How to get pneumonia

How can you get pneumonia?

Inflammation of the lungs is a fairly common disease. In most cases, it is successfully cured. However, in the absence of qualified medical care, pneumonia can lead to serious complications, even to death. If the inflammation of the lungs occurs in infants or in the elderly, the likelihood of a lethal outcome is very high - up to 20%.

Pneumonia occurs as a complication of the disease of the upper respiratory tract. Laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc. can, especially with a general weakness of the patient's body and a low level of immunity, lead to bronchitis - inflammation of the bronchi. If the bronchitis can not be quickly and effectively cured, the infectious process spreads even further and captures the lung tissue. This is how pneumonia begins. This is the main variant of its occurrence.

Pneumonia can arise as a response of the body to a strong inflammatory process, poisoning, damage to the integrity of bone tissue, surgery, etc. Why is this happening? The fact is that the lungs, along with the most important function - respiratory, play the role of a filter, purifying both air and blood from all sorts of toxins and toxins. This purification comes from the outside (inhaled air), and from the inside (neutralization of harmful substances produced by the body). If the body suddenly suddenly increases the level of these toxins and toxins, the lungs can simply not cope with their own the role of the filter, just like failing to cope with its barrier role of the dam, if the water level in the reservoir suddenly abruptly will increase.

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Any major inflammatory process, a severe burn, an operation (especially severe), a traumatic injury - all this leads to the fact that the body produces a huge amount of toxins and slags. Their level may exceed critical, and then pneumonia will begin.

An impetus to the development of pneumonia can also serve as excessive dryness of the air, its dustiness or use for wet cleaning and disinfection of chlorine-containing drugs (bleach, chloramine). For all their effectiveness, a sharp smell of chlorine can provoke a disease of the upper respiratory tract, which will quickly spread into the depths.

How do you get pneumonia?



You first ask the question of how to cure... read and think, do you want to get sick?


What for?! It's very good. a serious disease ...

Valeria Heinstein

Why do you need this?


Yes you are already sick! if you ask such questions

Yury Trofimov

It's easy to get sick, but how will you be treated?

Alexander Gr.

type something in the Yandex search line:
"inflammation of lung causes"
the first link:
gives a lot of useful information on this topic.. .)

House, M.D.

Causes of pneumonia, pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs is an etiologically heterogeneous disease, in the occurrence of which various bacteria play a role: pneumo-staphylo- and streptococci, Klebsiella pneumonia, rod Pfeiffer, sometimes E. coli, Proteus, Haemophilus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, causative agent of Ku fever - Rickettsia Burnet, legionella, plague wand, some viruses, mycoplasmas, mushrooms. Viral-bacterial associations can play an important role in the onset of the disease. A new group of pathogens of pneumonia was discovered - bacteroids, which for a long time were considered a non-pathogenic flora of the oral cavity. Pneumocyst, acinobacteria, aspergillus, aeromonas and branhamella, considered only as frequent agents of nosocomial (hospital) pneumonia, can cause "home" pneumonia. Chemical and physical agents - exposure to light chemicals (gasoline, etc.) ), thermal factors (cooling or burning), radioactive radiation - as the etiological factors usually combine with infectious ones. Pneumonia can be the result of allergic reactions in the lungs or the manifestation of a systemic disease (interstitial pneumonia in connective tissue diseases). Pathogens penetrate into the lung tissue by bronchogenic, hematogenous and lymphogenous pathways, usually from the upper respiratory tract usually in the presence in them of acute or chronic foci of infection and from infectious foci in the bronchi (chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis). An important role in pathogenesis is played by violations of the protective mechanisms of the bronchopulmonary system and the state of humoral and tissue immunity.

Survival of bacteria in the lungs, their reproduction and distribution along the alveoli, largely depend on their aspiration with mucus from the upper respiratory tract and bronchi (which is favored by cooling), from excessive formation of edematous fluid, embracing in croupous (pneumococcal) pneumonia, a whole or a few lobes of the lungs Simultaneously, possible immunological damage and inflammation of the lung tissue due to the reaction to the antigenic material of microorganisms and other allergens. Viral infection, itself causing inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi, and in some cases pneumonia, even more often favors the activation of bacterial infection and the emergence of bacterial focal or lobar pneumonia. The appearance of bacterial pneumonia usually at the end of the 1st or at the beginning of the second week of a respiratory viral a significant reduction in the bactericidal activity of the alveolar-macrophagal system lungs. Chronic pneumonia may occur as a result of unresolved acute pneumonia with the slowing and stopping of resorption of exudate in the alveoli and the formation of pneumosclerosis, inflammatory-cell changes in the interstitial tissue is often of an immunological nature (lymphocyte and plasma cell infiltration). The long-term course of acute pneumonia, their transition to a chronic form is facilitated by immunological disorders caused by repeated respiratory viral infection, chronic infection of upper respiratory tract (chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis and other ) and bronchial tubes, metabolic disorders in chronic alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, etc.

Symptoms of pneumonia, pneumonia.

Croupous (pneumococcal) pneumonia usually begins acutely, often after cooling: the patient experiences a tremendous chill; body temperature rises to 39-40 degrees C, less often to 38 or 41 degrees C; the pain of aspiration on the side of the affected lung increases with cough, initially dry, later with a "rusty" or purulent viscous sputum with a trace of blood. A similar or less violent onset of the disease is possible in the outcome of an acute respiratory disease or a background of chronic bronchitis. The patient's condition is usually severe. Skin covers are hyperemic and cyanotic. Breathing from the very beginning of the disease is rapid, superficial, with swelling of the wings of the nose. Herpes labialis etnasalis is often noted.


That's what you need now ...

How do they get pneumonia?



Subcooling, in bedridden patients, in the absence of motion, stagnation is formed, as the lungs are poorly ventilated, well, even as a complication of the common cold, bronchitis, etc.


get cold

Melamori Blimm

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs. The very meaning of the name speaks for itself - is affected - one of the main organs of the respiratory system.
Pneumonia can not be described as one disease - it's a whole group of diseases.
What causes pneumonia?
The culprits of this disease are microbes. They are many and they are called intricately: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci. Also, pneumonia is caused by various influenza viruses and fungi. The process of the disease, its severity, symptoms and laboratory tests differ depending on which microbe is caused by pneumonia. Naturally, for each form of pneumonia - a special treatment.
Pneumonia is not an infectious disease. It can not how the flu is transmitted through the air (by airborne droplets). And the manifestation of pneumonia depends on the state of the body, immunity. That's why it often happens that the flu is complicated by pneumonia. Why? Because the body during the flu is weakened, and the flu virus itself can cause pneumonia. There are several factors that most often provoke the disease.
The factor of low immunity.
People with various chronic diseases.
Weakened people, because of the surgery.
Fortunately for today, pneumonia is no longer the nightmare that it was in the Middle Ages. Then there were no antibiotics that could cope with pneumonia and people died thousands on the third day after the onset of the disease.
But, nevertheless, for today there is a dangerous side of pneumonia - its latent flow. So in this case, even arming with antibiotics and other means does not give a favorable prognosis. And in other cases, when pneumonia occurs particularly hard - there are deadly outcomes. And doctors are sounding the alarm - in recent years, the death rate from pneumonia began to grow. Do not confuse this with the mortality from atypical pneumonia. Statistics show that the "old" all known, not treated by journalists pneumonia is much more likely to lead to death. Moreover, judging by the number of cases, pneumonia after acute respiratory infections and viral infections ranks first. On average, about a million people get pneumonia in Russia a year. Most often, death occurs in the elderly.
What is the reason for this?
The fact is that with age, a person already has various chronic diseases. And the immunity of the elderly is no longer the same as in youth.
As it is not sad, but pneumonia has no basic symptoms. They, one way or another, are similar to the signs of other diseases. Judge for yourself: a sharp persistent rise in temperature, a prolonged dry or wet cough, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, weakness, sweating, headache. Many take these symptoms for flu or ARI and do not hurry to see a doctor. The most vividly reflecting pneumonia can be called unless such a symptom as a cough with purulent sputum or with veins of blood.
The diagnosis of "pneumonia" can be made only after a special examination in the hospital. Based on the results of X-ray images and other studies of the patient, the doctor will detect pneumonia and prescribe treatment. The sooner it happens, the easier and faster it is to cure pneumonia.

viktoria kosjakina in Diseases read Pneumonia



As a result of getting the virus into the body, or supercooling.. He himself recently lain in the hospital with such a diagnosis, everything was squashed!))

Pneumonia. is it possible to die (death) if you get pneumonia?



Many citizens believe that pneumonia is not much more serious than a common cold. They are mistaken. Pneumonia every year is sick about every hundredth inhabitant of the planet. For some, this ends pitifully; mortality of the elderly and children under one year from this disease is 15-20%.

Doctors say that pneumonia has "three faces." The most serious and dangerous form of the disease is acute pneumonia, or croupous pneumonia. The disease begins suddenly. At first the patient is beaten by the strongest chill, which can not be dealt with, after a few hours the temperature jumps to 40 degrees. In one-sided inflammation, when one lung is injured, the side is dully sore, with bilateral pain covering the thorax and back in the area of ​​the scapula. Any physical load, even minimal, causes rapid panting, the patient suffers from a prolonged dry cough, which does not stop for half an hour or longer. Sometimes from this in the lungs burst blood vessels, and the diseased "coughs up blood." The temperature lasts for about two weeks, after which it falls sharply - a crisis sets in. If a person has high immunity, then the ailment can pass by itself. But in most cases the body gives up: pneumococci affect the cardiovascular system, because of the poor performance of inflamed lungs, the brain does not get enough oxygen. And then, if you do not provide medical assistance on time, a fatal outcome is possible

Sluggish (more correctly - focal) pneumonia proceeds more easily. The temperature is not so high-not more than 38 degrees, but it keeps from 3-4 days to a week or more. The patient feels lethargic, slightly shaky, has a headache, no appetite. Directly the patient's life, focal pneumonia is not threatened. It develops as a complication after acute respiratory disease, colds, bronchitis, influenza.

A very unpleasant form of pneumonia is a prolonged or chronic pneumonia, which is the result of the premature cessation of the treatment of acute forms. The disease can last for years, then fading, then flaring up again. It is dangerous because the inflammatory process in the lungs does not stop, because of what develops emphysema of the lungs, pneumosclerosis, on the lung tissue, scars form. At the same time, the normal supply of oxygen to the organs is disrupted.

Causes leading to pneumonia may be several. Specialists are the main culprit of pneumonia called strong prolonged hypothermia. However, the disease can also be caused by dust, stuffiness, dry air, as pneumonia develops due to impaired sputum properties (the so-called mucus, which is constantly secreted by the mucous membrane bronchi). The value of sputum is extremely high: it envelops dust particles that enter the lungs, it contains substances that support the elasticity of the lung tissue. When thick mucus disrupts the ventilation of the lungs, in poorly ventilated areas blood circulation is disrupted, microbes settle, and, as a consequence, the inflammatory process begins. Therefore, those who lead a passive lifestyle are often prone to pneumonia, seldom walk, do not engage physical work, smokes a lot - all this leads to insufficient ventilation of the lungs and, consequently, to their weakening. And, of course, the risk group includes those who suffer from chronic respiratory diseases-bronchitis, tonsillitis, asthma, as all these ailments disrupt the normal functioning of the lungs.

Croupous inflammation must be treated in the hospital, and with focal pneumonia it is possible to fight at home. In any case, treatment should begin as soon as possible to prevent the transition of the disease in a protracted or chronic form. To bring down the temperature with acute pneumonia cold compresses help, which must be changed every half hour. With focal and prolonged pneumonia, warming up is very useful, especially "mustard physiotherapy woolen socks with poured mustard, mustard plasters on the upper part of the chest and back. With any form of pneumonia, you need to drink more: fruit, jelly, juice.


Very easy

Eisidisi - go ahead!

A fatal outcome is possible.

Plato of the fishes

if not treated and especially if it is a complication ...

Natasha Kadatskaya

in our country anything is possible!

Vika Loptseva

If you stay at home for a long time, then all goodbye, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Ivanes *********

On my experience I will tell you. YES. I did not allow much and the liquid began to accumulate in the skin, respiration began, the temperature of the decay became depleted, the liquid was pumped out immediately.

sergei isochenko

Of course, yes, but if left-sided opacity increased there were cases

Cyril Korablev

and moreover not slow!


Leslie Nelsen died three days ago, you probably miss the news, and you do not know that he died of pneumonia

Nastya Rets

how you puzzled question about this))


Yes. need hospitalization


I have a friend from pneumonia died, I stayed at home, and when I was put in the hospital it was already late.


Today a relative was buried, 32 years old, died of pneumonia in the intensive care unit. It was treated for a long time.


Today is the funeral of our friend. died in hospital for pneumonia... treated for 3 weeks

Louise Plisetskaya

The actress from "daddy's daughters" died. The familiar nurse died yet - nothing could be done.

Elizaveta Sazhaeva

my godmother died of this


This is a very dangerous disease... Recently, a 25-year-old daughter died at her work colleague. In the hospital with pneumonia refused to go and burned for 2 weeks.

The child became ill with pneumonia - 2 years. What consequences can there be ?.



Lord! Yes, do not listen to anyone! Treat the baby! And everything will be fine for you!!! Only believe in the best, not in the pessimism inherent in our society! And let it be with God (Allah or Christ), He will still help your baby!!! And about the consequences... my son in infancy often had pneumonia, he was hospitalized several times a year after he turned 8 years old what happened! Now he's 17, such a guy! healthy, strong, clever!!! And you will be fine!



Children's Studio Sunny Bunny

Do not think about the consequences, think about how to get rid of this ailment faster than a child

Maria Ivanova

lung cancer or tuberculosis


we with right-sided pneumonia lied in February.
from a multitude of drugs, a reactive pancreatitis occurred. plus the same intestinal infection was picked up.
but it's not a fact that you will be the same.
heal, and do not deform. the moment with the temperature is heavy. it must be experienced.
and all will be adjusted, you will go on the amendment.

pit bull

What is pneumonia? Pneumonia, or as it is called - pneumonia, is the infection of one or both of the lungs, which is usually caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses. Until the time when penicillin was discovered, every third infected pneumonia died of infection. Currently, only about three million people suffer from pneumonia in the United States each year. In the Russian Federation, pneumonia causes more than one million people to suffer pneumonia in a year.

Despite all the achievements of modern medicine, pneumonia is still a serious and dangerous disease, 5% of those with pneumonia die. Pneumonia in Russia is the sixth disease in terms of mortality, therefore, one should treat the treatment seriously from the very first hours

Treatment of pneumonia. Antibiotics are used in the treatment of all types of pneumonia, regardless of the nature of their occurrence. Unfortunately, at present, infectious pneumonia can not be cured by penicillin alone, viruses and bacteria have become resistant to this drug.

Very often, antibiotics of the second and third generations are used in therapy: cephalosporin, amoxicillin, clavulanate, levofloxacin, sulfamethoxazole. With slowly developing pneumonia, it is recommended to use sulfur-containing antibiotics.

In the treatment of pneumonia caused by adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, antibiotics often do not give the proper therapeutic effect. In such cases, antiviral drugs are necessarily added to them.

In fungal forms of inflammation of the respiratory organs (histoplasmosis, blastomycosis, aspergillosis and cryptococcosis) it is mandatory to use drugs acting locally for each species of fungus.

According to my personal observations, Bicillin-5 gives an excellent effect in the treatment. It should be stabbed once in 8-10 days. You can use Bicillin-3, but the effect of its use will be less pronounced.

In addition, in the treatment of adherence to a special diet

Good Cobra

The consequences may or may not be, no one can say. Rightly they say that now you have to think about the fight against the disease, and if you are destined to be consequences, this will be the next stage of the fight.

Anna Merkulova

after all, and all will end well, vaccinate against pneumococcal infection. My 9 month old baby had purulent otitis from one ear every 11 days 4 times in a row. they spoke the deaf. Hears. Inoculation works, inflammation causes the doin microorganism

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