Does acupuncture help with smoking?

Not everyone can get rid of craving for nicotine with the help of willpower. Therefore, many smokers resort to various aids. Acupuncture from smoking is a popular method that is used to cure a harmful addiction. What is the essence of the technique, what contraindications should be taken into account?

  • Coding from smoking with acupuncture is the essence of the method
  • Getting Rid of Smoking by Acupuncture - Pros and Cons
  • Contraindications
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Coding from smoking with acupuncture is the essence of the method

Acupuncture (acupuncture) is one of the methods used in Chinese medicine to treat various kinds of addictions. On the human body there are a lot of reflex points - with the right effect on them you can get rid of diseases and addictions, reduce the manifestation of the pain syndrome.

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Does acupuncture help get rid of cravings for nicotine? Experts argue that the technique helps to get rid of smoking to every ninth smokers smokers, eliminates psychological and physical dependence. Nicotine has an effect on certain receptors - after smoking a cigarette in the blood, the level of adrenaline and hormone of joy rises, so a strong attachment to smoking is formed.

Important! During the session of acupuncture against smoking, the effect of substituting the pleasure from nicotine with substances normally produced in the body arises - this helps to reduce the withdrawal syndrome that occurs when a harmful habit is abandoned, and the body clears gradually.

What happens during the acupuncture session:

  • there is a sense of harmony, calm, undergoing a stressful condition;
  • blood circulation normalizes, muscle clamps disappear;
  • the work of the kidneys, lungs improves, liver cells begin to regenerate.

Specialists in acupuncture use disposable thin needles, the length of which is 30 or 60 mm. Active points for getting rid of nicotine dependence are on the right or left ear, depending on whether the right-hander or the left-handed patient. Needles are introduced shallowly so as not to injure the cartilage of the auricle. Find active points, correctly enter the needle can only the acupuncturist, so you should not try to conduct a procedure at home.

Sometimes needles are injected subcutaneously, they need to be worn constantly for 3-7 days. With a strong desire to smoke, you need to easily push the needle, hold it for a few seconds. Due to the constant impact on the active point, the process of purification and recovery of the organism is started, the craving for smoking gradually disappears.

During the action on the active points with needles, the patient feels a slight burning sensation, which gradually increases - by the end of the procedure, it seems that the ear is swollen. The duration of the session is 15-90 minutes, it all depends on the person's well-being. To completely get rid of addiction, it takes 3-10 sessions, for some people craving for nicotine disappears after the first session.

As an alternative to the traditional method of acupuncture, electro-acupuncture is used - this method is as effective, but less traumatic. The active points are affected by a magnetic head.

The acupuncturist selects individual treatment regimens depending on the sex and age of the patient, the duration and degree of nicotine addiction, the number of cigarettes that a person smokes per day.

Getting Rid of Smoking by Acupuncture - Pros and Cons

Acupuncture has many advantages, the main of which is naturalness. During therapy I do not use medicines, hypnosis, unverified methods of influence on the psyche and the human body.

Acupuncture allows you to quickly and practically painlessly get rid of addiction. At the same time, irritability is not observed, which often happens in people who stop smoking - when injecting needles, an active synthesis of endorphins in the body begins. After the first session, dryness in the mouth disappears, the digestive and nervous systems work. During treatment there is no increase in appetite, food dependence is absent.

When exposed to active points with needles, headaches occur, the pressure and heart rate are normalized. Aversion is caused not only by smoking, but also by tobacco smoke.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • high cost - the price for the entire course can exceed 10 thousand. rub.;
  • pain syndrome during the procedure, which can cause discomfort to people with increased sensitivity to pain;
  • there is a possibility of contracting infectious diseases if the doctor uses non-sterile needles;
  • the maternity and keloid scars can degenerate into malignant tumors during trauma.

The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the patient's mood - if there is no active and sincere desire to get rid of addiction, then acupuncture will be ineffective. With a strong dependence, experts recommend the use of a comprehensive treatment, which includes exposure to active points, the use of homeopathic remedies, and psychotherapy sessions.

Important! Before the acupuncture, you must refrain from smoking for at least 15 hours - otherwise the treatment will not bring a positive result. After the end of the course, you should avoid stress, do not drink alcohol for 2 weeks.


Despite the effectiveness and safety of the method, acupuncture has many contraindications. Before starting treatment, consult a specialist. Honestly tell about all your chronic diseases.

Basic contraindications for acupuncture:

  • advanced age - I do not recommend this method for treatment of people over 70;
  • pregnancy;
  • presence of tumors of any nature;
  • exhaustion, low weight, weakened condition after a long illness;
  • individual intolerance to certain metals;
  • severe heart disease;
  • mental abnormalities - even minor pain can provoke unforeseen reactions;
  • fever, fever.

Is it possible to do acupuncture if hepatitis B? With any infectious diseases, acupuncture is prohibited - any form of hepatitis, an open form of tuberculosis, HIV infection, inflammatory processes with purulent discharge. In this case, exposure to active points can trigger an exacerbation of the pathology.

Effects on active points do not lead with alcohol and drug intoxication, blood diseases and the immune system. Experts recommend to refrain from sessions to women during menstruation - these days the sensitivity to pain increases.

If the blood vessel is damaged, bruising may occur. Sometimes patients have fainting on the background of a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Treatment for smoking with acupuncture helps to get rid of addiction, but very much depends on the mood of a person. With constant stimulation of active points, nicotine ceases to participate in the metabolic processes, cheerfulness appears, irritability disappears, taste and olfactory receptors begin to work better.