Conjunctivitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the eye. The causes of its occurrence - viral, bacterial infections, allergies.The nature of the course of the disease can be chronic or acute. Types of conjunctivitis in modern medicine are different (chlamydial, bacterial, hermetic, adenovirus), but they all have similar manifestations. More details about the causes of the disease, symptoms, methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment (therapy of pathology is conducted with the use of medicines and folk remedies) read on.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Kinds
  • 3Causes
  • 4Symptoms
  • 5Possible complications
  • 6Diagnostics
  • 7Treatment
    • 7.1Medication Therapy
    • 7.2Folk methods
  • 8Prevention
  • 9Viideo
  • 10conclusions

Definition of disease

The front part of the eye and the back surface of the eyelid are covered with a transparent thin film - it is called conjunctiva.This film secretes important components of tear fluid, and also creates a protective barrier against the ingress of small foreign matters and microorganisms.

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Inflammatory processes in the conjunctiva are called conjunctivitis.This disease occurs quite often, can have a different character, affects both children and adults.


Depending on the cause and nature of inflammation, the following types of conjunctivitis are distinguished:

  1. Bacterial- it is caused by opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Chlamydia- develops as a result of getting chlamydias on the conjunctiva.
  3. Viral- is caused by viruses of herpes, adenoviruses, etc.
  4. Fungal- is a manifestation of systemic infections (aspergillosis, candidymycosis, actinomycosis, spirotrichillosis) or is provoked by pathogenic fungi.
  5. Allergic- occurs as a reaction to the allergen (the list of allergens is huge).
  6. Dystrophic- pathology develops as a result of negative action of occupational harmful factors (work with gases, paints, chemical reagents, etc.).
Types of conjunctivitis

Chlamydial and angular conjunctivitis can be both an independent form of the disease, and a type of bacterial infection.

Depending on the type of inflammatory process, the pathology is divided into two types - chronic and acute.By the nature of the symptoms, the disease can be:

  • festering- accompanied by the formation of a purulent discharge;
  • catarrhal- only abundant mucus is formed;
  • papillary- on the lining of the eyelids, seals of the size of a small grain form;
  • follicular- accompanied by the formation of follicles on the mucosa;
  • hemorrhagic- accompanied by the appearance of hemorrhages;
  • filmy- this form of conjunctivitis develops against the background of common viral infections of the body.
Purulent conjunctivitis

If, in addition to abundant mucus, a purulent discharge is formed, one can speak of a purulent conjunctivitis.


Various factors can cause the development of an inflammatory disease of the conjunctiva.

Consider all the groups of factors that can cause the development of conjunctivitis:

  1. InfectiousAre pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria (gonococci, staphylococcus, etc.), viruses, chlamydia, pathogenic fungi.
  2. Allergic- Atopic, medicinal, seasonal, can cause an allergic reaction to the constant wearing of contact lenses.
  3. Other- contact with chemicals, gases, professional "harmfulness".
Pathogens of infectious conjunctivitis

Provoking factors fall on the mucous membrane of the throat, middle ear, nasopharynx, from dirty hands, airborne droplets.


Nonspecific symptoms (inherent in all types of conjunctivitis):

  1. Pronounced reddening of the conjunctiva and eyelids.
  2. Swelling of the mucosa.
  3. Photophobia.
  4. Active lacrimation.
  5. Sensation of foreign body in the eye.
  6. Purulent, mucous or mixed discharge.
Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis

In those cases when the catarrh of the respiratory tract, which is taking place against the background of ARVI conjunctivitis, develops hyperemia, migraine, signs of severe intoxication.

Acute (epidemic) conjunctivitis affects both eyes, but lower eyelids suffer more. On the mucous membrane usually there are hemorrhages (pointwise).Patients complain about the thread, the feeling of a foreign body, the entire surface of the eyeball blushes. The average recovery time is from 5 to 20 days. Chronic inflammatory processes are characterized by pain, eyelid severity, rapid eye fatigue (especially during reading). Most often they complain about workers of harmful industries and people with anemia, gastrointestinal diseases, nasopharynx.

Bacterial conjunctivitis affects one eye, but with poor personal hygiene it quickly passes to the second eye.Staphylococcal is usually treated with antibiotics, symptoms are caring for a few days. Gonococcal affects children during the passage through the birth canal of a woman with gonorrhea - antibiotic therapy is used. Pneumococcal conjunctivitis affects children, begins abruptly, quickly passes from one eye to the other. Pseudomoniasis has pronounced symptoms, diphtheria is a complication of diphtheria.

The temperature increase for conjunctivitis is not peculiar.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis always begins acutely, separated by abundant, can completely glue eyelids.In viral forms of the disease, as a rule, blepharospasm is observed. If the disease is caused by contact with the allergen, the patient complains of severe itching, swelling, eyelids blush.

Chlamydia conjunctivitis

Possible complications

The most dangerous is infectious conjunctivitis - it can lead to meningitis, sepsis, cause the development of otitis media.In a timely manner, treat the disease to avoid complications.


The main way to diagnose conjunctivitis is through a slit lamp.If the survey data is not enough, the doctor takes a swab, does a sowing or scrapes, sends the patient to a blood test, a lung X-ray and so on.

Slit Lamp


Treatment of conjunctivitis is carried out with the use of medicines and folk remedies. Read more.

Medication Therapy

Bacterial conjunctivitis passes quickly enough themselves, but to speed up the process of recovery and alleviate the symptoms, eye ointments and drops with antibiotics are used.Viral diseases are treated with interferon medications. If the conjunctivitis has begun, drops with steroids can be prescribed only by a doctor, in addition, they can not be used for a long time.

Drops for eyes "Interferon"

Antibacterial ointments, laid down for eyelids with conjunctivitis:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Floxal;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Dexamethasone.

Eye drops:

  • Floxal;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Lecrolin;
  • Opatanol.
Drops of "Opatanol"

In no case do not self-medicate - because the causes of conjunctivitis are different, treatment should be strictly with their account.

Folk methods

Folk remedies are a good alternative to pharmacy medicines.The main ways to treat conjunctivitis without drops and ointments:

  • Take 3-4 spoons of althea root (it will need to be grinded), pour water (one glass) and put it overnight. From the present make lotions.
  • Make a decoction of wild rose berries - 2 teaspoons of berries are filled with a glass of boiling water, covered with fire for 5 minutes and insist for half an hour. Used as a decoction as a lotion.

  • Lotions with pulp of sweet cherry perfectly relieve inflammation. You can also wash the eyes with cherry juice.
  • Dilute honey with boiled water one to two - get a solution bury your eyes or make lotions. The water must be warm.
  • Wash your eyes with tea leaves.
  • With chronic conjunctivitis, eat a tablespoon of blueberries.
  • Bury your eyes at night with Aloe vera juice.

Remember that not always folk remedies can replace antibacterial therapy.If they do not bring relief for a long time, consult a doctor for treatment.


Conjunctivitis is a very contagious disease.Patients need to be isolated, and healthy people should observe personal hygiene rules - wash their hands, use only individual towels, bed linen.



Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous eye that can be caused by various factors.Symptoms of all types of pathology are similar - patients complain of itching, swelling, redness, lacrimation, photophobia, severe mucous and / or purulent discharge.To treat conjunctivitis in adults, you can use drugs and folk remedies.

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