
Effective methods to combat milium on the face

Among a wide variety of skin diseases, a pathological process is often diagnosed, in which miliums or white spots are formed. They are concentrated under the eyes or on the upper eyelid. Acne can affect both adults and children. The choice of the appropriate method of treatment is carried out taking into account the degree of damage and the symptoms present. Content 1Definition of disease 2Causes 3Symptoms 4Possible complications 5Treatment 5.1Drug method 5.2Surgical method 5.3Folk...

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Conjunctivitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the eye. The causes of its occurrence - viral, bacterial infections, allergies.The nature of the course of the disease can be chronic or acute. Types of conjunctivitis in modern medicine are different (chlamydial, bacterial, hermetic, adenovirus), but they all have similar manifestations. More details about the causes of the disease, symptoms, methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment (therapy of pathology is conducted ...

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Retinal detachment: treatment with folk remedies

The retina of the eye is the shell that lays our eye from the inside.It includes special cells-photoreceptors, which allow us to perceive the image and transmit nerve impulses to our brain.The retina feeds a multitude of vessels located beneath it. If the retina is damaged, visual problems may occur.In this article, we will consider in detail the causes of detachment of the retina, as it is manifested and treated. Content 1What is retinal detachment 2Symptoms 2.1initial stage 2.2Floati...

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When and why there is false myopia

All eye diseases are of an infectious or non-infectious nature. Non-infectious pathologies can remain undetected for a long time, as their symptoms tend to develop slowly and gradually. This is their main danger, since most of the diseases are detected already at a stage not subject to cure. Among such diseases is false myopia (or a spasm of accommodation). Content 1Definition of disease 2Causes 3Symptoms 4Possible complications 5Treatment 5.1Medication Therapy 5.2Folk remedies 6...

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Headache in forehead and eyes: main causes and treatment

Headache is a very common ailment that every person in the world suffered at least once in a lifetime. However, it is by no means always a sign of banal fatigue or lack of sleep. Along with pain in the eye area, the head can be a symptom of a serious illness that requires treatment. In some cases, unpleasant sensations can take a chronic form. In both situations, it is important to know how you can treat the disease and reduce the symptoms of ailment. Content 1Definition of a symptom 2Ca...

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Cataract of the eye: modern methods of non-surgical treatment

Cataract of the eye is a serious disease, due to which partially or completely lost sight of more than 20 million people.The most common method of treating this ailment is a surgical operation to replace the lens. It can not be said that this is a bad method, since in most cases the operation produces successful results.However, many are interested in the question of whether cataracts can be cured in a less radical way. We will try to answer this question together. To do this, let's look at ...

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How to recognize and treat acute conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is one of the most common diseases of the eye.Today, it is difficult to find a person who would never run into the symptoms of this insidious disease. Treatment of conjunctivitis is complicated by the fact that it can be influenced by viruses, fungi or bacteria. So before the appointment of treatment you need to accurately determine the nature of the pathology. Content 1Definition of disease 2Kinds 3Causes 4Symptoms 5Possible complications 6Diagnostics 7Treatment 7.1...

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Barley on the child's eye: causes and methods of treatment

The child's eyes are constantly exposed to negative mechanical factors - dirt, dust, low air temperatures and so on.As a result, barley can develop - an acute inflammation of the hair bulb of the eyelash, which is purulent.What kind of disease is this, how does it manifest what you need to know about the causes of the appearance of barley and possible complications, you will learn from this article. Pay attention that people's ways, despite their high efficiency, should be used carefully, so...

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Effective means for combating barley

Barley is an unpleasant pathological process that affects both adults and young children. Usually, the abscess itself passes through 2-3 days. If this does not happen, then you need to start treatment. In this case, pharmacy and folk remedies come to the rescue. But they need to be used only after consulting a doctor. Content 1Definition of disease 2Medication 2.1Ointments 2.2Drops 3Folk remedies 3.1Heating compresses 3.2Teas and decoctions 3.3Means for internal reception 4Pre...

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Barley on the eye: medicines for treatment

Barley on the eye is very unpleasant: it does not look aesthetically pleasing, it is characterized by inflammation, painful sensations and swelling. Many are waiting for the inflammation to pass by itself or use any folk remedies to get rid of this ailment as soon as possible. Meanwhile, barley is effectively treated with medication.What drugs are used to treat barley on the eye? This will be discussed later in the article. Content 1Definition of disease 2Causes 3Symptoms 4Possible com...

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