All eye diseases are of an infectious or non-infectious nature. Non-infectious pathologies can remain undetected for a long time, as their symptoms tend to develop slowly and gradually. This is their main danger, since most of the diseases are detected already at a stage not subject to cure. Among such diseases is false myopia (or a spasm of accommodation).
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
5.1Medication Therapy
5.2Folk remedies
Definition of disease
Accommodation is a mechanism of adaptation, allowing the lens to adapt when looking at near and far objects.Reduction or relaxation of the lens is accomplished by the work of the ciliary muscle and the zinn ligament.
The need to consider distant objects causes relaxation of the ciliary muscle and a reduction in the zinn ligament, which leads to a decrease in the curvature of the lens.When looking at a closely located object, the process occurs in the reverse order, the curvature of the lens increases, which makes it possible to see clearly near.
With changes in the well-coordinated work of the muscle and ligament, the ability of the lens to rapidly change the curvature the muscle is in a constantly stressed state, resulting in a false myopia.
The main cause of the development of the pathological condition is a strong eye strain.The muscle gets tired and loses its ability to work in the right mode, and its convulsive contraction may occur. The eye fixes the curvature of the lens at a certain level - and there is a false myopia, a condition where objects are clearly visible only at close range.
To secondary provoking pathology factors include:
Insufficient light when working the eyes;
Unbalanced diet;
Lack of motor activity;
Short period of sleep;
Weak muscles of back and neck;
Lack of vitamins.
In fact, all factors are reduced to two main reasons: overexertion and decreased immunity.The pathological condition can arise as a result of age-related changes, but in most cases, children are exposed to it, when the visual load increases sharply when entering school.At this age, immunity is still at the stage of formation, and overstrain of the eye structures can have the most unfortunate consequences.
False myopia ranks second after myopia (true myopia) and accounts for up to 15% of the total number of all eye diseases.
False myopia, this deviation is called because of the ability to reverse the process when performing certain medical recommendations and observance of a gentle regime for the eyes.Therefore, even with the initial signs of the development of the disease should immediately pay a visit to the ophthalmologist and conduct the necessary examinations.
The first signs of a pathological condition are:
The occurrence of discomfort with increased eye function: redness, burning, rubbing;
When considering distant objects, their outlines are indistinct and diffuse, even doubling may occur;
At close range, the inability to focus on the subjectbecause the eyes get tired quickly;
Children have problems with academic achievement due to increased fatigue;
There may be headaches,often taken for the consequence of age-related changes.
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the treatment of accommodation spasm in children.
The duration of such a condition can be from several months to several years and end with a permanent fixation of the pathology.
Depending on the cause of its cause, the spasm of accommodation may be:
Physiological- arising from overstrain of muscles. Most often, patients with astigmatism or uncorrected farsightedness are exposed to it;
Artificial- appearing when certain medications are taken and completely disappearing after their withdrawal. Does not require treatment;
Pathological- accompanied by a change in the refraction of light rays and reduced visual acuity. Can have a stable or unstable shape.
Timely diagnosis and taking the necessary measures can prevent the development of pathology and exclude the possibility of serious complications.
Possible complications
The main complication that occurs when the symptoms are ignored is the transition of pathology from false myopia to true.In this case, the inability to view distant objects is fixed, and it is often impossible to correct such a state. If the disease takes a constantly progressive form, then it can be treated only by operational methods.
With progressive myopia, the ciliary muscle is constantly tense, and the eyeball is even larger, which can entail:
Opacification of the vitreous;
Retinal detachment;
Complete loss of vision.
In childhood, most often develop the following pathologies:
Amblyopia (lazy eye syndrome);
The spasm of accommodation increases the manifestations of myopia, if it already exists, or contributes to its appearance. However, with timely attention to the symptoms of false myopia, the pathological condition can be successfully overcome without painful consequences.
To select the right therapy tactics, it is important to establish a correct diagnosis, which can be achieved with the help of modern diagnostic equipment.At the same time, the function of accommodation, refraction and convergence, determination of visual acuity, etc., are studied.If necessary, consultations of highly specialized doctors are appointed: neurologist, traumatologist-orthopedist, pediatrician, etc.
Conduction of ophthalmological examination
Medication Therapy
For the treatment of the disease, drugs from the following groups are used:
Drops for dilating the pupil:Tropicamide, Irifrin, Midracil. Such drugs act in a relaxing way on the ciliary muscle, which contributes to its rest and, to a certain extent, training. After all, during the treatment there is a periodic relaxation and contraction of the muscle, and it "remembers" this state as the norm. However, such a method can not be used for longer than 10 days, and after stopping the medication there is a risk of recurrence. Therefore, treatment should be carried out in a comprehensive manner;
Vitamins:Taufon, Vizion, Riboflavin, Optix, and others. Vitamin complexes help the supply of eye tissues with all the substances necessary for normal functioning and help restore local immunity.Drops Tropicamide is used to treat spasm of accommodation
As an additional, but very effective treatment can be used methods of physiotherapy: electrophoresis and magnetotherapy.Of particular importance are such procedures when identifying the pathological conditions of the spine as a cause of the disease (for example, cervical osteochondrosis). In this case, the list of procedures is expanded: acupuncture, massage, exercise therapy.
In the early stages of the disease, especially in the treatment of children, good results are shown by the hardware methods of treatment:
Laser stimulation;
Electrostimulation.Laser stimulation is effective in the early stages.
Of particular importance is the strict implementation of general recommendations by the patient: regular gymnastics for the eyes, inclusion in the diet of products "for the eyes walking in the fresh air, enough time for rest and sleep.
Folk remedies
To remove the symptoms of stress and irritation, as well as to stimulate metabolic processes in the eye tissues, it is possible to use various agents from natural components:
Take on an empty stomach a mixture of fried for 5 minutes. beeswax(1 h. l. ) on sunflower oil (2 tbsp. l. ). The mixture is washed down with a glass of milk;
In a glass of water, boil for 2 minutes. 1 hour l. honey, then cool and use for lotionsand as drops (2 drops in the eye). The agent is used twice a day;
With a weak degree of myopia, tincture is made of calamus and calamus: take in equal amounts the crushed root of the calamus and the flowers of marigold and pour, l of vodka. Insist in a dark place for 12 days, after which filter, add, l vodka and take 15 drops shortly before meals three times a day. During the year, four courses of treatment are conducted with a break in a month;
To increase visual acuity, eye drops are prepared: from 4-6 berries of fresh or frozen blueberries squeeze the juice and diluted with boiled water(1: 2). Bury 1 drop in each eye 1 time per day;
When and why there is a false short-sightedness with the addition of 1 h. l. honey;
When and why there is a false myopia, and also wash the eyes with anise infusion.
Folk remedies in the majority contain vegetable components which can appear allergens. Therefore, the application of even the most innocuous (at first glance) recipes should necessarily be agreed with the doctor.
Completely avoid manifestations of accommodation spasm, especially in childhood, is impossible, since modern children spend too much time "in the community" of computers, mobile phones, tablets.Therefore, the main method of fighting for the preservation of vision is prevention:
Limitation of time devoted to computer communication;
If you need hard work - obligatory breaks every, hour with the holding of gymnastics;
Good lighting helps eye work, and, consequently, reduces their tension;
Presence in the diet necessary for normal operation of the eye elements(zinc, manganese, chromium, selenium, copper, etc. ), vitamins, as well as proteins.
What is Pachymetry?
The definition of ciliary scotoma is described in this article.
Eye drops Garfort with instruction
Preventive examinations at the ophthalmologist can reveal any deviations in the eye at a very early stage.
Do not forget that the level of general immunity can have a significant impact on eye health and their ability to maintain functionality. Of particular importance here is the normal motor activity, which provides good blood circulation and contributes to the supply of all tissues and organs with nutrients.
False myopia, with timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, can safely be cured without consequences.
However, even folk methods should be approved by the attending physician, since he can take into account all the nuances individual health status and, in accordance with them, to select the most successful methods for normalization state of the eye.
Also read about what is presbyopia or senile hyperopia and how to perform eye surgery.