Barley is an unpleasant pathological process that affects both adults and young children. Usually, the abscess itself passes through 2-3 days. If this does not happen, then you need to start treatment. In this case, pharmacy and folk remedies come to the rescue. But they need to be used only after consulting a doctor.
1Definition of disease
3Folk remedies
3.1Heating compresses
3.2Teas and decoctions
3.3Means for internal reception
Definition of disease
Barley is an inflammatory process that affects the sebaceous gland or eyelash hair.For the body it does not represent anything dangerous, and it can be cured in a short time.
When treating barley, medicinal preparations use antibacterial ointments and drops.
Apply antibacterial drug does not cost more than 7-10 days.
You can treat barley with the following ointments:
Hydrocortisone.It contains an active ingredient such as hydrocortisone acetate. With it, you can manage puffiness and reduce inflammation. But this ointment can be used only to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, since the disease itself does not heal.
Take the product in small amounts and clean hands to apply for the eyelid. Such activities should be conducted 3-4 times a day. Duration of treatment will be 7 days.
Erythromycin.In the role of the main component is erythromycin. With its help you can not only defeat barley, but other microbes. Apply 3 times a day. Duration of treatment is 14 days. Apply ointment to the eyelid, where a purulent formation is formed.
Tetracycline.The role of the main component is tetracycline. This anti-inflammatory component, whose action is aimed at eliminating harmful microorganisms and restoration of immunity. Apply the drug 2 times a day. The duration of therapy will be 3-4 days.
Levomekol.In the development of this drug used components such as chloramphenicol and methyluracil. They are able to kill a pathogenic microorganism, relieve inflammation and restore the eye. It is necessary to take a piece of gauze, apply an ointment on it, and then attach it to the affected eye. To lead such actions until the purulent discharge disappears.
Floxal.In the role of the main component advocates ofloxacin. This drug refers to antibiotics of a wide range of effects. Perfectly stops inflammation, but you just can not use it during pregnancy. A small amount of ointment to lay on the lower affected eyelid. Similar actions should be carried out 2-3 times a day for 4 days.Tetracycline ointment is used in the treatment of barley
Among the wide range of effective drops for the eyes of barley can be identified only the most effective:
Cipromed.This drug has an antimicrobial effect. It contains antibiotic ciprofloxacin. If you use a medicine place, that the active components are quickly absorbed by the eye tissues. On bacteria, droplets are affected for 6 hours. Apply 1-2 drops to the affected eye. The duration of therapy is not less than 5 days. Cipromed is excellent for treating various inflammations of the eyes.
Floxal.This is another effective antimicrobial drug that is active against many bacteria. Drops drip into the conjunctival sac by 1 drop 4 times a day.
To obtain the maximum result, it is necessary to apply the Phloxal ointment, which must be applied after drops.
Levomycetin.For this, the drug has a similar therapeutic effect. Drip 1 drop 3 times a day. The course of treatment will last 14 days.Phloxal is used in the treatment of barley
Apply these drops and ointments are not always possible during pregnancy and lactation. This is due to the fact that the components have the ability to penetrate into breast milk.
Folk remedies
In the arsenal of traditional medicine, there are a lot of effective recipes that quickly stop inflammation and unpleasant symptoms.
Heating compresses
With the help of warming compresses it is possible to quickly cure barley and forget about unpleasant symptoms.But it's not always possible to do this. Such treatment is allowed to use only at the initial stage of the inflammatory process. If there is an abscess, then such procedures can lead to a breakthrough of pus, which entails serious complications.
Do not heat the barley to small patients.
In other cases for warming up, you can use the following recipes:
On a hot eyelid, apply a welded egg.Keep it there until it cools down. Repeat such activities 2 hours 3 times a day.
Apply on the affected area warming compress, obtained from a solution of chamomile.It is necessary to take 20 g of raw material, pour a glass of boiling water. Tumble 15 minutes on fire, infuse for 1 hour. Filter, warm, dip a cotton disc into the solution and apply to the eye.
Cook potatoes,crush it, then lay it on the cloth and attach it to the eye. Keep until the potatoes cool down completely.
In a frying pan, heat flax oil, put it in a handkerchief, and then heat it with barley.
Teas and decoctions
To combat barley, you can use very effective decoctions and infusions:
Calendula. It is necessary to take 10 g of raw materials and pour a glass of hot water.10 minutes on medium heat, then moisten with gauze in the solution, lay on the inflamed area. Such actions must be performed 3 times a day.
Plantain.To prepare a remedy, it is better to use fresh sheets.
This recipe should be used to combat internal barley.
Take 60 grams of leaves, finely chop them and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Once the broth cools, you can use it to make lotions.
Aloe.Take the leaves of the plant, finely chop. Take raw materials in an amount of 30 grams and pour a glass of water. Infuse for a day, and then use a decoction for lotions.
Birch. To prepare the remedy, 10 g of birch buds and 200 ml of boiling water must be used. Combine these components, simmer for 30 minutes. Use a decoction for lotion or eye wash 4-6 times a day.
Bird cherry.Take the raw material in an amount of 20 g, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours, filter and use to wash the affected eye.
If bird cherry is absent, then you can replace it with sprouts of Ledum.
Means for internal reception
In the treatment of chronic barley, it is fashionable to try these recipes:
Take tansy in an amount of 6 flowers and consume them, washing down with water.Such actions should be performed 2 times a day.
Vitamins that contain yeast, perfectly eliminate various bacteria and parasites in the body.
Conduct reception of sulfur powder by ¼ teaspoon per day, washing down with water. The course of treatment is 7 days.
To prevent the development of barley, the following simple recommendations should be observed:
Use only your makeup. In this case, it is better to give up cheap means, in which a lot of harmful components.
Every day for washing use boiled or purified water.
If you wear contact lenses, but carefully take care of them.
Observe personal hygiene.
To wipe your face, use a clean and private towel.
To protect the eyes from wind, dust, sunlight costsuse glasses.
Drops for eyes from inflammation Pharmadex
All about eye drops Cyclopentolate is told in this article.
Barley is an infectious inflammatory process that brings a lot of unpleasant symptoms to the patient. In addition, in the absence of adequate therapy, such a harmless abscess can provoke serious complications. It is better not to delay with treatment, but in time to seek help immediately after the appearance of unpleasant and painful symptoms.
Also read about what drops and ointments are treated with conjunctivitis - a frequent companion of meibomite and gordeluma.