, are very cautious. In fact, positive reviews, where the bed "Seragem" helped, and negative, where it did not help, approximately equally.

What's the matter? In the talented, but false advertising of sellers, in the machinations of competitors or in the features of the product? Let's try to understand.

Why do I need spine massage?

Some believe that the diseases of the spine are kyphosis, scoliosis and back pain. If this is nothing, then it's useless to do the massage. In fact, the vertebral column is connected to each organ in our body through the spinal cord.

Often happens, people for years without treatment cure stomach, heart, lungs, kidneys, drink tablets from the head and insomnia, fight with constipation, not suspecting that it is necessary to tackle the spine.

His condition affects immunity, vitality, metabolism, vision, hearing and much more. In order to improve the state of all the systems of the organism, working on the spine, and constructed the "Seragem" (bed).


Reviews of doctors who consider it useful, note multiple cases of positive dynamics in patients after sessions on it. This medical equipment is already installed in the physiotherapy units of some hospitals and sanatoriums, in private clinics.


In addition, in large cities there are centers "Seragem where you can use a massage bed for free for a long time, until full recovery.

External characteristics

On sale, you can find medical beds with a variety of designs - from the impressive array of devices and sensors of massive structures to those similar to a regular couch.

The construction of medical beds is also very different, depending on the purpose of their use. It was the functionality and usefulness of its new development that made the main focus in the company "Seragem".

The bed, reviews of doctors and customers about which are so different, outwardly resembles an ordinary hospital couch, the main equipment is inside. There are two models on sale: the CGM-M3500 and the more modern Master V3.

Its width is 70 cm, height - 45 cm, length 2 m (in working order). To make the bed fit better into the interior of even a small room, this model has the ability to fold in the non-working condition. Then its length becomes only 5 m.

The weight of the bed is just over 50 kg. There are also models equipped with music, sounding during the procedure and enhancing the therapeutic effect.

Design features

The name of the last know-how of the developers of "Seragem" is a massage bed, that is, the main function of the product is to perform a back and spinal massage. For this purpose, the construction has special jade rollers moving along the canvas on which the patient lies.

Massage is programmed in 6 levels of intensity. Patients can choose for themselves the most acceptable. The level varies depending on the position of the carriage (above-below), which is controlled by a special button on the console.

The higher the carriage, the stronger the impact of the rollers on the patient's back.

But it was not only the caretaker with the rollers that the developers of "Seragem" provided their brainchild.

The massage bed, in question, is equipped with warming devices, so-called floodlights with infrared radiation (mobile, can freely change position) and carbon panels (stationary, located under the cloth, on which lies a patient). The heating temperature can also be adjusted. In the problem points of the spine, the "smart" mechanism performs moxibustion. Here, in principle, and all the medical functions of the bed "Seragem".


People differ about each other not only by their height, but also by the condition of the spine. The developers of "Seragem" always take into account the features of the human body, it's not for nothing that their health products are so popular.

In the case of the bed, they tried to make it suitable for everyone, even children. The main thing is that the patient's height should be at least one meter.


How can the same bed fit different people? For this, a special automatic scanner, embedded in the design, is responsible. Before proceeding to treatment procedures, he scans the spine, determining its length, natural curves, deformations.


Based on this data, the equipment is adjusted to the specific client. In any case, so it is written in the instructions. Printouts of scanning to the hands of patients are not issued.

Operation process of the apparatus

In addition to several levels of massage intensity and warming-up temperature, the "Seragem" bed has different modes used, which are programmed 12. Each of them provides for the treatment of certain organs and diseases. The modes are as follows:

  • № 0 (standard) is intended for general improvement of the body's work, relieves fatigue, sates with energy;
  • No. 1 (basic) treats internal organs (lungs, digestive tract, nerves);
  • № 2 (relaxing) restores the nervous system after stress, relieves anxiety, helps to fall asleep, removes pain in muscles;
  • № 3 (calming) helps with many diseases of the digestive tract, including diarrhea, and also with hangover syndrome;
  • No. 4 (circulating) is designed to treat the heart and blood vessels, lungs, strengthen immunity. It must be taken into account that not all cores fit this massage bed. Contraindications concern persons using a pacemaker;
  • № 5 (general indications) helps with reduced immunity, promotes cure for herpes, cold and viral diseases;
  • № 6 (energy) is designed to improve the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • № 7 (brain activity) provides an increase in academic performance, removes drowsiness, inattention, activates the work of the cerebral cortex;
  • № 8 (sleep) helps a good healthy sleep, improves memory, fights migraines;
  • No. 9 (body line) corrects weight, removes toxins from the body;
  • No. 10 (semi-automatic) enhances the operation of the equipment in the most problematic areas;
  • No. 11 (manual) allows the greatest impact in the desired zone.

"Seragem" (bed): contraindications

Like any remedy, this product is not suitable for everyone. There are a number of diseases in which warming up or mechanical impact is unacceptable.

Before using this bed, and even more so buy it, it is advisable to undergo a full examination with specialists (not only the therapist). Then there will not be any sort of problems and exacerbations after the procedures.

What does the "Sieragem" (the bed) have contraindications? The main, categorically prohibiting the use of such methods of treatment, include:

- patient after a discectomy (the hernia was removed along with the vertebra);

- any violation of the integrity of the spine;

- metal structures on the spine;

Feverish condition;

- use of a pacemaker;

- Oncology;

- Pregnancy;

- a condition of alcoholic intoxication;

- Hyperthermia;

- fresh operations in the field of effecting the apparatus;

- severe pain in prone position.

terms of Use

All the centers of the company operate on the same principle: first, customers are offered a free course massage and only after that, if there is a desire to have an apparatus at home, buy "Seragem" (bed).

The instruction how to use it is necessarily attached to the product, but people, as a rule, get acquainted with the principles of the device at free treatment sessions.

The massage procedure takes no more than 40 minutes and can be performed in the supine position lying on the stomach, plus in the sitting position, patients can receive additional warming.

Using the remote, the desired mode, intensity, and temperature are set. If necessary, the bed can be used by two people at the same time: one - to receive massage and heating with thermal panels, the other - heating with mobile searchlights.

When purchasing a product in the "Seragem" center, it is necessary to make out the corresponding documents and the date of purchase.

The warranty period, during which the repair of the "Seragem" bed is free, is 2 years.

In some centers, you can buy a second-hand bed, which must also be provided with documents with the date of the transaction. The warranty period for used products is 1 year.

"Seragem" (bed): reviews of doctors and patients are positive

The main advantage of the product is a noticeable therapeutic effect after the massage sessions.

People write that they had pains in the back, neck, muscles, thanks to the "Seragem" bed, the general condition, there was lightness when walking, disappeared problems with the stomach, intestines, normalized pressure.


Positive feedback on the effectiveness of this device was signed by Yu. A. Rudin, head of the physiotherapy department of the Central Military Hospital. Semashko, A. A. Ushakov, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, V. M. Klyuzhev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, S.


P. Svistunov, Chief of the Central Military Hospital No. 5, V. FROM. Marchenin, the chief of neurology in the same hospital, and other doctors with extensive experience.

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Reviews are negative

They are written by those to whom the bed "Seragem" did not help improve their health. There are also patients who have significantly worsened after the massage and warming sessions.

Developers warn that at the initial stages of treatment, short-term exacerbations and worsening are quite possible, since the body began to fight with ailments.

Unfortunately, some people deteriorate after the sessions on the bed "Seragem" are so serious that you have to go to the doctors and even carry out a surgical operation.

the reason for the negative result is the lack of examination of patients before the sessions. That is, the formula "the doctor himself" is not suitable here, because not everyone, who wants to use the South Korean novelty for free, absolutely knows that he has no contraindications.

By the way, for this reason or for some other, but the sale of massage beds "Seragem" in America is temporarily suspended.

A source: http://.ru/article/227569/seragem-krovat-otzyivyi-vrachey-i-pokupateley-protivopokazaniya

Seragem bed (Ceragem, massage): Master - models, contraindications

Massage beds Seragem (Ceragem) are designed for the prevention and treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system in general, and the spinal column in particular. Reviews of the Seragem couch are quite contradictory: half of the interviewees talk about the inefficiency of the device, and the other about effectiveness.

On assurances of manufacturers the device is intended primarily for the prevention of diseases of the back, but for their treatment, this product is used only as a secondary therapy technique.

What is a Seragem bed: description

Seragem is not just a bed: it's also a great back massager, and the massage happens directly during sleep. In this massage does not distract the user and does not prevent him from sleeping, as there is a "micro-massage almost not felt.

The bed for treatment of the back of Seragem

The design of the bed is surprisingly simple, but this is one of the main advantages of the device - the minimum number of small and complex parts leads to the fact that the bed has a long service life without breakages.

The beds of Seragem can be used by both adults and children. Specifically, there are no children's models, but small-sized items can be used for this purpose.

The main purpose of the device - prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system in general, and the spine in particular. As a treatment, Seragem is most suitable in the case of degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the back (spondylosis, osteochondrosis).
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Device and principle of action on the body

The Seragem bed has a curative and preventive effect due to five physiotherapeutic mechanisms built into each bed model (and some models have even more functions, but the price of them above).

Remote control Seragem bed


  1. Mechanism of acupuncture. Has a stimulating CNS effect, eliminates neurological symptoms of back problems, improves regional blood circulation.
  2. Mechanism of heat exposure or moxibustion. Has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. The mechanism of general massage. Eliminates pain syndrome, reduces the severity of inflammatory processes, reduces spasm of the muscles of the back.
  4. The mechanism of acupressure. Excellent helps to get rid of painful sensations in the back (for example, due to a long forced position during wakefulness).
  5. Mechanism of infrared thermal action. It improves blood circulation, removes half-lives, slags and toxins from the body.

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To use the beds Seragem there is a sufficiently large number of indications. This includes not only diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also diseases of internal organs, cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems.

Standard model of Seragem bed

General indications for the use of the Seragem bed:

  • syndrome of chronic fatigue, restless legs syndrome;
  • stress, depression, various vegetative disorders (including VSD);
  • painful syndrome of spinal localization (regardless of the root cause of its development);
  • spasms of the spinal muscles and vessels of the back;
  • menstrual cycle disorders;
  • reduction of hemoglobin (iron-deficiency anemia, hypochromic anemia);
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities, for the prevention of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis of the legs;
  • scoliosis of any stage and any type;
  • gout and osteoporosis (weakness of bone tissue);
  • a syndrome of the vertebral artery, including the presence of an anomaly Kimmerle.

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Opinion of doctors about the beds of Seragem (video)

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Due to a very large list of effects, the Seragem bed can be contraindicated to a number of people with various diseases and pathological conditions. In addition, Seragem should not be used during pregnancy and if there is an implanted pacemaker.

General contraindications to Seragem's bed:

  • has passed or has taken place less than 6 months after the transferred operation in any department of an organism;
  • presence of metal implants in the spine;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • chronic hypertension (increased pressure);
  • arachnoiditis;
  • fever, acute infectious diseases of any organ;
  • malignant neoplasms in any part of the body;
  • disorders of blood supply to the brain or spine;
  • narcotic or alcoholic intoxication;
  • riot, aggression, mental illness.

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What effect will there be?

Treatment on the bed of Seragem leads to several beneficial effects,which are not strong enoughto treat diseases that are not associated with degenerative and / or dystrophic changes in the spinal column.

That is, this product should be considered more as a method of preventing and alleviating lung symptoms of diseases.

The principle of the work of the Seragem bed

The main effect of the Seragem bed is the improvement of blood circulation, and, consequently, the increase in blood filling of tissues. Due to this, the regenerative and immune mechanisms of the body are strengthened.


Also, the device removes puffiness and partially or completely eliminates spasm of the dorsal muscles, which is extremely important at an osteochondrosis where because of the given symptom there is a majority of problems (pains, giddinesses, paresthesia).


In a small measure, treatment on the Seragem bed leads to elimination of toxins and half-lives from the body. Full "cleaning the body" is not expected, but partial removal of harmful substances from the body occurs.
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Models and differences

There are several basic models of the apparatus of Seragem, presented in the form of beds and mattresses.

In general, there are insignificant differences between each model, they usually differ in effectiveness effects on one area or another (one model is more suitable for the waist, and the other for the thoracic department).

Professional model of Seragem bed

The most effective devices of Seragem:

  1. Apparatus Seragem Master V. It is intended for prophylaxis and treatment of mainly degenerative-dystrophic diseases. Has the functions of scanning the spine and adjusting the intensity of the impact. There is a "smart design".
  2. The device CGM-M Is capable of massage, acupressure and moxibustion. Has a remote control, spherical floodlights, the device panel is made of carbon fiber.
  3. Apparatus Compact CGM-P Portable version of the device, designed to treat degenerative-dystrophic diseases.
  4. Mattress Ceratonic MAT S Designed to improve sleep, strengthen immunity, increase blood circulation and to relieve swelling.
  5. Mattress WARM PAD. Used to eliminate pain in the back, relieves aches and stiffness, relieves muscle and emotional tension, fatigue symptoms.

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Modes of operation

In each Seragem apparatus there are 12 types of operating modes. For example, there is a mode of work for strengthening the body: this mode of operation can eliminate the symptoms of chronic fatigue and improve the emotional state of the user.

There is a mode of work to eliminate pain in the back and eliminate urinary incontinence in diseases that affect the spinal nerves. For the treatment of atherosclerosis, the fourth mode (the same mode of circulation) is used.

To strengthen the immune response (local and general), the fifth regimen is applied (general recovery mode). To enhance cognitive capabilities (including to improve mental abilities) the seventh mode is applied.

Sleep problems can be solved with the help of the eighth regime, and the ninth mode is used to eliminate obesity. Also there are general modes of operation of the device: semi-automatic and manual (for beginners it is recommended to use only semi-automatic mode of operation).
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Where can I try the procedure?

Where can I find the Ceragem demonstration center? The centers are located on the territory of Ukraine and Moldova (if to speak exclusively about CIS countries). This is where you can try the product before purchasing it (including all the working modes of the bed are allowed to be tested).

Seragem beds are shown with intervertebral hernia

Addresses of the Seragem demonstration centers in Ukraine:

  • city ​​of Khmelnitsky, Mira Prospect 73/2, phone: 63-17-67;
  • city ​​of Nikolaev, Lenina prospect 138В, phone: 099 281-26-64;
  • city ​​of Zaporozhye, Gagarina street 3, phone: (061) 701-41-79;
  • city ​​of Kherson, Nikolayevskoe Highway 26 phone: 093-095-54-58;
  • city ​​of Rovno, Gagarin street 39, phone: 43-26-61.

Addresses of the Seragem demonstration centers in Moldova:

  • city ​​Kishinev, Moskovsky Prospekt 8, phone: + 37322-902-904;
  • Chisinau city, Dachia avenue 49/14, phone: +37369665581;
  • city ​​of Beltsi, Decebal street 126/5, phone: +37323194433;
  • city ​​of Edentsi, Independence street 55, phone: +37324622060.

Contact details are up to mid-2017.

A source:

Massage bed for LEASE: MIGUN, CERAGEM, NUGA BEST for 300 RUB / night

With a catastrophic lack of free time and a passive way of life for a modern person Massage bed is one of the most optimal options for obtaining high-quality massage services.

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The simplicity of the design of the massage bed, the equipping of various models with special software with the possibility of manual control and the presence of an automatic mode that allows to exclude the need to attract specialists for the procedure, gives the opportunity to receive regular daily sessions of professional massage in your own apartment or the nearest massage center. This makes it possible to save not only valuable time, but also the family budget, provided that the procedure is recommended to be carried out all the year round.

The principle of operation of different models of massage beds is based on the use of positive effects of manual therapy, acupressure and, in general, oriental medicine on the state of human organism. Used in the equipment combination of mechanical and infrared exposure to certain areas of the human body allows not only improve the physiological parameters of the body by stimulating its biologically active points, but also to fight a number of serious ailments, among which violations in the work of the musculoskeletal system, SSS disease, nervous and trophic disorders of various etiology.

The long experience of using massage beds on the Russian market allows us to draw conclusions about the favorable impact of this equipment for improving blood circulation in the body, which in turn makes it possible to reduce swelling in the lower limbs and prevent the development of arterial sclerosis, stimulate production of the blood corpuscles. In addition, there is an improvement in the digestive system and the normalization of the production of one of the most important human hormones, melatonin, which increases the resistance of the body to cancerous tumors, stresses and processes aging. The consequence of this effect is a marked increase in immunity and a pronounced anti-allergic effect.

However, in the presence of a number of positive moments, not all models of massage beds have an equally favorable degree impact on our body, which is due to the distinctive design features of equipment from different manufacturers. To clarify the situation, we should briefly dwell on the most characteristic differences in the design of massage beds of the most common manufacturers.

The most progressive are the massage bed MIGUN, which have a number of advantages compared to their competitors.

Only in the models of this manufacturer are used unique massage probes in the form of jade hemispheres, which are installed in a form that repeats the fingers on the hand of the masseur.

In addition, only in massage beds MIGUN infrared rays of the optimal wavelength (from 4 to 16 microns) are directed perpendicularly to the body, which provides a deep warming in the area of ​​impact and the most tangible positive effect of the massage procedures.

The advantage of products from MIGUN is also the availability of a software mode for carrying out massage of the abdomen and legs, 20 internal and 17 external massage probes, the ability to adjust the angle of the bed and a relatively low power consumption (230 Watt).


Unlike the manufacturer described above, CERAGEM and NUGA BEST trade marks offer the user massage beds that use roller systems of jade (CERAGEM) and turmania (NUGA BEST), not providing the most safe and effective exposure, especially with a significant weight body. Infrared rays in these models of massage beds are parallel to the body, which does not allow to achieve during the procedure a significant temperature and to reach the depth of warming in place impact. Massage beds CERAGEM and NUGA BEST have up to two massage modes, 4 and 7 internal, and 12 and 5 external massage probes, respectively. With these characteristics, the power of these models is between 280 and 260 watts. Although today the market has appeared more perfect models of massage beds brand CERAGEM Master V3 with functions scan the spine, adjust the intensity of the massage and 12 programs to choose the most optimal mode.


Determined with the model, it is worth remembering thatmassage bed, contraindicationsfor which use it is necessary to take into account, is far from being a panacea for all diseases.

First of all, you should pay attention to the frequent use and replacement of more expensive and high-quality models of beds for massage cheap and simplified counterparts of dubious producers, which increases the risk of harming human health instead of the patient's expected positive effect.

For all types of massage equipment, regardless of the manufacturer, there are a number of general contraindications that can not be neglected. Among them:

- severe osteoporosis, especially in the last stages;

- pregnancy and neoplasm in the genital area (the vibrations may contribute to the beginning of uterine contractions or the growth of tumors);

- recent trauma (not more than a year) and operations on the spine.

In addition to the above-mentioned from the use of massage equipment, it is worthwhile to refrain from those who suffer from cardiac, viral and serious recurrent chronic diseases, who have open wounds and skin lesions in the area massage.

The presence of a pacemaker and other implants is also a contraindication to the use of a massage bed. In no case should you begin the procedure if a person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

People prone to hyperthermia, and in the presence of bile and urolithiasis, it is better to avoid the use of massage bedsmigun megan, contraindicationsfor the use of which are based on the higher temperature conditions of this manufacturer.

In this case, you should carefully monitor the warm-up temperature, which should not be more than 55 ° C.

In the presence of thrombophlebitis or varicose veins, it is necessary to abandon the mechanical effect on the affected parts of the limbs.


In addition, experts do not advise you to use massage beds, if you suffer from serious vision pathologies, Some types of dermatitis and blood diseases, you experience quite strong and unpleasant painful sensations at the beginning procedures.


And for those who are overweight, it is better to choose massage tables MIGUN using jade hemispheres.

In this case, massage bedsceragem seragem, contraindicationfor the use of which are roller massage systems, can cause serious disruptions in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the onset of pain syndrome.

When using brand equipmentnuga best nougat best contraindicationscan also become a circulatory insufficiency, a condition after hemorrhage and hemorrhage into the skin, deviations in the work of the autonomic nervous system in the period of their exacerbation, chronic osteomyelitis, aneurysms vessels.

The above list of contraindications is quite significant, and therefore the best way for a person who decided to use the services or purchase massage table, will be a consultation of an experienced doctor who will give a professional opinion about the acceptability of this type of procedure for each specific rights.

Be sure to read the following article:"Spinal hernia. How to treat".


A source: http://xn7sbabjjg3ap0aprg5a.xnp1ai/s/6.html

Is the massage bed useful or dangerous?

Recently, it has become increasingly popular to purchase such a specific type of furniture or rather a device like a massage bed.

This is facilitated by rave reviews of those who tried it, promising descriptions of massage beds and the possibility to use them for free for a while.


However, before acquiring this expensive item, and even gratuitously they need to heal, it should be noted that there are serious contraindications.


Let's try to figure out what they're working on, what effect they bring and to whom they are shown, and to whom the massage beds are contraindicated.

It is a question of set of devices, widely advertised basis of which action is use of such materials, as a nephrite, a turmanium and germanium ceramics, possessing high теплоотдачей.

All of them apply the principle of thermal exposure - warming up, mechanical action - vibration and motion of rollers, as well as the use of natural properties of materials - so to speak, stone therapy.

According to the description, the massage bed of Seragem mobilizes the internal resources of the body for self-healing, It is designed to combat diseases of the spine, prevent other diseases and improve the general condition organism. Has a lot of built-in jade rollers that point to the back and transmit healing heat to the affected areas.

Photo 1 - Massage bed Seragem

In the description of the massage bed Nuga Best says that thanks to reflexology, acupressure and infrared many people overcame radiation diseases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular system, as well as gastrointestinal tract. The main profile of the bed is a sparing stretching of the spine, but there is a wide list of ailments, the savior of which is Nuga Best, which is confirmed by the healed.

Picture 2 - Massage bed Nuga Best

This product promises to prevent many serious diseases and alleviate the course of chronic diseases.

In addition to stimulation of hematopoiesis and metabolism, as well as the removal of pain, a massage bed is shown as say sellers, for the treatment of diseases and injuries of the spine, heart and vascular disease, lungs, gynecology, urology, etc.

Photo 3 - Happy Dream Massage Bed

There are some questions about the beneficial effects of massage beds on the body.

  • As for sanitation due to the natural properties of bed materials, this can be the case. However, many physicians agree that it is caused not so much by stone therapy as by the placebo effect.
  • As for the mechanical effect, massage can really benefit, but there are also "buts" here. Not with all diseases and conditions it is shown. With the spine, graduates work, individually determining the need, type and intensity of the massage. This calls into question the fact that the massage bed is declared a universal remedy against many disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
  • The greatest question concerns heat exposure: in many diseases, heating is contraindicated. From the uninitiated to medicine adherents of the therapy under discussion, you can sometimes hear that this is a special heat that you can warm everything. But the fact remains: much more diagnoses, under which the heating is strictly forbidden, than those for which it is shown.
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In the annotations to massage beds some contraindications are given: for example, you can not use the device during pregnancy, fever, cancer, tendency to bleeding, inflammatory processes and m.

Using a massage bed without knowing the state of your body, which often happens, can lead to serious consequences, such as neoplasms, abscesses, bleeding, movement of stones in the bile ducts and many other problems that can cost life.

Summarizing, the massage bed is a good tool for relaxation, stress relief, general strengthening of the body and in some cases improving the spine.

But using it can only benefit relatively healthy people and people with a limited range of diagnoses.

Before buying a thermo-massage unit, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination in order to exclude multiple risk factors and get "good" from your doctor.


In general, such devices are considered medical physiotherapy equipment, and therefore not at home, and in medical centers under the supervision of doctors should be used massage beds. The price of the device starts from about 4, 00 rubles, the main price range is about 10, 00 rubles.


A source:

Ceragem: South Korean heating

art_istkaNetwork marketing looked into the life of each of us, from others it took it away

The network companies build their business on the human faith in miracles. After the proposals of miracle devices that give beauty, there was a demand for health.

Disappointed and poisoned with bioadditives, they began to persuade them to purchase medical equipment in the form of massage couches with infrared radiation.

About the contraindications and harm of warming without the supervision of a doctor, Ceragem customers prefer not to inform.

Fairy tales accompany us from the beginning of life. Children sincerely believe in the existence of magical objects, unusual abilities and whole fairy-tale worlds. But soon find out that the stories about storks and cabbage, Ded Moroz, Thrifty kingdoms and magic sticks - just fudge.

But the desire and faith in miracles man is already completely saturated.

Unsatisfactory waiting for the arrival of a UFO, belief in the unique abilities of psychics, sorcerers and shamans, as well as the desire to get into a parallel world, sects, religions and ubiquitous network marketing, which promise an absolute miracle in the form of unique goods.

To fall under the influence, to yield to persuasion and, eventually, everyone can be recruited, including us and our loved ones. The question is to what extent is the person affected. I will assume that it is related to the measure in which he wants a miracle.

Among the features of people who easily fall under someone else's influence, psychologists have identified impulsiveness and the habit of trusting one's own intuition. And once, after believing in deception, these people are likely to do it again.

The aim of scammers who persistently persuade us and try to influence our decisions is always money. Sometimes it's just an unnecessary purchase, not much hitting the purse, and sometimes it's unfortunate, rewriting their property to the name of the leader of the sect, which they pleased. But losing money is not the worst thing.

Available miracles


Network marketing has become a favorite entertainment of Aunt Tani. And soon her stories about new, unique, useful, convenient and inexpensive goods could be heard by yourself.


First the table in our kitchen was strewn with samplers and Avon catalogs, then with Amway bottles and Tupperware multi-colored plastic. The last hobby of Aunt Tani was the South Korean "miracle" called Ceragem.

It represents a massage couch with a built-in roller that rolls on the spine for 40 minutes. At the same time, infrared radiation is released, which warms up all organs and pinpoints individual parts of the body.

The business model, by which Koreans have been selling their "beds" since 2005, is called try & am; uy ("try and buy"). You can try for free and unlimited number of times.

In exchange, it is necessary to listen to a lecture on how "Seragem" will cure and prevent the occurrence of literally any illnesses, chant the motto and clap.

And while lying on a warm couch, bending all over the body from the roller, kneading defenseless spine, you are entertained with stories about how many people, thanks to Ceragem, were saved from death and old age. And "save by the way, is best at home and on your own "Seragem".

Not for any money

Believing in a new miracle, persuading the whole family to go to "warm massage" sessions, typing a certain the number of bonuses for each new person who came with her, Aunt Tanya and her mother wanted Ceragem to acquire.

And although they lived not far from each other, but in the autumn of 2009 they bought two such "beds". Approximate price of a massage couch is 80 thousand. rubles. Winter was cold, the joy of buying a strong, massage sessions - regular.


Unpleasant compression and chest pain forced Aunt Tanya in the spring of 2010 to go to the doctors. The cause was searched until the summer, deciding that most likely it was neuralgia. Prescribed painkillers relieved unpleasant symptoms, but they did not get rid of them.


In August 2010, the district therapist, having looked at the analysis, took Aunt Tanya to the department, where other doctors came. Repeated tests, no diagnoses, only an unusually considerate attitude of medical workers.

Autumn Aunt Tanya met at the oncological hospital, where she had metastases throughout the body, a course of chemotherapy was appointed and the search for a source of cancer that was already at the third degree development.

After endless examinations, consultations, hospitalizations, in the spring of Aunt Tanya became worse - there were tumors in the brain, which in the summer still agreed to cut.

Even to Aunt Tanya it was quite regular to come a psychic, in whose power could only believe a person in great need of a miracle. The miracle did not happen again. Aunt Tanya died on November 13, 2011, at home, at the hands of a loving husband. A few days before her death, her grandson was born.

Cunning persuasiveness

According to its business model, Ceragem opens demonstration halls with several massage couches in different cities and different rooms.

The attendants in these halls are recruited from among those wishing to purchase "Seragem" with a subsequent discount. Medical education in the staff of happy agitators, caring with retirees, is not available.

The closure or relocation of such halls is determined by the situation with sales activity of couches.

If you are alarmed by similar methods of work, and you want to make sure of the integrity of the company, go to the official website of Ceragem, whose form fully meets the expectations of the client. Complement the favorable impression of certificates of compliance of medical equipment, neatly posted in the same section.

The provided documents show that the device meets the toxic and hygienic standards, or, more simply, it is not toxic.


And the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare confirms that the couch does not contain concentrations of pollutants exceeding the norm.


A year ago, a registration certificate issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Health and Social Development was posted there.

It reported that this device corresponds to a set of registration documents and has a class of potential risk 2a. This class includes medium-risk medical devices. Details of the risk were not indicated.

Finally, the section of the "Seragema" website with medical research should be completely dispelled, which had covered the doubts. Seals and stamps of eminent clinics and hospitals of the country are designed to level out the formulations that are flashing in the reports, which are inherent in advertising brochures. These are the main official confirmation of the therapeutic benefits and uniqueness of the Korean massage "bed."

Faith by the Word

Since none of the medical studies word "contraindications" does not occur, they are honestly rendered by Ceragem in a separate section of the site.

They are of the order of 10 and one of them is as follows: "general contraindications to physiotherapy, including fever of unknown origin and malignant neoplasms".

At the same time, in the demonstration halls, where the aspirants want to be healed, you will be assured that Everyone can and should use the "Seragem regardless of gender, age and physical state.

About any preliminary studies, analyzes, consultations with doctors and the choice of individual therapy of speech is not.


People who believed in energetic consultants, mostly of retirement age, begin to regularly attend sessions, actively attract new acquaintances and relatives to their new leisure and save money for buying miraculous "Beds".


Deadly Wonderaction

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