What to do if there was a water peephole

A water corn or dropsy is a bubble with a transparent liquid inside, formed on the skin areas damaged by friction. They can be formed on different parts of the feet, arms, body. People call it also a wet callus.

  • Causes of watery corns
  • Can I pierce
  • How to pierce correctly
  • What to do if the water blob has burst
  • How to treat
  • Water callus on toe, how to treat
  • Treatment of watery calluses with folk remedies
  • Tea tree oil
  • Prevention
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The mechanism of the appearance of dropsy is such that, with strong friction, several upper layers of the skin are separated from the lower ones, and the released space between them is filled with liquid. The fluid inside the bladder is a plasma that has separated from the blood. It has protective soothing properties for damaged skin. Therefore, it is so important to maintain the integrity of the bubble.

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Important!People with sensitive skin or increased sweating should be especially careful, as these factors contribute to the formation of calluses.

Causes of watery corns

The main reason for the formation of dropsy is friction. It can cause uncomfortable clothing, shoes - anything that comes in contact with the skin. Constant friction with uncomfortable, tight clothes causes the appearance of dropsy in various parts of the body.

Water calluses on the hands appear as a result of prolonged work with household tools without gloves, or with sports equipment.


Not yet mixed, or, conversely, too wide shoes, incorrectly selected socks or lack thereof, cause the formation of water calluses on the legs. Sweating feet and the presence of holes in the socks also contribute to this.

Appearing on the skin, swelling, pain and sensitivity are signs that the skin area is rubbed. If you quickly remove these symptoms and give your skin a break, you can avoid the formation of corn.

Can I pierce

A small bubble will heal without piercing. And the big water callus, which causes pain and discomfort, needs a puncture so that it does not burst as a result of injury. In the case of a puncture, healing will be easier and more accurate than with a spontaneous rupture.


Puncture the bladder yourself at home, following the rules of hygiene, but doctors, nevertheless, are advised to contact the nearest specialist.

Important!Patients with diabetes or suffering from hypotension should consult with a doctor before self-piercing the blister.

How to pierce correctly

To avoid infection and ensure rapid healing, a number of rules must be observed:

  1. Before piercing, treat the damaged skin and hands with an antiseptic solution.
  2. Use a sterile needle. For disinfection, you can hold it over the fire or put it in alcohol for a few minutes.
  3. Punctures to produce on the sides of the calluses, holding the needle parallel to the skin.
  4. If the corn is large, pierce in several places, to completely discharge the liquid.
  5. With gentle movements, get rid of the liquid inside.
  6. Puncture is better in the first day after the formation of the blister.
  7. After a puncture, in no case do not remove the covering skin, as it dries out, it will go away.


What to do if the water blob has burst

If the water blister has burst, it is necessary to squeeze out all the liquid with clean hands and treat it with cotton wool soaked with antiseptic. Treatment is the same as after the puncture, observing sterility.


Advice!If the bubble is still intact, then it is better not to touch it, so it will heal much faster and easier. Skin over the bladder is a natural barrier that does not let germs pass and protects the wound from infection.

How to treat

After all the liquid has come out of the corn, it is necessary to impose a sterile bandage with antiseptic ointment. The plaster is better to use special for corns, the usual can steam out the skin on the wound. At night, it is better to remove the bandage and allow the wound to dry, this will speed up the healing.

Since the wound under the callus is very sensitive and has a high risk of infection and inflammation, the main treatment is to maintain antibacterial hygiene. Many people are worried about the question of how quickly to cure a water callus. It is quite possible!

Here are the most effective ointments for treating wounds from calluses:

  • Levomekol - has pronounced antimicrobial and healing properties. Apply to a sterile bandage and apply on the wound. Change the bandage 3 times a day;
  • Synthomycin ointment is an antimicrobial agent that helps to get rid of pain;
  • Salicylic 10% ointment - has analgesic, healing effect. You can apply at night.

Water callus on toe, how to treat

The formation of calluses on the toes is especially painful and inconvenient, because in this case it is impossible To wear closed shoes, even if weather requires it, and when walking, callus will cause discomfort. To treat such a callus, a special corn plaster helps. Apply it necessarily on sterilized skin. The night-time patch absorbs liquid from the bladder, but at the same time it does not allow drying of the wound, due to its air permeability. The next morning the skin is removed together with the plaster and the wound from the callus almost heals.

Important!If there was a constant aching pain in the wound, the fluid became cloudy inside and the wound became hot - these are signs of infection in the wound. Do not self-medicate, you need to urgently go to a medical facility. The doctor himself will clean the wound, apply a bandage and prescribe antibacterial or other drugs, based on the situation.

Treatment of watery calluses with folk remedies

In folk medicine, many effective for the treatment of dropsy are known.



The plant is known for its antiseptic properties, it also helps to remove calluses. Cut the cut aloe leaf on the wound with a cut down to get juice on it and fix it with adhesive tape. Change the sheet every 6 hours.

Tea tree oil

To treat corn, it is necessary to mix vegetable oil with tea tree oil, in the proportion of 3/1. Apply the mixture 4 times a day. Perfectly protects from infections and inflammation.

Salt Trays

The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. salt per liter of warm water. You can not take hot water so as not to injure the corn. Baths can take no more than 5 minutes.

  1. Calendula and chamomile. On the wound, apply gauze, soaked in the broth of these herbs. They have a healing soothing effect.
  2. Plantain. One of the most famous plants is antiseptic. From the well-washed leaves of plantain prepare mush and put on the wound in the form of a compress 1 - 2 times a day.
  3. Compresses from potatoes. The raw potatoes are passed through a blender or grated. The resulting gruel is applied to the wound, the top is fixed with a bandage.
  4. Kalanchoe. It also has an antiseptic effect.


The appearance of calluses is painful and unpleasant. To warn them is easier than to cure, so observe the simple rules:

  1. When buying new shoes, choose only the models of quality material and the appropriate size, and checking whether it is comfortable with the foot in it. From shoes "on raznos" necessarily there will be water calluses on legs.
  2. Always wear socks under closed shoes.
  3. To stick a plaster in advance, does not suppose occurrence of a water callus on a foot.
  4. When practicing sports or long walks, wear only special shoes and socks, which are made of natural materials and do not have rough joints. This will avoid water corns on the foot.
  5. It is worth paying attention also to the back of the purchased shoes, if it appears rough on the heel.
  6. When carrying out work in the garden and the garden, do not forget about protective gloves.
  7. You can use special pencils against rubbing, for example, Compeed.
  8. Since the moist environment is most favorable for rubbing, it is worth using talc or other means that dry the skin.

Having taken preventive measures in time, you can avoid a collision with this painful and unpleasant problem for good.
