The stocomes of the visual apparatus are usually considered as a visual defect, which may be a symptom of a disease and a separate pathology.Depending on the prerequisites for their occurrence, various types of vision therapy may be prescribed, which only a qualified ophthalmologist can determine. However, what is the pathology and what to do when you find it is necessary to know everyone.
1Definition of disease
2Types and Classification
5Possible complications
Definition of disease
Stocoma is a small area in the field of vision in which vision is weakened or absent.At the same time, from all sides, this area, as a rule, is surrounded by areas of normal vision. Stocomes can be an independent disease, and in some cases are only a symptom of more serious problems.
Elderly people are more at greater risk of disease, so it is especially important for them to monitor the condition of the visual apparatus.
Stokomy divide into pathological and physiological:
Pathologicalcan occur most often with damage to the capillary membrane of the eye. In this case, the positive are distinguished (the patient himself can look through the blind areas) and negative (they are only detected in the laboratory examination of the field of vision).
Physiologicaldentistry can remain unnoticed by the patient in binocular vision, since the visual fields of the right and left eyes partially close. Because of this, micro-eye movements (nystagmus) are possible.
There is also a classification of the runoff by intensity. Here distinguish:
Absolute(characterized by complete lack of vision);
Relative(suggest a weakening of vision from abnormal areas).
At the location, the scotoma is divided into peripheral and central scotoma.The central ones form in the area of the macula (macula) and testify to lesions of the retina of the eye,
Also, defects can be oval, annular, round, arcuate, wedge-shaped.
Each type and form of drains may indicate the presence of a certain disease. So, with the help of their definition, you can conduct a study of the visual apparatus and make a diagnosis.
The main cause of the appearance of blind areas in the visual field is the loss of quality of blood supply to the organs of vision in connection with the vasodilation.In turn, this phenomenon can arise as a result of the development of the following diseases:
Glaucoma of various forms;
Traumatic injuries of the eyeball;
Diabetes(as a complication);
Myopia(mainly in the elderly);
Lesions of the optic nerve (neuritis, partial atrophy);
As an independent disease of the stokoma can arise on the basis of a strong stressful situation and other non-standard situationsth. Also, the cause of the development of the disease may be a neoplasm in the visual apparatus area.
Also in ophthalmic practice there is the concept of "ciliary scotoma" or "eye migraine".This pathology is defined in that temporary dark spots appear in the peripheral or central zone of visibility, which have the property of passing after some time.
If you have at least one of the listed pathologies, you need to register with an ophthalmologist.
One of the most prominent signs of the emergence of pathology is the appearance of blind areas in the visual field. Also with the disease are possible:
Opacification of vitreous body and lens;
Optical effects: flies, cobwebs and so on;
Headaches and dizziness;
Increased intraocular pressure.
In some cases, with a severe form of sink, a sustained deterioration in the quality of vision or a complete loss is possible.
These symptoms may be signs of other serious illnesses. In any case, they pose a great danger and require professional diagnosis.
Possible complications
As a rule, the pathology itself does not bring any complications. ABOUTHowever, any of the possible diseases that cause the anomaly can worsen the state of vision.Thus, retinal detachment, cataract complications, optic nerve atrophy and, as a result, loss of vision without recovery can occur.
Medical examination is necessary primarily to determine the true cause of the outflow. The following studies are needed for this:
Tomography of the brain;
Measurement of fluid pressure inside the eye;
Ultrasound examination;
Investigation of the fundus;
Measurement of blood pressure.MRI
To study the intensity, optical tests, perimetry and campimetry are carried out.Also important are the results of a patient's interview and a study of his medical history. Often, a medical examination from specialists of other directions can be appointed.
The sooner the diagnosis is carried out and the treatment is started, the more chances are for the full return of the functions of the visual apparatus without complications.
Therapy of the stokoma is based on the results of diagnosis and the initial diagnosis.As a rule, the disease requires an integrated approach to treatment and involves the elimination of underlying causes along with the very anomaly of vision.
Selection of medicines is carried out in accordance with the diagnosis. Elimination of drain by itself with the help of drugs is impossible.When glaucoma is prescribed funds to increase fluid outflow and reduce pressure inside the eye, with high arterial pressure - its stabilizers.Headaches are also removed with the help of medications for oral administration.
Xalthal lowers intraocular pressure
Surgical operations are indicated for glaucoma (basal iridectomy), myopia (laser keratomileusis), cataract (phacoemulsification), retinal detachment (laser coagulation),occurrence and development of neoplasms. In these cases, intervention with a scalpel or laser device is possible. It is possible to apply microspots and a special sterile bandage, which must be periodically changed. There will also be a need for adherence to a special regimen after surgery and scheduled follow-up visits from an ophthalmologist.
Laser Coagulation Procedure
The use of drugs that prevent postoperative complications and the occurrence of infections of various types is also necessary.
In order to avoid complications and problems during treatment, it is necessary to comply with all the prescriptions of the doctor. The introduction of any adjustments without the permission of the ophthalmologist and the therapist is highly discouraged.
It is difficult to prevent the occurrence of run-off due to the complexity of the problem. However, there are a number of preventive measures that can significantly reduce the risk of their occurrence and complications of existing diseases:
Timely conduct treatment and prevention of diseases of the body and, in particular, the visual apparatus;
Observe the basic rules of visual hygiene;
To pass medical examinations at the oculist at least once a year;
Monitor the state of body immunity;
Avoid traumatic situations and overexertion of the visual apparatus.
It is necessary to correctly distribute the load on the visual apparatus and provide the body with a proper rest and sleep.
The emergence of runoff often signals a serious problem with the structural components of the visual apparatus - the retina, the optic nerve, the cornea and its components.In this case, the causes of their appearance can be both serious pathologies, and diseases that are easily treatable. In each case, therapy should be started as soon as possible, since delay is fraught with serious consequences for the eyes. In case of timely prescription of treatment, a favorable prognosis and the outcome of the situation are possible.