Sirex cough syrup instructions

Dry cough syrup is inexpensive and effective for adults

Cough is the most characteristic symptom of ARVI in patients of any age. But it is not a complication of the disease - it is a kind of protective reaction of the body.

So the immune system is struggling with a progressive infection.

During the cold, the cough reflex expels germs and harmful sputum from the respiratory tract.

The process of breathing thereby becomes easier. From the above, it follows that you do not need to get rid of cough, but you should make it productive.

To choose an effective and inexpensive drug the patient needs to focus on the nature of the cough.

With a dry cough, it is preferable to use syrups that will dilute sputum or suppress cough reflex. For the treatment of moist cough in adults, a variety of inexpensive but very effective expectorants are used.

The medicine for dry cough is the optimal remedy, which has a lot of advantages: it is convenient for dosage, it has a pleasant taste and provides a good therapeutic effect. Antitussive syrups are of three types:

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  1. mucolytic;
  2. expectorant;
  3. suppressive cough reflex.

Mucolytic (thinning) syrups are prescribed with a productive cough, but with hardly detachable thick sputum.

Expectorants are also indicated with a productive cough, but with liquid detachable.

Syrup from dry cough suppressing cough reflex and combination drugs is best used in an unproductive dry cough that takes the patient's appetite and sleep.

Suppressive and mucolytic drugs can not be taken at the same time, but there are combined effective drugs that immediately exert both expectorant and antitussive effects.

The mechanism of action of expectorating syrups for adults

expectorant syrups for adultsAs already mentioned above, mucolytic drugs dilute sputum and help the patient clear his throat. But many doctors claim that it is best to use more water to dilute sputum.

The list of mucolytic agents is quite extensive, but a very effective cough drug is one that contains Guaifenesin, a component that helps liquefy and remove sputum. Eventually, the cough leaves the body.

However, mucolytic drugs (usually cheap) have side effects: nausea, vomiting. Therefore, these medicines are not suitable for all people. In extreme cases, you can always take a lime-colored color from a cough, an effective enough folk remedy.

What kind of cough syrup is better?

Many doctors make up their list of inexpensive and effective cough drugs at the same time. This is due to the fact that these drugs have proven themselves as well as possible and are in great demand among patients.

Among these drugs can be identified:

  • Ambrogen.
  • Syrup of Althea.
  • Ascoril.
  • Ambroxol.
  • Pertussin.
  • Herbion.
  • Sinecod.
  • Glycodine.
  • Broncholitin.
  • Kodelak neo.

It is impossible to judge the effectiveness of a given drug from this list, since they all have completely different composition and quite differently affect the organisms of adults, stopping cough.

The most popular cough syrups

Cough syrup Dr. Mom is assigned to pregnant women for the treatment of dry cough accompanying bronchitis.

Dense and difficult to separate sputum begins to thin and expectorate, the inflammatory process gradually fades, the cough passes.

The composition of the syrup Dr. Mom does not include substances that can harm a developing in the womb of the mother fruit. The components that make up the medicine are of exclusively natural origin:

  1. turmeric;
  2. ginger;
  3. basil;
  4. licorice;
  5. elecampane;
  6. aloe.

A natural and high-quality drug is Gedelix, which provides the body with a quick and effective effect. The syrup does not include sugar and ethyl alcohol, which makes it affordable for people with diabetes. There are practically no contraindications to this drug.

example of expectorating syrups for adultsSyrup Gedelix is ​​prescribed with a dry cough, facilitates the patient's condition and helps to secrete the contents of the bronchi. The extract of ivy, which is a part of the syrup, provides an anti-inflammatory effect, which is observed already in the first three days of use.

The spasmolytic effect of the syrup is another undoubted advantage. The medicine eliminates the excessive stress of the walls of the bronchi and leads their muscles to a normal state. This quality of the syrup manifests itself in the first 10 hours from the beginning of treatment.

Continues the list of syrups that cure cough, the drug Eraspel. Its effect is due to the effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchi and the blocking of the nerve receptors. It is known that cough occurs as a result of the formation in the body of substances leading to spasms of bronchi. Potion Eraspel eliminates discomfort, facilitates breathing and removes phlegm from the bronchi. Apply this medicine for the treatment of wet and dry cough.

Cough in adults can be treated with Stoptopsin. This drug is so effective that even a very dry and violent cough, it can in a matter of days turn into a wet and expectorant. The action of the antitussive drug is aimed at dilution of sputum and its further excretion.

If the patient's airways are clogged with phlegm, after receiving this syrup, it will be much easier for a person to clear his throat.

Syrup Dr. Theiss contains the following components:

  • extract of plantain;
  • melissa;
  • chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • peppermint oil;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • sugar syrup;
  • water;
  • potassium sorbate.

The preparation has a viscous consistency and characteristic odor. Syrup has anti-inflammatory and expectorant qualities. Because of its sedative effect, the drug is suitable for use before bedtime.

In syrup Sinekord active substance is butamirate. The medicine is prescribed for a painful, continuous dry cough reflex (cough pertussis type). The drug Sinekord provides a powerful suppressive effect, so it is indicated to take it when the sputum goes away and no more than seven days.

Further treatment of adult patients can be carried out by expectorants. Pregnant and lactating women are not prescribed Sinecord, which is due to the lack of clinical studies in this group of patients.

Licorice root liquorLicorice root licorice is a fairly old and proven way to cure a cough. The drug has a mild effect, but its capabilities are often not enough to effectively resist the disease. Therefore, as a monopreparation, the licorice root is practically not used.

Often, doctors appoint their patients with a dry cough Lazolvan. Active ingredient in this syrup is Ambroxol - a very effective and very popular product. Since Lazolvan does not contain alcohol and sugar, it is prescribed for diabetes and allergies. The drug has small contraindications: it can not be taken by pregnant women in the first trimester and with individual intolerance of the components.

Syrup Prospan liquefies sputum, soothes a cough reflex and quickly removes mucus from the bronchi. Active substance is an extract of ivy. In addition to the main component, the medicine consists of auxiliary substances:

  1. acid lemon anhydrous;
  2. potassium sorbate;
  3. xanthan gum;
  4. solution of sorbitol 70% (crystal);
  5. cherry flavoring;
  6. purified water.

To fix and improve the therapeutic effect, which provides antitussive syrups, the patient should consume as much liquid as possible. You can learn more about this from the video in this article.

List of effective syrups for children's cough

cough for a child to choose a cough medicine

Choosing the most effective and maximally natural cough syrup, many parents seem to be a priority. This opinion is a little erroneous, because the recovery of syrup affects only indirectly, and with the focus of infection another antiviral drug or antibiotic is fighting. Cough syrup will help to speed up liquefaction and sputum discharge from the bronchi and lungs, but with a particularly painful and dry cough it is due to the syrup that the most painful symptom is removed. That is why it is worthwhile to seriously and responsibly approach the choice of a suitable drug and not engage in self-medication. Cough syrups for children list can be seen by reading the article below.

How to use a cough syrup during pregnancy Dr. Mom, is indicated in this article.


cough syrups for children list

The medicinal form of the syrup is very convenient, because the mixture is ready and it remains only to accurately measure the dose and give the child. A great advantage of syrup will be a pleasant taste, children are usually very willing to take this medicine and even ask for supplements. Along with this, there are also shortcomings, which these medicines also have. More details can be classified as follows.

Pros and cons of syrups

Benefits disadvantages
  • Ready mix that does not require cooking.
  • To maintain consistency, special chemicals are used.
  • Sweet taste that children love.
  • Often, the composition includes unnatural sugar substitutes.
  • Good efficiency in complex treatment.
A doctor's consultation is required to determine the causes of cough.
A wide range of pharmacy products. Difficulty in choosing the right drug.
Varied price range. The cost of many syrups is artificially inflated by marketing techniques and advertising in the price.

What syrup from an allergic cough for children is best used, is specified in the article.

This list can be continued indefinitely, the main thing is that every parent should understand the basic theses himself and do not trust the blindly advertised drug that helps the TV hero win-win. Before buying a suitable drug, it is necessary to find out the cause of the cough, and only then to choose a remedy that can contribute to the treatment of this disease.

The video tells about the causes of cough and ways to treat it:

Causes and possible treatment

children's cough and struggle

Coughing is not an independent disease, but simply a symptom that is caused by a number of reasons. Correct diagnosis is already half the journey on the way to a speedy recovery. Sometimes, in order to defeat a cough, cough syrup can and should not be taken, it will be enough to change some environmental factors or resort to other procedures, such as inhalations or rubbing.

How to use and what is the dosage of the cough syrup Erespal for children, you can find out by reading this article.

By its nature, a cough can be:

  • Allergic: in this case, conventional means will be powerless, should be removed if possible allergen and take special antihistamines, which can also be in the form of syrups.
  • Drycaused by a bacterial or viral infection. Dry cough can manifest itself at the very beginning of the disease and it should be treated only if it does not go into the "wet" stage itself. To do this, use antitussive drugs that stimulate the formation of mucous secretions. The more and more sputum is secreted and coughing up, the faster the organism will cope with the disease.
  • Wetcough suggests that the process of recovery is progressing naturally and the main task is to create optimal conditions for an early correction. Syrup from a wet cough will ensure maximum excretion of sputum, but if you take antitussive drugs, you can aggravate the situation. In this case, a large sputum discharge will lead to serious problems with mild and complications of the disease.
  • Cough can be caused by a specific disease -pertussis.

What is the price of the cough syrup Dr. Mom, you can find out from this article.

Apparently, there can be several options, and this, if not yet go deep into the medical jungle and not classify possible catarrhal diseases. Causes may be caused by parasites, as well as by strong dustiness of premises, for example, at work. Dry air can also provoke periodic attacks of cough, so it is so important to maintain a comfortable level of humidity, especially if the family has small children.


There are many variants of cough syrups in pharmacies, they all differ in composition and principle of action, so it is rather difficult to classify these drugs. If the characteristics take into account the price category, it will be a little easier to decide on the choice. But the principle of choice remains the same: all medicines must be prescribed by a doctor, because sometimes even a similar drug may not cope with the cause of the cough due to a slightly different principle actions.

What is the price of syrup from a dry cough Herbion, you can find out by reading this article.


  • Propane - a product of plant origin, can be used to treat children from birth, the price is from 708 rubles per bottle 200 ml, homeopathic remedy.Sprouted vegetable cough syrup
  • Herbion plantain for dry cough, the cost of 221 rubles, 150 ml.
  • Herbion primrose for a wet cough, the cost is from 223 rubles, 150 ml.
  • Dr. Tys syrup with plantain: price 187 rubles per 100 ml.
  • Doctor Mom on herbs, the cost is from 145 rubles, 100 ml.
  • Gedelix syrup, can be used for children up to a year old, contains exclusively natural ingredients. The price is 352 rubles per 100 ml. Quite cheap in the ratio of price and quality.
  • Stoppussin phyto - a collection of natural herbal extracts, 100 ml costs only 186 rubles.
  • Tussamag 200 ml for 206 rubles.
  • Phytolor is a two-component preparation, the cost per 100 ml is 121 rubles.Phytolor from a child's cough

What price of cough syrup Stodal, you can learn from this article.

Optimally affect the cough of different types of syrups with a combined effect. Usually they are at least two-component, so they have such an effect on the causes and symptoms of coughing.

Combined action

  • Ambrobe, a good mucaltic effect is due to the active substance - ambroxol, 100 ml 124 rubles.Ambroben
  • Lazolvan analogue of an amber, but with a lower concentration of active ingredient, 100 ml can be bought for 266 rubles.
  • Ambrohexal also has a similar effect, 100 ml of 112 rubles.
  • Ascoril - a combination of bromhexine, salbutanol and guaifensin, is often used in the treatment of bronchial asthma. The cost is from 328 rubles for 200 ml.
  • Bronchipret price of 295 rubles per 100 ml.
  • Omnitus 200 ml of 158 rubles.
  • Suprima Broncho a wide range of effects, 100 ml of 130 rubles.
  • Travisil syrup, 100 ml - 180 rubles.
  • FLUIFORT - an active substance carbocysteine, which has a strong mukaltic effect, the cost per 100 ml 289 rubles.
  • Halixol - 100 ml, active substance ambroksol. The cost is about 470 rubles.
  • Terasil D is a three-component preparation with an additional antihistamine effect. The cost is from 261 rubles per 100 ml.
  • Erespal, active substance fenspiride, the price is from 244 rubles for 150 ml.
  • Libexin Muko is in children's and adult dosage. The cost for 125 ml of a child's drug is 312 rubles, the adult - 349 rubles.Libexin Muk

There are also special categories of medicines without sugar. They are designed primarily for people with diabetes, but they are also great for children, because usually the sugar substitutes are more useful for the developing organism.

How to properly use the cough syrup with laryngitis in children, you can find out by reading the article.

No added sugar

  • Linkas, a special formula without sugar, 120 ml, cost - 181 rubles.Lincas - for children and without sugar
  • Tussamag without sugar 175 g 222 rubles.Tussamag

For children in the first year of life, a lot of cough syrups have also been created, but their use requires strict medical supervision, so do not risk the health of a little man and prescribe medication yourself or by advice friends.

What syrup with laryngitis in children to choose and use, is indicated in the article.

The most safe for treatment


  • Prospan: can be used to treat children from birth, the price is from 708 rubles per bottle 200 ml.
  • Linkas for children from six months, 90 ml 148 rubles.
  • Eucabal is also applied from six months, 100 ml to 201 rubles.Eucabal
  • Sinecode can be used from two months, it helps from a dry cough of 200 ml of 318 rubles.
  • Gedelix syrup, can be used for children up to a year old, exclusively natural ingredients, on herbs. The price is 352 rubles per 100 ml.

Many of us remember the taste from childhood: Soviet cough syrups cope with any disease faster and more efficiently. Most people now trust precisely proven recipes, so they buy inexpensive analogues of foreign preparations.

What syrup with a barking cough is most often chosen, is indicated in the article.

The most inexpensive "Soviet" cough syrups:

  • Altea syrup, 125 ml - 45 rubles.Althea syrup
  • Pertussin - a combined herbal preparation, 100 ml of 26 rubles.
  • Syrup of licorice is an inexpensive and effective drug, 100 ml costs only 45 rubles.
  • Broncholitin - 125 g. 85 rubles.
  • Bromhexine is a good help to get phlegm, the price is about 124 rubles per 100 ml.Bromhexine

What syrup from barking cough in children is the most effective, indicated in the article.

Apparently, the choice is really huge and constantly updated with all new drugs. Most of them already have analogs, some are absolutely unique. An integrated approach in the treatment of cough will be a reliable and responsible decision, in which there is no place for thoughtless "self-activity". Do not abuse and prescribe yourself and children drugs on the advice of friends or by choosing at random from the pharmacy showcase.Cough syrups are also medicament preparations and contain many active ingredients in the formulation.If the disease is not properly diagnosed, they will not bring anything but harm.

"Sirep" (syrup): instructions for use and reviews

How is Sirep (syrup) used and why is it prescribed? The instructions for use and indications for the use of the suspension will be described later. Also, you will find out whether it is possible to give this medication to children, whether it has side effects, contraindications, etc.

syrup syrup instruction

Composition, packaging, description

In what packaging is sold the drug "Sirep" (syrup)? Instructions for the use of medicines are embedded in a pack of cardboard. It also contains a dark plastic bottle, clogged with a screwed polyethylene lid with a warranty ring.

The preparation in question has an orange color, and also contains an active substance such as fenspiride hydrochloride. In addition, the suspension also contains additional ingredients in the form of methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, potassium sorbate, sodium saccharinate, orange and yellow dye, sucrose, flavor with honey odor, vanilla flavor, citric acid monohydrate and purified water.

Pharmacological properties

How does the drug "Syrress" (syrup) work? The instruction says that the active substance of this drug has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also counteracts bronchoconstriction.

These properties of the drug are the result of the interaction of interrelated mechanisms:

  • The anti-inflammatory effect is associated with a decrease in the production of proinflammatory factors. By the way, some of them have a bronchoconstrictive effect. Although such effects are observed only at very high concentrations or doses of the drug.
  • The antagonistic activity of the drug occurs at the level of histamine H1 receptors.


What pharmacokinetic parameters does Syrpus syrup have? Experts say that after taking the suspension inside its maximum concentration is achieved after 6-8 hours.

syrup syrup user's manual

As for the half-life, it is 12 hours. The active substance of the drug is excreted by the kidneys.

Indications for use

At what diseases is the drug "Sirep" prescribed? Syrup for children and adults are used for rhinopharyngitis, otitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinotraheobronchitis, supporting treatment of complicated and isolated bronchial asthma, respiratory symptoms in the presence of measles, influenza and pertussis.

Contraindications to taking medicinal syrup

Is there a contraindication to the use of the "Sirep" medication? Cough syrup is not prescribed to patients with increased sensitivity to the main substance or additional ingredients that make up its composition. Also, it is not recommended to give the suspension to children under the age of two.

According to the instructions, this preparation contains sucrose. Therefore, it is not prescribed for people with rare genetic diseases that are associated with a syndrome of poor absorption of galactose-glucose, intolerance to fructose, or a deficiency of isomaltase-sucrose.

Syrup sirep reviews

Medicinal preparation "Sirep" (syrup): instructions for use

Take this medication should be taken orally, immediately before meals. Its dosage depends on the type of disease, as well as the patient's age and weight.

Children over the age of two usually receive 4 mg of the drug for each kg of body weight per day.

  • Up to 10 kg: 20 ml of syrup or 4 measuring spoons per day (ie 40 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride).
  • More than 10 kg: 60 ml of syrup or 12 measuring spoons per day (that is 120 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride). This dose is recommended to be divided into three doses.

How do adolescents and adults get the drug "Sirep" (syrup)? The instructions give the following dosages:

  • 50-90 ml of syrup or 10-18 measuring spoons per day (i.e., 100-180 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride). The specified dose of the drug should be divided into several receptions.

To determine a more accurate dose of medication in the package, there is a measuring spoon with a scale of 5 ml, ml, and 5 ml. It should also be noted that 5 ml of the suspension contains 3 g of sucrose (i.e., 5 bread units) and 10 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride.

syrup syrup for children

The duration of treatment with this remedy is determined by the treating doctor.

Cases of overdose

When an overdose of the drug "Sirep" in patients can be observed such adverse reactions as nausea, drowsiness, vomiting, agitation and tachycardia.

To eliminate these symptoms, gastric lavage is performed, as well as an ECG.

Side effects

What side effects can occur when taking the drug "Sirep". Syrup for children, reviews about which are positive, sometimes causes the following phenomena:

  • cardiac disorders and mild tachycardia (the latter ceases after dosage reduction);
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • From the side of the digestive tract, the patient often has nausea, gastrointestinal disorders and stomach pain;
  • drowsiness;
  • allergic reactions in the form of erythema, Quincke's edema, rash, fixed erythema pigmentosa;
  • because of the presence of para-hydroxybenzoate in the syrup, the patient may develop urticaria;
  • disorders in the work of the nervous system;
  • dizziness.syrup syrup from cough

Any of the listed side effects, as well as those that were not included in the list, should immediately be reported to the doctor in charge.

Drug Interactions

Is it possible to combine the preparation "Sirep" (syrup) with other medicines? The instruction does not contain any information on this account. But, taking into account the antihistaminic properties of this medication, one should expect negative reactions during the interaction of the drug in question:

  • with barbiturates;
  • other antihistamines, narcotic, analgesic and sedatives, as well as MAO inhibitors and alcohol.

Special recommendations on the use of medicinal syrup

What should the patient be warned about before prescribing him the Siresp product (syrup for children)? The instruction says that for infectious diseases, treatment with this medication is required in conjunction with standard antibiotic therapy.

In view of the content of preservatives such as propyl parahydroxybenzoate and methyl in the suspension, its administration may cause allergic reactions (effects with delayed action are possible).

Patients with diabetes should know that 5 ml of medicinal syrup contains about 3 g of sucrose. This should be taken into account when taking the suspension.

syrup syrup for children reviews

The composition of the preparation "Sirep" includes a dye yellow "sunset sunset". As practice shows, this component often causes allergic reactions in both adults and children (effects with delayed action are possible).

Does the drug "Siresp" affect the patient's ability to manage complex mechanisms and drive vehicles? Studies on this subject have not been conducted.

Analogues and cost of a medicinal product

How can you replace syrup from cough syrup? Analogues of this drug are the following: "Erespal", "Eladon", "Erispirus".

As for the price, it is not very high in this suspension. You can buy 150 ml of medicinal syrup for 200-230 rubles.

Patients' comments about the drug "Sirep"

The drug "Siresp" is very popular among patients. This is primarily due to the fact that it has a relatively low cost, and also has a high therapeutic efficiency.

Most of the reviews about this medication are left by parents of young children and adolescents. According to their reports, syrup "Sirep" quickly enough eliminates unpleasant symptoms of such diseases as sinusitis, rhinopharyngitis, otitis, laryngitis, bronchitis and rhinotraheobronchitis. He also effectively fights against influenza and bronchial asthma.

syrup syrup for children

As for negative reviews, most of them are associated with the appearance of the following adverse reactions: nausea, rash, stomach pain, urticaria.

All expectorants for cough with bronchitis

When ORVI, bronchitis with a damp cough with poorly separated sputum, the use of medicines is recommended, which either dilute sputum - mucolytic drugs, or facilitate its separation - expectorants from cough. These include both herbal remedies and synthetic preparations.

Many of us prefer to restrict the intake of medications not obtained from natural substances, however, it should always be remembered that any a medicinal plant, no matter what positive properties it possessed, as well as synthetic agents have side effects, and has a number contraindications.

Since the composition of all medicinal plants is very complex and saturated, in addition to useful and medicinal herbs, a lot of other, sometimes toxic, harmful substances are included in the herbs and preparations. Moreover, in our days, the majority of the population suffers from various types of allergies, and any drug, even the most expensive, effective and safe, can cause an inadequate body reaction.

Classification of funds that facilitate cough and promote rapid recovery

All means for cough relief are subdivided into antitussives, expectorants and mucolytic agents.

  • Antitussives, as well as combination preparations - are indicated for dry, unproductive cough, disturbing sleep and appetite (see. article antitussives with dry cough).
  • Expectorants - are indicated with a productive cough, when the sputum is not thick, not viscous.
  • Mucolytic agents - are shown with a productive cough, but with a thick, hard to separate, viscous sputum.

Any cough medicine must be prescribed only by your doctor. Antitussive remedies can not be used to treat concomitantly with mucolytic drugs, but there are combination drugs that have a weak antitussive and expectorant effect.

Expectorants - means that stimulate expectoration are also divided into:

  • Reflex action - these drugs have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, and this in its turn excites the vomiting center, but vomiting does not occur, but the production of mucus in respiratory ways. The peristalsis of the smooth musculature of the bronchi and the activity of the epithelium, which removes phlegm from small to large bronchioles and into the trachea, is also intensified. The result of this irritation is the facilitation of expectoration of mucus and the removal of sputum from the bronchi. In general, these are herbal preparations - thermopsis, Ledum, mother and stepmother, althea, plantain, thyme, etc.
  • Direct resorptive action - after digestion of these cough suppressants in the digestive tract, they cause irritation of the bronchial mucosa, thereby increasing the secretion of liquid sputum.

Mucolytic agents are preparations that dilute sputum:

  • Mukoliticheskie means, affecting the elasticity and viscosity of bronchial mucus (ATSTS, etc.)
  • Mucolytic agents that accelerate the excretion of sputum (bromhexine, ambroxol)
  • Mucolytic drugs that reduce the formation of mucus (Libexin Muko, M-cholinoblockers, glucocorticoids).

Expectorants for cough reflex action

The use of infusions from the herb of thermopsis should be treated very carefully. At children at the slightest overdose there can be a vomiting. Moreover, the cytisine (alkaloid) entering into its composition in large doses can cause a short-term stimulation of respiration in children, which then gives way to respiratory depression.

Preparations of Althea

Indication: Chronic and acute diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, emphysema. At which a difficultly separated sputum is formed, increased viscosity.

Pharmacological action: When using expectorants from the herb althea medicinal, the effect is achieved by stimulation of peristalsis of bronchioles, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, dilutes bronchial secret.
Contraindications: increased sensitivity to this drug, gastric and duodenal ulcer. For preparations in syrup, use with caution in diabetes mellitus and fructose intolerance. Children under 3 years, with pregnancy only according to the indications.
Side effects: allergic manifestations, rarely nausea, vomiting

Mukaltin, tablets (20 rubles).

Method of use: Children mukultin as an expectorant for cough take, dissolving 1 a tablet in 1/3 of a glass of water, adults are recommended to 50-100 mg 3/4 p / day before meals, a course of therapy 1-2 weeks.

The roots of the althea(60 rubles) raw materials crushedThe roots of the althea
Dosage: Take in the form of infusion, which is prepared as follows - a tablespoon on a glass of cold water, in a water bath is boiled for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered, squeezed, brought to 200 ml. Admission is carried out 3-4 r / day after eating, before taking shake. Children 3-5 years, 1 dessert each. spoon, 6-14 years for 1-2 tablespoons, adults 1/2 cup for 1 reception. The course of treatment is 12-21 days.
Alteika syrup(90 rub) syrup Althea (30-130 rub)Alteika
Application: Inside after meals, children under 12 years old - 4 r / day for 1 hour. spoon, diluted in a quarter of a glass of water, adults for 1 tbsp. l. syrup, diluted in half a glass of water. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks, according to the indications the duration of therapy can be continued.

Preparations of thermopsis

Thermopsolpills for cough (30-50 rub)


The herb of thermopsis has a pronounced expectorant property, this herbal preparation contains many alkaloids (cytisine, thermopsin, methyl cytisine, anagirine, pachycarpine, thermopsidin), which exert a stimulating effect on the respiratory center, and at high doses on the vomiting Centre. Sodium bicarbonate, which is a part of the tablets Termopsol also reduces the viscosity of phlegm, stimulating the secretion of bronchial glands.
Indications: Tablets from cough Termopsol are indicated when coughing with hard-to-recover sputum, with bronchitis and tracheobronchitis.
Contraindications: Stomach ulcer and 12-finger. gut, hypersensitivity
Usage: 1 table. 3 r / day course of 3-5 days.

Kodelak Broncho(120-170 rubles)without codeinethe composition includes (thermopsis extract, ambroxol, sodium hydrogen carbonate and glycyrrhizinate)Kodelak Broncho
Kodelak Broncho with thyme100 ml. elixir (150 rub)without codeine,in the composition (thyme extract, ambroxol, sodium glycyrrhizinate) These are combined expectorants that have expressed and mucolytic, and expectorant action, in addition have a moderate anti-inflammatory activity. Included in Ambroxol reduces the viscosity of phlegm, and Sodium glycyrrhizinate has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.Kodelak broncho with thyme
Indications: Kodelak Broncho is used for difficulty in sputum discharge during pneumonia, COPD, bronchitis acute and chronic, with bronchoectatic disease.
Contraindications: Pregnancy, children under 12 years, during lactation, with increased sensitivity to components of Kodelak Broncho. With caution in bronchial asthma, ulcerative gastrointestinal diseases, people with hepatic and renal insufficiency.
Dosage: When eating 1 table. 3 r / day, can not be used for more than 4-5 days.
Side effects: Headache, weakness, dry mouth, diarrhea, constipation, with high doses and prolonged reception - nausea, vomiting. Dryness of the mucosa of the respiratory tract, allergic reactions, dysuria, exanthema.

Thoracal Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4

Chest CoughThe composition of which includes medicinal herbs:
  • Breast gathering 1 - mother and stepmother, oregano
  • Breast gathering 2 - plantain, mother and stepmother, licorice (Phytopectol 40-50 r.)
  • Breast gathering 3 - marshmallow, pine buds, anise, sage
  • Breast gathering 4 - Ledum, licorice, chamomile, calendula, violet

More details about these collections of medicinal herbs from coughing can be read in our article - Breastfeeding, "from coughing - instructions for use.

Expectorant collectionExpectorant collection- Ledum, chamomile, elecampane rhizomes, mother and stepmother, calendula, peppermint, licorice, plantain.
Application: infusion take 4 r / day before meals in 1/4 cup or 50 ml, course 10-14 days. Infusion is prepared as follows - 1 tbsp. l. collection boil in a water bath for 15 minutes in 200 ml of water, then cool, bring to 200 ml.
Side effect: Diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, allergic manifestations.
(elixir, manufacturer of Ukraine) composition: Ledum, plantain, anise, violet, licorice, sage, thyme.

Leaf of plantain, mother and stepmother, ledum and other vegetable preparations

Leaf of plantain(30 rubles pack)


Plantain contains many useful biologically active substances, mucus, vitamins, essential oil, oleic acid, bitter and tannins, resins, saponins, sterols, emulsions, alkaloids, chlorophyll, mannitol, sorbitol, phytoncides, flavonoids, macro- and microelements. It has bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, expectorant, mild laxative effect. It also has a mucolytic effect, restoring the work of the ciliated epithelium.
Indication: diseases of the digestive tract, kidneys, atherosclerosis (treatment of cerebral atherosclerosis), cystitis, inflammatory diseases nasopharynx and oral cavity, with atopic dermatitis, with whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia as a strong expectorant therapeutic means.
Contraindications: gastritis hyperacid, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions to herbal preparations.
Application: infusion for half an hour before a meal of 2 tbsp. spoons. 3 r / day course 1-2 weeks.
Side effect: Heartburn (see. tablets from heartburn), allergic reactions

Herbion with plantain(180-230 rubles) For more details on the use of Herbion in dry cough and Herbionum with a damp cough, read in our article.

Grasshopper herb grass(35 rubles)Ledumis part of the expectorant collection, Breastfeeding No 4 and Bronchophyta. Herbal means of expectorant action, essential oil components have a locally irritating effect on mucous membranes bronchi, ledum has both antimicrobial and moderate anti-inflammatory effect, has an exciting effect on myometrium and CNS.
Dosage: Infusion of 3 r / day for 1/2 cup, for infusion it takes 2 tablespoons of herbs per 200 ml of boiling water.
Side effects: Increased bronchospasm, increased irritability, excitability, dizziness.
Mother and stepmother(40 rub)Mother and stepmother
Application: due to the biologically active substances included in the composition it has antimicrobial, expectorant, diaphoretic, choleretic, wound-healing and antispasmodic properties.
Dosage: every 3 hours for 15 ml infusion or 2-3 tablespoons 3 r / day for an hour before meals. Prepare the infusion as follows - 2 tbsp. Spoons are filled with a glass of water and for 15 minutes. boil in a water bath, then cool, filter, volume is adjusted to 200 ml.
Plantain syrup and mother and stepmothers(200 rubles)Expectorants for coughing
Contraindications: children under 6 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, peptic ulcer.
Use: the syrup is taken to children 6-10 years old to 15 years old for 2 hours. spoon, adult 1-2 tbsp. spoon 4 r / day course 14-21 day. The change in the duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician.
Side effects: allergic reactions (see. all tablets from allergies)

Stoppussin phyto syrup(130 rubles)Stoppusin phytocomposition: plantain, thyme, thyme. This is a phytopreparation with an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.
Contraindicated: during pregnancy and feeding, children under 1 year. Patients with epilepsy (causes), kidney and liver diseases, brain injuries should be taken with caution.
Application: after meals 1-5 years for 1 hour. spoon 3 r / day, 5-10 years for 1-2 hours. l. 10-15 years for 2-3 tsp, adults for 1 tbsp. l. 3-5 r / day. Usually the course of treatment is not more than 1 week, continue therapy is possible according to the indications.
Coldrex bronchus (syrup 110-250 rub)Coldrex bronchus
Syrup Caldrex bronchus has the smell of anise and licorice, the main substance used is guaifenesin, and also includes dextrose, macrogol, sodium cyclamate and benzoate, tincture of red pepper, star anise seed oil, racemic camphor, levomenthol.
Contraindicated: children under 3 years, with peptic ulcer, hypersensitivity.
Usage: Children from 3-12 years of age are shown an example in a single dose of 5 ml every 3 hours, an adult 10 ml every 3 hours.
Side effects: abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria, rash.

Thyme (thyme extract)

Thyme grass(40 rub) Thyme essential oil (90 rub)

Grass of thyme

It is also an expectorant for coughs of plant origin, has analgesic and antimicrobial effect.
Contraindications and side effects are similar to plantain leaf.
Usage: 1 tbsp. spoon or 15 sachets filled with a glass of water and boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered, brought to 200 ml. Take after eating 1 tbsp. l. 3 r / day course of 14-21 days.

  • Bronchicum - pastilliki from cough (150 rub) syrup (250 rub)Bronhicum C
  • Pertussin syrup (30 rub)
  • Tussamag drops and syrup (90-170 rub)

These are liquid extracts of thyme, which are mucolytic and expectorant agents for coughing with bronchitis, pneumonia, with diseases with paroxysmal coughing, and with hardly detachable sputum.

  • Bronchicum With syrup and lozenges

After meals, children 6-12 months - on, h. spoons 2 r / day, 2-6 years - 1 hour. l. 2 r / day, 6-12 years - 1 tsp3 r / day, for adults 2 tsp. 3 r / day.

PertussinPastilles should be absorbed, children 6-12 years old - 1 paste. 3 r / day, for adults 1-2 pastes. 3 r / day.
  • Bronchicum TP (primrose with thyme)

Children 1-4 years - on, ch. 3 r / day, 5-12 years - 1 tsp each. 4 r / day, adults for 1 tsp. 6 r / day. Bronchicum should be taken throughout the day at regular intervals.

  • Pertussin (thyme + potassium bromide)

After meals, children 3-6 years old, ch. Lolki,

Tussamag6-12 years old by 1-2 tsp, over 12 years old on a dessert spoon, adults on a tablespoon 3 r / day, course 10-14 days.
  • Tussamag drops and syrup (thyme extract)

Children 1-5 years old take 2-3 r / day for 10-25 drops, which can be taken in diluted and undiluted form. Children older than 5 years of 20-50 drops, adults 40-60 drops of 4 r / day. Syrup should be taken after meals for children 1-5 years 3p / day for 1 tsp., Over 5 years 1-2 tsp, for adults 2-3 tsp. 4 r / day.


Gelomirtol (170-250 rub)


It is an expectorant for coughing with chronic and acute bronchitis, of plant origin.
Dosage: Children under 10 years of 120mg 5p / day for acute inflammation, 3 r / day for chronic process. Adults for half an hour before meals with acute bronchitis 300 mg 4 r / day, with chronic 2 p / day for chronic. In chronic bronchitis at bedtime, 300 mg are additionally taken to improve sputum excretion.
Side effects: dyspepsia, allergic reactions, abdominal pain, increased mobility of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys.

Expectorants for cough of direct resorptive action

Such active ingredients as ammonium chloride, sodium hydrogen carbonate, potassium and sodium iodides increase secretion liquid sputum, the same effect is possessed by essential oils of fruits of anise, medicinal herbs - rosemary, oregano and etc.



Amtersallammonium chloride, sodium benzoate, potassium bromide, licorice root extract and herbs of thermopsis.
Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, children under 3 years, peptic ulcer, hypersensitivity.
Application: After meals, children 3-6 years old - 1 / 2hl. 3 r / day, 6-12 years - 1 teaspoon, 12-18 years - 1 dessert each. spoon, adults for 1 tbsp. l 3 r / day, the course of treatment 10-14 days.

Mucolytic agents for coughing with bronchitis

Mucolytic agents help to dilute viscous sputum, improving the process of its removal, eliminating the nutrient medium for pathogenic microorganisms.


  • FluimucilATSTS (sachets, tab. soluble, syrup, bottles (120-400 rub)
  • Vix active agent ekspedomed (tab. soluble 220-280 rub)
  • Fluimucil (granules, ampoules, tablets 200-240 rub)

Mucolytic agent, reduces the severity of the inflammatory process, reduces the frequency of exacerbations in chronic bronchitis. It is indicated for laryngitis (treatment in a child), otitis media, obstructive, acute bronchitis, pneumonia.
Contraindicated in pregnancy, children under 2 years of age, with pulmonary hemorrhage, with caution in bronchial asthma (may worsen

ACCbronchospasm), renal and hepatic insufficiency, adrenal diseases.
Application: Duration of therapy for acute catarrhal diseases should not exceed 7 days, with chronic bronchitis a longer reception is possible. Preparations of acetylcysteine ​​is better taken after eating, it should be borne in mind that always additional fluid intakeViks Activeincreases the expectorant effect.
Children 2-5 years of 100 mg 2-3 r / day, from 6-14 years 3 r / day for 100 mg, an adult at 200 mg 3 r / day or 600 mg once a day.
Side effects: tinnitus, headache, stomatitis, vomiting, heartburn, tachycardia, lowering of blood pressure, bronchospasm, development of pulmonary hemorrhage, urticaria, skin rash.


  • Bromhexine (table 40-80 rub, drops 100 rubles, potion (140 rub)Bronhosan
  • Bronchosan (drops 160-190 rub) Ingredients: bromhexine hydrochloride, oil of oregano, fennel, mint, eucalyptus, anise, levomenthol
  • Solvyn (syrup, table. 120 rubles)

Mucolytic agent, has expectorant and weak antitussive effect. The effect occurs within 2-5 days after the initiation of therapy.
Contraindicated: children under 6 years of age for tablets, hypersensitivity, 1 trimester of pregnancy, during lactation.

Bromhexinechildren from 6 years 8 mg 3 r / day, from 2-6 years (in syrup, medicine) 2 mg 3 r / day, adults 8-16 mg 4 r / day. You can treat in the form of inhalations with bronchitis, laryngitis, they are 2 r / day, the solution is diluted with saline solution or distilled water 1/1, heated to body temperature, dosage for children 2-10 years -2 mg, over 10 years - 4, adults - 8 mg.
Side effects: vomiting, nausea, allergic reactions, headache, dizziness.

Combined preparations Dzhoset, Ascoril, Kashnol

width = They are used only for strict indications.
On the appointment of a doctor with obstructive syndrome.
  • Dzhosset syrup price 150-180 rub.
  • Cough syrup 130 rub.
  • Ascoril tablets. 300 rubles, syrup 250 rubles.

Ingredients: Bromhexine, Guaifenesin, Salbutamol.
Shown: with bronchial asthma, COPD, pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, tracheobronchitis.
Contraindications: children under 3 years, glaucoma, pregnancy and the period of feeding, tachyarrhythmia, thyrotoxicosis, myocarditis, diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer, hepatic and renal failure, aortic stenosis. It should not be taken together with non-selective blockers of β-adrenoreceptors, with antitussive agents, MAO inhibitors.
Dosage: Children strictly according to prescription of the doctor 3-6 years for 5 ml 3 r / day, from 6 to 12 years 5-10 ml. 3 r / day, over 12 years and adults 10 ml. 3 r / day.
Side effects: increased nervous excitability, headache, convulsions, dizziness, drowsiness, tremor, sleep disturbance (see. how quickly to fall asleep), vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, exacerbation of stomach ulcers, depression of pressure, tachycardia, staining of urine pink, rash, urticaria, paradoxical bronchospasm.
Special instructions: Do not drink alkaline.



Flavamed- Lazolvan (Table. syrup, bottles 200-360), Ambrobe (tab. ampoules, capsules, syrup 120-200 rub), Ambrohexal (tab. syrup 70-100 rubles), Ambroxol (Table. syrup 20-40 rubles), Ambrosan (tab. 100 rubles), Flavamed (tab. the flask. 150-200 rubles), Haliksol (tab. 100 rubles).

This mucolytic, expectorant drug, Lazolvan - is today considered one of the most effective mucolytic drugs.
Indications: with COPD, pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis,

Lazolvanbronchial asthma, etc. diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by viscous sputum.
Contraindicated: in 1 trim-re pregnancy, in 2 and 3 trim-re with caution, patients with chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.
Application: Take the tablets after meals for 30 mg. 3 r / day for adults. Children are shown reception in the form of a syrup up to 2 years, ch. 2 r / day, 2-6 years -, ch. 3 r / day, 6-12 yearsAmbrosanfor 1 tsp. 3 r / day, adults for 2 tsp. 3 r / day, the course of therapy is usually no more than 5 days. The syrup should be taken with a large amount of liquid during meals.
Side effects: heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reactions, skin rash.


  • Libexin MucoLibexin Muko for adults, Libexin Muko for children (270 rubles)
  • Bronchobos syrup and capsules (200 -220 rub)
  • Fluviert syrup and tablets (230-280 rub)
  • Flüditik syrup (250 rub)

expectorant mucolytic agent, increases the viscosity of sputum, improves the elasticity of bronchial secretions.
Contraindications: pregnancy, up to 2 years (for children's forms) for children under 15 years (for adult forms - Libexin Muko, Bronhobos capsules, Flouifort tablets), gastric ulcer, chronic

Fluviertglomerufrit, cystitis.
Application: 15 ml or 1 measuring cup 3 r / day, separately from food intake. The course of treatment can not be conducted for more than 8 days
Side effects: gastrointestinal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, urticaria, skin itching, weakness, dizziness.

What is a good cough syrup for an adult?






The Golden Flower

all the same it is necessary to go urgently to the doctor. There are many syrups and the action is varied. I need to listen to you


Thyme syrup


Lazolvan, but generally you need to see a doctor!

[email protected]

Broth of needles, he sells in a pharmacy. Half a glass in the morning and at night. This is more effective than syrup.

Catherine Martina

Ascoril and ACC are very good for departing macronutrients, the main thing is to clear your throat well, and so that the throat does not ache to soften it, drink warm and suck the doctor, or light mixes like licorice.


Lazolvan. And not syrup, but a solution. It can and should be drunk to dilute sputum and inhalation. Inhalations are even more effective, because they penetrate the bronchi

Elena Lebedeva

Good afternoon! good cough syrup ". I had bronchitis, could not sleep from coughing, Ascoril was saved. Cough with macronutrients are well helped by the "Ambrobene" tablets.


tussin plus and licorice root syrup

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